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Awix (3310 KP) rated Them! (1954) in Movies

Feb 19, 2018 (Updated Feb 19, 2018)  
Them! (1954)
Them! (1954)
1954 | Classics, Horror, Sci-Fi
7.1 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Granddaddy of atomic bug movies works incredibly hard to stay credible as a drama; mostly succeeds. Government agents discover giant mutant ants on the rampage; can they contain the threat and keep the secret until the ants can be destroyed? Not quite documentary-style realism, but close enough; hard edged, takes itself impressively seriously.

Notable for featuring some relatively famous faces early in their careers - also for its use of full-scale ant puppets rather than animation or trick photography. Atom-fear angle is underplayed for the most part; this still stands up well as an SF thriller. The climax, with machine guns and flamethrowers battling snapping mandibles and exoskeletal monsters in the sewers under Los Angeles, was surely an influence on Aliens.

Alec Baldwin recommended Paths of Glory (1957) in Movies (curated)

Paths of Glory (1957)
Paths of Glory (1957)
1957 | Classics, Drama, War

"Sitting on nearly everyone’s perennial list of the greatest antiwar films, Stanley Kubrick’s classic, set amid the ranks of a decadent French army command during World War I, offers breathtaking filmmaking on every level: acting, directing, writing, technical. A piercing Kirk Douglas shows up with his reliable blend of machismo and conscience. Veteran actors like Adolphe Menjou and George Macready are magnificent. However, Wayne Morris, Timothy Carey, and Kubrick regular Joseph Turkel bring a grit and suffering to offset the spit and polish of the debauched French commanders. Calder Willingham and the great novelist/screenwriter Jim Thompson wrote the script. The film features incredible photography by George Krause. Along with The Killing, Paths of Glory marks the critical onset of Kubrick’s now legendary career."

Island of Lost Souls (1933)
Island of Lost Souls (1933)
1933 | Classics, Horror, Sci-Fi
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"As an anticolonialism fable it’s extremely on the nose, but whatever. Guys, just . . . Colonialism: Don’t Do It. What is totally unforgettable about this film is the photography: constant fogs, blooming white surfaces, and inky jungle shadows. There’s a shot of the hero and the Panther Woman reflected in a pool of rippling water, then her real foot dips into the frame—it makes me gasp. There’s Bela Lugosi’s imperious, rabbinical presence as the Sayer of the Law. And most importantly, there’s Charles Laughton, obviously delighting in the role, giving the British scientist/eugenicist a sadistic perviness that I’m sure wasn’t in the script. In one moment, in the midst of threatening the hero, he just sprawls his whole body across a table, like a happy fat cat."

The Art of Slip-Stitch Knitting
The Art of Slip-Stitch Knitting
Faina Gobertein | 2015 | Sport & Leisure
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I know very little about slip stitch. Looking through this book I was impressed. there were a lot of stitch patterns and stitches I’ve never heard of before.

Everything about this book was artistic and well designed. From the photography of the knitted items to the type face and layout of the text.

The patterns themselves were awesome. Normally when I look through a book I tend to like some or most of the patterns. This book, I like all of them. Not only were they elegant, interesting, and unique, some of them were really pushing the boundaries of what you can do with stitch patterns and construction.

This is definitely more of an advanced book. But if you’re looking for something new, exciting, stunning, and challenging, this is the book for you.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Ikarie XB-1 (1963) in Movies

Jun 23, 2019 (Updated Jun 23, 2019)  
Ikarie XB-1 (1963)
Ikarie XB-1 (1963)
1963 | Sci-Fi
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
One of those movies which has clearly been influential but remains relatively little-seen, certainly in the original version. XB-1 and its crew (mostly good-looking young people, a few rugged old character actors, and a fairly dreadful robot prop) blast off for Alpha Centauri but must come to terms with the strains of long-haul spaceflight and various dangers (radiation, dangerous derelicts, and so on).

Arguably the missing link between Forbidden Planet and 2001: A Space Odyssey (yes, that's a bold claim), with a strange mixture of pulp SF tropes but also downbeat psychological realism. Notably good and interesting sets, photography, and a memorable avant-garde musical score too. The story is a bit episodic and not exactly pacey, but the rest of the film makes up for this.
How the West Was Won (1963)
How the West Was Won (1963)
1963 | Action, Western
Sprawling account of fifty years of American history, as encountered by various members of one pioneer family. Starts with the initial settlement of the west, takes in the Civil War, the coming of the railroads, and concludes with the triumph of law and order (well, sort of).

At least partly sold on the sheer number of stars involved, but in the end there's hardly any John Wayne, not much more Jimmy Stewart, and probably a bit more George Peppard than you'd honestly care for. It's quite naive, sentimental stuff, in many ways, and the technical side-effects of it being shot in VistaVision are very obvious. There's some magnificent photography, the odd effective cameo, and very occasionally a moving moment - but too often this is stodgy and episodic rather than a stirring saga.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The White Crow (2018) in Movies

Mar 28, 2019 (Updated Mar 28, 2019)  
The White Crow (2018)
The White Crow (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
Left-field remake focuses less on vengeful undead Goths and more on cold war politics and ballet dancing. Talented, driven, arrogant dancer Rudolf Nureyev chafes against the Soviet system seeking to exploit and control him; a visit to Paris offers him the hope of freedom. (You know, the more I think about it, the more I suspect this doesn't actually have anything to do with that Brandon Lee movie...)

Solid, typically measured stuff from Ralph 'Little Sunbeam' Fiennes; strong performances and good photography, together with a thoughtful script, make this engaging even if you're not that into people bounding around doing plies and what-have-you. Sags a bit in the middle, but the scenes depicting Nureyev's defection are gripping. Oleg Ivenko isn't quite the full Rudolf, but he gets near enough (thanks everyone, I'm here all week).
Detective Story (1951)
Detective Story (1951)
1951 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Adapted from a stage play that he loved, Detective story typifies the kind of roles of a man under pressure that Douglas came to be indelibly identified with. This time it was his co-star Eleanor Parker who got the Academy Award nomination, but it was their chemistry that really drew the eye. The troubles of life, and the task of being a good man in the face of a bad world were the themes Douglas tackled here. The setting of crime fighting over one day in the 21st precinct is secondary to the personal fight of the “hard-nosed” Jim McLeod, who does his best but can never get ahead. There are shadows of such films as Miller’s Crossing, LA Confidential and even Blade Runner in here. Notable for some gorgeous film-noir photography, and the obligatory Douglas breakdown speech.
The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
1940 | Action, Family, Sci-Fi
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The beautiful music by Miklós Rózsa (the first film score ever released as a recording), the photography by Georges Périnal, the production design by Vincent Korda, and the performances by the Indian child star Sabu, Conrad Veidt, and the entire cast make it the most beautiful fantasy film I’ve ever seen. Like Snow White and The Wizard of Oz from the same period, this type of fairy tale depends on an innocence that has long since vanished, but I think it still works its magic today and is better than all the computer-generated children’s films of the last twenty years combined. Michael Powell, who was only one of many directors who made different sections of the film, attributes its true authorship to the genius of Sabu and the vision of its great producer, Alexander Korda."

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
1962 | Drama, History, War

"This is just maddeningly brilliant. At once sweeping and epic, and yet searingly personal, thanks to the incredible work of Peter O’Toole. It’s such a long film, which I love, and yet there’s not a moment in it that seems like it’s played too long. Everything from the rich orchestral score, to the extraordinary photography of F.A Young, and David Lean at the peak of his powers make this a timeless film, and one that remains, sadly, as relevant today as when it was shot. It’s about political and financial power and about the subjugation of a people, the fight for freedom and the power of the individual to make a stand against the imperial. All the performances are fantastic, from Sir Alec Guinness to Omar Sharif and on. Again, this feels like a perfect piece of cinema to me."
