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Ross (3282 KP) rated Caffe Nero in Apps

Nov 3, 2017  
Caffe Nero
Caffe Nero
Food & Drink
8.5 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
Virtual stamps not being exactly positioned in the box, just like a real stamp card (0 more)
Virtual stamps not being exactly positioned in the box, just like a real stamp card (OCD) (0 more)
I have been using the Nero app for a few months now, mainly to collect stamps towards free coffees (just like the paper ones, you scan your app at the checkout). I have recently linked a debit card as well so can now pay for drinks as well as getting a stamp and this works really well.
Also for the Christmas period, every time you pay for a drink with the app you get a Christmas cracker to open with the chance of winning extra stamps, free drinks etc.
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
Storyline (1 more)
Could be a trigger to some people with mental problems (0 more)
This book was FANTASTIC.

I have never read a John Green book yet, so finding this gem from my local library system was a great find.

Aza has issues. Issues that none of would ever wish for our worst enemy much less a young girl. Her particular issue I don't have an exact word for, germ phobia with some invasive thoughts add some OCD in there?

Aza and her friend Daisy are looking to come into some money by doing some detective work. What she finds more than anything is an honest and open friendship with maybe a little love thrown in there.

My love for this book is amazing, now I have to find his other books and read them.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Smashbomb in Apps

Mar 8, 2018  
Entertainment, Lifestyle, Social Networking
8.9 (123 Ratings)
App Rating
I cannot be happier that there is finally a Smashbomb app in my life. Although there's nothing wrong with the website, having an app to use on the go is so much easier.

And the app itself is so easy to use, just a condensed version of the site. It's very responsive and runs very well, and it's very easy to navigate around.

My only criticism (sorry @Bird) is that I'm an android user and the app doesn't work with my back button. This is mainly me and my ocd, but I rely heavily on the back button and using it in the app currently just closes the app & sends me back to my phone home screen. Not a massive issue obviously but I don't have this with my other apps, so just being picky!
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Andy K (10821 KP) Mar 15, 2018

No prob, Dave. I am certainly not complaining. I love Smashbomb to pieces!


Sarah (7798 KP) Mar 15, 2018

And for a very early version it does work very well!

Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plot (5 more)
Fandom Representation
Use of Fanfiction
Honest Portrayal of Mental Health Issues
This book blew me away, I honestly wasn't sure what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised. The way John Green portrayed mental health was brutally honest. It was hard to read at some points but it was refreshing not to have a YA book romanticize mental illness but instead to show it from all sides: the way it affects familial relationships; the way it affects friendships; the way it affects romantic relationships and how easy and scary it is when your thoughts spiral out of control.

I loved reading about Aza and how she navigates through her friendships, new relationships and dealing with OCD. I have so much respect for John Green after reading this. It was very well done, and the Star Wars references were an added bonus!

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Hoarders in TV

Feb 20, 2019  
2009 | Documentary, Drama
A unique representation of the human condition
It's hard to believe that human beings can hoard. The act of keeping things just to keep them. What goes through their minds?

They sometimes live in filth, human and animal waste, their homes toppling from within. Do they not see it? I know it's a disease like alcoholism or OCD, but it just pains me yet fascinates at the same time.

I find it so interesting to watch through the TV lens at those who are different than me. It makes me think my life isn't as bad as I think it is and I feel like I want to help them.

This show has been on 10 years now and it never fails to amaze me. I sometimes weep as I see how others live and that their families cannot even help them sometimes.


Sarah (7798 KP) Feb 20, 2019

This is very addictive. I usually feel sorry for the animals though when they hoard them, it's not pleasant ?

Secret Beach Boyfriend in the newest installment from The Independence Island Series (book 3) and it did not disappoint! It can be read as a standalone. Kari Trumbo is a new to me author and I enjoyed her writing style. She brought more of the Merriweather Islands to life with great descriptions and new friends!
      I loved Annie and Rafe, their chemistry was fun, engaging, and well laid out. Kari Trumbo covered some tough topics with them and integrated them in a compelling and straightforward way. From a dysfunctional family to OCD I enjoyed the dynamics of the characters and the interesting plot. A great addition to The Independence Island Series.
    I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the creative characters, the emotional tugs, and for pointing the reader back to Christ.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Am I Normal Yet?
Am I Normal Yet?
Holly Bourne | 2017 | Humor & Comedy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holly Bourne writes about two of my absolute favourite topics: feminism and mental health.

So Evie is a teenage girl, who desperately wants to be "normal". She's been diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and OCD, and is trying so, so hard to prevent them from ruling her life anymore.

Evie combats a number of issues in this book, such as the stigma around mental health, and the misuse of diagnoses (eg. "I like things neat, I'm so OCD"). She's such a real character, who makes mistakes and upsets people and keeps secrets. She shares her bad thoughts, her rituals and her worries with us, which makes this book so fantastically relatable for people with similar thoughts.

Like everyone else suffering with mental illnesses, Evie has a ton on her plate. Recovery, boy problems, friendship problems... And her desperation to just be normal for once, which leads her into a teenage guys bedroom and triggers a horrific relapse.

This doesn't have a typical happy ending. Yes, things do get better at the end, but Evie doesn't magically beat her illnesses or avoid a relapse altogether - because that's just unrealistic. Mental health doesn't work like that. Recovering from a mental illness is a rollercoaster, with about a thousand loops.

The girls - the Spinsters as they decide to call themselves - are all fabulous too. They talk about all the things that people don't talk about enough, including periods and the difference between mental health care for males versus females. I think these are all such important topics, and are covered fantastically in this novel from a teenage girl's viewpoint.

Overall, I think this is just such a wonderful, important book. For those of us who are struggling with mental health issues, it helps us to feel less alone, and lets us know that our problems are not uncommon. For other people, the more "normal" people, Am I Normal Yet? provides an accurate insight into the mind of someone who's not having such a great time mentally. I really loved this book and all the topics it includes. A new favourite of mine, with 5 stars.
The Immortalists
The Immortalists
Chloe Benjamin | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Do we have a choice or is it all dates?
Starting in 1969, four siblings visit a fortune teller who tells them the exact day that they will each die. This is about how they decide to live their lives knowing that date. Each pet of the book follows a separate sibling, starting with the one who dies the youngest. Each subsequent part takes up after the previous sibling dies.
I really liked this: I liked how the author describes their lives and decisions. I felt that it made them more human and not just another story. I like these family dramas though, and the chance to peek into someone else’s life.
This is definitely not a fantasy or science fiction book though. I did think there was a possibility that it might be when I first read the synopsis, but it’s definitely set in our world. AIDS, depression, obsession, OCD: these people have real life struggles.
It wasn’t always a comfortable read, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Upside Down (Off the Map, #1)
Lia Riley | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*** I received this book in exchange for an honest review. ***

Let me first start off with... WOW! I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The pacing was perfect! The characters are so great! The journey was beautiful. The story on some levels almost made me feel like I was reading a Jessica Park novel.

The setting of Australia was an awesome choice, and something I'm completely unfamiliar with. Also, the way Lia Riley uses slang terms that Australians use really brought the atmosphere and setting to life for me.

I was so happy when I saw Lia Riley was going to tackle OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), and I wasn't sure how this was going to work, especially with love story and making sure that all the pieces fit perfectly in place. She did it. Boy, did she do it.

Talia its a great character. When you first meet her she's sad, safe, reserved and mourning the loss of her sister Pippa. Talia is on a mission, and going to Australia might be the answer to her problems, but she has no idea. See, Talia has OCD, and her father and her therapist is worried about her trying to move around the world for six months. But she's confidant that this is what she needs to create Talia 2.0.

Enter Bran. He's the perfectly hot surfer, and when he crosses paths with Talia his world changes forever. Bran has his own demons to try and escape, and he's been so emotionally damaged that he doesn't do love. He doesn't get close to people. Bran calls his parents by their first names, and he's slept with more girls than he can count.

The relationship that Talia and Bran have evolves so much throughout this book, and its a beautiful thing watching it grow. It isn't insta love, just add water. Nope, they are both damaged and trying to relearn love at it's basic most primitive level.

Upside Down is the first book in the Off the Map series, and I can't wait for the second book! I am sad I have to part with Bran and Talia, but I know more is coming soon. I gave this book four stars for its creativity and freshness. Upside Down is a beautiful tale of life, death, love, and two lives from opposite sides of the planet that bring two people together who fit perfectly.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Keepsake in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a really good book! Believe it or not, it is actually the 2nd book I've read recently that involved hoarding. Weird!
Anyway, this book is so very easy to get hooked in to. It is so real! I found myself really feeling for Trish & Mary. They were both so screwed up in such a real way, but that just made them all the more interesting. I found the psychological aspects behind the hoarding & the OCD fascinating. It was such a struggle for both of the women.
The part that really got my respect though was the ending. It wasn't all tied up in a pretty bow, everyone smiling & everything okay again. Like I said before, it was real...real life. I was satisfied with the ending for that fact. I hate it when books are so real & then the author ruins it by tacking on that happy ending when all the readers know that real life isn't like that at all. So, Kirstina Riggle, thank you for not putting yourself into that cliched category & for having the guts & brains to "keep it real."