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Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park, #1)
Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park, #1)
Michael Crichton | 1990 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (34 Ratings)
Book Rating
Knowing What Is Coming Hurts, but Book Holds Up Well
There’s a mysterious project on an island off the coast of Coast Rica. When John Hammond, the owner, invites Drs. Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, and Ian Malcolm to visit the island, they discover that Hammond has cloned dinosaurs and intends to open his park for tourists to enjoy. However, despite the high security measures that are in place, the visitors begin to see potential problems. When the problems become more than potential, will anyone survive?

It is hard to go into this book not knowing what is really happening thanks to the movies, and that puts the reader of today at a disadvantage since the book takes forever with the set up and big reveal. However, once the dinosaurs get free, this is a page turning book that is impossible to put down. While the character names are the same, they are different from how they are portrayed in the movie, and fans of the films will recognize scenes from the sequels that originated here. Naturally, there are more great scenes and tense moments than could be included in the movie, and the climax here is so much better. I could have done without some of the descriptions of the violence in the book, but they didn’t surprise me. Some lectures, while giving us something to think about, do slow things down again late in the book. Overall, this is still a very enjoyable read.
Dinosaur Island
Dinosaur Island
2017 | Dice Game, Economic
One of the best parts of the board gaming experience is finding a fun group of people with whom to play! Sometimes, though, coordinating a game night is easier said than done. We all must occasionally forego the group experience and face the world as the Lonely Only. But fear not! The world of solo-play is a vast and exciting realm! What follows is a chronicle of my journey into the solo-playing world – notes on gameplay, mechanics, rules, difficulty, and overall experience with solo variations of commonly multiplayer games! I hope this will provide some insight as you continue to grow your collection, or explore your already owned games!

In Dinosaur Island, you have successfully created a theme park of the Jurassic variety (see what I did there?), and are now tasked with managing and supervising the day-to-day operations. Think “Zoo Tycoon” on steroids. You have to collect new DNA, upgrade your facilities, build new attractions, hire specialists, oversee your workers, and create new dinosaurs to populate your park! Make sure you manage your resources wisely for maximum benefit, and keep a close eye on the security of your park to ensure the safety of your guests! The goal is to create and maintain the most successful dinosaur park!

DISCLAIMER: An expansion exists for Dinosaur Island, and I do own it, but I have yet to incorporate it into my games. Once I get some experience with the expansion, I will either amend this review or address it in a separate post! -L

Let me first begin this review by saying that there is A LOT going on in this game. Seriously, a lot. And it can be pretty overwhelming at first. But one thing I cannot praise enough about Dinosaur Island is its rulebook. It’s kind of hefty, but it is so detailed and clear (with numerous examples) that I understood how to play the game on my first read-through. And sometimes with games that have so many moving elements, total understanding from the get-go can be rare, for me especially. The excellent rulebook makes a seemingly daunting game not so scary. I always keep the rulebook on hand when I play (just to be safe!), but once I got the hang of all of the steps, I don’t really need to refer back to it anymore!

As a solo game, Dinosaur Island plays very similarly as it does in group play with a few minor differences. For one, no regular Objective cards are used – instead you use a set of specified Solo Objective cards. Next, to simulate player interaction during the Research and Market Phases, the solo player draws a card from an AI deck and eliminates the options/discards the resources listed on the card – this mimics group play in the sense that turn order changes every round and you do not always get your first pick during these phases. The remaining 2 Phases (Worker and Park) occur simultaneously and involve no player interaction, so those are played as normal. One final difference between group and solo play is that the solo player can choose to play without Plot Twist cards. A solo game is played over the course of 7 total rounds, and the overall goal of the game remains the same – amass the most Victory Points.

The trickiest part of playing Dinosaur Island solo, for me, has to do with the Solo Objectives. You have 7 Solo Objectives to be completed throughout the game, and they reward Victory Points based on the round in which they were completed – finishing objectives in earlier rounds yields a higher number of points. If you are unable to complete any objective in a given round, you must discard one (of your choice) at the end of that round. The hard thing is that depending on which objectives are currently in play, it can be difficult to complete one each round to earn those points. Some things take time (and a couple of rounds) to be able to complete – like “Reach a threat level of 15.” If you have multiple long-term objectives in play, they can really limit the number of points you can earn from them. A nice mix of objectives (both short-term and long-term) can help balance out the game a little more, but it’s ultimately a luck of the draw.

One positive thing I can say about the objectives, though, is that they really force you to come up with a multi-faceted strategy. Depending on which objectives are in play, you have to decide on a logical strategy and order in which to complete them for maximum points. You can’t just focus on one objective – you also need to be setting yourself up to complete future objectives. I never feel like I’m just going through the motions because I always need to be thinking ahead to my future rounds.

The thing I really like about Dinosaur Island as a solo game is that it is still extremely engaging. I’m not a huge fan of “Beat your own personal best” solo games, but this one keeps me so involved that I don’t mind the fact that there’s no real ‘winner.’ Since a group game doesn’t involve that much player interaction anyway, Dinosaur Island doesn’t really even necessarily feel like a solo game. Every play requires a different strategy, and that makes it feel like a new game every time. If you enjoy Dinosaur Island in a group setting, give it a try as a solo game. There’s really not much of a gameplay difference, and I think you’ll enjoy it just as much!

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Wonder Park (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Wonder Park (2019)
Wonder Park (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Contains spoilers, click to show
First off, this is going to be awash with spoilers because I was absolutely amazed by the reaction I had to it. It's not unheard of for movies to turn out differently to how the trailer portrays them but in this case it felt like a rather low blow. I think there should have been some clues to what lay ahead without having to read reviews.

Second thing to get out of the way... the park is called Wonderland... why is the movie called Wonder Park? Pick one and stick to it!

June and her mum create their very own amusement park, it has amazing rides and its animal mascots love to amuse the crowds as they see the wonders that Wonderland has in store. The pair happily create together until June's mum is too sick to carry on. She needs treatment, which means that June and her father need to hold the fort while she's away. Playing with Wonderland isn't the same without her mother and in that moment she decides to pack everything away. Where fun once stood are now bare walls and a serious June who is hellbent on making sure her father doesn't stumble into anything bad.

What I had expected from the trailers was something comedic, the park was surely run down because June had grown up and make believe wasn't cool anymore... What I was served was something with a much more emotional twist of the knife. As soon as June's mother started looking unwell I knew it would be nothing like I'd expected.

We're never privy to what June's mum has, but the whole illness is a much more "glamorous" version of how real life goes. Ultimately we see her leave for treatment and then she comes back "better". No returning home between treatments, no visiting her at the hospital. In this, illness is obviously treated with magic, and while the film shows the more real aspects of the emotions it glosses over the rest.

Let's go to the cast of characters for a bit, and here comes a massive gripe... The UK version and the US version have a different cast. For whatever reason it's only the US cast that got an IMDb listing so I went off for a Google. Here's a quick comparison:

Peanut - Norbert Leo Butz
Greta - Milas Kunis
Steve - John Oliver
Gus & Cooper - UK version: Joe Sugg & Casper Lee, US version: Kenan Thompson & Ken Jeong
Boomer - UK version: Tom Baker, US version: Ken Hudson Campbell

I am at a loss. This film is absolutely not set in the UK, so why would you sub in a different cast when you have so much talent on the original roster? Suggs and Lee were weak and lacked any kind of dramatic quality. Kenan & Ken... I can hear them in my head now, they would have been wonderful together. I love Tom Baker, but he wasn't right either. It was a rather flat performance that needed a little more pep to boost the slightly bland character. My other query would be why John Oliver was cast as Steve for both versions. After seeing the "backing up" bit in the trailer I had hoped for something better in the expanded scene but no, it really was delivered that badly and the rest of his performance was no different. Having him up against Milas Kunis just added to the disaster, while Greta wasn't a great character Kunis did at least give us a good show.

Back to the story. June is sent off to math camp but on the way she has a panic about what might happen to him while he's on his own. There's actually quite a fun little montage here and that convinces her to get off the bus with the help of her friend so she can return home. Scheme executed she dashes off into the forest to make her way home... ba-da-bing ba-da-boom... magic tree portal.

We find that Wonderland is in tatters because it's cuddly little army of toys are dismantling everything that's fun and sacrificing it to the big black swirling vortex in the sky, a vortex that appeared just after the creative voice stopped whispering design ideas into Peanut's ear for the park... that's right... the swirling doom is June's depression, worry and anxiety caused by her mother going away because of her illness... well, shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Of course this movie land though, we know everything is going to get better. Our animal friends go from liking June to hating her when she admits the changes were her fault. She then has to redeem herself and everyone lives happily ever after.

I may be paraphrasing a whole section of the film there but that's the basic gist.

There's quite an odd balance in the film, it feels like we hardly get to see much of the park itself, and certainly not a lot in its full glory. The storyline is quite family heavy which for obvious reasons is a little on the serious side. We chop and change between events so quickly that we don't really get to know any of the characters at all, and it's difficult to see how they thought that was sensible in such a short space of time.

The animation is fine, nothing to write home about, but it just seemed to be a little bland on the scale of things. This is really not to say it's bad, we're just lucky to have so much great stuff around at the moment with a standard that is so high.

Wonder Park seems like it's trying to hit a Disney/Pixar level. The message is a surprisingly emotional one and I was surprised how much it affected me, I honestly don't know how I managed to contain my sobbing and on more than one occasion I had tears streaming down my face... there was nothing I could do about it, and I wasn't the only one.

Sadly overall this is a pretty mediocre film but it was so close to being something wonderful. I enjoyed it but there was a lot that could have made it so much better.

What you should do

All of the kids at the screening enjoyed it, for the adults it may well go either way. It definitely deserves a watch at some point.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

If I could have my own magic marker that requires nothing but imagination, I would be unstoppable.
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Verdict: Astonishing

Story: Parasite starts as we meet the Kim family, all unemployed, with father Ki-taek (Kang Ho), mother Chung-sook (Hye-jin) and adult children, former military service Ki-woo (Woo-sik) and genius computer wizard Ki-jung (So-dam), they take simple jobs like folding pizza boxes, until Ki-woo gets pushed into taking a tutoring job for the Park family, teaching Da-hye (Ji-so) English.
Soon after Ki-woo gets a job for the family, the Park family businessman Dong Ik (Sun-kyun) his wife Yeon-kyo (Yeo-Jeong) fill the roles of their trusted staff with Ki-woo’s family as they get themselves secure well paying jobs, but not everything is as it seems with the house.

Thoughts on Parasite

Characters – Ki-taek Kim is the father of the unemployed family, he has always looked out for his family, while they search for their next meal, once the job opens up for him, he becomes the driver, proving to be a model employee. Ki-woo gets the first job as a tutor for the daughter in the family, he sees this as a chance to get to university, where he makes the plan for the family to get the extra jobs. Ki-jung is the daughter of the family that will become an art therapist for the family, while Chung-sook takes over the house as the maid. This family shows the poverty a family can be experiencing and just how far they would go to try and get out of it. The Park family has businessman Dong-ik who has always been patient with people, letting his wife do the hardest decisions in life, while supporting her always. Yeon-kyo is the wife that deals with the everyday routines in the house, she will do everything she needs to with the people she trusts, even if this does mean she can be taken advantage of.
Performances – We have incredible performances from the whole cast here Song Kang-ho in the leading role shines beyond belief in one of the performances of the year. Lee Sun-kyun and Jo Yeo-jeong give us wonderful supporting roles, with Choi Woo-sik, Park So-dam and Jang Hye-jin shining like the rest of the cast which is flawless throughout the film.
Story – The story here follows a poverty family that luck and con their way into secure jobs for one family, only to see everything spiral out of control in a story that highlights the lines between the rich and poor. This story is one of the most fascinating ones of the year, it does seem like it is going to be a simple enough story, but when everything goes out of control we get to see threads of the story unravel in every directions, see the highlights placed on the rich and poor divide, slowly chipping away at the poorer side of the family, as well as having the other incident going on (which does include too bigger spoilers). Much like ‘Shoplifters’ we see just how hopeless people can feel when they have no realistic future because money they can’t earn can’t give them an out. This is a perfect highlight of how to bring an original story to life, where the audience will be left to ponder what will happen next.
Comedy – The film is set up like a comedy which at times does work, with just how crazy certain moments are, though it doesn’t fall into a laugh out loud comedy.
Settings – The film uses the settings excellently, with the poverty sized house the family can barely not have some drunk piss on the window, to the wealthy businessman who has earnt his way to the top, the difference in lifestyle is drastic with the locations almost being a character of their own.

Scene of the Movie – Party time.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Nothing.
Final Thoughts – This is one of the most amazing films you will see this year, it will shock you and give us an important message about the clash system in the world.

Overall: Essential Movie.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Fun Summer Blockbuster
Taking place three years after Jurassic World, Owen (Chris Pratt) and Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) find themselves back on Isla Nublar where a dormant volcano is on the verge of erupting. Their mission is to safely rescue as many dinosaurs as they can, but there are others who have more sinister plans.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 9

Cinematography/Visuals: 9
The Jurassic Park series has set the standard for visuals and this new installment is no exception. From the opening scene to the film's conclusion, you are treated to the beautiful dino goodness that keeps viewers coming back for more. I appreciated the consistent attention to detail and the constant refining of the traditional dinos like the t-rex and pesky raptor. I left as I always do, thinking this is how these creatures must have moved and acted when they were alive.

Conflict: 9

Genre: 5

Memorability: 5

Pace: 8

Plot: 1

Resolution: 10

Overall: 76
It's funny how critics rag on films like these saying, "Where is the heart? This film is all over the place, big on action, lacking on script." Is that accurate of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom? Absolutely. However, sometimes we also have to remember why we came to the see the film in the first place. You came for the action. You came for the dinosaurs. In that sense, the film delivers. You want an enriching story? Go see Lady Bird. Meanwhile, I'll keep munching on my Raisinets and enjoying films the way they were meant to be enjoyed.

P.S.--Lady Bird is actually a phenomenal film.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
The music is back, the dinosaurs are back, the chaos is back!
Jurassic Park is one of my all time favorite movie series. There are so many iconic moments in the original movie and I love that this latest addition to the series makes some of those moments come alive for both long-time fans and a new generation of fans. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom brings fans all of the music and action they've fallen in love with over the years and mixes into that a whole new conundrum. With an active volcano threatening to wipe out all of the dinosaurs that have been abandoned on Isla Nublar, the world must decide if they want to step in and rescue the dinosaurs or let nature run its course.

Jeff Goldblum returns to the franchise as the famous mathematician, Dr. Ian Malcolm, and if you've seen any of the original movies you can probably guess where he stands on the matter. Chris Pratt and Dallas Bryce Howard also resume their former roles, Owen Grady and Claire Dearing respectively. The pair disagrees on what the outcome for the dinosaurs should be, but they team up nonetheless and their romantic tension provides a lot of comic relief throughout the movie.

Overall, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom does a wonderful job of blending the old with the new (in terms of themes, characters, etc). A number of well-placed twists keeps the audience in suspense. There are heart-wrenching moments that make you want to cry, celebratory moments that make you want to cheer, action-filled moments that make your heart rate skyrocket, and plain old funny moments that make you laugh. What more can you ask for in movie? Flock to a nearby theater, hold onto your butts, and watch it today!
The Guest (2014)
The Guest (2014)
2014 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Dan Stevens is fantastic (4 more)
Unpredictable right until the end
Great cast, great acting
Good music
Great plot
Final scene was a little disappointing (0 more)
An unpredictable, suspenseful thriller
This was a suprising find for me. I paid £1 for this on blu ray and I have to say I am very very impressed.

The cast are great throughout but it is obviously Dan Stevens that knocks it out of the park as David. He shows sincerity which soons turns into this intense and sinister performance. He is full of suspense and you are constantly asking what his real story is and what his motives are. He plays this character well showing a lot of manipulation when using the families grief for their son to integrate himself into their lives. The performance of every other actor and actress are elevated that much more opposites his character.

The plot is interesting and 1 of those rare movies full of unpredictability. There are many parts I don't see coming and this goes on until the very end. The music is fantastic and the writing is perfect.

I'd love to see Dan Stevens do more action because the action in this was great and intense. There wasnt too much and I'm ok with that. It worked well with the tone of the movie. I loved seeing these little parts because it showed how dangerous this man really is.

I was a little bit disappointed with the ending because of how quickly it suddenly ended. I wanted more, I wanted to know what happened next but I guess that's the point.

Overall a fantastic movie, well worth a watch. Well paced, every scene felt it was building this suspense.
Spirited Away (2001)
Spirited Away (2001)
2001 | Animation, Fantasy
8.4 (62 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Never Recovered After a Slow Start
When a girl gets separated from her parents during a family outing, she ends up in an abandoned amusement park that is a gateway to the spirit world. After her parents get turned into pigs, she has to figure out a way to save them and get home.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 1
Gets off to a pretty slow start. Literally every single time I watch the first ten minutes, I get sleepy. I don’t know if it’s the music or the slow drive through the country, but I wish things would move a bit faster.

Characters: 10
The spirit world is definitely not lacking in originality, particularly when it comes to the characters. I appreciated the level of detail here as every single spirit, good or bad, had their own way of moving, talking, and interacting with the world around them. In Spirited Away, you get crazy witches, dragons, and a professor-looking dude that has spider-like limbs. There is so much to see, I keep seeing new things each time I go back and watch the movie.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 7

Memorability: 5

Pace: 3

Plot: 7

Resolution: 4
Although the ending is better than the beginning, that’s not saying much. it felt dry and lacking of a definitive conclusion. Was definitely hoping for more.

Overall: 67
Sometimes I will watch a movie multiple times and appreciate it more the second or third time around. Unfortunately, for me, Spirited Away doesn’t quite hit that mark. It’s a good that my opinion isn’t the end-all be-all because these Hayao Mayazaki movies have a huge following. Maybe I’ll try this one again someday, but, for now, I’m good.

YTUK (1114 KP) Nov 25, 2019

Still need to watch this...

Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
the depiction of the rich and poor. (2 more)
The depiction of class conflict.
The depiction of social inequality.
overhyped (1 more)
strange and weird.
Just Strange Overall
Parasite- i heard excellent things about it, people rating it 9's and 10's. Calling it "one of the best movies of 2019", calling it "one of the best movies all of time". All of the hype, all of the rewards, all of the critcism, was it deserved well yes and no. Here is the thing the movie was okay. Bong Joon-Ho does a excellent depicking the rich and the poor. Other than that, the movie was hard to follow. Im not the biggest fan of foreign language films cause their are hard to follow. But i do like some foreign language films. One of my favorites is "Pans Labyrinith". "Cronos", "Let The Right One In", "The Orphanage", Juila's Eyes", "The Devil's Backbone" and "Thelma". Are all excellent Foreign langauge films. Its just this one i couldnt get into.

The plot: Greed and class discrimination threaten the newly formed symbiotic relationship between the wealthy Park family and the destitute Kim clan.

Should it got all of these awards, well yes and no. Like i said it does a excellent job depicking the rich from the poor, class conflict, social inequality and wealth disparity. Bong Joon-Ho did a excellent job wih the subject matter. Just for me it was kinda of boring, hard to follow and just strange. I dont if i should of gotten all of those rewards, i mean it was well desvered but their were better movies.

I know other loved this film, just me i didnt. Again this is my opinion. I just want people to know that. Watch it if you want to. Just the hype was overhyped for me.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Girls in Books

Feb 8, 2018  
The Girls
The Girls
Emma Cline | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.1 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Evie is a listless teenager in California, drifting through life, when she spots a group of girls in the park one day. Evie is immediately captivated, especially by Suzanne, an older girl with long black hair. She soon becomes ensnared by the girls and drawn back to their ranch, where she meets their leader, Russell, a would-be musician who has an entire group under his thrall. While the ranch is decrepit, and its inhabitants often hungry, Evie finds it a welcome alternative to life at home with her mother, or her boring best friend friend. She also finds herself more and more enthralled with Suzanne. But as Evie gets drawn into the group, it's hard for her to see the darkness surrounding her new friends--and what it may lead to.

I tend to either read "It" books immediately, or shy away from them. I was hesitant to read this one for a while, but finally caved while on vacation. While I found it an interesting read, it didn't live up to the incredible hype that swirled around the novel. I found Evie a lackluster character--and while part of that is the point, and what allows her to be drawn into Russell and Suzanne's web, I just found myself lacking any empathy for her whatsoever. The story itself goes seemingly nowhere for a good 2/3 of the book, only picking up near the end (yet, Evie isn't really involved in the novel's major plot impetus - it's very strange).

The juxtaposition of Evie looking back on her life, telling the story of her teenage years is an interesting one, but we don't get much further development about her present life. Overall, I enjoyed Cline's writing style and pieces of the book, but was disappointed in the novel as a whole. I didn't care about the characters or much of the plot, nor did I find the story as captivating as I'd hoped, based on all the raving reviews. Still, it was a fairly quick and interesting read.