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Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was a little behind the times with this one and was worried it would not live up to the hype. It did in some respects but Oscar worthy? I don't think so. Frances McDormand is brilliant as was Harrelson and their characters were so well developed that you completely connected with them.
What I didn't understand was why the man came to the shop and started abusing Mildred when, it turned out later, that he was nothing to do with it? It was a fly in the soup for me and has annoyed and bothered me ever since!
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Acting (1 more)
A superhero film worthy of an oscar
Epic. It's the best word to describe this movie.
Nice ideas, good use of characters and some great set pieces.

After speculation of how this would pan out for months, the writers and directors have handled this extremely well.

For the first time a movie made me laugh, fill up and cheer out loud ( in public)

A great end to a 22 movie run.

It just shows DC how it should have been done with Justice League, slow build introduce all the parts and then the team ups.

Amazing....absolutely love it
Manchester by the Sea (2016)
Manchester by the Sea (2016)
2016 | Drama
Casey affleck (1 more)
Michelle williams
Harrowing Oscar worthy film
Tough, Emotional and beautifully acted Manchester By the sea proves to be one of my favorite films of the last few years and this is mainly down to the fantastic acting of Casey Affleck.

The film centres on Afflecks character Lee Chandler who receives bad news that his brother has died and must return to his home town to be a guardian for his orphaned nephew. This causes issues with his nephew Patrick as Lee wants to move back to Boston and there is clearly a traumatic reason Lee does not want to stay in Manchester.

Casey was overlooked in the wrongfully dismissed gone baby gone, but I feel here he may finally get the plaudits he deserves and must be a front runner for the Oscars. Affleck gives an emotionally charged nuisanced performance that manages to not only hit you in the feels but plays a reclusive man dealing with trauma with silence and looks......hard to do but he pulls it off.

Michelle Williams although plays nothing but a side character here is captivating in every scene she is in and gives an emotionally charged honest performance.

overall this film is difficult to watch but I found it truly captivating. This is due to the emotionally heavy plot and Oscar worthy performances.
Hereditary (2018)
Hereditary (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Oscar worthy performances from the cast (2 more)
A genuinely complex approach to character based horror
Grounded horror, exploring reality and supernatural settings
It may be a little too slow for some (1 more)
This is not an easy viewing, and not a popcorn flick, you will need to pay full attention!
We Are family...
This movie is....intense.

It is painful.

It is uncomfortable.

It has moments of genuine scares too, but mostly it has slow dread.

The performance of this movie are outstanding and very much worthy of Oscar consideration, especially for Toni Collette who is just beyond amazing as a mother watching her family fall apart, but whose mental fragility is questioned over the course of the movie.

They keep the viewer guessing at all times as to whether the actions of this movie are due to insanity or something else, and honestly, either way, it is nightmarish.

The actions and conversations of the main characters all seem natural, or at least plausible, and this grounds the otherwise surreal situations in a way that is rare on movies of this type.

The sound design in this movie is fantastic, using really dynamic sound effects and periods of silence to create tension and keep the viewer focused, since there are very few musical cues on offer.

It is a classic, beautifully performed, lovingly crafted, and haunting in its brutality, realism and despair.

Watch it!

Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 19, 2019

Spot on!

Minari (2020)
Minari (2020)
2020 | Drama
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pleasant Enough
With it’s 6 Oscar nominations (including nominations for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor), the drama MINARI has become a touchstone of films with Asian (or Asian-American) roots.

And…it is worthy of these accolades - and this place in history - for MINARI is a warm-hearted, loving look at a Korean-American family trying to make it’s way in the world in 1980’s Arkansas.

Written and Directed in Oscar Nominated fashion (for both categories), Lee Isaac Chung presents a realistic American family looking to forge a new living while still remaining true to their cultural roots.

Steve Yeun (THE WALKING DEAD) is Oscar nominated for his lead role of Jacob, who moves his family to Arkansas in the hopes to start a farm that specializes in Korean food. Yeun’s performance is earnest and sincere and I am happy for him that this performance is nominated. The rest of the family unit is strong - with the stand out being Yuh-Jung Youn as the Grandmother. She brings the most interesting and nuanced character to the screen and I wouldn’t be surprised if she pulls the upset and wins the Oscar for Supporting Actress. Finally, veteran character Actor Will Patton is a spark of energy as a local who helps Jacob on the farm.

And…that, ultimately, is the problem with this film. Writer/Director Chung spends most of his time creating the atmosphere and the characters, He fails to realize that there really is no compelling event to drive the plot forward. It’s a “fine” slice-of-life film and one that is enjoyable to watch with a strong, charismatic cast, but nothing really happens and that, finally, is a problem.

This is most certainly a deserving Oscar nominated film - especially in these pandemic times - with big budget Blockbuster films pushed to the sidelines, this type of quiet film is thrust to the forefront - and good for them and I’m glad that the spotlight is shining on this film. I just wish there was more plot and a more compelling reason to watch this film.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take this to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Awix (3310 KP) rated If Beale Street Could Talk (2018) in Movies

Feb 23, 2019 (Updated Feb 24, 2019)  
 If Beale Street Could Talk (2018)
If Beale Street Could Talk (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Romance
Barry Jenkins' follow-up to Moonlight manages to be utterly gorgeous and profoundly moving while also being serious and thoughtful. A young black man is arrested for a crime he couldn't have committed (but you try telling the authorities that); the film backtracks to show his relationship with his girlfriend and details her life after his imprisonment, when she learns she is pregnant with his child.

A film of extraordinarily restrained anger and tremendous tenderness and delicacy; the non-linear storytelling structure and emphasis on character and atmosphere over plot may not be to everyone's taste, but every frame of this movie has clearly had serious thought devoted to it, and the performances are uniformly excellent. Would have been a vastly more worthy Oscar nominee than most of the films on the 2019 Best Picture shortlist.
Cake (2015)
Cake (2015)
2015 | Drama
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not heard of this one? I wouldn’t blame you if that was the case. Cake is an incredibly underrated film about the life of a single woman (Aniston) as she comes to terms with the death of her son and the suicide of a close friend and support worker.

Released in 2015, Aniston was nominated for a Golden Globe for her performance here and it’s easy to see why. This is a difficult film to watch and is by far the most powerful role the actress has ever taken on. The most disappointing aspect of Cake however, is that Aniston wasn’t nominated for an Oscar that year – something fans of the film and the Friends star alike still find hard to stomach. Was she worthy of a nomination? Absolutely.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The Founder (2017) in Movies

Oct 16, 2017 (Updated Oct 16, 2017)  
The Founder (2017)
The Founder (2017)
2017 | Drama
The land of finders keepers, losers weepers
The story of McDonald's pretty much sums up the American dream sadly. A crook of a salesman / businessman Ray Kroc, played by Michael Keaton, comes across two hardworking brothers Mac (John Carroll Lynch) and Dick McDonald (Nick Offerman), who have essentially cracked the idea of how to provide fast food.

They are satisfied with their humble beginnings at a small diner in San Bernardino, but are cajoled by Kroc into franchising - who essentially steals it from under their nose by buying the land that it was based upon. It's really quite tragic because Kroc turned it from an honest operation into the greedy corporation that we have today. That being said, I love Keaton, he's versatile and can play anything from a lovable scallywag to evil incarnate.

While it's not Oscar worthy as such, it's an interesting biopic nevertheless.
Show all 5 comments.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) Oct 18, 2017

? @Sarah Totally get that. After reading The Case Against Sugar, I ate through a jar of Nutella.


Jesusjack (0 KP) Mar 20, 2018

It makes you feel sorry for the brothers and realise the concept for MacDonald was great but became corrupt but I really wanted a big Mac after

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
More of the same
I'm not a massive fan of the John Wick films, I don't hate them but I don't particularly love them either. Mostly because of Keanu Reeves' acting. I know this isnt the kind of film that requires Oscar worthy acting, but even with a limited script Keanu Reeves is pretty dire.

This third instalment is more of the same and picks up from where the second film left off. The fight choreography is pretty decent and it was nice to see more of the concierge, and some new faces in Jerome Flynn, Mark Dacascos and Angelica Huston. Plot wise this is fairly thin but then that's not really a surprise, as the main purpose of this film is the action. It's just a shame that this isnt really anything new and the whole film is on for way too long. There's only so many action scenes they can drag out.

Honestly this just isn't my kind of film. I can appreciate the action elements, but man Keanu Reeves is a terrible actor.
Network (1976)
Network (1976)
1976 | Comedy, Drama
All time classic

One of the most famous lines in film history is as impactful today as it was when it was first uttered by fictitious news anchor Howard Beale in Paddy Chayefsky's (seemingly) parody of where TV and TV news is heading, 1976's NETWORK.

The astonishing thing about this terrific motion picture is how prescient it is. News is now entertainment. Appeal to the disaffected masses. Drive our message to the viewers. Be provocative. The 6:00 news had "less than 1 minute of hard news, the rest was sex, scandal, brutal crime sports, children with incurable diseases and lost puppies."

Sound familiar? This isn't from today, it came from this movie that was made 42 years ago as a cautionary tale of what might happen.

Besides the social ramifications, how does this film hold up? Quite well, indeed. A rare 10 star BankofMarquis film. Starting with the great Paddy Chayefsky's Oscar winning Screenplay. This was the capper on a brilliant career from Chayefsky - who also won Oscar's for his screenplay for 1972's THE HOSPITAL (I'll have to check that one out) and 1956's MARTY.

What does a terrific screenplay do? It attracts top-level talent clamoring to be in this - and they all deliver. Start with Faye Dunaway who won the Lead Actress Oscar for her role as Entertainment Head Diane Christensen - a driven, work hard, play hard individual who has the idea to make news "entertainment". Lost in the fog of time (and MOMMIE DEAREST) is the fact that in the mid-1970's, Dunaway was, perhaps, the greatest leading actress of the day and her skills are in sharp display in this film.

Joining Dunaway in terrific supporting turns are Robert Duvall, following his turns as Tom Hagen in GODFATHER I and II, as network head, Frank Hackett, Ned Beatty as Ned Jennings, President of the company that owns the network - he has a speech towards the tail end of this film that is as good - both in performance and in the way that it is shot - as anything put upon the screen - it was masterful. Speaking of masterful, Beatrice Straight won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in one of the shortest performances to ever win. She is in this film for about 6 minutes in total - but she won her Oscar for a 5 minute scene that is, most definately Oscar-worthy.

And then there are the leading men. William Holden gives one of the last great performances of his extraordinary career as the "voice of reason in this film". He is our everyman caught up in the bizarre, absurd circumstances that evolve around him. It is his effort to try to make sense of this insanity that jumps off the screen. Holden was, deservedly, nominated for a Best Actor in a Leading Role Oscar, but lost (rightfully so) to Peter Finch's turn as crazed newsman turned prophet, Howard Beale. His maniacal (but not over the top) turn is one for the ages. If you do nothing else, see this film for his performance (but there is so, so much more to love here). Unfortunately, Finch passed away from a heart attack in between his Oscar nomination and win, and was the first posthumous winner in an acting role (sadly, Heath Ledger would join this "club" years later).

Finally, enough cannot be said about Sidney Lumet's direction. A movie like this would not succeed without a sure, steady and seasoned hand at the helm - and this is how I would describe Lumet's direction. He lets the camera roll and lets the actors and the screenplay take center stage, not drawing attention away, but adding to the themes of the film throughout - especially in Beatty's speech at the end.

NETWORK was nominated for (but did not win) the Oscar for Best Film of 1976. Did it lose out to other nominees ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN or TAXI DRIVER? Nope, it lost to ROCKY.

Let that sink in.

If you get a chance to watch (or rewatch) this film, I highly recommend you do so. For me, it was GREAT to watch this on the big screen with an audience, one of the reasons I love - and will continue to attend - the SECRET CINEMA series of films.

Letter Grade: A+

10 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)