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    Red Gold

    Red Gold

    Alan Furst

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    Autumn 1941: In a shabby hotel off the place Clichy, the course of the war is about to change....

Carry on, Jeeves (Jeeves, #3)
P.G. Wodehouse | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rather than a novel in its own right, this is a loosely connected collection of Jeeves and Wooster short stories, all told ion the first person narrative (nearly all by Wooster except the very last) and largely split between the UK and the US.

In the collection I read, the stories included are as follows:

1) Jeeves Takes Charge (the first meeting of Jeeves and Wooster!)
2) The Artistic Career of Corky (New York)
3) Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest (New York again)
4) Jeeves and the Hard-Boiled Egg (also in New York)
5) The Aunt and the Sluggard (still New York)
6) The Rummy Affair of Old Biffy (Paris)
7) Without the Option (London)
8) Fixing it for Freddie (English seaside)
9) Clustering Round Young Bingo (English countryside)
10) Bertie Changes His Mind (the one told from Jeeves point of view)

Whilst maybe not the best PG Wodehouse Jeeves books I've read, they are nice as a palate cleanser after something heavier!