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"I enjoy sci-fi thanks to my brother John's passion for it, and this was the first sci-fi book to hit my radar. It touches on so many things: politics, religion, paganism, revivalism, psychokinesis – and it even introduced a couple of things that didn't exist before: the waterbed (which came out a few years after the book), and the word "grok" which means "to understand something intuitively or by empathy.” There's a lot to grok in this book."


Janeeny (200 KP) rated Making Magic in Books

May 16, 2019  
Making Magic
Making Magic
Briana Saussy | 2019 | Mind, Body & Spiritual, Religion
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I receivef an ARV of this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
As a Pagan, and a dabbler in Wicca I’m always keen to learn other forms of practice and sometimes pick up other things to use in my rituals. So I was keen to read 'Making Magic' as the blurb sets it as “welcoming guide to accessing your magic and creating a spiritual path that is all your own”
It does just that, each chapter talks about an aspect of magic and gives you an idea and an example of ritual.
The concept isn’t anything new, but the rituals are pared down to the very basics. although it does suggest using certain talismans and trinkets they are not necesarry and each ritual can be brought right back down to nature. That was actually what I liked most about this book, the very basic nature of the rituals.
Most other books on practicing Paganism talk about ‘summoning your circle' or 'calling the corners', for someone like me that sometimes struggles with this kind of visualisation I was quite pleased to see that the ritual preperations in this book were just two cleansing breaths; In and Out. This is something which I shall definitly be adding to my own little pot pourri of paganism.
Stalking the Goddess
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stalking The Goddess by Mark Carter is not a book to be taken lightly or to be read as a fill-in. This book deserves your attention as Mark Carter has tried to do the near-impossible and unravel a book that has long been thought of as a Pagan Must-Have. The White Goddess by Robert Graves has long been considered as one of the ultimate books for a Pagan to own, with links to the Welsh Celtic path and showing how, through poetry, that paganism lived on through the ages.

Stalking The Goddess is written like a thesis or dissertation from a university so will appeal to any academically-minded out there. This did make it quite hard going at times and I would read some and then take a break to digest what I had read.

Mark Carter has “untangled the woods” of The White Goddess and made it more accessible to the Pagan who would like to know more about it and where Robert Graves got his sources. Mark Carter has made it possible to see who has influenced Robert Graves, both in a positive and also a negative way, by showing whose work was used and which was not.

One of the things that I found most interesting was that although The White Goddess boasts a Welsh Celtic basis, Robert Graves had actually pulled on stories from the whole of Europe, as well as from the Bible, the Jews and used stories from the Saracens to compile his book and it somehow all seemed to fit which is where Mark Carter has excelled. Star Wars even makes an appearance!

In no way is Mark Carter dismissing The White Goddess and even states in the Epilogue that without The White Goddess it is unlikely that paganism would have developed as it did.

Overall, I would recommend this book for anyone who is interested in the history of The White Goddess, or for someone who has an academic “twist”. Thought provoking and a very interesting read.
Lords of Chaos (2018)
Lords of Chaos (2018)
2018 | Drama
Every once and a while a film comes along that truly surprises you (I love it when that happens) and Lords of Chaos did that for me tonight. I was thinking going in was going to be a metal version of This is Spinal Tap maybe or an anti version of Bohemian Rhapsody, or definitely a film I would have to keep the volume turned down as not to annoy my wife with the extremely booming soundtrack, but none of those were true.

Instead we get a supposedly true, or mostly true, story of the 90s Norwegian Black Metal band, Mayhem, its members, its music, its tragedy. I knew there would be horror and it delivered on that for sure. There are some truly graphic scenes which are not for the squeamish or for those who get offended easily. Having said that, it is also about friendship, mental illness, bullying, fitting in, being different than the rest, anarchy, paganism, relationships and how true (or fake) are your convictions.

For those that enjoy the out of the ordinary, I would highly recommend.

Show all 3 comments.

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 14, 2019

Let me know what you think when you watch it.


Versusyours (757 KP) Dec 14, 2019

I will need to watch it when the darkeness of the twilight hour is upon us for full satanic efffect

Häxan (1922)
Häxan (1922)
1922 | Documentary, Fantasy, Horror
Very strange...
This collection of 7 silent film shorts are put together in this film Haxan. It's hard to give a plot description in a silent film collection like these. They mostly have to do with witches and the belief in witchcraft through the middle ages up through the time this movie was made. There were also elements of devils and devil worship, paganism, and the occult.

The film tried to make the point some of these people and practices were strange at the time maybe due to not a great understanding of mental illness or psychological problems of those involved.

The way the movie was divided was interesting at times and boring at other times. I definitely enjoyed the sections where there were actual moving images with dialogue cards or subtitles rather than those with still images only.

Since there was no dialogue per say, it was difficult to follow at some points; however, several of the visuals were striking and even a little scary considering this movie is almost 100 years old.

I still rather enjoyed it.

The Wicker Man (1973)
The Wicker Man (1973)
1973 | Horror, Mystery
A decent classic
I have to confess to never having seen this film until today, and I can really see why it’s such a classic. And we won’t mention the horror that was the Nic Cage remake from a few years ago.

This is a rather low budget film, and whilst I appreciate it was made in the 70s, you can really tell it’s quite low budget. It’s quite funny watching some of the extras in some scenes where they’re blatantly not doing what they should be doing. However the plot is an interesting one and the audience is as confused as Edward Woodward’s sergeant watching him trying to figure out what’s going on. But this is a good thing and means it’s quite a pleasant surprise and twist when you get to the end. Edward Woodward does a wonderful job as the devout Christian sergeant and is a complete opposite Christopher Lee’s pagan Lord Summerisle. Whilst I appreciate this is a film about paganism, this film does get a little too weird and bizarre at times and I wasn’t a huge fan of this. However the ending does make up for it a little and definitely makes it a classic worth watching.
The White Sheik (1952)
The White Sheik (1952)
1952 | Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"My favorite of all Fellini’s films, it seems his most perfect and certainly his most likable and affecting. And it’s his most comical, thanks to the wonderful performances of Leopoldo Trieste and, especially, Alberto Sordi, who went on to star in over three hundred films in Italy and is rightly regarded as their greatest actor. Its story also prefigures the theme of three of his later films (La dolce vita, Toby Dammit, and Ginger and Fred), as to the corrosive effect of the new media religion of celebrity. In 1950, the inroads of paganism on Christianity still seemed only foolish when a photo¬-comic-book character almost destroys a Catholic marriage. But already by 1959, the lust for media attention had become all consuming and malignant in La dolce vita, where a journalist goes from one idiotic media event to another, including an imagined miracle in the rain. In Toby Dammit, on a nightmarish TV talk show, the church itself parades in front of the TV cameras; and in Ginger and Fred, about another ridiculous TV celebrity program, it has all become totally absurd, only momentarily relieved by a nostalgia for older performers. Half a century later, the celebrity media religion rules, and there is no end to its reign in sight."


Merissa (11928 KP) rated A Very Witchy Yuletide in Books

Nov 5, 2020 (Updated Aug 14, 2023)  
A Very Witchy Yuletide
A Very Witchy Yuletide
D. Lieber | 2020 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A VERY WITCHY YULETIDE is a seasonal standalone romance that involves Pagans. It isn't all about paganism and rituals. If you are looking for that then I can suggest a multitude of other books but this isn't one of them. Saying that, I enjoyed how it was incorporated into the story. It is something they feel/do every day but the Sabbats are special, as are Naming Days, etc.

Eeva and Sawyer were young star-crossed lovers - neither of them prepared to make that first step and both of them feeling let down by the other. Five years later, they get a second chance.

This is a warm and low-angst story that will melt your heart on a cold winter night. Eeva and Sawyer have a great supporting cast, including Sol who was adorable.

The descriptions are very well done and the pacing is perfect for the story. All in all, this was a great story that I thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 5, 2020
The Wicker Man (1973)
The Wicker Man (1973)
1973 | Horror, Mystery
Come. It is time to keep your appointment with the Wicker Man.
Though we never even lay eyes on it until the final few moments of the film, the Wicker Man, both as pagan image and classic horror flick, has become an icon of the genre.

But if you are expecting some dimly lit, slow burn slasher movie, then you will be sorely disappointed. The Wicker Man spends most of its runtime, which varies from its various versions, Theatrical, Director’s and Final Cuts, providing us with a pretty decent, if not disturbing insight into paganism.

Or more over, Paganism verses Christianity. Both spiritual, both magical, yet one is fun and the other is boring. The virgin sacrifice by the sexually liberated heathens is played out brilliantly.

The beauty here is that the final twist is so well conceived and executed throughout the entire film that even though most of us know the ending whether we have seen the film or not, it is not spoiled by that foreknowledge.

It is a kin to the previously released Planet Of The Apes (1968) or the much later Sixth Sense (1999). Both spin out complex genre tales which culminate in “that ending”. But in this case, Edward Woodward delivers a chilling performance in the finale, as he is taken to his death, locked inside the burning Wicker Man to be sacrificed in order to restore the poor harvest of the previous year.

“Don’t you see that killing me is not going to bring back your apples?”

But Woodward’s character is a devout Christian and he has only his faith and a dogged view of the world to aide him. Unable to accept the seemingly free spirited community in which his finds himself, one where sex is commonplace as he himself is still a virgin.

On the other hand there is Lord Summerisle, Christopher Lee, who steals the show as per usual as the charismatic leader of the this pagan community and the descendant of a lord who routed Christianity from the Highland Island a century before.

But whilst on the surface it may seem like a rather academic subject, the film is a trippy 1970’s sexploitation movie in many ways. Some of the sex and violence fits in well with plot but other moments, such as the nude dance by Britt Ekland, though actually doubled by Lorraine Peters is a prime example of a needless, if not memorable sequence.

Overall, The Wicker Man is low budget British movie of the 1970’s and one which has endured to earn it’s classic status, by meeting the main criteria of being smart, engaging and visually compelling, along with several standout performances throughout.

Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 18, 2019

A classic!

Braided Dimensions (Braided Dimensions #1)
Braided Dimensions (Braided Dimensions #1)
Marie Judson | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BRAIDED DIMENSIONS is the first book in the series of the same name. We meet Kay, an ex-professor now working in a job she dislikes. She is a loner and drifting. One Halloween, she goes out and enjoys herself. When she decides to have her own garden patch, she meets the same people and now has her own little group. On her way home from the Halloween night out, something strange happens to her, leading her down a rabbit hole into ancient Wales.

One thing I need to mention first... it is SO good to read something set in Wales rather than Ireland! I have nothing against Ireland, but there are other Celtic countries out there, although you could be forgiven for thinking otherwise.

This was an enjoyable story that took place both in the present and the past. I love the group of friends Kay has. It is full of paganism and mysticism, although written as both specialised and general day-to-day knowledge. The blending of the two lives is well-written, giving the reader Kay's sense of confusion as she tries to understand what is happening.

This is definitely a series so be prepared to be left with questions at the end, which will leave you wanting more.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 15, 2024