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The Tall Man
The Tall Man
Phoebe Locke | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
They went looking for a story. What they found was a nightmare.
It started as nothing, just a scary story passed around between schoolchildren. But for Sadie and her friends, the rumours soon became an unhealthy obsession - and the darkness all too real.
Years later, Sadie's teenage daughter Amber has been charged with murder, and her trial shocks the world. How could such a young girl commit such a terrible crime?
It seems the secrets of Sadie's past have come back to haunt her daughter. And the terrifying truth of what happened all those years ago is finally about to come out . . .

The heart of the novel is the urban legend about the Tall Man who comes from the shadows to take daughters away.
There are three timelines: 1990 where three young girls make a pact with a scary man who loves in the woods, 2000 where a young, new mother disappears leaving behind her baby daughter and confused partner and 2018 where a teenage girl adjusts to life with her mother back in her life. The thing that connects them all is the scary man who lives in the woods.

This is a novel about what lurks in the shadows, and what are shadows if not shades of grey?
I thought this was a brilliant thriller.
Gripping with great characters and psychological suspense.
Recommend reading.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for my copy.
I was highly intrigued by this book when I first read about it as I have a minor obsession with everything and anything to do with the American Civil War. Admittedly, this is pre-war and gives an insight into the efforts of missionary do-gooders in trying to relocate the African American population back to their 'native' home.

I was expecting a more fictional style of writing, and was pleasantly surprised to see that it is written in more of a recount style of the lives of the main family, namely Leighton Wilson. The detail and attention paid to the research shone through in every page and was highly informative to read. However, at times this book did have a tendency to drag, and I suspect it is due to the overwhelming attention to small detail. Fabulous if you're using the book as a research project, not so if you're reading out of curiosity into this era of history. In addition, it also occasionally lacked the fine balance between informative on the religious aspect of the missions and preaching through the pages. As a not so religious person, this did become annoying at times, but I could understand why Clarke had this tone in the book.

Overall, an enjoyable, if not very long, book that was incredibly informative and rather enjoyable. The addition of the photographs and personal snippets from letters added a very personal and enjoyable aspect to the tale of the Wilson's.
Warlord (The Outlaw Chronicles, #4)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The fourth book in Angus Donald's <i>Outlaw</i> series, this one is primarily set in and around the last years of Richard I (The Lionheart) reign, leading up to his death on 06/04/1199 after being struck in the shoulder by a crossbow bolt fired from a castle he was besieging in Southern France.

Like the previous three books in the series, this is presented as an elderly Alan Dale recounting the adventures of his youth, with each section (and the epilogue) of the novel as him committing the tale to paper, and his thoughts in so doing.

While the cover of the novel also has "A Robin Hood tale" above the title, I actually found that character to be sidelined more in favour of Alan in this novel than in the previous, where he very much was central to the story but seemingly not so much here. That's not to mean that he's not present, and that he doesn't have a role to play: just that this novel is more about Richard than it is Robin.

The novel also includes elements form that other great Medieval tale/obsession of the Holy Grail, which is worked into the reason why Richard is besieging the castle (at Robin's urgings) at which he receives his fatal wound. That plot strand, however, is also left wide-open for the sequel, already announced as titled <i>Grail Knight</i>, and which I'm already looking forward to!
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Love letter to Golden age of Hollywood. (2 more)
Chemistry of the cast carries the film.
Hilarious, tense and moments of sheer genius from Tarantino.
Plot is thin, and at times, weak. (0 more)
OUATIH is very simply put; A love letter to the golden age of Hollywood. It spans through the 1960's of Hollywood's obsession with Westerns, whilst focusing on the friendship of an ageing irrelevant actor, and his no nonsense and loyal stuntman, all set to the backdrop of the infamous Manson murders.

That alone sounds like a cocktail only Tarantino could blend, and a runtime of almost three hours unbelievably isn't enough to immerse me into the plot. It just feels second nature to what the film wants you to focus on, which is the friendship of Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt). Their chemistry is the forefront and heart of OUATIH, bringing hilarious and ludicrous moments every minute their on screen together.

The Manson family and Sharon Tate's brief film exposure do serve their point with the overarching storyline of Rick's dying career, but they don't make you care as much. That being said, the moments of pure madness, especially in the grand finale, really do keep you biting your fingernails. Remember, this is Tarantino, its bound the get a bit bloody.

The 9th entry in Tarantino's outstanding catalogue is by far not his best work, but it's a really sweet and sentimental love for all things cinema.

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Aaru in Books

Nov 8, 2019  
David Meredith | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rose is only 16 but her life is over. She has terminal cancer but a mysterious strangers offers her and her family the option of taking part in a trial. When she dies they assume the trail failed and mourn her passing, her sister being hit particularly hard. Then the message comes... Rose lives on.

This books takes one fascinating idea - what if people's personalities and memories could be copied at the point of death and then recreated inside a computer? - and looks at it from a lot of different angles. It is certainly thought provoking, and occasionally disturbing.

The first half of the book deals with Rose's death, the grief of her family and then the emotional trauma, denial and final acceptance that in some ways she is still alive. It also follows Rose's journey as she discovers her new virtual world and its other inhabitants.

The second half is darker and moves into thriller territory as Rose's new paradise shows that it may not be perfect and both her and her sister are exposed to danger. Some of the themes here - obsession, violence, sexual abuse, suicide - are made all the worse by their premeditated nature.

This book will make you think about a potential life after death but it doesn't flinch from showing the emotional, physical and moral implications that might arise both for those saved and those they leave behind.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Unfollow Me in Books

Feb 6, 2020 (Updated Feb 6, 2020)  
Unfollow Me
Unfollow Me
Charlotte Duckworth | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another tale to warn of the dangers of social media - this time focused on a YouTube vlogger who suddenly deletes all her social media accounts - I mean shock horror what could be more suspicious!?!.

This book really wasn’t for me, I found all the characters irritating and unrelatable. We had Yvonne how spent most of her book uterus gazing which bores me to tears. As someone who doesn’t want kids, I sure do know a lot about fertility treatments and ovulation monitoring as this seems to be a recurring obsession in books at the moment and it’s just not interesting to me. Knew exactly where her storyline was going - sigh.

Then we have single mum Lily and get to hear the “woe is me being a single mum is so hard” bit, which I’m sure it is, but again not interested in the recurring theme. Yvonne and Lily both love to watch vblogger Violet on YouTube who is a mummy blogger and they flip out when she seems to disappear removing all her social media accounts. So that’s the mystery we move towards figuring out but I just don’t really care and I still don’t care once it’s all been underwhelmingly explained by the end.

I’m sure there are plenty who are as interested in these themes as I wasn’t - this book is for you - not me.

Many thanks to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the ARC in which I gave an honest review in return.
Grace is Gone
Grace is Gone
Emily Elgar | 2020 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel is told by Cara and Jon, two completely different characters. Cara is Grace’s friend and neighbour, her mom was best friends with Grace’s mother Meg. Cara knows Grace quite well, but was it well enough though? That is what she keeps asking herself over and over again. Jon is a journalist, who is trying to save his breaking family, and he has this strange obsession with Meg and Grace, he wants to find Grace, but I didn’t really understand why? Meg and Grace kind of ruined his life. I liked Jon and his parts of this book more, he was more interesting with his family drama and his past. Cara’s journey was okayish, she was very repetitive with all the regret about Grace, that I found quite irritating. It was very interesting to see how Meg and Grace had the community in their grip, by just being there.

The narrative was well delivered, I liked the investigation Cara and Jon were doing, as well as discovering more about Grace and Meg as the pages fly by. Even though Grace is missing, she plays a very important part in this search through her diary, that was very intriguing to read. The plot is pretty slow for about half of the book and I needed more pace and suspense, but it does pick up towards the end of the book, with quite intriguing twists and turns, so don’t give up on it.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Pixie (2020) in Movies

Oct 25, 2020  
Pixie (2020)
Pixie (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Knockabout comedy-thriller set in Northern Ireland. 'What do men see in irritating free spirits?' wondered Julia Roberts in a Tom Hanks movie a few years ago, and the question is still a live one: Olivia Cooke plays Pixie, who is not quite Holly Golightly recast as a feminist criminal mastermind, but getting there. Nearly everyone is entranced by her, including apparently the director, cameraman, and cinematographer, despite the fact she seems to be almost completely amoral: ripping off drug dealers, swindling her friends, and cold-blooded murder all seem to be part of her repertoire. Nevertheless she and her latest enamoured stooges zip about Ireland to a jangly western-style soundtrack while Alec Baldwin phones in a cameo as a gun-toting gangster-priest.

Surely people have got to get over this obsession with making Tarantino pastiches sooner or later? This one has the odd funny moment, but a lot of the jokes don't land and the plot constantly seems to be on the verge of unravelling. Olivia Cooke carries the film with predictable grace, but I felt almost commanded to like her without good enough reason: the film also suggests there's a thin line between idealising a character and objectifying them, as a rather lubricious tone occasionally threatens to manifest. Passably watchable in the end, but has no connection to reality: feels like a script somebody wrote in 1995 and then spent twenty-odd years finding the funding for. Cooke in particular deserves better.

Colin Farrell recommended Paris, Texas (1984) in Movies (curated)

Paris, Texas (1984)
Paris, Texas (1984)
1984 | International, Drama, Romance
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The whole feel of this film was something that woke me up to cinema in a way. Before this film it was very much an Amblin world for me. Lots of Indiana Jones and John Hughes and Willy Wonka (the original) and Van Damme action movies and Richard Pryor comedies like Brewster’s Millions, etc. Then a friend introduced me to Paris, Texas. The aching loneliness and sense of lost love that pervades the film from the arid desolation of the desert landscape to the haunting strings of Ry Cooder’s soundtrack just blew me away. Maybe I was 17 or 18 when I saw it, but it stayed with me, and I go back to it about once a year. It also has one of the most honest portrayals of the loss of love between a couple, and the inherent danger within the nature of obsession. This lost love is broken down for the audience in what, to me, is possibly most quietly powerful monologue ever delivered in any film I’ve seen; when Harry Dean Stanton’s character, Travis, finally sits with the woman he loved and lost, and he recounts their story to her. Travis has to turn the chair around, so he’s facing away from her while he speaks. I assume because it’s too much to look at her while he’s expressing where and how such love disintegrated. Yeah, it’s a beautiful, beautiful film."

Promises (Coda Books, #1)
Promises (Coda Books, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I got really into this yesterday and more or less read it in one sitting.

The first half, for me, was 5 star worthy because I was drawn into their story and I think I felt the same things that Jared did in regards to Matt. I wanted them to get together so bad and when something happened to stop it, I wanted to throw my Kindle. Seeing how Matt was determined to be straight while slowly spending more and more time with Jared and touching him in ways that a straight man wouldn't. It was lovely reading.

The second half, for me, was 3 star worthy because when they did finally get together after a lot of arguing, Jared turned into a bit of a hypocrite in regards to other people knowing about them in their little town. It felt like he'd pushed Matt into being with him only to be ashamed of him and it drove me crazy, making me want to chuck my kindle at the wall again.

Luckily, it was quickly resolved and it went back to being a really cute relationship.

I really liked both men but I think Matt was my favourite of the two; I think it was his gentleness with Jared--and the hair obsession--I just thought it was really sweet.

A 4 star review from me and I look forward to reading more books by the author.