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Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
I was a little hesitant over a third Spider-Man reboot, even tho I really enjoyed his introduction in Civil War. I was pleasantly surprised when we were given an origin movie without rehashing yet again the way that Peter Parker receives his powers (it's all mentioned in conversation, since I think everyone is fairly familiar with the particulars at this point). What we're given is a young kid of 14 who has been handed these amazing powers and we get to watch as he struggles to find his place in a superhero world where there isn't much room for a kid 14. Of course, he thinks he can handle situations far outside his capabilities, and we watch as he predictably fails, and comes to terms with his limitations. It's a stereotypical hero's journey film, but somehow Tom Holland's performance captures that early teen awkwardness and nothing seems heavy handed in telling Spider-Man's story. I'm hoping this is the Spider-man that's going to stick around for a while.
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Character interaction and development. (4 more)
Story / Action is even.
Exciting and fun.
Comic book fan appreciation.
Weak villain (1 more)
The plot is a little basic.
Justice Prevails!
Far and away the most rewarding comic book film that has ever been made, Justice League prevails in almost every imaginable category.
These heroes are portrayed mostly spot-on and in the cases of Cyborg and Aquaman are miles more interesting on screen than they ever were in the comics.
Justice League has a very basic plot, but this allows us to really get to know the characters through interaction rather than backstory.
The villain is weak but we feel his threat more through the way the heroes respond because of it.
It's an origin tale that doesn't pander to the audience, rather it tells us all we need to know through amazing visuals, entertaining dialogue, and solid characters.
Justice League is also one of the first "team up" comic book films that flows through a well "beaten" three-act structure. The pacing is a thing of mastery.

Highly recommended.

David McK (3369 KP) rated Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) in Movies

Feb 10, 2019 (Updated May 8, 2021)  
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
It's a Star Wars movie (3 more)
Donald Glover
Woody Harrelson
Alden Ehrenreich gives it his all in playing a younger Han Solo
Alden Ehrenreich is no Harrison Ford (2 more)
Predictable plot
The leader of Crimson Dawn didn't need to be who it is
The second of Disney's 'A Star Wars story' spin-off from the main (numbered) films followimg Rogue One, this one is largely held responsible for Disney's decision to slow down on releasing this spins offs (originally intended to be one every other year, in between the main ones) when it underperformed at the box office.

Personally, I feel a large reason for that underperformance is that, of all the characters in the original saga, Han is probably one of those least in the need to get an origin/prologue movie and that this was released during the summer months instead of the more traditional festive release period for a Star Wars movie.

Whereas Rogue One was, largely, a war movie, this one takes a different approach: more of a heist (complete with double and triple crossing) Western movie, if anything.
Zodiac Starforce: by the Power of Astra
Zodiac Starforce: by the Power of Astra
Paulina Ganucheau, Kevin Panetta | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really wanted to like this more than what ended up happening. With its Jem-like coloration, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic girl power theme, plus good versus evil, it was right up my alley. The main problem was that it needed fleshed out. The characters, mostly Emma/Gemini, the relationships, and the overall plot should have had more expansion. It felt like slightly more than an outline. Major events happened in the past that were alluded to, which made me wish this had been an origin story instead. The artwork is wonderful and I have no problem with that. I did like the three team members (Kim is awesome!) who were featured more and would like to know more about them, plus more expansion of Emma and Lily. I will read the next one and hope that the series improves from here. Plus, anyone who throws out a Mystery Science Theater 3000 reference has my admiration.

<img src="">;

Check out more illustrations from Paulina Ganucheau:
The Walking Dead - Season 10
The Walking Dead - Season 10
2019 | Drama, Horror
Some great episodes (0 more)
Overall one of the weaker seasons (0 more)
Good and bad
The Walking Dead has gone in an odd direction in the last series and this. I wasn't a fan of the big time jump last series and we have a lot of back and forth in the time line this series. The return of Maggie at long last goes by barely unnoticed, with no real explanation of where she has been during all this time. It carries on like she has never been away. There are a few episodes towards the end that feature mainly on just one or two characters, mainly due to covid filming. A couple of these episodes weren't great. The one truly saving feature of the season was an origin story of Negan. This was one of the best episodes for many series starring opposite his wife in real life playing Lucille. So a real mixed bag, some great individual episodes but overall as a whole it feels a bit disconnected and disappointing. Hope the extended final series is better.
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Nothing stood out - more of the same
Boy becomes reluctant hero. Hero does battle against villain. You fill in the rest.

Kind of a DC PG-13 version of Deadpool (or at least it wants to be).

I was really hoping the humor would be funnier and there would be something that would make it stand out for DC. Especially after really enjoying both Wonder Woman and Aquaman.

At 133 minutes, the movie needed quite a trimming as the beginning dragged and the movie lost its way a few times before coming together well at the end. I looked at my phone several times to see how much was left to go and that is never a good sign.

Zachary Levi stood out as the humorous protagonist (with a stupid-looking costume), but the rest of the cast was generic and boring including the blah villain.

If they make another film, hopefully they can concentrate more on the non origin story and make the humor and action scenes sharper and tighter.


ClareR (5674 KP) Sep 2, 2019

We watched this at the weekend. My eldest son said it was ‘wrong’, the youngest thought it was loads of fun 🤷🏼‍♀️ I liked it, but it was nothing special. It whiled away a couple of hours. The villain could’ve been much better, I think (he’s a good actor!), and it’s a shame they didn’t make Shazam as he was in the comics. I think that’s what grated the most on my son - especially the end bit.


Andy K (10821 KP) Sep 2, 2019

Yes I agree!