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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

May 19, 2022  
Check out my blog, and read some excerpts from the true crime biography WASHED IN THE BLOOD by Shelton L. Williams. If you like what you read, enter the giveaway to win an autographed paperback, an Audible copy, or an eBook copy of the book - three winners total!

The true story behind the Kiss and Kill murder in Texas in 1961. Author Larry King says: Washed in the Blood is a page-turning read about the time--early 1960s--and place--Odessa, Texas--during its rowdy oil boom days when violence often rode the range. It is at once an examination of local mores and foibles, piety and hypocrisy and an inside-look at the famed 'Kiss and Kill' murder of a 17-year-old would-be actress, Betty Jean Williams, whose ghost is said to haunt the Odessa High School campus to this very day.
Danger is Everywhere was one of those books that would have been much better if I’d read it (physical or Kindle) instead of listened to it. All things considered the narrator did a good job, but there’s only so many acronyms one can keep straight without actually looking at the book. Not only that, the book had a definite voice to it, but the narration was just a little too much. It would have been much better if it had been an annoying voice in my head instead an annoying voice in my ear—and it was definitely supposed to be annoying (in a silly kind of way).

The premise of the book is clever and the examples and chapters are very funny. Part of the humor is how serious the book takes itself. But as I said earlier,the narration kind of killed it, and I couldn’t stick with it without getting a headache. Maybe one day I’ll become a Dangeroligist but I’ll have to get a paperback.
Queen of Spades
Queen of Spades
Michael Shou-Yung Shum | 2016 | Contemporary
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Easily the best book I've read in six months. (0 more)
I want more from this first time author....soon! (0 more)
Small story, small setting, gambling and some mystical realism in a down-to-earth story.
Very few characters. Set in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. It's about gambling and math and cheating, and winning and losing at life and relationships. The writing is simple and stunning. The characters are few and very well-developed, quickly and slowly at the same time, without a lot of fanfare. There's a touch of mystery.

It's a "small" book, as I like to call them. Kind of like Nicholson Baker's writing. Focused.

Read it in two sittings--started one evening and finished over breakfast. Wish I had savored it more. Have already sent copies to at least seven people. Don't bother with the blurb on the back--doesn't do it much justice for what's really between the covers. Also, the paperback is a joy to hold. Even if you're a fan of eReaders, I recommend buying the real deal for this one.

BookwormLea (3034 KP) rated Shatter Me in Books

Jun 25, 2019  
Shatter Me
Shatter Me
Tahereh Mafi | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Uniquely fantabulous! (0 more)
So good, I bought the second book 3 chapters in.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I can't say this for many books anymore, but I was hooked from page 1. The second I read the page about the cross thoughts and repeats being intentional, I was like 'this is gonna be good'. Juliette is so strong and beautiful and Adam is just perfect. The story flows so well and I never wanted to put it down!! And when I did have to, it was all I could think about. I was right there along with the characters, immersed in such a fantastical world Mafi thought up and shared so beautifully with us. It was like every fantasy I've ever had! Powers, romance, heroes and villains. This book will leave you wishing you were a superhero, fighting a battle for the good guys in a future so crazy, it has to be real!!! I can't wait to read book 2!! I actually bought this in paperback a while ago and after reading up to chapter 3, I had to buy the second one too!
The Girl in the Steel Corset (Steampunk Chronicles, #1)
The Girl in the Steel Corset (Steampunk Chronicles, #1)
Kady Cross | 2011 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
My paperback copy of this book contained the prequel, <i>The Strange Case of Finley Jayne</i>, as well as <i>The Girl in the Steel Corset</i>.

2 stars for The Strange Case... and 3 stars for The Girl in...

I wasn't sure what to expect with this. It isn't my usual sort of read, though I have read quite a few steampunk books (Lindsay Buroker mainly).

Some aspects of this book I really liked, like the different abilities of Griffin's friends, the storyline was also quite intriguing although I figured out who the bad guy was by about half way through.

Things I wasn't so keen on: the steel corset only came into play after the half way point; I was expecting it to be part of Finley from the start. And the romance. I know that in Victorian times it wasn't acceptable to be left alone with someone of the opposite sex without a chaperone and to just be all in your face with love and romance but I read for the romance and although you know they have feelings for each other, nothing actually happens.

I don't think I'll be continuing the series.
Fear The Reaper
Fear The Reaper
Jami Gray | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've never read any books by this author and neither have I read the previous books in the series but that wasn't a big issue as the events of the previous books are explained in short pretty early on in memories and discussions between the characters but you still feel like you've missed something.

There is a history between Reaper and Lilith and I enjoyed the chemistry that still sparked. It was definitely a second chance romance while trying to bring about a certain someones downfall.

It had some nice description in this but I did struggle at times to get absorbed in the story. I'd pick it up, read about 5% and then put it back down again and concentrate on my paperback instead. I think it sounded more like my kind of read than what it turned out to be.

If you liked the previous books or like futuristic stories set on Earth where everything has gone to ruins and people are doing what ever they can to make money and keep the peace between the remaining areas of the USA then you'll more than likely enjoy this.
The Wise Man&#039;s Fear
The Wise Man's Fear
Patrick Rothfuss | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.4 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
does anyone else find it annoying when people rate books they haven't actually read yet?

update: now that I'VE read this i can review it properly. (see how that works, people? read a book THEN rate it. i know, complicated.)

i loved this book. i would have given it 5 stars but i honestly thought it was too short. there were places that Kvothe skipped over his story that, as an outsider looking in as opposed to a character in the novel (like Chronicler) we haven't heard the rumors or stories or gossip about the events. i would have LOVED to have heard the story about the shipwreck, especially the mysterious man. it was quite frustrating to have something with so much potential tossed aside. also, i would have appreciated a bit more of the trial in Imre. at least a third or fourth hand account of it, the version of the story Chronicler heard.

alternatively, the time spent with Felurian was beaten to death, in my opinion, and Kvothe's time in Ademre was a bit drawn out. probably something to do with the publisher's wanting more sex, i expect. sigh.

still, i puffy heart love this series and will probably buy it once it's all in paperback.
A Royal Christmas Wedding
A Royal Christmas Wedding
Rachel Hauck | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review: A Royal Christmas Wedding by Rachel Hauch Book Title: A Royal Christmas Wedding Author:&nbsp;Rachel HauchGenres: Christmas, Romance,Series: Royal WeddingPublisher:&nbsp;ZondervanPublish Date:&nbsp;2016-10-18 (240 Pages, Paperback)
Avery Truitt is someone who was going to college to be a professional volleyball player. 5 years before she meet Prince Colin when she was with her sister Susanna went to Cathedral City. What ever happen to Avery and Colin?
Susanna has invited both her sister and mother to Brington Kingdom for the Christmas season. Will their mother get over their father&rsquo;s death? There appear someone brings Avery and Colin together at every turn. Will Colin father help or harm Colin? The old bell rings and who has pulled it and rung it?
People do not believe that god had pulled the 600 pound bell that started ringing and bring all people to the where the accident of Prince Michael died. I love that fact that there is a meaning and some true relationship trouble and Hauck shows that in each story in The Royal Wedding Series? She let the characters work it out their own problems. She does not rush them. Rachel Hauck does well with the plot and her writing is wonderful as well.
Bare-Knuckle Love (Rabid Mongrels MC #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been having a hard time getting into books lately--both paperback and e-book--so I decided to go and download some free short stories of Amazon, and this was one of them.

Admittedly, I'm a little wary of what they might be like. I've read some good freebies and I've read some pretty bad freebies. Luckily this falls into the first category for me.

First off, it made me cry twice. That very rarely happens in most M/M stories I read and the fact that it's rather dark in places--more like patches--makes it extra unusual. But I really liked their story and how their romance came about. Anyway, the first time was the dog thing. The second, it was Jason's thought in the last fight.

Secondly. There was a darkness to it but I really liked Hyde. The way he sort of tried to stop too bad a thing happening to Jason after he lost them the money made me melt a little. It was sweet. He might have been President of the MC but he wasn't an altogether bad guy.

Thirdly. Just how despite it being a short story I was a sucker for the romance between these two guys.

I look forward to more instalments with these two.

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Bloom in Books

Sep 5, 2019  
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
2.25 stars, I think.

I found this story rather boring. It was all inwards, if you know what I mean. She was doing an awful lot of thinking. Mainly that she wasn't good enough for her perfect boyfriend, which got annoying after a while. Then there's her friend Katie, who I actually sympathised with a lot while Lauren just seemed a bit oblivious to her friends issues at times.

Then came Evan and I thought: This is going to get interesting...but nope. Still with her perfect boyfriend, thinking she isn't good enough for him while having secret fantasies about Evan, the boy from her past. It was on such a slow simmer.

I found Lauren a little selfish when she was carrying on with Evan while still going out with Dave, who was safe and perfect, but who she'd rather avoid so she could be with Evan. Why didn't she just tell him it was over?!

It was only with about 20 pages left that she finally gets around to doing just that and by then, I'd just had enough and didn't particularly care what happened in the end.

Not one of my favourite stories and not a paperback I'm likely to keep.