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Brave: A Wicked Trilogy Volume 3
Brave: A Wicked Trilogy Volume 3
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
everything about this book is excellent (3 more)
Tink and his trolls
Tink and his amazon Prime Obsession
Never fails to suprise
have been a long time fan of Jennifer work and this book is not exception.

Tink is once again the exuberant delight that provides both the comic relief need when things get hard and the loving emotional stable one when needed .

Ivy and Ren are a great couple with everything they faced last book this book sees there relationship tested more than ever and after so much heartache and turbulence already faced only a writer as good as Jennifer can capture how to develop their relationship so completely.

Fabian is a great character for a new character to come in and have such an impact in the final book of a series is rare of course to have a firepower of a once thought extint summer prince what do you expect from the brilliance of Jennifer.

As this is the final book of the series expect the big battle and lot of twist and turns once again.
The Immortalists
The Immortalists
Chloe Benjamin | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Do we have a choice or is it all dates?
Starting in 1969, four siblings visit a fortune teller who tells them the exact day that they will each die. This is about how they decide to live their lives knowing that date. Each pet of the book follows a separate sibling, starting with the one who dies the youngest. Each subsequent part takes up after the previous sibling dies.
I really liked this: I liked how the author describes their lives and decisions. I felt that it made them more human and not just another story. I like these family dramas though, and the chance to peek into someone else’s life.
This is definitely not a fantasy or science fiction book though. I did think there was a possibility that it might be when I first read the synopsis, but it’s definitely set in our world. AIDS, depression, obsession, OCD: these people have real life struggles.
It wasn’t always a comfortable read, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The Forest
The Forest
2014 | Action/Adventure, Horror, Simulation
Interesting Story (4 more)
Interactive, Open World
Peaceful Mode
Great Survival Game
cannibals (2 more)
Scarily Fun
This game has been my most recent obsession. I love playing it. It takes a lot of play to actually piece together what's going on, but you can just have fun without the story. I play more often on peaceful mode which allows me to just explore the island, and craft houses and other things. The game revolves around finding your son, who was kidnapped after your plane crashed on an island. There are a bunch of underground caves that you have to explore to find different items and clues that explain what's really going on around the island. However, you also have to fight off mutants and cannibals who roam the island trying to kill you while you're trying to survive and find your son. Overall, I really like the game; it has an interesting concept and story, and even just on peaceful mode, you can spend hours exploring, hunting, building, crafting, and just surviving in the forest.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
The soundtrack (2 more)
Recognisable faces - and not just for 2 minute cameos
Ansel Elgort is strangely appealing. Even if he barely freaking speaks
Kevin Spacey (1 more)
I had friends that 'couldn't get into it', but it's the kind of film that's not everyone's taste
So good. So. So. So good.
Went into this not knowing a thing about it. Except, I assumed, there would be some driving involved. Just the poster alone made me think I'd like it, and I did.
It's just such a fun experience. The story isn't overly serious or convoluted, yet Baby's obsession over music and, the reasoning for it, add depth to him that really make the character a touch more loveable.
Action scenes aren't boring Michael Bay-esque. There is an element of fear for the characters safety, but more-so intrigue and respect at how those shots were created.

Without spoiling anything; I enjoyed the ending. It was a touch unrealistic, but the entire film dips its toe in that realm.

I left feeling satisfied, happy, and most of all, entertained. That's what it is all about!
The Skin I Live In (La piel que habito) (2011)
The Skin I Live In (La piel que habito) (2011)
2011 | Drama, Horror, International, Mystery
Operatically twisted (and twisty) erotic psycho-horror-thriller-drama from Almodovar. Brilliant scientist and surgeon (Banderas) seems to be keeping a young woman (Anaya) prisoner in his house, and performing various experiments on her (even his mum thinks he is insane). But the truth turns out to be a little more complicated than it at first seems...

Initially seems like much more of a plot-driven genre movie than is typical for this director, but the familiar themes (sex, desire, obsession, family ties) soon resurface albeit in somewhat modulated form. The plot grips like a vice, the performances are superb, it looks fabulous, and the (warped) sensuality of the film makes most so-called erotic thrillers look very bland and tame. This would qualify as a masterpiece, as good as anything Almodovar has ever done, except for the ending, which feels like a significant misstep, stumbling for conventional closure in a way that just doesn't ring true or feel satisfying. Nevertheless, a brilliant piece of film-making. (Do NOT read or hear a plot synopsis before watching if you can possibly avoid it.)
Deerskin (Le Daim) (2019)
Deerskin (Le Daim) (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Deadpan horror-comedy from our French friends. Middle-aged man Georges (John of the Garden) pays an eye-watering sum for a suede deerskin jacket and moves into a hotel in a remote town. He is clearly in the midst of some form of crisis, even before the jacket starts talking to him. It turns out the jacket has a dream, one which Georges shares...

Starts off in a vein of low-key weirdness and gradually gets more and more absurd as Georges' obsession grows and he is joined (sort of) by a young waitress who's desperate enough to believe some of the lines he comes out with. Very much a slow-burn comedy, but an effective one... except that the situation eventually gets so improbably ridiculous that the writer-director clearly couldn't think of a way of resolving it, so the film stops abruptly and not very satisfyingly after a brisk 75 minutes. Shame; entertaining in a quirky way, mainly because of Dujardin's central performance - worth seeing just for that.
The Red Shoes (1948)
The Red Shoes (1948)
1948 | Classics, Drama, Musical
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’ve said and written so much about this picture over the years; for me it’s always been one of the very greatest ever made, and every time I go back to look at it—about once a year—it’s new: it reveals another side, another level, and it goes deeper. What is it that’s so special about The Red Shoes? Of course, it’s beautiful, one of the most beautiful Technicolor films ever made; it has such an extraordinary sense of magic—look again at the scene where Moira Shearer is walking up the steps to Anton Walbrook’s villa, especially in the new restoration: it seems like she’s floating on currents of sparkling light and air. And there’s no other picture that dramatizes and visualizes the overwhelming obsession of art, the way it can take over your life. But on a deeper level, in the movement and energy of the filmmaking itself, is a deep and abiding love of art, a belief in art as a genuinely transcendent state."


Dean (6925 KP) rated Vertigo (1958) in Movies

Apr 3, 2022  
Vertigo (1958)
Vertigo (1958)
1958 | Drama, Mystery
Intriguing story (0 more)
Bit slow and overly long (0 more)
Far from his best
Well apparently this flopped at the time but many consider it a classic now. A thriller ahead of it's time for sure, with an atmospheric score. But watching it today it was predictable there would be a twist.
A former Detective is asked to spy on an old friends wife and keep track of her. Leading to obsession and a tragic event.
The first two thirds of the film are very slow and rather uneventful as James Stewart follows Madeleine wandering around town. Given an odd story by his friend to explain her behaviour, but he becomes more obsessed with her over time. The final third of the film was also a little slow getting to the reveal stage. At the time it would be a great twist but today you start to work out possible explanations quite early. The final scene also felt a bit over the top. Enjoyable to see a Hitchcock film but far from a classic for me.
Providence: A Novel
Providence: A Novel
Caroline Kepnes | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Weirdly fascinating novel
As kids, Jon and Chloe are best friends, even though she realizes that Jon is a little different from the other kids. Then one day Jon vanishes after taking a shortcut on his way to school. The town searches for him, but it's a bit halfhearted they must admit, as he is not one of the popular and beloved kids. But his absence strikes Chloe in the heart. She finds solace in her art and begins fitting in better at school, making more friends. Still, she cannot forget Jon or how much he meant to her. Imagine her shock when Jon turns up four years later, after escaping from a kidnapper, and revealing himself to be viral and strong--everything he wasn't before the kidnapping. He also quickly learns that he has a strange and uncontrollable power over people, especially when he's feeling strongly about something. This power drives Jon into seclusion, isolating him from his beloved Chloe. Jon begins to search for the truth about what has made him this way, while Chloe tries to figure out her place in the world, with or without Jon.

Well, this was an interesting one and nothing like what I expected. Obviously Kepnes is well-known for her novel, You, which is a story of love and obsession gone wrong. Supposedly many reviewers felt that this new book was a far twist from YOU, but I couldn't help but feel that parts of it reminded me of that novel, due to some of Jon's obsession and focus on Chloe. Still, I can understand that feeling, as PROVIDENCE also has a bit of an almost paranormal science fiction twist to it. That is a change. It requires a little suspension of disbelief, but once you go with it, the book is incredibly addictive and hard to put down. I read it in one day while on vacation, completely addicted to the strange and fascinating plot.

There's no denying that Kepnes can write, and you become immersed in her characters. I was intrigued by Jon and a bit by Chloe as well. I didn't adore them, but they were multi-faceted, and their dilemma unique. I'll admit that I didn't even know that Lovecraft--the author on whom Jon's situation is based--was real, so obviously all of those references went right over my head. Ha! I might have gotten into that scenario more if I knew the author, but the whole "turned you into a monster--or did I?" concept isn't exactly difficult to follow, and it's an interesting idea.

The novel is told from the points of view of Jon, Chloe, and a detective named Eggs. I enjoyed Eggs' perspective; he added a much-needed third viewpoint to the tale. Eggs is tracking Jon, but we also get a nuanced look at his relationship with his wife.

In the end, this is a weirdly fascinating novel that is hard to describe. I'm glad I read it, as I can't imagine not reading any of Kepnes' books, truly. It's a story of dysfunctional and potentially misguided love, but I enjoyed how you could feel Jon and Chloe's need for one another stretching and pulling across the pages. Kepnes is just so good at obsession and oddity (and love) that I couldn't stop reading. I enjoyed this one.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley/Librarything in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
She Is Not Invisible
She Is Not Invisible
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was not how I expected it to be. I liked the uniqueness of it, though, and how unpredictable it turned out to be.
It starts in an airport, with the protagonist and narrator (who's name we learn to be Laureth) and her little brother Benjamin. We soon discover that Laureth is blind, which provides us with a very interesting account of the events of this story. They are going to America, alone, to find their father. He's a writer, and holds his notebooks very dearly - so when Laureth gets an email about one being found in America when he's supposed to be in Switzerland (and then he fails to answer his phone) she immediately assumes something is very wrong.

This is told mostly chronologically, but with memories scattered throughout. Laureth also gives slight hints as to what will be happening later on, reinstating the fact that she is writing about past events. I quite liked this - we were told about certain memories and events that were relevant to the story at that time, nothing more, nothing less.

It turns into quite a dark, suspenseful hunt. Laureth starts to fear that her father may even have taken his own life. The pair even get cornered by a man with a knife who claims to have seen her father. His partner later breaks into their hotel room, searching for some valuable contents of her father's safe. Coincidentally, they run in to her father just moments later.

The obsession of Laureth and Ben's father is coincidences; a very interesting topic. He goes into great detail in his notebook (which we are shown throughout the book), discussing theories and particular physicists' experiences. Bit by bit, he seems to be delving deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the universe. Laureth is caught up in this - she looks for clues in every page of her dad's notebook. But is she looking too hard? Is she finding signs that aren't really there?

Laureth relies on her brother to navigate the world, and although he is only going, he is superbly helpful to her. She is adamant on being an independent young lady, and even hides her impairment from most people she meets. As she is the narrator of this book, we are given an account that does not include any visual descriptions. Instead, the other senses are used far more - sounds and feelings especially. I really liked this.

The ending was wonderful. It was different - completely unexpected. I especially liked how her "coincidental" meeting with Sam turned out to mean nothing at all. And her father's account of what had happened, and his realisation that his obsession was pointless, was so ironic. Laureth and Ben had been on this massive journey, worried their father was so caught up in his obsession that his life was in danger. They began to find strange patterns and signs everywhere - only to find out how coindences are completely fake. 

And the last page was so clever, too. It was numbered 354 which is clever in itself - this number holds a massive significance throughout this book - but then there's also the hidden message that's revealed. One of the last sentences prompts you to look closely at the book, and then you find a heartwarming little phrase. I really liked this idea - it seems a bit naff, but actually worked really well.

I did feel like this was maybe a little more for younger adults (I'm nearly 18) but it was really easy to follow and quick to read. It wasn't lengthy or tiresome at all. 4 stars.