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Hannah Pym has worked her way up to the top of the servants pile, making it as Housekeeper to Mr Clarence. When her employer dies Hannah is shocked and delighted that he has left to her the remarkable sum of £5,000! What to do with such riches? Hannah decides to set out on adventure by boarding the Exeter Fly, a stagecoach that she has watched every day passing by her employers home - I suppose it's the Regency equivalent of wishing you were on a plane off to somewhere exotic!

Hannah's adventures are written in a light and entertaining style. The coach is first held up by a highwayman and later the passengers are all stranded at an inn in thick snow where Hannah really comes into her own! The eponymous Emily does deserve seeing a bit of cold hard reality, as one does quite want to slap the silly young thing to start with! Of course all's well that ends well and the romantic entanglements are resolved!

I look forward to reading the rest of the series!
The Taking Of Pelham 123 (2009)
The Taking Of Pelham 123 (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery
The late Tony Scott was one of my favourite directors, his films deliver on great action sequences and tense drama. However on this occasion with The Taking of Pelham 123 he left something out, oh that’s right a decent ending.

A group of hijackers led by Ryder (John Travolta) take control of a New York subway train and demand $10 million or they’ll start killing passengers. Dispatcher Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) has to deal with the day’s events and avoid the worst.

I’ve not seen the 1974 original starring Walter Matthau and Robert Shaw so I cannot make any real comparison, but what I would say is the 2009 remake lacked any real sparkle. Washington and Travolta put in good performances, especially Travolta who seems to revel as the stereotypical villain. But you can’t rely on screen chemistry to get you through.

The ending was a disappointment and while you expect a twist that will leave you wanting more, it never comes. If you’re fans of Washington and Travolta then this one’s for you, however don’t expect too much near the end.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Into the Night in TV

May 31, 2020  
Into the Night
Into the Night
2020 | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
The cheap gag about Into the Night would be to declare it the best Belgian apocalyptic SF disaster thriller mini-series ever made, but it deserves better than that. Not entirely unlike Lost, but without the plane actually crashing: passengers and crew of a commercial jet find themselves desperately travelling west, perpetually, as the sun's rays have suddenly become lethal. Characters come into sharper focus, tensions within the group build, there are many incidental crises and problems.

It's done with a slightly broad brush and occasionally becomes a little contrived, but there are great performances from the ensemble cast and it soon becomes genuinely gripping and tense, though not without the odd moment of black humour ('I'm going to die in Scotland... with Belgians!' despairs one character in the first episode). Not sure what they're going to do if it gets a second series, but this is a fine piece of entertainment. (Right-thinking people will surely watch the original version, with subtitles if necessary: the English dubbing is not great.)
7500 (2019)
7500 (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
Greetings & Salutations Everyone!

On behalf of myself and my fellows at ‘Skewed & Reviewed’ I want to say I hope all of you and those nearest and dearest to you continue to be healthy and safe during these uncertain times.

We’ve made it to another summer and with that comes a multitude of new films for the summer of 2020 only they’ll assemble in the queues on your digital devices rather than the movie theaters. Trust me. That’s a good thing right about now. We’re going to take a turn off the beaten path this time. Instead of a comedy or an action film, we’re going to start things off with a thriller. With all the unpleasantness going about it seems like an odd move perhaps? Not really. A well-made thriller film will create such intensity that you’ll completely forget about everything else at least for the film’s running time anyways. Judging from my own experience, today’s movie for you consideration will accomplish just that.


The aviation transponder code indicating that a hijack is in progress. Essentially the worst case scenario for any flight crew and accompanying passengers. The basis for today’s film. ‘7500’ is a 2019 an Austrian/German/American dramatic thriller from Amazon Studios and the directorial debut of German filmmaker Patrick Vollrath. Written by Vollrath and Senad Halilbasic and stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt (in his first film since 2016), Omid Memar, Aylin Tezel, Carlo Kitzlinger, Aurélie Thépaut, Murathan Muslu, and Paul Wollin.
Evening. Berlin Tegal Airport. Passengers and crew board a passenger plane bound for Paris. A routine flight (from what I’ve personally been told by retired U.S. Air Force personnel and friends in France, an amazing experience for any traveler). While the passengers begin to board he plane, Co-pilot Tobias Ellis (Levitt) and his girlfriend Gökce (Tezel) one of the flight attendants trying to decide on which school they can send their child too. Captain Michael Lutzmann (Kitzlinger) makes his way into the cockpit while making jokes regarding the plane. Everyday life. Flight check complete, the plane proceeds to take off and for the first few moments a routine trip. That quickly changes when a group of men including a young man named Vedat, attempt to break into the plane’s flight deck and take control of plane. After a brief but violent struggle, Tobias and Captain Lutzman despite both being wounded, overpower one of the hijackers and force the cockpit door closed. Over the course of the next few moments, the situation will go from bad to worse as the fate of the passengers, the crew, and even the hijackers will be left in Tobias’s hands as he attempts to get the plane to safety while injured and thwart the plans of Vedat and his associates. One thing is clear. No matter what happens, no matter how much he might want to, he cannot under any circumstances open the door to the flight deck.

Right off the bat. 4 out of 5 stars. The film was brilliant. My eyes were glued to the computer monitor for the 92 minute runtime of the movie. Part of which was due to the fact that the film was based entirely upon the idea of something that could very well possibly happen and unfortunately has happened before. There is a focus on conviction for both sides. How far is an individual prepared to go? What are they willing to do to prevent the other from overpowering them regardless if your intentions are just or malevolent? What is one willing to sacrifice in order to carry out an objective or safeguard the lives of a group? Joseph Gordon-Levitt might have been out of the game for a while but he certainly hasn’t lost his edge and the cast and crew of the film he decided to team-up with for this outing did not disappoint either.

I wouldn’t recommend this one for the kids due to the dark nature of the story and the violence involved at points in the film. It does touch upon certain stereotypes which perhaps should be talked about among those who see the movie. The film takes place almost exclusively on the flight deck of the plane which reminded me of Joel Schumacher’s 2003 film ‘Phone Booth’ starring Colin Farrell or Mukunda Michael Dewil’s 2013 film Vehicle 19 starring the late Paul Walker. The focus of the confined space only adds to the intensity and so very few directors have managed to pull off films like these three. Definitely add this film to your queue and pick a Friday or Saturday late night to view it. I personally believe the ‘Master of Suspense’ Alfred Hitchcock himself would have.
One Past Midnight: The Langoliers
One Past Midnight: The Langoliers
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not want to stop reading until I finished the entire thing. There were so many questions that needed to be answered and if you stick with it they all do get answered. (0 more)
The Langoliers themselves did not seem realistic, I could not form an image in my head of them based off of the descriptions given. (0 more)
Just Because
Stephen King does it once again with this book. The first short story in Four Past Midnight will keep readers up well past midnight trying to finish it in one sitting.

When a plane flies through a natural phenomenon mistaken for the Aurora Boralice something very strange happens. All of the passengers (including the piolet) who were awake disappear and only those who were asleep find themselves still on the plane. This mismatched group must figure out how to land the plane safely and decide what just happened. They manage to land in a strange area that resembles an airport like what they are used to but there are no people, sounds carry weird, and the food is tasteless, plus there is a chewing noise getting closer and closer to them.
Snowpiercer (2013)
Snowpiercer (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
Another great movie by Bong Joon-ho.

In a world where the "fix" for global warming has caused the Earth and all of its inhabitants to freeze to death, a single train rides a worldwide track designed with an eternal engine that promises safety and shelter to those who remain within its confines. Passengers are separated by class (ring any bells?) and each class is required to maintain its position and fill its specific role within the ecosystem of the train.

I don't want to get into any major spoilers, but you can imagine that not everyone on board is thrilled with the class system hierarchy.

Chris Evans leads an exceptional cast that includes an appearance by Jamie Bell.

Snowpiercer is a completely new take on an apocalyptic world class film that's well done. There are a few spots where the answers chosen by the makers were interesting to say the least, but for what it's worth, that's much better then leaving a ton of gaping holes without explanation.

Highly recommended for fans of anything represented in the movie. The actors, the plot type, the apocalyptic future, or even trains. Everyone can enjoy this movie.
The Passengers
The Passengers
John Marrs | 2019 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
9.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
69 of 220
The Passengers
By John Marrs

You’re riding in your self-driving car when suddenly the doors lock, the route changes and you have lost all control. Then, a mysterious voice tells you, “You are going to die.”
Just as self-driving cars become the trusted, safer norm, eight people find themselves in this terrifying situation, including a faded TV star, a pregnant young woman, an abused wife fleeing her husband, an undocumented immigrant, a husband and wife, and a suicidal man.
From cameras hidden in their cars, their panic is broadcast to millions of people around the world. But the public will show their true colors when they are asked, "Which of these people should we save?...And who should we kill first?"

Another brilliant book from John Marrs. This author seriously has me worried about using technology. This was so intense and so frightening. It showed human nature at its worst. There is always someone watching and waiting to bring the truth out in people could you sit and choose who would live or die? I’m not sure I could.
Murder on the Orient Express
Murder on the Orient Express
Agatha Christie | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (65 Ratings)
Book Rating
You know the ending but it’s about the journey ! (0 more)
What a journey!
Contains spoilers, click to show
How do you a summarise a book that is a classical as this one ? We come face to face with Hercule Poirot as he joins the Orient Express at Aleppo in a rush to get to London. After getting in the train Poirot is approached by Samuel Ratchett, a malevolent, elderly American who wants to hire the detective as He believes his life is being threatened.

On the second night of the journey the train is stopped by a snowdrift near Vinkovci and Poirot's is woken by a cry emanating from Ratchett's compartment. The next morning we discover that Ratchett has been murdered and Poirot investigates the crime.
As we get to meet the other passengers we soon discover that everyone on the train has a motive to murder. Poirot discovers that everyone in the coach had a connection to the a famous Family called the Armstrong family who lost their daug in tragic circumstances. and a to kill . He proposes two possible solutions.

What does our detective friend do when he finds the truth?

Even if you know the ending the journey mpoint is weaved so wonderfully in and out like a train sneaking up the route of the Orient Express

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2072 KP) rated S’more Murders in Books

Jun 25, 2021 (Updated Jun 25, 2021)  
S’more Murders
S’more Murders
Maya Corrigan | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Val is on a Collision Course with Murder
Val Deniston has agreed to cater a dinner on a yacht meant to recreate the final dinner for the first-class passengers aboard the Titanic. The evening gets off to a rocky start, and Val begins to question how these particular guests were selected for the invitation. Then the host of the evening vanishes from the yacht. Was it murder? If so, will Val figure out what happened?

If, like me, you are wondering how S’mores got involved in this story, yes the title does make sense. Not that I’m complaining since that is such a wonderful pun. The mystery is strong, with plenty to keep us engaged. I feel like the ending was a little too twisty, and I think we have a question left opened, but that is minor. The big picture definitely comes together for us. The circle of returning characters is smaller, but that was good since it gave us time to focus on getting to know the suspects. We’ve got six more five-ingredient recipes at the end, including a savory take on a s’more. If you are a fan of this series, you’ll be happy with this visit with Val.
Deep Rising (1998)
Deep Rising (1998)
1998 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
I love me a creature feature!
A wise-cracking boar captain is hired to bring a band of mercenaries out to sea for an unknown mission. He soon finds out there are several large bombs on board his hull. Meanwhile on a nearby large luxury liner, someone has sabotage's the ships instruments so they are now dead in the water. A beautiful thief is also captured and locked in an inner cabin of the ship.

When the small craft arrives, they notice all the ship's crew and passengers have vanishes do the force of an unknown entity. Once they discover what has happened and what is involved, they have to try and escape the now sinking ship quickly to save themselves.

Treat Williams and Famke Janssen lead the pack here of a very entertaining creature feature in the vein of The Relic, Mimic, Phantoms, The Virus or other films of that era.

Very entertaining as long as you don't think much about it or are able to accept the premise and story as is. The SFX are of the time period. Not great by today's standards or even of those like Jurassic Park which was made years earlier. They are not as bad as The Rock in the Scorpion King (man was that awful)!

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Chad Miller (121 KP) Aug 5, 2019

I need to own this. I love Famke and I keep forgetting she is in this!


Nickg24 (492 KP) Aug 6, 2019

I love that film,havent seen it in a long time.