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Merissa (11791 KP) created a post

Jun 23, 2023  
"Another brilliant story in the series" - Charlotte

Hanging with Daddy (Pride Pet Play 2023) by JP Sayle - #Contemporary, #MM, #Romance, #PetPlay, 4 out of 5 (very good)

Available in #KindleUnlimited

Merissa (11791 KP) created a post

Jun 13, 2023  
"I loved that both men had an immediate and powerful reaction to the other" - Debbie

Hanging with Daddy (Pride Pet Play 2023) by JP Sayle - Available in #KindleUnlimited - #Contemporary, #MM, #Romance, #PetPlay, 3 out of 5 (good)

Klou (162 KP) created a poll about in What's your favourite scary movie?

Oct 10, 2019  
You can only choose a remake, which one are you watching?

Child's Play

0 votes

Nightmare On Elm Street
Friday The 13th
Pet Semetary
My Bloody Valentine

0 votes

Let Me In

0 votes


Panda Lu Baby Bear City - Pet Babysitting & Care

Chubby and sweet baby panda Lu takes a trip to the city. Buy groceries at the shopping mall, make drinks at the coffee shop, prepare ice cream and play hide-and-seek with the cutest baby pets!

A Kitten For Daddy: Pride Pet Play
A Kitten For Daddy: Pride Pet Play
Wendy Rathbone | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A KITTEN FOR DADDY is part of the Pride Pet Play series featuring different authors. I have read and enjoyed this author's works previously but something about this one just didn't push all the buttons for me.

We have Kolly, a shy, flexible kitten who wants to be looked after, not just have a hook-up. And then there's Boston, who wants more and doesn't think he'll get it. Boston helps Kolly when he is in a situation completely out of his comfort zone and it quickly moves on from there.

These two are hot in the bedroom but I would have liked more of a connection between them at other times. Some of the things Boston send were just... strange, to me. And I really disliked how he kept telling Kolly how he always did this with "his boys." Surely, if you're trying for a relationship, the last thing you do is constantly bring up those from your past. For me, this is definitely more about pet play than age play. Boston wanted a kitten, not a boy.

Overall, this was an enjoyable story, just not one of my favourites. I'm sure it will tick boxes for plenty of others though.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 9, 2023
Flying Hard for Finn (Pet Play by the Lake)
Flying Hard for Finn (Pet Play by the Lake)
Ashlynn Mills | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FLYING HARD FOR FINN is another in the Pet Play by the Lake series and introduced me to dove play. I've read about puppies, ponies, and bunnies, but never a bird. It started off differently than usual too, which I thought was brilliant.

Finn is the younger one in the couple. When the story starts, he is a handler without a pet because puppies and kittens just don't do it for him. That changes when he sees a dove. It changes even more so when he realises he knows who the dove is - his step-uncle of the past four years.

There is lots going on here and with a slight hint of taboo-but-not-really. Theo is a brilliant character but his ex, Isaac, is a douche through and through. Finn has more understanding and patience than most twenty-three-year-olds. Together, it works.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story and look forward to more in this series. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 21, 2023
Hanging with Daddy (Pride Pet Play 2023)
Hanging with Daddy (Pride Pet Play 2023)
JP Sayle | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
HANGING WITH DADDY is part of the Pride Pet Play 2023 multi-author series and, to my delight, we return to a character already known - Austin. If you have read A Little Christmas: Terrence then you will know Austin was the one who pushed Warner to help Terrence, cheering them on from the sidelines. Well, now it's his turn and Oh. My. Word!!!

Austin and Gaines are just a perfect couple. Austin is open-minded enough to try things he's never considered before. In this case, being a handler for a very flexible Koala. The scenes with both of them are HOT! The scenes where it's just one give a greater insight into their feelings and emotions, as well as moving the story along. I love Warner and Terrence making an appearance and how Terrence is being drawn into their friendship group. But there's one in that group that I now need a story for - Matty!

I am thoroughly enjoying the Pet Play series and have read some very different stories with different animals. I love the dogs and cats but I have to admit, this koala was so cute! The characteristics, the costumes; I love it all.

No matter how many books I read by this author, I always want more! HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 5, 2023
Pet Sematary (2019)
Pet Sematary (2019)
2019 | Horror
Dead on Arrival
Doctor and Family man Louis and his wife Rachel decide to move to Maine with their 2 kids Ellie and Gage, so that Louis can work at a University Hospital and Rachel can have more time with the kids. Whilst running around the large property, Ellie literally stumbles into a large wall of trees, which she unsuccessfully tries to climb and thus meets Judd, an elderly neighbour who tends to her injury and advises her not to play around the area. When Judd meets Louis, he advises that the Pet Sematary near their property where Ellie was playing is actually their land also. However when the family Cat, Church, is fatally injured; Judd shows Louis what is behind the wall of Trees, and advises him to bury Church there. The next morning, Church is miraculously back... and he's acting vicious and erratic. Is Church really the family cat? Or has something else altogether possessed Church? And when tragedy befalls this family yet again, what lengths will Louis go to to keep his family?

I've read the Pet Sematary Book (by Stephen King) and it's an absolute page turner so I was really excited to see this Remake. However, the whole thing fell flat for me. It wasn't remotely scary or interesting, even. It was just bland and made you feel a bit "meh" about the whole thing. Such a shame as the Book is excellent.
Pet Sematary (2019)
Pet Sematary (2019)
2019 | Horror
Spoiler free section: Pet Sematary starring Jason Clarke, Amy Seimetz and John Lithgow wasn’t badly cast, it felt perfect actually, even the child actor Jete Laurence was above average. There wasn’t anything wrong with their performance either, each actor performed their role really well and their characters were believable. But the movie just left me needing so much more.

Pet Sematary is a movie about a family who moves from Boston to escape big city life and spend more quality family time in the country side. Little do they know that their new property contains a pet cemetery! Horror ensues… well kinda, a little bit does at least.

The movie moves at a slow creeping pace, which is fine for a horror movie to start but there needs to be payoff. The build up to payoff ratio is about 90-10. It’s all build up with a few aspects of the movie never having any sort of payoff whatsoever. Even the movie as a whole ended without solid resolution.

The atmosphere in the movie was average for a main stream horror movie but if you are a hardcore horror movie fan you will be disappointed. The movie drew a lot of unintentional laughter from the audience at times when the movie should have been building tension. There was the occasion where the movie was doing it intentionally and that’s really when the movie was at its best. I use the term “best” loosely as the movie sets the bar pretty low.

If you were expecting this reboot of the Stephen King classic to be on the same level as IT, you will be greatly disappointed.

Spoiler section: The unresolved stories in this movie really bugged me.

There is a character played by Obssa Ahmed, who is a car accident victim who kinda haunts the family but says it’s because the main character tried to help him before he died. He seems like he’s eventually going to play a saving role but never does, he just exists, for no reason.
The actual Pet Sematary is meaningless. It’s actually not haunted, and nothing exceptional happens there. It’s just a passing through point to the actual haunted place a mile away. Boring.
Kids with the masks and the funeral procession that looked really cool in the preview meant nothing…
Supernatural things kept happening in the house. Was the house haunted? I couldn’t tell if it was the family, the house or just the area a mile behind the house that was haunted. The only thing I was sure about was that the titular pet cemetery was the only thing not haunted at all.
This movie is not for hard core horror fans, its more for your mom who likes scary movies occasionally. I can’t recommend this movie. It’s very forgettable and not worth the price of admission. Super vanilla, pointless characters and plot points, and only a few jump scares make this movie a hard pass. 1.5 out 5 stars. That Ramones song during the end credits is catchy as hell though J
Tail Story
Tail Story
2020 | Animals, Card Game, Print & Play
The saying goes, “If you can dream it, you can achieve it.” I know there were points in my life when I wanted to be a rock star, a zookeeper, or even a professional mascot. But who says that dreams only apply to people? Our beloved pets can dream too! Haven’t you ever seen a sleeping pup, legs twitching from an imaginary chase? Or caught your cat prowling around, as if on a secret mission? What do animals dream about? Well, Tail Story allows you to create dreams and achieve the impossible with your chosen pet!

Disclaimer: We were provided with a preview copy of Tail Story for the purposes of this review. Some of the components pictured are not final, and will be addressed in production. Also, I do not intend to rehash the entire rulebook, but rather provide an overview of the rules and game flow. -L

Tail Story is a competitive card game in which players are racing to become the most memorable pet in history! How? By partaking in various events and gathering a total of 4 Achievements. Here’s how it works. To setup, each player takes a player mat, and randomly draws a Queue Card. Players then get to choose a Character card – a pet from either the Canine, Feline, or Rodent & Friends type. Shuffle the Event cards, deal 15 to each player, everyone draws 5 cards to their hand, and the game is ready to begin! The player who drew Queue Card 1 is the first player, and play continues in numerical order.

Each turn consists of 5 steps: Draw, Play, Bonus, Deck Check, and End of Turn. The first step is always to Draw 1 card from your deck. In the Play Step, you choose one action to perform. Each player has 2 Action Points (AP) per turn, and those are spent here in the Play Step. All Event cards require either 1 or 2 AP to play, and the other standard actions in the Play Step require either 0 or 1 AP to perform (Check out the Reference Cards pictured below to see the possible actions). After performing 1 action, you move to the Bonus Step, where a player may choose to activate a Bonus ability. The Deck Check step is next. All players count how many cards remain in their Draw piles. If all decks still have at least 1 card, you jump back to the Play Step and perform another action. If any deck is out of cards, that player reshuffles their discard pile, and places a card from their hand face-down on their player mat to signify that they have collected an Achievement. Even if another player collects an Achievement on your turn, play then returns to you, and you jump back to the Play Step again. The last step is the End of Turn – a player decides to be done and ends their turn, discarding their hand down to 5 cards. The game ends when a player has collected their 4th Achievement.

Here’s a neat twist though – whenever you play a card, any opponent can choose to play a Stop card to prevent you from performing that action! And then, if you have a Stop card too, you could play it to cancel out their Stop card. This twist adds a strategic and competitive element to the game that elevates it to the next level. There’s a fun little element of role-play too that encourages you to get into your animal character – I’ll leave that for you to discover on your own!
I know that seems like quite a lot, but once you get into the swing of things, Tail Story plays pretty quickly. One thing I particularly like about this game is that it requires a decent amount of strategy. Everyone is racing to get through their Draw decks and collect Achievements, while at the same time hindering the progress of their opponents. Are you willing to risk a valuable Stop card to cancel the action of an opponent and hope that they don’t play a Stop card back to you? Should you play a card that could activate your Bonus ability now or wait for your next action to pull a fast one over on your opponents? Your strategy has to be adjustable on the fly depending on what cards your opponents are playing. There is no single right strategy to win, and the riskiness makes the game more exciting and engaging.

Another thing I really like about Tail Story is that there are really only 4 different Event cards that can be played. Yes, the artwork may vary, but ultimately the actions are the same. They rely on key text and color coding to communicate their uses, and after a few rounds, recognizing those effects is easy. One thing I wish is that the reference cards had these effect explanation instead of only being listed in the rulebook. Just for a quick glance if you need a reminder instead of having to look back in the rules for the full text. The reference cards do have the Turn Steps and possible Actions on them, which are helpful – don’t get me wrong!

I would recommend Tail Story at the higher player counts for maximum enjoyment. With only 2 players, it feels like it drags on a bit because it is only a back-and-forth game. With 3-4 players, you have more opponents with which to interact, and playing cards against others doesn’t feel as targeted and keeps the game play more light-hearted than cut-throat.

Let’s talk about components. As I mentioned earlier, this is only a preview copy of the game, so some elements are still not finalized. The player mats are only paper right now, but I anticipate that they will be sturdier in final production. That being said, the information on the player mats is awesome. They provide enough information to understand where everything goes, while not being so wordy that they are confusing. I am excited to see what kind of color scheme they come up with for the player mats, to match the artwork of the cards. On to the cards – they are amazing. For starters, the cards are nice, sturdy, and thick. Definitely a game that will not easily succumb to bent corners or torn cards. The actual artwork of the cards is perfect. Each card is detailed, colorful, and appropriate for their respective card names. Probably the coolest part of the cards is that they all have a holographic finish on them. This really makes the artwork pop and makes you admire every card instead of just reading the text. That being said, the holographic finish makes the cards stick together a little more – not a huge detriment, but something to be aware of and careful with when drawing or playing cards! The game box is a cute little box with a magnet closure that is perfect for easy transportation.
Overall, I would say that I love Tail Story. It’s fun, fast-paced, strategic, and exciting. Being able to choose from 3 Character types (Canine, Feline, Rodent & Friends) gives you the opportunity to play a different game, with a different strategy, every time. With more plays, the special text of cards is engrained in your head, which means that it can play even faster and with no interruptions to check rules. It’s definitely a memorable game, and one that I can see myself pulling out often on game nights. I am excited to see this campaign launch, and for the sake of all animal dreams out there, you should check it out!