
Fred (860 KP) rated Love, Death & Robots in TV
Mar 24, 2019
A Heavy Metal reboot? I'm in!
This is an anthology series, airing on Netflix. Originally, it was going to be a theatrical reboot of the Heavy Metal animated movies, but became a series instead. It's split into 18 animated shorts (well, 17 & one mostly live-action) with an average length of about 10 minutes or so each. Unlike the original Heavy Metal movie, there is nothing tying the shorts together, like the Loc-nar.
I want to say, overall, the series is great. Most of the animation is great. Some of it, like in the short "The Witness" is so realistic, you'll think you're watching actual film. However, there are some shorts where the animation is done in the choppy, crappy CGI-drawn animation & this takes away from them. Just like the original Heavy Metal, some shorts work, some don't. Fortunately, most of them work, overall. Some have problems with their endings. They seem to either have no ending, or they're just not satisfying enough. I kind of wish they were 20 minutes each. But there are also some where the ending is the best part.
My favorite short is probably "Three Robots", which is about...3 robots. They're "taking a vacation" through an apocalyptic wasteland. It's funny & smart. My least favorite is probably "When the Yogurt Took Over", which is about...sentient yogurt. Fortunately, this one is also the shortest of them. Funny enough, both of these shorts were written by the same writer.
I see people complaining about the show's sexism towards women. Yes, this is a problem. But a minor one. The show does have fan service, especially in the short "The Witness" I mentioned. There's nudity just for the sake of having nudity. I feel that although in this day & age, in America, this is frowned upon, it fits with these shorts. It's not like it's non-stop nudity, it's just here & there. It also fits with the Heavy Metal series & I'm happy that it's there.
I could talk about each short separately, but I don't think they need to be. You can watch the entire series in a few hours & it's worth it. So what you waiting for?
I want to say, overall, the series is great. Most of the animation is great. Some of it, like in the short "The Witness" is so realistic, you'll think you're watching actual film. However, there are some shorts where the animation is done in the choppy, crappy CGI-drawn animation & this takes away from them. Just like the original Heavy Metal, some shorts work, some don't. Fortunately, most of them work, overall. Some have problems with their endings. They seem to either have no ending, or they're just not satisfying enough. I kind of wish they were 20 minutes each. But there are also some where the ending is the best part.
My favorite short is probably "Three Robots", which is about...3 robots. They're "taking a vacation" through an apocalyptic wasteland. It's funny & smart. My least favorite is probably "When the Yogurt Took Over", which is about...sentient yogurt. Fortunately, this one is also the shortest of them. Funny enough, both of these shorts were written by the same writer.
I see people complaining about the show's sexism towards women. Yes, this is a problem. But a minor one. The show does have fan service, especially in the short "The Witness" I mentioned. There's nudity just for the sake of having nudity. I feel that although in this day & age, in America, this is frowned upon, it fits with these shorts. It's not like it's non-stop nudity, it's just here & there. It also fits with the Heavy Metal series & I'm happy that it's there.
I could talk about each short separately, but I don't think they need to be. You can watch the entire series in a few hours & it's worth it. So what you waiting for?

Rickey A. Mossow Jr. (689 KP) rated 3 From Hell (2019) in Movies
Dec 8, 2019
I just wasted nearly 2 hours of my life.
Already having issues with Rob Zombie films after he single-handedly tried to kill the Halloween franchise, I went into this one already predisposed to not have a good time watching. But, trying to partake due to my wife's love affair with this movie series, I was open-minded and objective. And then I wasted nearly two hours of my life I'll never get back.
Make no mistake, I get the series. I get the ideas behind Zombie's pet project series. A little comedy, a little horror, a little action flick, and a little bit satire. The violence, language, and nudity is gratuitous throughout, and I am one who can enjoy some violence, language, and nudity.
But this is all nonsensical BS passed off as a film. The film has more plot holes than bullet holes in random people. The characters are caricatures, hollow vessels that carry no weight or consequences. I didn't care who died by whose hand or what happened to anyone. There was blood, gore, boobs, language, and blunts. Time passed.
I don't know. Maybe that's the point. Maybe Zombie should do another film in this series. Or maybe some other pet project that tickles his fancy. Just as long as he leaves Michael Myers and every other quality iconic character alone. Please, Rob, for the love of all that is sacred in film.
Make no mistake, I get the series. I get the ideas behind Zombie's pet project series. A little comedy, a little horror, a little action flick, and a little bit satire. The violence, language, and nudity is gratuitous throughout, and I am one who can enjoy some violence, language, and nudity.
But this is all nonsensical BS passed off as a film. The film has more plot holes than bullet holes in random people. The characters are caricatures, hollow vessels that carry no weight or consequences. I didn't care who died by whose hand or what happened to anyone. There was blood, gore, boobs, language, and blunts. Time passed.
I don't know. Maybe that's the point. Maybe Zombie should do another film in this series. Or maybe some other pet project that tickles his fancy. Just as long as he leaves Michael Myers and every other quality iconic character alone. Please, Rob, for the love of all that is sacred in film.

Dean (6927 KP) rated American Pie Presents: Beta House (2007) in Movies
Jul 7, 2018
Crazy comedy
Completely silly and over the top sex comedy. It seems each new entry tries to out do the last with more sex, nudity and gross-out humour. After an ok 3rd film, weak 4th (Band Camp) the series is picking up again with the main characters from Naked mile in this. Based around the Stifler cousins at University and set 3 months after the last film, at least there is a bit of continuity again. Definitely a guy flick with wild parties, pranks, tons of hot girls and more breasts than a plastic surgeons catalogue! If you liked the first two and Naked mile more than the others you will like this.

Confessions of a Male Nurse
From the people who brought you the bestselling Confessions of a GP. From stampeding nudes to...

Elli H Burton (1288 KP) rated The Change-Up (2011) in Movies
Jun 14, 2019
Why why why...??
So, another Freaky Friday film so to start with you know you're in for a hit and miss time. Actually really like the main cast in other films and I'm shocked that I'm unhappy about a film with them in.
So didn't want to see nudity in a baby and a pregnant woman, seriously disturbing. Also Leslie Mann is an awesome actress and feel like her nude scene was uncalled for and unnecessary. The story is just ridiculous and feel as though it's forced.
It's annoying that Ryan Reynolds- the guy that brought is Deadpool, wasted his time on this film.
Cringy film - wouldn't watch again.
So didn't want to see nudity in a baby and a pregnant woman, seriously disturbing. Also Leslie Mann is an awesome actress and feel like her nude scene was uncalled for and unnecessary. The story is just ridiculous and feel as though it's forced.
It's annoying that Ryan Reynolds- the guy that brought is Deadpool, wasted his time on this film.
Cringy film - wouldn't watch again.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Vampire Circus (1972) in Movies
May 8, 2021
Visually striking if rather unsubtle and slightly incoherent Hammer horror movie. The usual sort of thing: humble townsfolk have enough of the local vampire and do him in, only to face a dreadful revenge years later. This time the instrument of vengeance is a circus full of (you'll never guess!) vampires.
Pretty much as extravagant as Hammer ever got, in terms of gore and nudity; the impact of the film is helped by lurid production design and cinematography. That said, the story's nothing special and most of the acting from the leads is very drab. (Extraordinary supporting cast full of culty names who don't get much to do.) The odd decent moment and sequence, not far off the average standard of early seventies Hammer. Vacuous but watchable.
Pretty much as extravagant as Hammer ever got, in terms of gore and nudity; the impact of the film is helped by lurid production design and cinematography. That said, the story's nothing special and most of the acting from the leads is very drab. (Extraordinary supporting cast full of culty names who don't get much to do.) The odd decent moment and sequence, not far off the average standard of early seventies Hammer. Vacuous but watchable.

Andy K (10823 KP) rated Revenge of the Nerds (1984) in Movies
Jun 7, 2018
I wish I was as cool as these nerds!
If this is really what happens when "nerds" go to college, I want to enroll!
Lewis and Gilbert think things will be different when they show up to attend Atoms College. Unfortunately, the football jocks and the cheerleaders have some immature fun at the expense of the nerds.
Never fear, however, the nerds devise a plan to get even and ultimately win a seat on the Greek counsel in an attempt to change opinions around the college.
Much of the film is raunchy, immature humor with a lot of 80s nudity thrown in; however, some of the characters are down right hilarious and many of the scenes are very funny. It is still one of my go to 80s comedy gems.
Lewis and Gilbert think things will be different when they show up to attend Atoms College. Unfortunately, the football jocks and the cheerleaders have some immature fun at the expense of the nerds.
Never fear, however, the nerds devise a plan to get even and ultimately win a seat on the Greek counsel in an attempt to change opinions around the college.
Much of the film is raunchy, immature humor with a lot of 80s nudity thrown in; however, some of the characters are down right hilarious and many of the scenes are very funny. It is still one of my go to 80s comedy gems.

Dork_knight74 (881 KP) rated Ma (2019) in Movies
Aug 17, 2019
Not bad
This movie had some good acting(and some mediocre) but the cinematography was good and the story, overall, hit the mark for creepy. This lady played the part of humiliated high schooler turned psycho pretty well. The story unfolded well. A little slow at first but rolled along at a good pace pretty quickly and smoothly. These kids, however, missed so many red flags with this woman. Naivety at it's finest. The ending was a little weak but at least they didn't go the typical "leave it open for a sequel" way Hollywood seems to love doing so much. Some partial nudity but otherwise nothing to graphic for younger viewers, though probably not for too young of viewers. Anyway, for you adults this one is worth a watch.

Dork_knight74 (881 KP) rated Polar (2019) in Movies
Apr 16, 2019 (Updated Apr 16, 2019)
Good movie!
This movie was a bit slow moving but one it picked up, it was intense. Mads Mikkelsen is a very good actor and not seen enough in movies, in my opinion. His performance here was great. There's plenty of blood and violence for any action fan. There's also more than a bit of sex and nudity. The characters were creative and the effects were great. Definitely doesn't hurt that Kathryn Winnick is in this one, either(no, she doesn't get nude but who cares, it's KW!)and she puts on a good performance, as well. Some parts of the story were predictable but it unfolded well and did have a couple pretty good twists. Overall, I'd recommend this one to any action fan, though it may be a bit dark for some and definitely not for the kids! Worth a watch!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Atomic Blonde (2017) in Movies
Feb 11, 2018 (Updated Feb 11, 2018)
Blondes Have More Gratuitous Nudity (Apparently)
Self-consciously stylish action thriller in which Charlize Theron swanks around 1980s Berlin for two hours in a series of thigh-flashing outfits, pausing only to beat the living daylights out of groups of grown men, engage in a little modish girl-on-girl hot action, and interrupt revivals of Andrei Tarkovsky movies (for shame!).
Quite good fun if you like this kind of movie: the plot is rather secondary to the look of the thing, but it has a good cast and the action is very well-staged. Can't help thinking it's just a little bit exploitative - don't imagine the studio would have been quite as keen on the main character being gay, or indeed so frequently naked, were they male - but it doesn't come across as offensively so.
Quite good fun if you like this kind of movie: the plot is rather secondary to the look of the thing, but it has a good cast and the action is very well-staged. Can't help thinking it's just a little bit exploitative - don't imagine the studio would have been quite as keen on the main character being gay, or indeed so frequently naked, were they male - but it doesn't come across as offensively so.