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The Beach Club
The Beach Club
Elin Hilderbrand | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mac Peterson has been the manager for the Nantucket Beach Club and hotel for the past 12 years. When he was 18 years old, he stepped off the ferry and right into Bill Elliott the owner and was given a job that wasn't initially meant for him. But he made the best of his situation and now here he is at a crossroads in his life. He is now 30 years old, he has his family farm in Iowa that he needs to make a decision on, he's been dating Maribelle for 6 years and she's ready for the next step, and he has to decide if the Beach Club is really where he is supposed to be. Filled with guest problems along with personal turmoil from all of the employees, this summer is bound to be one none of them will forget.

Elin Hilderbrand is a new author to me. Over the past year, I have started to read her books and really enjoy the stories. It makes me want to visit Nantucket for sure. This book really resonated with me though because of the few references to the area I live in now.

This is a very interesting story about one season at the Nantucket Beach Club and Hotel. A staple in the community for years. Most people who enjoy the hotel come back every year and look forward to Mac being there when they arrive and helping them throughout their entire stay. Mac isn't sure who he would be without the Beach Club. When his girlfriend of 6 years give him an ultimatum, Mac isn't sure how to take it or what he's going to do. With advice and issues around every corner, he finally figures out exactly what it is he is going to do.

The story ends leaving you wondering what exactly is going to happen next for Mac and what kind of adventures he will have in the following summers at the Beach Club. If he indeed intends to stay there.
Waking to Black (Uninhibited #1)
Waking to Black (Uninhibited #1)
V.H. Luis | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
3 good solid stars
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

First person, present tense is the reason why I very nearly didn't finish this one. Not my favourite way for a book to be written, and I make no apologies for having dumped books before upon finding out they are written this way.

But I didn't dump this one. I kept at it, and I was pleasantly surprised that I liked this. I did not love it though.

Evelyn has secrets and has been hiding from the world, existing say to day. Getting held up in a bank, and meeting Adam Black made her start living. But those secrets are hard to share, and she doesn't know if Adam will share his secrets too.

Aside from the present tense thing, I wanted Adam to have a voice, I really did and he doesn't. And because he doesn't, Evelyn began to grate on my nerves. I've no particular idea WHY, she just did. That's what I'm left felling and ya'll know I'm all about sharing my feelings!

This is book one in the Uninhibited trilogy. This is, as far as I can see, also book one for this author. Do I want to read more of the trilogy?? I don't know yet. I'm waiting to find out if Adam gets a say. I'm not sure I can face two more long (400 odd pages) full only of Evelyn.

The book comes with a BDSM tag, but I saw no evidence of that. I've tagged it over 18, and darker/grittier, because of what Evelyn went through and is still dealing with. Some readers may find it difficult reading. I'm not saying here, because that is a HUGE spoiler, but feel free to message me if you wish to know.


For a first time author, something must have clicked because I got past the present tense thing and read it all. So well done for that!

3 solid GOOD stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Caribou recommended Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich in Music (curated)

Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich
Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich
1998 | Classical
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Again, I've gone for the "pop" album - I've gone for the greatest hit. I thought about all his records and the minimalist composers, and I could have gone for a Terry Riley record or whatever, but there's a reason this is his hit. I could come back and listen to this any time. One of the greatest live music experiences of my life was when Steve Reich had his 70th birthday at the Barbican, and he came over with his musicians and did nearly all of his classic pieces. I saw Drumming and other stuff, and then I saw this at a little church across the street from the Barbican and it's so beautiful, so gorgeous. Really, really moving. Having said that, this year Kieran and I booked a trip of DJ gigs because we hadn't seen each other in a while, and we played the Snowbombing festival in Austria, which was hilarious. We were driving around, so we hired my friend who's this really placid Czech guy. He's the driver on all my tours and I've never seen him get agitated about anything ever. Most people who drive primarily for a living are prone to road rage, but I've never seen him lose it. So he asked us if we wanted to put on any music so on went Music For 18 Musicians. He's not really a music fan - if you put on Albert Ayler he'd be like, "Jesus Christ, what are you trying to do to me here?!" So we were driving through the Alps, I was chatting to him and Kieran and listening to this piece of music that I love. I didn't really notice but he'd gone silent and 40 minutes in he was like, "Um, excuse me, this music's driving me insane, can we please turn it off?" To me it's the opposite of that, it's the most soothing music possible, so I guess that illustrates that it's not for everyone."


Bobby Gillespie recommended MetalBox by Public Image Ltd in Music (curated)

MetalBox by Public Image Ltd
MetalBox by Public Image Ltd
1979 | Alternative
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Yeah, my mum bought it for Christmas. I must've been 18 at the time or something. I find it quite cool that my mum actually went into a record shop and asked for Metal Box by Public Image! There were only a few thousand made, so it was limited edition. But I was a huge PiL fan, I loved the Sex Pistols, Johnny Rotten/Lydon and when the Pistols split, everybody was waiting to see what he's going to come back with. Nobody could believe that he would return with this. They sounded like nothing you'd heard before. The first track, 'Albatross', is basically listening to Lydon screaming that he wishes he would die for ten minutes, or a junkyard having a nervous breakdown! The album has these metallic smashes and clangs, which I'd never heard in music before. This is considered one of the first post-punk albums, alongside the Siouxsie and the Banshees record, but before Metal Box, it would probably have been Pere Ubu's first album. From a UK fan's perspective, Banshees and PiL would have made the first post-punk records. We'd bought 'Death Disco' on 12"" records, but to buy an album in a canister, cut and mastered really loudly, bursting out of my speakers was something strange. These were not rock & roll songs, they didn't have a lot of dynamic to them at times either. They were danceable though, with a disco drumbeat, a dub reggae bass, playing Swan Lake on guitar, with Lydon screaming about his mother having cancer over the top of it and ending up on Top Of The Pops. That's avant-garde being taken into the fuckin' mainstream. To me that's very revolutionary and subversive. It was a real howl from the soul. Every time I listen to Metal Box, I remember what it was like to live in Britain in the late '70s when I was a teenager. It was a grey, damp, repressive country and that record reflects the state and times perfectly. It was a snapshot of the times."

Champions: at fire's end (Champions #1)
Champions: at fire's end (Champions #1)
Charlotte Jain | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Champions: at fire's end (Champions #1) by Charlotte Jain
Champions: at fire's end is the first book in the Champions series, and we hit the ground running with the first chapter from Hermes' point of view as the scene is set over why the flames are here, and why they will live in children. After that, we jump 18 years to Kyle, the bearer of the blue (water) flame. We find out that he and April (red/fire bearer) have known all along what their purpose in life is, and have Hermes and Themis to guide them. Now, this is where it got a bit confusing for me. It sounded at the beginning that all the flames had to fight each other, with only one winner. Then we find out that Kyle and April are "battle partners". Kyle has the noble notion of finding the other two flames and helping them grow into their powers so that it becomes a fair fight, which still doesn't explain how the pairing is going to work. Kim and Noah are found, but you don't really learn much about them. With different points of view, time disappearing, and honestly not knowing whether Kyle was paired up romantically with either Kim or April at any given time, plus other things, this book quickly became mystifying.

The premise is a good one - after all, who doesn't love a good Greek mythology story in a book? It was the execution of the idea that let it down. I have given this story 3-stars because it was intriguing enough for me to finish it, and I think the premise and the series has a lot of potential. This may be a series where it is in the final book that everything becomes clear. I don't know. What I do know is that this book will appeal to some, and not to others. Personally, I enjoyed it, even if I was a bit lost!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Before They are Hanged: The First Law: Book Two
Before They are Hanged: The First Law: Book Two
Joe Abercrombie | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
First of all, these were some of the longest books I’ve listened to in a while. I’ve been plugging away on these suckers for over a month. some of the tracks are an hour or longer. So if you like long books, it’s worth the time investment! this is a great series for a long road trip, a summer (winter) vacation, or to play in the background while you attack a major knitting project.

All three books have a part 1 and a part 2. Part 1 of the first book was spent introducing a huge variety of characters that didn’t seem to have anything to do with each other; in fact they didn’t even feel like they were living in the same world. I did put the story down and move away from it a few times, because there wasn’t much plot or connection between them. Even though it was interesting, funny, and well written, that first part seemed very disconnected.

I told myself I’d listen to one more track. So I did, and that one track was the one where everything started falling together. Not only were they in the same world, they would be going on the same adventure and working together to save the world from an evil king, a crazy wizard, and magical zombies.

I love a good war story.


Each story left off with a stunning finish that begged for more. Even the last one; though it was open enough that anything could happen, you’re pretty sure you know. All the loose ends are tied up: bad guys die, people get their revenge, the king gets married, the deserving are promoted, and the drunks get… less drunk than normal.

If you’re into action, adventure, fantasy, or bloody thrillers, this series will keep you busy for a good long time!

Content and Recommendation: Ages 18+. Some sex (I’ll tell you know it’s awkward not great, even worse when you’re listening to it, not reading it). Plenty of language. Lots of violence; war scenes, murder, and cutting off body parts. One of the main characters is a torturer, okay? This one isn’t for the faint of heart. And don’t listen to it while you’re eating.

Fred (860 KP) rated Love, Death & Robots in TV

Mar 24, 2019  
Love, Death & Robots
Love, Death & Robots
2019 | Action, Animation, Comedy
A Heavy Metal reboot? I'm in!
This is an anthology series, airing on Netflix. Originally, it was going to be a theatrical reboot of the Heavy Metal animated movies, but became a series instead. It's split into 18 animated shorts (well, 17 & one mostly live-action) with an average length of about 10 minutes or so each. Unlike the original Heavy Metal movie, there is nothing tying the shorts together, like the Loc-nar.

I want to say, overall, the series is great. Most of the animation is great. Some of it, like in the short "The Witness" is so realistic, you'll think you're watching actual film. However, there are some shorts where the animation is done in the choppy, crappy CGI-drawn animation & this takes away from them. Just like the original Heavy Metal, some shorts work, some don't. Fortunately, most of them work, overall. Some have problems with their endings. They seem to either have no ending, or they're just not satisfying enough. I kind of wish they were 20 minutes each. But there are also some where the ending is the best part.

My favorite short is probably "Three Robots", which is about...3 robots. They're "taking a vacation" through an apocalyptic wasteland. It's funny & smart. My least favorite is probably "When the Yogurt Took Over", which is about...sentient yogurt. Fortunately, this one is also the shortest of them. Funny enough, both of these shorts were written by the same writer.

I see people complaining about the show's sexism towards women. Yes, this is a problem. But a minor one. The show does have fan service, especially in the short "The Witness" I mentioned. There's nudity just for the sake of having nudity. I feel that although in this day & age, in America, this is frowned upon, it fits with these shorts. It's not like it's non-stop nudity, it's just here & there. It also fits with the Heavy Metal series & I'm happy that it's there.

I could talk about each short separately, but I don't think they need to be. You can watch the entire series in a few hours & it's worth it. So what you waiting for?
Throne of Glass
Throne of Glass
Sarah J. Maas | 2012 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (91 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (5 more)
Fantastical Creatures
Sarcasm and Humor
Character Development
Female Lead
Romantic Involvement (0 more)
Breaking through the glass roof more like!
Contains spoilers, click to show
I went into reading this book with the expectation that it would be like any typical 'heroine' book where the man actually ends up saving the woman. HELLS was I wrong!
A book with a sarcastic, badass Heroine who doesn't need any man to help her ... Yes I am into it!
This book follows the journey of Celaena Sardothien, a teenage assassin (and when I say teenage I mean 18 Years Old) who has been imprisoned and to then becoming the tyrannical King's 'Champion'. From meeting the Crown-Prince to the Captain of the Royal Guard all the way to the horrific King we meet a variety of different characters. Each of these characters bring different traits, difficulties and challenges to Celaena who must over come them all to survive!
Watching Celaena grow from wanting to only trust herself to ending up trusting in the Princess, Prince and Captain of the Guard is heart-wrenching as you go through the motions of this. The way Sarah J. Maas puts across her character's is truly fascinating.
If you are looking for a book that has humor, sarcasm and sass and so much adventure and fighting - this is the book for you!!

Now I would have done 10 however, SPOILERS - I felt the romantic relationship (if you can call it that) between Celaena and the Prince was not needed in this book and was only placed in to appease some of the readers who wanted romance. I felt that this book honestly didn't need that detail, Celaena is baddass enough without having a man yanking on her arm all the time. Without that little detail I would have given this a ten out of ten.

But even with the romance it does not take away from the general plot of the first book and I cannot wait to start reading the rest of the series to see where Celaena's journey goes being the King's Champion and what mysteries are left to be uncovered from her past and now the future!
The Wife Between Us
The Wife Between Us
Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
8.1 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
Awesome Plot Twists (0 more)
I must admit that I was skeptical about this book after 50 pages in. It was really slow paced at first. I wondered if I had made a mistake by reading it. I decided to read more of the book just in case it got better, and I am glad I did. By part two of the book (about a third of the way in), the pacing quickened, and I found myself immersed in the world of The Wife Between Us.

The whole setup of the plot was done very well. At times, it seemed a little extreme and intense, but it was believable. There are a few plot twists, more than I've ever read in a book. I did predict one early on, but the others, I never saw coming. The plot twists will definitely surprise you. I'd go into more detail, but I really don't want to give anything away. This is one book where you'll just have to read it to learn everything. This book does give you plenty of closure. No stone is left unturned. I'm happy there wasn't any cliff hangars or any unanswered questions.

I enjoyed the characters. Each one was believable, and each one definitely brought a story of their own to the book. I loved the character of Vanessa the most. She seemed really caring. I don't want to say any more about why I liked her because I'm afraid that would give away spoilers.

There is some swearing in the book although I didn't feel like it was a lot. There are sexual references, mental health references, alcohol/alcoholism references, a few drug (marijuana) references as well as violence although nothing too graphic. All of this was written tastefully. Nothing was over the top or seemed to be written in just for the sake of mentioning it.

I would recommend The Wife Between Us to those 18+ especially those who love a good thriller with a lot of plot twists. Although this book does start out really slow, it soon picks up. The writing is excellent, the story line is great, and the characters are amazing! Definitely read this book if you get a chance!

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Ready or Not (2019) in Movies

Sep 2, 2019 (Updated Sep 2, 2019)  
Ready or Not (2019)
Ready or Not (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
F*cking rich people
Ready Or Not is a delightful mash up of blood soaked horror and devilish comedy that intertwines well making this film an absolute blast. When Ready or not's certificate came up everyone was shocked it was 18 rated (I found kind of sad as to me it symbolised how there is 100% still a big market for the more violent and mature horror film yet these days they sadly seem few and far between. I proud to say this does not disappoint and delivers on gore, grossness and tons of unnecessary yet hilariously fitting cursing. Made by people with clear love for the genre this movie echoes what made 80s horror movies so fun. Its goofy, silly, humorous, cool, violent, over the top, cheesy and stylish with it all working well together as well as being extremely serious and tense when it needs to be too. A great mix of movies like your next, the purge, cabin in the woods and even evil dead this movie doesnt hesitate getting straight to the good stuff moving at a constant brisk pace. Although predictable at times it ride with the horror cliches mixing them up just enough for them to feel modern and refreshingly satisfying. Anti rich themes take front and centre and the film isnt shy of mocking wealthy people constantly questioning their morals, beliefs, way of life, ignorance, naivety, lack of empathy and ability to think they can do as they please. In fact you might say the most horrific parts of the film are just how stupid, desensitized, gullible, careless and void of empathy these people have become which adds a nice real world connection. Theres also some visually impressive/creative scenes that really stand out as they are flawlessly combine with music too. Great tension is also present here and a it has a good eending that keeps you on your toes guessing. Not perfect by any means but go into it with a mind set that you can just sit back and enjoy a well made film that's only interested in you having a good time and you will leave entertained.