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Mary Queen of Scots (2018)
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama, History
Mary Queen of Scots” tells the story of two women fighting to rise above the status quo and take the power that they were genetically entitled to. Yet, their paths are forsaken by the omnipresent patriarchy, despite their high status and crowns.

The film is a display of the hard hands of men attempting to crush the ambitions of women. The manipulative and aggressive power of the patriarchy is a theme sown throughout the story.

This tale is filled with twists and turns, betrayal, romance, gore, and heartache. It is a portrayal of a timeless theme.

The audience will be placed in another world of the distant past where life was poor, brutish, nasty, and short, as Leviathan would have put it.

Margot Robbie as Queen Elizabeth I, embodies a woman absorbed by the challenge of maintaining her crown. She forfeits her femininity to become a masculine ruler out of necessity and the impact upon her is great in sacrifice.

On the other hand, her cousin, Mary Queen of Scots, played by Saoirse Ronan, is an ambitious leader with hopes to bring peace between two kingdoms at all costs.

Ronan delivers an elegant and passionate performance as Mary, a headstrong and fearless lady of power with rosy cheeks and eyes full of brightness. She believes in love and she believes in truth, but she also believes in war. The audience will experience where her values and virtue lead her.

If escape from the mundane modern world is what the movie goer desires, this will be the perfect film. It is a balance of everything and a reflection of life itself in all its most ugly and beautiful moments.

Director Josie Rourke has delivered a riveting historical drama onto the big screen.

The film has an ethereal and realistic way of reviving this piece of our past. But heed my warning, it will not be for the faint of heart.
Bloodlust (The Rise Of Iliri #1)
Bloodlust (The Rise Of Iliri #1)
Auryn Hadley | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
When you were once a slave, freed only to become a ruthless warrior, "belonging" seems a trite concept. A pipe dream, the stuff of naive fairy tales. But not for Salryc Luxx. Private Luxx—Sal for short—is iliri, a member of an untamable race surreptitiously dubbed "their kind" by humans and bred thousands of years ago to protect them. Humans consider them expendable, barely more than animals. Freaks. But in a karmic twist of fate, they’re also one of mankind’s most feared predators. Abused and enslaved, the only control Sal has over her life is what military unit she serves with – if she's good enough to be accepted – and the only one to consider her is the best in the land, the Black Blades.

Everyone has secrets, and the Blades are no different. But acceptance into the Blades gives Sal something she never expected—the family she’s never had, and with it, the undying protection of seven of the greatest warriors the world has ever seen. It also gifts her a devoted line of potential mates. Many of her fellow warriors will submit to the bloodlust that overtakes her in the heat of battle and can only be quenched by rough, passionate lovemaking (making way for the steamiest of love scenes). Though it’s not all war and sex. Sal very gradually cultivates deeply loving, evolving relationships with each of the Black Blades, which morphs as a unit into a reverse harem as sweet as it is fierce, and as protective as it is impassioned.

But belonging has its own price. Each of the Blades would die to protect Sal. And it’s only a matter of time before the enemy moves to use this against her.

This series was recommended by a friend and I finally got round to starting it. So glad I did what a brilliant series full of action. The relationship dynamics are very well written and they don't have Sal casually sleeping around all of the men! I love how it's handled and written!

Gold Rush
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<b>Four Reasons to Read <i>Gold Rush</i> by Jennifer Comeaux</b>
I'm still lacking in my reviews, but now I'm playing with style to change things up a little. <i>Gold Rush</i> is the first book by Jennifer Comeaux I've read, and it's the first performance by Emily Stokes that I've listened to. Here's a list of reasons why you should consider giving <i>Gold Rush</i> a try.
</b> <b>Ice Skating!</b> - If you're looking for a book centered around ice skating, this book is for you. I've had an interest in reading Comeaux's books since I've found out they were about ice skaters, and it was amazing to read from an ice skater's perspective. Liza is also <i>extremely</i> passionate about ice skating

<b>Adorable Kids</b> - Stokes does an amazing job depicting the voice of a kid, and she makes the two in <i>Gold Rush</i> all the more adorable through her performance than it would be compared to the book version.

<b>Past Characters</b> - Fans of Comeaux will be absolutely delighted to know some of the main characters from her previous books will be making an appearance or even a critical role in Liza's journey to an Olympic medal.

<b>Sweetest Love Interest. Ever.</b> - Braedon is one of the most adorable and sweetest boys in the history of fictional boy land (there's a lot of them). He's completely understanding of Liza's priorities and commitments without any ifs, ands, or buts, and it's just one of the things in literature I love reading about.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Complete Works by Edgard Varese
The Complete Works by Edgard Varese
2018 | Classical, Compilation, Jazz
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Varese is a universe. A dense universe of objects colliding, crystallising, dissipating and obliterating. I feel like I can relate to what I know of his temperament as well. As well as his obsession with the desert and need to rid himself of the historical baggage of the past is something I can relate to. That guy for me is the origin of a lot of ideas that I'm excited about. It's hard to even talk about him. You know when you've sat with someone for so long that it's difficult to even begin to say. He was one of the first major composers who transitioned into more of a sound artist. As people have said, he kind of liberated sound from the familiar tropes of Western music and turned sound into this absolute state. An appreciation of sound as object. Sound as environment or experience. So, he's that guy. He's someone who, as I grew up, getting into composition and trying to find someone who I can relate to because I love the music but the culture of classical music is stuffy and boring. And I don't give a shit about it. But he was such an intense, probably manic depressive, obsessive-compulsive, beautiful, frustrated, angry, passionate person – and all this stuff came through his music. And I love him for that. He came out of the whole Romantic orchestral universe, and this was pre-electronic age. So he was surrounded by Stravinsky, Debussy, these major models as far as orchestral writing goes. But there wasn't anyone who was taking that model, freezing it and laying to waste the baggage of history that comes with along with that music. He was able to erase all of that and push the idea of orchestral writing forward. If he was alive today, that's a question I would ask him – where are you coming from? Like Feldman though, he's very intuitive in his writing, so he just trusted himself."

The Elite (The Selection, #2)
The Elite (The Selection, #2)
Kiera Cass | 2013 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Elite is the second book in the Selection series by Kiera Cass. It follows the progress of the Selection's participant America Singer, and her struggles within the palace.

First of all, I'd like to say that this book was actually a lot better than I had originally expected it to be. I'm not much into romances, and the main plot of this is relatively predictable, but there are definitely some unique aspects. Honestly, the situation with Marlee was just... awful. But in a good way. I mean, it was written wonderfully, and it made me really angry. But Maxon managed to bring it around so well, in a way that I really wasn't expecting (and neither was America!).

As for the king's reaction... I really wasn't expecting that either. I think it really brings some depth to Maxon's character, and some suspense to America's fight within the contest.

One thing I'm not so sure about is the way America just decides to accept the way Maxon flirts with the other girls. I understand that he has to have a back-up in case things don't work out with his first choice, but I would not be as calm as her about it. She does get a little upset by it, but I just feel like Maxon's just that bit shallower thanks to his relationships with the other girls.

America continues to be a strong character, and as defiant as ever. But something about her was missing in this sequel. I'm not sure, perhaps she seemed a little less passionate in this book or something. Something with her just didn't seem quite right.

Anyway, I did enjoy this book. There's a decent amount of action with the rebel attacks, and a fair amount of romance (if you're into that kinda thing). Some parts were a bit rushed in my opinion, but there were multiple unexpected, unique parts too. I think The Elite just about deserves 4 stars.
This Adventure Ends
This Adventure Ends
Emma Mills | 2016 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
"They never really say that they love each other, but it's so freaking obvious. Like, Sherlock would straight up kill for Watson.

This is the second book I've read by Emma Mills. The first one was Foolish Hearts. I never did write a review about it, except on my Instagram. It was one of the first boxes I got from OwlCrate and I was excited cause the story was so interesting and the cover was gorgeous. This cover is, of course, gorgeous as well.

Sloane moves to a new place and doesn't have a problem around people, nor does she have a problem confronting a douche being a douche at a party. Unfortunately, when she did that, the guy whom douche was being a douche to, didn't appreciate it. I always wondered WHY it's such a bad thing with a woman/girl comes to a guy's aid. Sure, they 'got it covered' but still. I wonder what exactly started as it being 'weak' or 'embarrassing' if a woman stood up for someone, even if it was a guy. Just saying.

Sloane is sarcastic, laid back, and sometimes a bit off putting when she uses humor to deflect from a serious situation, or a situation that seems to get serious. I adored her, however. One of the things that killed me was that she didn't realize, or acknowledge, that people did genuinely like her.

I just ADORED each character in this book. Vera and her twin brother, Gabe, were one of the first people she meets at that party. Gabe is a bit put off by her because, as a guy, he didn't like that she stood up to the douche who was being a douche to him. Vera is absolutely lovable and kind of adopts Sloane into their little circle of friends. Vera is a passionate character and even I was immediately drawn to her and would totally come out of my introvert shell to hang with her if she simply asked.

"We should all find something to be weirdly passionate about, don't you think?"

I loved the relationship (platonic) between Sloane and Frank. He doesn't have a HUGE part in the book, but he was so much fun to read. We should all have a Frank in our lives! Sloane's father is an author who is struggling with writers block, but becomes with a show called WereSchool and starts writing fanfics. The show is a school for different kind of creatures like werewolves, vampires, ghosts...

"Mermaids aren't real in the WereSchool canon."

I'm sorry but how can all the others exist and NOT mermaids!

The story centers around the twins' mother passing away but their father gave away a good chunk of her paintings. One in particular called The Dream, so Sloane literally goes out of her way to try to track down this painting so she could bring it back to them. Sloane does this as a way to really express herself, because not everybody is great with words - even if your father is a best selling author.

"All epic quest start somewhere, right?"

The story is a great journey with Sloane and even though she can be frustrating, simple friendships and compassion break through that wall eventually. This is only the second novel that I've read by Emma Mills, but right now, I'd rank this to be the top one I like the most, so far. I have her recent novel on my to be read list, but I don't have a copy of it just yet. If anything, it would be just to read about Frank and then Vera.

I only have one slight complaint. The constant use of the word 'like' was getting a bit old. I'm sure that's how some teenagers still talk these days (lord knows I did when I was younger), but I started to hate that word. That's all.

If you haven't read a book by Mills yet, I'd start with this one. Foolish Hearts is also a great novel, but this would be the one I would recommend first.
Exonerated: A History of the Innocence Movement
Exonerated: A History of the Innocence Movement
Robert J Norris | 2017 | Essays, History & Politics, Law
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Such a Disappointment
I had very high hopes for this book, it is a fascinating subject, but sadly it did not live up to expectations at all.

Halfway through the introduction I realised just how dry it was going to be. I recognised the structure of it from my university essays. When an introduction includes a brief synopsis of the chapters to come it is obviously good to be more of an academic study than a book you can sit down and get lost in!

And so it continued. Far too much time is dedicated to very dry details. For example, 10 pages are dedicated to a conference held in 1998 called The National Conference on Wrongful Convictions and the Death Penalty. Obviously this is an extremely important cause but it could either have been explained in 2 - 3 pages maximum or a lot more details about the exoneree's could have been added. This is actually the problem through out the book. Details of the exoneration's are sparse, usually with as little detail as "he was exonerated by DNA".

When the author, rarely, tells the story of someone he really comes to life. He has a voice that can put across the suffering and circustance of a person in a very warm and interesting way. Had there been more of that writing it could have been a spectacular book.
As the book was about the Innocence Movement itself I was not expecting some true crime book but, had the dates and figures been interspersed with case studies it would have been great. It would have been nice to know exactly how someone was wrongfully imprisoned and how they were exonerated. Had this been the case I would have given a much higher rating.

The author himself calls this work a study. Unless this book is to be marketed solely for academic purposes, which I am sure it isn't, then it should not BE a study. It should be an accessible book for all people interested in the subject to enjoy.
The author is obviously very passionate about this subject - hence 2 stars instead of 1 - yet passion alone does not make a book good.
Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys #1)
Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys #1)
G.R. Lyons | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys #1) by G.R. Lyons
Ice on Fire is the first book in the new series, Treble and the Lost Boys. Set in the same world as the Shifting Isles series, it can nevertheless be read without any prior knowledge of that series.

Zac is leading a double life - he is the violinist in Treble, and the guitar player in Inferno. He can't tell his longtime friend in Inferno that he plays violing as they will see it as 'gay'. So he definitely can't tell them that he is, in fact, gay too. So he pretends, and hates every minute of it. His family life is a good one, but he is worried about telling them he is gay as well. So, all in all, Zac is firmly in the closet. The only bright spot, which he keeps to himself, is seeing the mysterious Mr Shadow when he plays with Treble. This unknown man is the root of all his fantasies.

Adrian is also leading a double life, but although it looks like he has it all, he is actually more trapped than Zac. Suffering with acute anxiety, he has to toe the line his strict father lays down, or he will be kicked out with no money to his name. He manages to go to the club every time Treble are playing though. There is no way he would miss out on seeing the vibrant and passionate violinist.

These two definitely have a bumpy road, and both of them annoyed me at times. It was heartbreaking to see their relationship splinter under the pressure of studies and exhaustion. With high expectations, and only manageable reality, we see them fall apart and can only hope for a HEA, or at least a HFN!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and can't wait to continue with this series. A brilliant start to the series, and I am waiting patiently for Rylie's story! Absolutely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sweep: Volume 1 (Sweep, #1-3)
Sweep: Volume 1 (Sweep, #1-3)
Cate Tiernan | 2010 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enthralling (5 more)
Great Character development
Easy to relate to (more so for young adults).
Very consistent, you don't see crazy out of character, makes no sense, kind of actions.
Very Emotional, you will be all over the place and love every minute.
Clean, though it has a passionate romance, this is not a steamy book, perfect for YA and people simply not interested in those kinds of things.
There is a side to 'very emotional' that can be a little unsettling for some. I loved it though! (1 more)
Not Steamy - For those who would want it.
Whats not to love?!
*No Spoilers*

I loved this book, though I read the series when I was young, having the 15 novels constrained to a few bigger books instead of a bunch of tiny ones is a huge plus for me!

Years and years after my first read, this book still pulled me in and kept me there. Cate Tiernan really grabbed the bull by the horns by offering us a MC Heroine who is not perfect or a knock out. At 16 she is down to earth, she has her flaws and insecurities which really is what makes her such and intresting character to come and relate to. And the best friend who she can't help but relate herself to. Cate brings the world of teenage angst and adds in magick and danger for a thrilling mix that will pull you right in.

This book takes over the span of roughly a year. With plenty of twists and turns, ups and downs and all arounds. Morgan and Cal have a very interesting journey, along with a group of...we will call them friends. Its such a diverse group of personalities.

Its definitley a book I would recommend to any YA. My little sister has just read it and is also in love! But if you are not YA don't turn it away so quickly, it's a book to be read! I never got to finish the series before and am so excited to follow more of Morgan's story!
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
2019 | Animation
See it soar
#howtotrainyourdragon3 is a delightful, #passionate & #epic end to one of the best #animated trilogies of all time. This 3rd film sets itself apart from the others with its realistic portrayals of #love & by the sheer #heart & #dedication that's clearly gone into its making. Ill start with the themes explored here for a #kids animated #film are so well done that at times i felt not only #goosebumps & shivers going up my #body but my eyes were almost on the verge of tears too. Neglect, progression, sacrafice acceptance, belonging, #family bonds, learning & loyalty are explored here vastly but the biggest surprise comes from how the film depicts love & loss. Courtship is displayed here with such power/realism that my connection to the characters became stronger & #memories of my own #relationships came flooding back instantly bringing a #smile to my face. This film captures the thrill, the excitement, the #magic, the #nerves, the #butterflies of falling in love & meeting someone new so well that you simply can not help feel giddy, #happy & intoxicated by it all which is rare & something big blockbusters even fail to achieve these days. But with love always comes loss/betrayal too & as romantic love, family love & #friendship are handled extremely well so is the loss of love which hits like a punch to the gut & produces a huge dramatic effect ensuring you really do feel the lows as well as the highs each of these characters experience. Animation is glorious here with #dreamworks raising the bar to a #pixar quality flawless animation. Textures are photo realistic, lighting is blinding, action is beautifully staged & facial detail (especially for the main villain) is so good it gives the characters extra dimension & believability. Talking of the main #villain he is worth the price alone, never have i seen such a cold, calculating, methodical & merciless yet #charming & #smart bad guy in a #kids film before & #fmurrayabraham voice work goes beyond for him too. Score wise it shines providing both epic & sombre music adding great tension, atmosphere & heart. Such a well made, touching/moving tale full of heart, #soul & love. EPIC. #Odeon #howtotrainyourdragon #dragon