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Star Trek Bridge Crew VR
Star Trek Bridge Crew VR
Star Trek fans finally get the chance to take command in the new Star Trek: Bridge Crew by Ubisoft. The Virtual Reality game is cross-platform so Playstation VR, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive owners can all play with one another which greatly enhance the play experience and options.

Matchmaking was easy as once I completed the training sessions, I was ready to go. I had played the game last summer at PAX West on the Oculus and playing on our Playstation VR was very easy to setup and go. I opted to use the Move controllers vs the Gamepad and in no time I was on the bridge of the USS Ageis.

The game is set in the JJ Abrams Universe and tasks players with finding a new home for the Vulcans in a previously unexplored area of space known as “The Trench”

Players can play as Captain, Helm, Tactical, or Engineering and each has their own tasks essential to mission success and survival. Helm has to pilot the ship, Tactical handles the weapons, Engineering keeps things running and distributes power and repairs, as well as the Transporters, and the Captain calls the shots. Naturally there are navigation maps and other flourishes which help with the immersion as well as being part of the fun.

Players who expect run and gun action will be disappointed as this is a game that works more on tactics than twitch as combat and exploration move at a slower and more deliberate pace than action gamers may be expecting. Encountering hostiles is often a delicate dance of exchanging fire, maneuvering, and damage control, while balancing the decision to fight or flee. Players also have to keep an eye on the energy levels as should a retreat be needed, then power has to be moved from one system to the engines to warp to safety unless you want to try to last on Impulse Power.

The game is challenging and graphics are very solid for a VR game. Players looking for even more nostalgic immersion can play on the Enterprise from the Classic Series but this is suggested for experience crews so it helps to play with others that you know or who have completed multiple missions.

The game does allow players more opened ended options than I expected and it is great fun to have a total stranger who you have just been matched with call you “Captain” and await your orders. The game did have a few glitches at launch but they have been quickly fixed via updates, and I have had mostly smooth sailing aside from an occasional dropped connection or a controller going out of range of the camera.

For pure immersive fun and solid co-op play, Star Trek Bridge Crew offers one of the best Star Trek experiences to date and is a must own for anyone who owns a VR system.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated That’s You! in Video Games

May 31, 2018 (Updated May 31, 2018)  
That’s You!
That’s You!
2017 | Massively Multiplayer, Music & Party
A fun party game
Multiplayer couch co-op games are sadly a rarity now with online gaming, so That’s You is a refreshing change. Not only does it let you play with up to 6 players in your own home, you also don’t need to have that many extortionately priced PlayStation controllers - it’s all controlled through an app on your phone or tablet.

The game itself is very fun and interactive and great to play with those you know fairly well. Playing with near strangers probably wouldn’t be anywhere near as entertaining or advisable. It switches between asking questions about statements and who they apply to most, to drawing challenges (either on selfies or generated artwork), completing sentences and posed pictures. It’s a lot of fun and it’s interesting to see what your loved ones think of you - I’m known as the ocd organised one, can’t say that’s a surprise!

Personally though there are parts of this game that didn’t appeal to me as much, but this is mainly due to my preferences. I’m not a fan of having my picture taken and my creative skills are a little lacking - especially in the short amount of time you’re given to create something! I also think they could do more with this game - more fun options, still centred around the same themes, but with a few different mini games. Otherwise this isn’t really a game that you can play too often.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Leprechaun 4: In Space (1997) in Movies

Nov 15, 2020 (Updated Nov 15, 2020)  
Leprechaun 4: In Space (1997)
Leprechaun 4: In Space (1997)
1997 | Horror, Sci-Fi
I found the first three Leprechaun films to be consistently average, but Leprechaun 4: In Space puts a brutal end to that middle of the road streak and aims straight for the gutter.

Once again, we have a sequel that has absolutely no relation to any of the previous films, is full of unlikable dicks, and has Warwick Davis doing his best to polish a turd, except this time around, there's not a whole lot he can do.
Moving the setting to space is certainly a novelty idea, and a clear indication that this film is not to be taken seriously, but the grandiose idea of spaceships require a half decent budget. The sets look cheap as hell, and the exterior CGI shots of the ship are beneath original PlayStation cutscene levels.

The characters are a bunch of misogynistic, unfunny tossers that aren't relatable in any shape or form. This movie goes in hard with the comedy angle, and granted, a few lines actually got me, but it's mostly misfire after misfire. Leprechaun himself is still just about tolerable, but honestly, even Warwick Davis looks done with this shit by now.

There is still some fun to be had with Leprechaun 4, but it's mostly a boring and lazy sequel. If you've seen the first three and are satisfied with the amount of limerick riddled material consumed, then you could probably give this one a skip and just enjoy your day instead.

Otway93 (567 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection in Video Games

Dec 8, 2020  
Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection
Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection
Story (5 more)
Character development
Voice acting
What a journey...
What can I say about this game? Apart from the fact that the trilogy is a masterpiece of modern gaming.

I must admit that after the first game, which was enjoyable but somewhat repetitive, that I bought way back shortly after release way back I didn't play an Assassin's Creed game until late last year, where I began the whole game franchise from the start.

After getting through the original as quickly as possible, I bought The Ezio Collection cheap, not expecting anything too groundbreaking. Boy was I wrong!

Ezio's story is incredible. With everything from hilarity to heartbreak, every emotion is in there, with voice performances making it feel all the more real.

Also included in the collection are two short films, a prologue and an epilogue, which are absolutely superb (and certainly provide closure)!

With so many improvements added since the original it was a whole new game, which paved the way for so many brilliant games.

I have now played every AC game currently available on the PlayStation 4 (including Valhalla, loved every one), but the only one in the series to match the quality of this game so far in my opinion is Odyssey. I believe this says a lot about the trilogy, as there have now been 11 games in the series since the last of the trilogy, which is a rather impressive feat!

Keep up the good work, Ubisoft!
Until Dawn
Until Dawn
2015 | Action/Adventure
A refreshing addition to the horror genre
Until Dawn took me completely by surprise. I had heard that it was decent but just wasn't drawn to it whatsoever. I ended up eventually downloading when it was made available on PlayStation Plus, and it still sat there for a few months before I finally started it up.
I have no idea why I waited so long - I was immediately hooked.
The opening scene sets up a huge amount of intrigue, to the point that I ended up playing through the story in a couple of days, and then playing through a couple more times just to see all the various story routes.

Everything you do results in a butterfly effect, and can change the story dramatically, to the point that every single character can survive the story, and every single character can perish - it's all based on what decisions you make throughout.

As far as scares go, for the most part, Until Dawn made me feel uneasy, with it's eerie setting, and the fact that you're not sure what is exactly trying to kill you, or even what is real, for a good chunk of the game, leaving you desperately trying to figure out what's happening.

The final third of the game is where that aspect drops, and all hell breaks loose.
Add to this some pretty nice performance capture, with some familiar faces littered around (Rami Malek, Peter Stormare, Hayden Panettiere, to name a few), and you have a winning formula.

Go and play it!
Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Deep Blue Sea (1999)
1999 | Action, Drama, Horror
Fun in parts, but showing its age
The premise for Deep Blue Sea is painfully simple - it's Jurassic Park in the ocean.
A deep sea research facility, housing genetically modified great white sharks, is compromised during a tropical storm - everyone panics, people get eaten.
Like I said - Jurassic Park in the ocean. Unfortunately, the execution and quality is nowhere near the same level as it's dinosaur counterpart.

Deep Blue Sea is fun for sure. It's a sure fire way to mindlessly enjoy a couple of hours. At the time of it's release, it was firmly in the so-bad-its-great category, but as the years have gone by, the film has ages terribly in terms of special effects. The sharks look horrible these days. Like, original PlayStation cut scene kind of horrible. When films like JP, and Terminator 2 still look more than passable, it's hard to defend!
The dialogue is cheesy as all hell, and the whole thing is shot in a pretty sub-standard action film style - in summary, it's pretty awful.

That being said, it's a difficult film to hate too much. The cast are pretty fun for the most part - Thomas Jane, Samuel L. Jackson, Stellan Skarsgård and even LL Cool J are all pretty entertaining (apart from that god awful Head is Like a Sharks Fin song) and there are some genuinely gory and tense moments (as tense as people being chased by shiny pixels can be).

Is definitely an ok-crap film but the chances are that I'll watch it when it's on TV...

David McK (3233 KP) rated Uncharted (2022) in Movies

Mar 6, 2022 (Updated Jan 1, 2024)  
Uncharted (2022)
Uncharted (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure
Where's Elena?
So, Uncharted.

Naughty Dogs Playstation exclusives, which are some of the most cinematic games I've ever played, following middle-aged adventurer Nathan Drake, his partner-in-crime and magnificently moustached Victor 'Sully' Sullivan and love interest Elena (with fan favourite Chloe Frazer appearing in the alter entries, and getting her own spin off game).

Yes, I did say middle aged.

So, for my money, Tom Holland is simply too young for the role.

However, I can understand why he was 'aged down' in order to appeal to the younger audience, or to those who have never played the games (although Nathan Fillion did a brilliant fan film a load of years ago, getting the character down to a 'T'). it's also the case that films-based-on-games don't have that great a reputation: very few, if any, ever hold up to their source material.

I'm happy to say that, while this one doesn't *quite* match up, it also falls much less shorter than most adaptations do.

Yes, there are elements lifted almost wholesale from the game: the opening cargo plane shoot-out springs to mind, as does the ships buried in a cave, but Holland does manage to bring a fair amount of banter and swagger to the role, especially in his interactions with Chloe Frazer.

I'm sure there'll be sequels: if so, maybe he will grow into the role more; become more the Nathan Drake players of the games know and love? Only time will tell ...

Xanderath (690 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Final Fantasy X-X2 HD in Video Games

Aug 25, 2019  
Final Fantasy X-X2 HD
Final Fantasy X-X2 HD
Final Fantasy X (0 more)
X-2 (0 more)
Kimahri try too.
Contains spoilers, click to show
This updated version of Final Fantasy X and X-2 is a great addition to any playstation game library. X is a brilliant journey of a man trying to make his own story. Propelled into a world much different to his own where there is magic and fiends! Tidus, Yuna, Auron and co. make for a great narrative with lots of interesting dialogue and story. The characters develop as you journey through the world constantly ravaged by a giant evil creature known as Sin. There are interesting theological debates raised by the game in terms of the indoctrinated Yevonites and their hate of the Al Bhed for following a different set of beliefs. I would recommend this game to anyone who has some time to put into learning all about Spira the world in which blitzball( a great minigame) is the only major sport, a world which is overrun by fiends of all shapes and sizes, a world which you can explore to the fullest and find all the hidden treasures and games. X-2 took and entirely different turn, after the events of X Yuna, Rikku and a new character Paine are looking for Tidus. The way the game plays is rather different and to be honest i wasn't a fan. I didnt enjoy the way the game battled and levelled. Everything had to do with clothing which i felt was somewhat off for a final fantasy game. One day i hope to return and give it the time its predecessor earned it. Overall 9/10 because X was so good.
If you are a fan of the EVE Universe and the Playstation VR, then you will want to check out Gunjack by CCP Games. The game cast players as a gunner on an orbital platform which must help ward off never ending waves of enemies.

Once strapped into your chair, the V.R. experience gives you lots of eye candy as you see the inner workings of the station and move into position.

Mixing old and new, the game sends enemies at players in waves, and using your head to aim, players can unleash a fury of energy and ballistic weapons upon enemies that appear.

Of course you have to be selective with your shots as there is a cool down phase and you do not want to be caught when one of the bigger enemies appear.

Players will also be able to obtain powerful one shot weapons during combat as well as debris which can be used to provide players with additional protection against attacks.

The waves of enemies increase in difficulty which forces players to alter their strategy in order to get the best results. The game is available for all VR platforms and those wishing to play it on the go are able to as well on the Android platform with supporting hardware. The value price is also a big plus for the game as well.

Some gamers may cite a lack of depth to the game but it is important to note that the game was built from the ground up for VR. It was designed to be a fun and affordable VR game which combines the retro shooters of old with the modern VR technology. From the solid action to great graphics, Gunjack is a welcome mix of nostalgia and action and is well worth a look.
Crawl (2019)
Crawl (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Crawl is silly. Like a lot of these types of horrors, it's really silly.

In short, hurricane season hits Florida, and when Haley sets of to find her father, they both end up stuck in the crawlspace under his house, trapped in by large alligators, and rapidly rising flood water.
It's straightforward, no messing around, and gets right to the characters being in peril. For the most part, it's a neat little thriller, that actually has the odd moment in tension, paired with decent performances from Kaya Scodelario and Barry Pepper.
The relationship between their two characters carry the film pretty well, and the actors resolve to stay muddy and soaked throughout is admirable.

The CGI effects are pretty terrible. Nowhere near Sharknado levels of embarrassing, but the small budget of Crawl really shows it's ugly head when it comes to the alligators. When they're in water, it doesn't look so awful, but out of water, they look ripped from a PlayStation 3 cutscenes. This includes the first time we see one, which significantly reduces the impact it could have had, especially after it comes immediately after a pretty good jump scare.

In terms of horror, Crawl isn't scary. As mentioned above, it's more a jump scare type of deal, but they're actually quite effective, and just about reigned in enough to not overdo it. The scariest thing about the movie is mother nature, with all too real stormy conditions on display.

Crawl is mostly enjoyable, buts it's not as fun as The Meg for example (5/10) and not quite as good as The Shallows (6/10) so it sits nicely somewhere in between. Worth a watch if you enjoy a silly monster horror now and again.