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The Imitation Game (2014)
The Imitation Game (2014)
2014 | Biography, Drama, War
Drama based on the life and times of Alan Turing, the so-called father of modern computing, who worked in Bletchley Park during World War 2 to break the hitherto-believed-unbreakable enigma machine that the German high command were using to send radio messages to their fleets.

This flits back and forth between three timelines: the 1950s (just before Turing committed society, after being found guilty of Homosexual behaviour, which was outlawed at the time), the late 30s/early 40s (his work at Bletchley) and the 1920s (his childhood at a public boarding school, where he was bullied).

Cumberbatch manages to bring a different aura to his portrayal of Turing than he did previously to Sherlock - even though both are geniuses who struggle with a low EQ (Emotional Quotient) - while Kiera Knightley does her period piece acting as his fellow (perhaps even smarter) codebreaker Joan, who has to also put up with the misogynistic attitudes of the time.

And yes, the Imitation Game of the title is a real philosophical conundrum (which is described during the movie itself).
On Chesil Beach (2018)
On Chesil Beach (2018)
2018 | Drama
Bleak British Repressed Sexuality a Go Go!
Handsomely mounted BBC film starts off looking like many another period-set literary adaptation, then turns into something rather different. Newlyweds Edward and Florence are on the brink of their wedding night; both are nervous, and struggling with the expectations society and their upbringing has placed upon them. (The fact that society hasn't bothered to educate them in the slightest about what can, or should, go on in the bedroom really doesn't help on this voyage into, or possibly out of, virgin territory.) Not all goes to plan; a small but genuine tragedy unfolds.

Not the kind of film you walk home from whistling, unless you're some kind of militant celibacy advocate, but an undeniably fine one (or so it seems to me): very good performances from the young stars, and well-judged direction. Initially the film seems like a slightly dark comedy-drama of manners (the excruciating scenes of people failing to have sex are very awkward to watch), but it develops into something profoundly moving and deeply sad before the end. Thank God for the permissive society.

Jesters_folly (230 KP) rated Kingdom in TV

Jul 16, 2020  
2019 | Drama, History, Horror, International
9.7 (6 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Kingdom is a Korean period drama with zombies.
The king is ill, it is rumoured that it is small pox, however it is also rumoured that he is dead. Crown Prince Lee Chang is trying to find out the truth but is labelled a traitor by the Haewon Cho clan. Trying to find out the truth the Prince travels to a small village only to find that most of it's citizens have been struck down with a mysterious disease. As day turns to night the Prince finds himself besieged by enemies, not all of whom are living.

Kingdom is good, new take on the zombie story. Being set in the past the hero's do not have access to any of the modern ways to kill the un-dead which leaves us with lots of sword fights.
The fight scenes are well choreographed and the political side drives the story.
The characters are well developed including a strong female character in the main cast.
Kingdom is a Korean series but is no subbed, the characters speak with Korean Accents and i believe that most of the actors were not dubbed
Let the Right One In (2008)
Let the Right One In (2008)
2008 | Drama, Horror, Romance
8.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I love European cinema. I made a proviso that you have to watch it with the Swedish subtitles on, not dubbed in American. It’s terrible when it’s dubbed in American. It’s really a drama. It’s the story of a young boy who meets a young girl who just happens to be a vampire. But the editing, the way they show the bleakness of the world, the way that they show a period in time which is nondescript — they say it’s the modern world, but it feels like the modern world that has gone by somehow. Very beautiful part of the world, it’s sterile and full of snow. I watched that one night; a friend recommended it to me. I was in my house on my own, at night, was very scared of it, and fell in love with it. I’m not a huge fan of horror movies, to be fair. There’s no reason for me to bring that into my life, that horror element. But with Let the Right One In, it was worth it because the performances and the story were both so brilliant."

Crazy Days of Christmas
Crazy Days of Christmas
Jill Barry | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I read these long book descriptions it seems that half of the book is given away but in this case it is different. This is cute love story with a lot of uncertainty. I really enjoyed that this book was written taking in consideration both characters views and feelings. That somehow makes the story more attractive and romantic. I think that the name “A Spoonful of Love” suited this book better, because it doesn’t say much about the actual days of Christmas, it’s more about the period before Christmas. I really enjoyed the insight of cook’s life which was very detailed in this creation. The uncertainty between characters feelings was so adorable, just like couple of teenagers. Normally I am not very big fan when there is no proper ending, but this book’s ending was really interesting. Just like something’s ending is a beginning of something new. It left that question mark hanging there. Is there going to be another book? Overall I liked the book, as cute love story but I would like that it would be more twists, more drama, more continuity. It should have the whole thing, not just the beginning …