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Puzzling Ink
Puzzling Ink
Becky Clark | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Using Crossword Puzzles to Catch a Killer
Quinn Carr has had to return home and take a job at the local diner. If only her passion, creating the crossword puzzles for her local paper, paid her more. One night as Quinn is closing down the diner, she finds the last patron slumped over dead in the corner booth. When the police determine he was murdered, they arrest Jake, the diner’s owner. Now Quinn has to keep the restaurant running while also figuring out a way to clear her boss. Can she do it?

This book sets the stage for a fun new mystery series. Quinn is a bit unusual in that she has recently been diagnosed with OCD, something we don’t usually see in the books I read. It was handled well. I also loved Quinn’s relationship with her parents. The mystery got sidelined at times with Quinn trying to run the diner. I was interested in both stories, but I do prefer strong mysteries in the books I read. There is a good mystery here, with plenty of suspects and motives. A few key pieces of information were introduced a bit abruptly, and one key element of the plot was never quite resolved, but the majority of our questions are answered, including the who and the why. Fans of crossword puzzles will enjoy the one that Quinn creates over the course of the book. Additionally, there are two fun sounding recipes at the end of the book.
Tribute to Celine Dion by Celine Dion / Vocal Ballad Community
Tribute to Celine Dion by Celine Dion / Vocal Ballad Community
2001 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It’s All Coming Back To Me Now’ was on the first CD that I remember buying. I had a little purple plastic CD rack and it was one of the most played on that. I loved the piano and I started playing the piano around that age, so it felt relatable for me. Again, I just loved the drama; it’s like a seven or eight minute long song, it’s so amazing, who does that? No one does that! It took me on such a story, the visuals are so clear, even now I can still feel that intense drama. Celine Dion’s amazing, it’s like watching a movie, honestly, listening to those kinds of songs. “So that was ’96, so I was nine. I was quite a melancholy child. My mum would put me to bed and I’d always get up and walk around upstairs, where there wasn’t really anywhere to walk around. I would just walk around the bathroom, sit at the top of the stairs, hold the staircase and stare out. I really was quite melancholy and I now understand mental health issues as an adult - like I had, you know, anxiety, OCD, depression; I had so much emotion. I mean that was just me as a really morose, melancholy nine year old, I really felt that intensity. “Those emotional songs can be the cloak that you wrap yourself in. I was drawn to the drama of those kinds of songs, definitely. I mean, those are pretty intense sad songs for a little kid."


ClareR (5603 KP) rated Planetfall in Books

Jan 31, 2018 (Updated Jan 31, 2018)  
Emma Newman | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I couldn't put this down!
If you like your science fiction with a lot of character development, then you'll like this. Renata Ghali joins a space voyage with best friend lee Suh-Mi, who believes she has been sent a message from God that will lead humanity to him (in person, I assume). So they manage to find a multi-millionaire to finance the voyage, a ship and a ship full of people who want to come on the voyage (all with valuable skills, of course). Of course something goes wrong, and a big secret is covered up. Half of the passengers are lost during Planetfall, and even though they look for them, they can't be found. Until one of them, the last survivor, wanders up to their front door (so to speak).
We learn a lot about the main character, Ren: about the reasons why she has become the person she is (OCD is involved). There's also lots of world building and descriptions of the daily lives of the inhabitants of the colony. I don't know as the main character was particularly likeable - in fact I don't think any of them were really, but they were compelling. I honestly read this every chance I had. I was a little disappointed with the abrupt end, and I'm sure more could have been described and written here, but it seemed really rushed.
I will be looking out for the second in this series though. It isn't a sequel as such - they're separate stories, but I like Newman's style (except for that rushed end bit!).
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy of the book!

Debbie (52 KP) rated Starworld in Books

May 4, 2019  
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
By: Audrey Coulthurst and Paula Garner
Candlewick Press
Teens and YA
Pub Date 16 April 2019
352 pages
#Starworld #NetGalley
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="10 Book Reviews" title="10 Book Reviews"/>
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>

Even though this book took me awhile to read I really enjoyed it. It isn't the books fault for the amount of time I took to read it but family and activities that were happening. This book is already out and I highly recommend that you read this book.
At first I thought this book would be about space and wasn't sure about it but I was pleasantly surprised. This book is about a made up world called Starworld. This is a made up world that two teenage girls go to in text messages back and forth to take them away from their problems.
The girls names are Zoe and Sam. Zoe is adopted with a mom who has cancer and is in partial remission and a younger brother who has special needs. Sam is a girl who likes girls. Her parents are divorced and her Mom has a severe of OCD and Dad lives in London. Sam likes Zoe as more than a friend and Zoe only likes Sam as a friend. This book was hard to put down. I love the world they created and the way they interacted both on the phone and in real life together.
Sam and Zoe get along great and have some wonderful times together and things happen which make them look at themselves and to make their lives better.
Rock My Body (Mondez, #2)
Lee Piper | 2017
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rock My Body by Lee Piper ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Four Stars
Rock My body by Lee Piper is a whirlwind of hot and heavy. The story is centered around Riley Sears and Dominic Mondez. Riley is a midwife and has major OCD and anxiety issues. She has been through the ringer all her life and it just seems like she can’t get it right. Dominic is a musician and loves fixing up old school cars. Their story is a storm of highs and lows. When diving in be prepared to feel at every flip of the page. If you’ve ever felt abandoned, unloved, worthless or fear this book will have you in all your feelings. But you also see those same feelings get pushed away but believing in yourself. Dominic is your everyday jerk. He wants what he wants and will do what he can to get it. He doesn’t do relationships or sleep with the same woman twice. He gives off the vibe of someone who would do nothing but leave broken hearts every where he goes. But is it just a cover up for some dark past? I fell in love with this couple because no matter what they did they kept coming back to each other. Fate damned them and the clouds never looked so dark. I loved reading how Riley found her self worth. How she grew into loving herself and knowing she was enough. I recommend you pick this book up not just for the seriously delicious images of male perfection. But for the down right joy of an author who knew what she wanted to get across to her readers and nailed it.
I watched the film quite a while ago and must say that I don't remember a great deal about it, just that it was weird, wacky, out there and pretty difficult to follow. I had no idea there was a book, so when I found it at the library I followed my faith that the book is always better than the film and decided to borrow it. Now, I really enjoyed this! Straight after I finished the book the film was on TV (weird...I had no idea) so I compared. Others may find it weird as the film and book are pretty much the same but I enjoyed the book so much more, I connected to the characters more and I found it easier to follow. At first glance this may seem like your average 'been done before' horror novel but that's far from the truth....this is original. Although a little slow to start it soon picked up to a nice fast pace with twists and turns and plenty of gore! It's not the best horror I've read but I still enjoyed it very much. There's just one thing I do have to mention and it's totally my own personal feelings but I have minor OCD and so the constant ending of sentences in the middle made me have twitchy face. I know the incomplete sentences were used for effect but it just didn't work for me, I like my sentences completed more often than not and it just happened too many times that it started to affect my enjoyment. Apart from that this is a really good horror novel and I would recommend it to all horror fans.
Too Good To Be True
Too Good To Be True
Carola Lovering | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A compelling and twisty thriller
Skye Starling is beautiful, wealthy, and smart. She has a good job and a group of close friends. But she's never found lasting love thanks to her horrible OCD, which she's suffered from since her mother's death when she was young. But when Skye meets Burke Michaels, that all changes. Yes, he's older, but Skye can't help falling for this handsome man who wants her. However, Burke has a secret of his own: he's married, and he's using Skye for her family's money.

"All I'm saying is that if he seems too good to be true, he probably is."

This is one of those fun, twisty thrillers that keeps you reading and guessing. It's filled with wild characters and if you're willing to slightly suspend disbelief while reading, it's a great ride. Skye is a sympathetic yet enjoyable protagonist, and Burke is complex in his own way. The book is told from Skye's point of view and interspersed with letters from Burke to his therapist. We also get the perspective of Heather, a young woman, speaking from her past, who knew Burke when they were kids.

The result is quite compelling, and I blew through this one in a couple of days. The first half is probably a bit stronger than the second, though the last half certainly unveils some crazy surprises. Some you can work out; others caught me off guard.

Overall, I went into this one looking for a fun thriller, and it delivered. It also has a bit of romance thrown in, too. It's crazy and twisty and an excellent distraction. 4 stars.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and St. Martin's Press in return for an unbiased review. It releases on March 2nd.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Dog Days in Books

Mar 16, 2021  
Dog Days
Dog Days
Ericka Waller | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dog Days is a moving, and at times very funny, book about three people: George, Dan and Lizzie. It is NOT a book about dogs - which is what I thought it would be about to some extent - but the main characters do all have dogs. And they are dogs with a purpose. All three of the main characters are going through difficult times in their lives, and their dogs are the ones who give them love, support and a reason to keep going.
George, Dan and Lizzie are all vulnerable characters: whilst Dan and Lizzie seem to suffer in silence, George is happy to let the world know how angry he is. The comedy element of the novel comes from George, but you can see the grief of the sudden loss of his wife behind his bluster and foul language.
Dan is a counsellor with OCD, which he keeps largely hidden. The only person he seems to socialise with is his cousin, Luke, who he goes running and dog walking with. And that’s his life: work, Luke, Fitz (his dog). Dan has a secret, and I think to begin with, it’s a secret even from himself.
Lizzie is another complex character. There’s a lot going on with her: she’s in a women’s refuge with her young son and won’t talk about what happened to her. She seems to be punishing herself about a mistake she believes she has made. And it’s a bit of an “Oh wow!!” moment when that reveal comes along.
This book had me laughing out loud and having a bit of a weep in equal measure. It’s an emotional book. I really, really enjoyed it, and would definitely recommend it.
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this.
Eat, Drink, Run: How I Got Fit Without Going Too Mad
Eat, Drink, Run: How I Got Fit Without Going Too Mad
Bryony Gordon | 2018 | Health & Fitness
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The blurb describes this book pretty accurately. After meeting The Royals, Bryony accidentally offered to run a marathon for Heads Together charity, who helps people suffering from mental health issues. I really loved how brutally honest and funny this memoir was. Bryony tells the reader the darkest and most shameful events of her life with pride! I think many people can relate to Bryony and her life lessons in one way or another. She openly speaks about her weight, OCD, depression, personal life struggles as well as her achievements with Mental Health Mates, her interview with Prince Harry and finishing the marathon.

Bryony talks a lot about mental health in this book, sometimes it did feel a little bit too much for me. I do understand the importance of it, but it got a little bit repetitive at times. I really liked the way it was written, it feels like an old friend, telling her life story, Bryony is unapologetic and states the facts the way they are. This book carries plenty of foul language, alcohol, strange relationships, and it was an absolute joy to read. &#x1f600; I found the chapters to be a little bit too long for my liking, but because they were really funny, the book didn’t drag to me.

So, to conclude, I know that I learned a lot from Bryony. I learned that many people suffer from mental health issues, even though it is hard to see it with a naked eye. Bryony offers few easy and simple ways how to deal with those pesky demons, and enjoy your life as much as you can. I really enjoyed this memoir, and I hope you will give this book a try when you are looking for some inspiration.
No Flag (After Everything #1)
No Flag (After Everything #1)
Liz Borino | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this book far more after Mike returns
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I struggled a lot with this book, and I'm not entirely sure why, but I DID finish it, eventually, it just took far longer than a book in this genre would normally do, for me.

I love M/M books, and I love BDSM books, and while this book portrays a side order of BDSM, the Domestic Discipline lifestyle, it doesn't work, for ME. I stress this, for ME it doesn't work. I gather from some other reviews (I'm adding this sentence AFTER I've written mine!) that this is a book that you will love, or you won't: there is no in-between.

The chemistry between Mike and Will also fell flat. It was great that Mike made Will wait for it, but when it happens? I kinda spaced over that bit. I think this book would have been better had it come out CLEAN to be honest! The DD lifestyle was thrown at Will, and Mike made the contract with very little from Will, and I felt that was not right. Some of the things Mike had Will doing WERE very close to the edge, especially with Mike's OCD kicking in.

I DID enjoy this book far more after Mike returns. Maybe because the book focuses more on the emotional and physical support that Mike needs, rather than the DD lifestyle.

I still wasn't sure, even at the end, what the deal with Casey was though!

Both Mile and Will have a say, and I'm glad they did.

Not one for me, I'm afraid!

3 stars

same worded review will appear elsewhere