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Matt Geiger (15 KP) rated Cars (2006) in Movies

Jun 27, 2020  
Cars (2006)
Cars (2006)
2006 | Action, Animation, Comedy
There really is no such thing as a perfect film. Ergo, there really is no such thing as a perfect film studio. After 11 years of winning the world over, Pixar was due for a slip-up at some point. Enter this lowbrow, highly unremarkable passion project from Pixar creative giant John Lasseter. CARS is admittedly a highly nostalgic film, not just in the sense that it pays tribute to the quaint, remote, and practically undiscovered sections of the world we wish had more notoriety in the face of progress, but its swelling commercialism reflects an entire generation of young boys who had nothing better to do than play with their matchbox cars and Hot Wheels all day long. Just think: this trilogy has made more moolah from their merchandise than a franchise that has the word “toy” in its frickin’ title. As a narrative, in the same vein as the franchise’s final installment, there really is nothing abhorrently wrong with CARS. It adds onto its aura of nostalgia by remaining consistently harmless and humorous thanks to its well-chosen cast, with Paul Newman standing out in his cinematic swan song, one of the most underrated vocal performances in animation history. Though CARS often feels like the first Pixar film targeting a specific target audience, Newman’s gruff, yet somber voice resonates with older viewers, the thought of what could’ve been and now is always on his mind. Then again, how ironic it is that a film that very much centralizes the concept of missed opportunities is itself a missed opportunity. CARS is a predictable, if not enjoyable, family-friendly romp that doesn’t have the unforeseeable on its mind. While it is quite literally the most inhuman of Pixar films, it at least is not quite as inhuman on a metaphorical and emotional level. And hey, stock car racing is not as accessible as other sports, but this film manages to make it look more entertaining, especially for younger viewers. What more do you really need?

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Up (2009) in Movies

Nov 16, 2020  
Up (2009)
Up (2009)
2009 | Action, Animation, Comedy
The best Pixar film?
I have recently purchased a ‘100 Movies Bucket List’ scratch off poster, with the intention of finally crossing off all of the classic films I’ve never seen before. However with the current and ongoing COVID lockdowns, now seemed like a perfect time to watch all of the 100 films on this list including those I know and love. These will be watched in no particular order, and will be highly dependent on my mood and film availability. First on my list is Up.

Up (2009) is a Disney/Pixar animation that follows widower Carl, as he, his house and intrepid wilderness explorer Russell go on an adventure to Paradise Falls.

Up is definitely “up” there as one of the best ever Disney/Pixar films, if not THE best. It has all of the hallmarks that you’d come to expect from such a film and they are executed to perfection. From the opening sequence, which is by far one of the most heartwarming and heart-wrenching things you will ever watch (and this is coming from a studio that killed Bambi’s mother). If you’re not bawling your eyes out after the first 15 minutes, there is something seriously wrong with you.

Once we’ve recovered from the opening scenes, we’re introduced to Carl the widower (Ed Asher) and he’s still tugging on the old heart strings as he goes about his life on his own. He’s your typical grouchy old man, in a rather funny and adorable way, and watching his interactions with others is both sad and entertaining to watch. After a rather unfortunate event, Carl takes his house to the skies and it’s here where the film really starts to get going with stowaway Russell, as they arrive in Paradise Falls and encounter mysterious bird of paradise Kevin, Charles Muntz and his dogs.

As soon as Carl sets off on his journey, this becomes a spirited and fun adventure film. There is never a dull moment and is full of wonder, joy and a fair few laughs, as well as a surprising amount of dark tension generated by famous explorer Muntz (Christopher Plummer). For a kids film, Muntz is an unusually threatening figure and the fear of him is only exacerbated by the fact that half of this film is set at a quite a scary height. Even during the fight scene with Carl towards the end of the movie, Muntz is still intimidating despite the very amusing nods to old age that are thrown in.

For me though, the star (and stars) of Up are Dug and Muntz’s pack of dogs. Disney/Pixar have this amazing knack of writing funny sidekick animals, with the majority of laughs coming from simple observations about how these animals behave in real life (something The Secret Life of Pets should have take more notice of). Up so easily works dogs being dogs into the narrative of this story with ease, and talking dogs are just so funny. From the cone of shame to their attitude towards squirrels and tennis balls, and the fact that they refer to Russell as “the small mailman” – this is pure genius and makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it.

Disney/Pixar films fall into two categories: Very Good and Brilliant. Up has what all Disney/Pixar films have – a wonderfully balanced story full of adult and child appropriate laughs and heartwarming emotional ‘feels’, and some top notch animation. But what brings Up into the “Brilliant” category is it is a beautiful tale of love and friendship, with a touching and rather moving message about life. This is a classic tale that is done flawlessly in a way that only Disney/Pixar can.

Note: whilst I love the film, I’m so far not impressed with my poster itself. Scratched it as you would a scratch card and part of the picture has come off (see attached evidence)… best be more careful next time.
Show all 6 comments.

Sarah (7798 KP) Nov 18, 2020

Thanks! Yours looks great. Has it taken you a while to get through them all?


Dean (6921 KP) Nov 18, 2020

Most were ones I've already seen, not been in a rush to hunt the others down but will try and get around to them when I can.

Toy Story (1995)
Toy Story (1995)
1995 | Animation, Comedy, Family
The voice acting (4 more)
The characters
The memorable moments
Above all else a great legacy
The villain is awesome
U can tell the age of this movie but that isn't the films fault (1 more)
Pacing is a little off
Toy story is almost the perfect animated movie
The movie is freaking amazing and should get the praise that it keeps getting.

Also the animation is great for it's time and the cast is phenomenal.

A true Pixar classic

Matt Geiger (15 KP) rated Cars 2 (2011) in Movies

Jun 27, 2020 (Updated Jun 27, 2020)  
Cars 2 (2011)
Cars 2 (2011)
2011 | Action, Animation, Comedy
6.8 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Perhaps the first indication that Pixar could still lose sight of its capabilities, it should be common knowledge that CARS 2 is the worst Pixar film. While the first Cars movie was not Pixar's finest outing itself, the eccentricities of its premise and the likeable residents of Radiator Springs were enough to draw attention away from any holes the story had, numerous as they were. What we get here is an utterly incoherent and inconceivable sequel that makes just about every mistake a sequel can make. While the central espionage-based plot initially appears as a thoughtful homage to 007, and ultimately proves that Larry the Cable Guy has plenty of star power as Tow Mater, it devolves into an overstuffed, mediocre snoozefest that just keeps driving in a circle, content with giving the viewer vertigo. In fact, it is so flawed, audiences finally have to consider the implications imposed by the concept of living cars operating freely in their own world. It's not just that it's bad, but creating an entirely different story of this nature requires shoving all of the original characters to the side, including Lightning McQueen. You would think that a character who grew on audiences and learned some valuable lessons in such a short amount of time would've played a more notable role in the outcome of the film, but here he is reduced to a yammering motor of a damsel in distress, and hilarious stock characters like Luigi, Guido, and Fillmore are given literally nothing to work with. Not even the new characters make an impression, wasting the talent of Michael Caine and John Turturro among others. Honestly, there really isn't much about this movie to justify its existence. Whereas better Pixar sequels ring in on the success of their predecessor for the sake of inviting us to invest in the world they are trying to build, CARS 2 is a blown gasket that ultimately crashes the once profitable cash grab vehicle that the nostalgic first film helped to create. With this film, Pixar achieved the impossible: they made a bad movie.
WALL-E (2008)
WALL-E (2008)
2008 | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi
A pixar must see
A little garbage robot has remained on earth to do his job and try to clean up our polluted planet while the survivors are one an eternal search for a new life on a luxurious cruise ship where they are in float chairs and have become way to lazy to do anything on their own . Another robot named Eva is tasked of finding proof that the earth has become rehabilitated and people could come home and start over finds a little sprout of a growing plant and it's job is to inform the people on the ship they can come home. Our little Wall-e falls for Eva and wants to follow her everywhere even off the planet where he belongs doing his job goes on a wild adventure to be with her at all costs and help her bring the proof back with Eva. Does the Robot get the girl???

This was a pixar major hit and its a great little love story that gets right in our little hearts each time.
Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Monsters, Inc. (2001)
2001 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Literally one of my favourite Disney Pixar films
I find Monsters Inc to be on par with Toy Story. Such a heartfelt story of an almost father - daughter relationship between Sully and Boo, unlike most Disney films where there is a love interest. The voices from Billy Crystal and John Goodman are genius and the ending still makes me shed a happy tear. And I actually watched it from the beginning again straight after seeing it for the first time.
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Another incredible animation
Another great animation film from Pixar. It's weird to think that the original was made 14 years ago! It's one of my favourite animated films. So with high expectations it's great to say this is almost equal to the original. The animation is great, tons of new characters as well as the old cast. With an up to date story as well... maybe not quite as funny as the first. Still an excellent film for everyone to enjoy.