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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
New Characters are Excellent (3 more)
God Bless Alan Tudyk
Perhaps the Best Space Battle in Star Wars Yet
The Rebels "Storming the Beach"
Would've Liked to See These Characters Again (0 more)
A Crazy Caper Set in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Rogue One is a fantastic film. It feels so fresh, despite being "a Star Wars Story," mostly because it is so different than any of the movies in the main saga. Better yet, it functions as an awesome prequel to the original trilogy. Even if you're of mind to forget Star Wars 1-3, I'm betting you'll be more than willing to add this movie to the start of your Original Trilogy marathons. Rogue One is a delightful mash of a couple genres, most notably spy, heist, and war films, and it works so well. It's a ground level look at the Rebellion and their efforts to steal plans to the Death Star, shown through the point-of-view of regular soldiers with no apparent Force powers to speak of. It's a thrilling ride, and one that also gets you invested in its well-written characters in a fairly short amount of time. Oh, and Disney, is there any way Alan Tudyk can come back to the series?
Betrayal at Baldur's Gate
Betrayal at Baldur's Gate
2017 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Horror, Miniatures
Replayability, Quality, Great Artwork (0 more)
Just as great as the original with a fantasy twist.
Betrayal at Baldur's Gate is a fantastic game. The original Betrayal game is my all time favorite game and I was worried this game would be a cheap reskin, but I was mistaken. Baldur's sets itself apart with a few changes to the game that actually work very well. Now playable characters have abilities based on their class that are actually very useful. Instead of exploring a house you are exploring a city which has lots of cool areas to find and secrets to uncover. The best part about all the Betrayal games is the fact that almost every play through can be different because of the way scenarios are randomized. Every scenario I have played has been fun and completely different from others. The quality of the pieces is also fantastic the tokens are on thick cardboard that is very sturdy. Now this game is a little difficult for people new to more complex board games like this, and maybe there could be a better way to explain the rules to new players. All in all Betrayal at Baldur's Gate is a fantastic game that you will play again and again, while probably never playing the same scenario twice.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) in Movies

Apr 27, 2019 (Updated Apr 27, 2019)  
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Still more dinosaurs...
I'm not sure what a 5th "Jurassic" film can say that wasn't said in the previous 4 films, but they tried anyways.

After a volcano spews hot lava and ash on the original Jurassic island, humanity is left with the choice whether to save the prehistoric beasts or let them become extinct again maybe as it was supposed to be.

One of John Hammond's original partners is involved in trying to relocate several species from the dying island to a new home where they can be free of tourists and left to live their lives out in peace. Of course evil animal poachers seeking to weaponize the ferocious beasts intervene and only Chris Pratt (overrated) and Bryce Dallas Howard (not sure if she wore high heels the entire film this time) are here to stop them.

Not enough new material here to keep the film exciting and fresh. The same people running, getting eaten, etc is present here and I was bored.

Some cool visuals during the first half with our heroes trying to escape the volcanic habitat were compelling, however, the second half was way too predictable and not very exciting.

This franchise should now become extinct.


Sarah (7798 KP) Apr 27, 2019

? at the comment about the high heels

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
Female lead and original characters (0 more)
Offers nothing new (0 more)
Better than prequels. Not so much the originals.
Starring: John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver and Harrison Ford.

With the weight of the entire franchise and fans who have been burnt once before, Abrams had a monumental task to achieve in revitalising the Star Wars saga. Having had a huge amount of success with Star Trek, Abrams was the obvious choice for Disney.

With elements from all three of the original films and completely ignoring the second trilogy in every way it could, it would appear that 'The force Awakens' knew what it was doing, with enough nostalgia to take anyone back to the 70's.
Unfortunately that's where things go wrong.
The film shifts tone with such regularity it just seems confused and panicked as to what needs to be done. Instead of moments of humour and clever nods to the previous films, it vomits bucket loads of both which is more distracting than entertaining.
This is possibly the closest you can get to a remake without calling it a remake, where the ethos just seems to be "make it the same but bigger."
Instead of a continuation of the story, we are offered a setting up film. Don't we have six of those?

Lewis John Hatchett (23 KP) rated Aladdin (2019) in Movies

May 23, 2019 (Updated May 23, 2019)  
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Story, Comedy, Cast, Musical numbers (0 more)
Unexpectedly Fun
As a fan of the original 1992 animated film, I came into this film with not much hype but enough that I'd come out enjoying the film. I came our of the film loving it.

The story is pretty much the same as the original but director Guy Ritchie has fleshed out the story extending it with a couple of songs (I'm hoping written by Tim Rice) that are slotted in perfectly.

Guy Ritchie does what he does best and mixes a perfect blend of action, comedic humor and family fun, as he's done in his previous films.

Now the pressing question of Will Smith's portrayal of the Genie. I was sceptical about it at first but the more I watched the trailer for the film the more I adjusted to him. I'm a full fledged fan of the late and great Robin Williams' version of the Genie and Will Smith's version is a perfect interpretation of that character (with some nods to William's animated classic) so I say well done to Mr Smith.

Overall I certainly recommend the film for all fans, old and new, and definitely say go see it and (pardon the pun) experience a whole new world. 9/10
Aladdin (2019)
Aladdin (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Setting, effects, costumes and sets (0 more)
The new songs (0 more)
Hi all. I must admit I , like a lot of others, was a bit skeptic when the first trailer for this appeared. My wife downright refused to watch it as the original animated version is one of her favourites. However she eventually came round and we popped along to give it a whirl.
While comparisons to the original are inevitable, this version should be watched as a stand alone movie and not a reboot. It’s great fun from start to finish. It looks great, obviously a lot of money has been spent on sets, costumes and effects, and Will Smith is great as the genie. He doesn’t try to out do robin williams, he makes the character his own and does his own thing.
The one thing that does let it down are the new songs. They aren’t in the same league as the other, more well known songs and to me seem forced into the movie. I had forgot all about them before leaving the cinema, they definitely won’t be held in such high esteem as the other songs, a friend like me etc.
Overall go see it, make up your own mind and forget the trailer even exists

Awix (3310 KP) rated Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975) in Movies

Mar 24, 2018 (Updated Mar 25, 2018)  
Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
1975 | Sci-Fi
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Final movie in the first Godzilla series often gets some stick for supposedly killing off the original continuity, but is actually not that bad. Bacofoil-wearing aliens team up with mad scientist and his cyborg daughter to conquer the world; there are many opportunities for evil laughter at the planning meetings. The usual strategy of using giant monsters as invasion weapons is employed, despite it having utterly failed in at least five previous movies.

Original director Honda comes back and at least ensures this film has a degree of dignity and craft to it: pretty good monster suits and model work, but the back projection is terrible. There's slightly more focus on character than usual (particularly that of the tragic cyborg girl), which the film seems unsure how to handle. To be honest, one of the main problems is that it's not really about Godzilla any more - he just turns up to fight the bad guys at the end and everyone else takes him for granted. By no means the worst Godzilla movie even of the 1970s, but you can see why Toho decided to take a break. Best line (possibly in the whole of cinema): 'Please kill me - Mechagodzilla's brain is installed in my stomach!'

Awix (3310 KP) rated Star Trek Beyond (2016) in Movies

Feb 25, 2018 (Updated Feb 25, 2018)  
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
'You know what the problem is with this Star Trek movie script for the 50th anniversary Star Trek movie,' said the studio executives to the writers of this film. 'It's just a bit too Star Trek-y. Go away and make the new Star Trek film less like Star Trek.' Well, heaven forbid a Star Trek film should actually be Star Trek-y. One imagines that the studio was pretty happy with the finished product, as it is certainly not very Star Trek-y. It's a bit Star Wars-y and very Guardians of the Galaxy-y, to the point where you wonder why they bothered putting the Star Trek name on this at all.

Well, okay, as a knockabout sci-fi adventure it is not too bad, I suppose, but very undistinguished and really lacking in its own identity. The karaoke performances of some of the cast as the original Star Trek characters are also impressively faithful. But the fact remains that while you're watching it, the only bits which carry any kind of emotional resonance are the ones inherited from previous iterations of the franchise, and you never forget that. An indifferent tribute to the original series; as a celebration of Star Trek as a whole, really poor.
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Totally unnecessary
What have we done to deserve yet another Cloverfield film? The first one was a surprise hit, but all these sequels/spin offs or whatever you want to call them are doing is cheapening the original.

This has a great cast, who are sadly very mis-used. The majority of the characters are undeveloped and those that aren't have slightly vague and irrational motivations. The sfx are okay although i think some of the physical props and costumes could have been better. The main issue with this film though is the plot. It is a little bit ridiculous and very confused. It uses alternate dimensions and realities as a general explanation for a load of weird things going on, which is such a poor justification and doesn't work. It seems to throw in as many sci-fi film cliches as it possibly can along with some oddly placed humour.

And the link to Cloverfield itself is there, albeit inferred until right at the end. And it doesn't quite go so far as explaining how this fits with the original film timeline wise and just isn't necessary. This is yet another stunning example of a completely pointless sequel/spin off.

Sawyer (231 KP) Feb 11, 2018

i really liked 10 cloverfield lane but yea i do think this new one was not good at all