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Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Silent Hill (2006) in Movies

Oct 28, 2020 (Updated Oct 28, 2020)  
Silent Hill (2006)
Silent Hill (2006)
2006 | Action, Horror
Radha Mitchell (4 more)
Sean Bean
Laurie Holden
Jodelle Ferland
Deborah Kara Unger
The Evil Within
Silent Hill- is a great movie. Its a great movie based off of a video game. One of my favorite movies based off of a video game. Maybe even my favorite. The atmosphere, the visuals, the horror, the charcters, Pyramid Head, does a excellent job knowing the atmosphere of silent hill and the video game itself.

The plot: Unable to accept the fact that her daughter is dying, Rose (Radha Mitchell) decides to take the girl to a faith healer. On the way, the pair drive through a portal in reality, leading to an eerie town called Silent Hill. The town is surrounded by a potent darkness, and the human survivors fight a losing battle against it.

Development of Silent Hill began in the early 2000s. After attempting to gain the film rights to Silent Hill for five years, Gans sent a video interview to them explaining his plans for adapting Silent Hill and how important the games are to him. Konami awarded him the film rights as a result.

Director Christophe Gans attempted for five years to obtain the film rights to the Silent Hill series from Konami. He sent a video interview to them explaining his plans for adapting Silent Hill and how important the games are to him.

In order to maintain the feel of the games, Gans had the sound designer of the original Silent Hill, Akira Yamaoka, flown to the set several times. Additionally, Gans had a 40-inch television brought onto the set, to which he attached a PlayStation 2; Gans then played the original Silent Hill on the system so that the actors and cinematographers could see how Gans wanted to emulate various camera angles and movements.

Its a excellent movie and a must see.

Andrew Rich (36 KP) rated Nintendo Wii in Tech

Jun 20, 2019  
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo Wii
Games Consoles > Games Consoles
7.9 (26 Ratings)
Tech Rating
Homebrew options including emulation (4 more)
Back compatibility
Good 3rd party hardware support
Intuitive user interface
Huge enthusiast base for support
No true HD output (1 more)
Fully deprecated by Nintendo as of January 2019
Better with age
Almost 13 years ago, Nintendo gave us the Wii, and if the enthusiast community is any measure, the Wii is still going strong. Even at its release, it wasn't the most powerful console - it wouldn't even do HD - and never had the game selection of the PS3 or XBox360, but it managed to chug along.

The motion controls are either fantastic - as in Wii Sports, Mario Kart and Skyward Sword, or just felt gimmicky, and even terrible - as in Mario Party 9, Ninjabread Man, and Chicken Shoot, and some didn't even use them, like my personal favorite @Muramasa: The Demon Blade. But the fact remains that it was, and is, still a good system.

These days, the original release games either look incredibly dated, or were designed around the system's limitations, and still manage to look good, but we're not seeing anymore new releases (except, of course, for Just Dance 2020. Thanks UbiSoft! ) so why is the Wii still good?

Well, between being back compatible to the GameCube, the Wii is also an absolute beast when it comes to emulating classic systems, from the Atari 2600 up to the original PlayStation. Add the Wii Classic Controller or Classic Controller Pro, and you've got a one-stop shop for every Nintendo Console - including handhelds - from the NES up to the Wii, as well as systems from Atari, Coleco, NEC, Sega, and Sony. It turns out the Wii is a great option for those of us who want to play the old classics, but aren't collectors; and might want games not on the NES, SNES, or PS classic mini consoles.

All this time later, that little box of tricks is still proving its use!
2013 | Action/Adventure
Launch titles are often subject to some very harsh scrutiny by gamers and the new Playstation 4 game Knack is just one such example. The game was created by Sony’s Japan Studio to be a launch title for the new system and in an ironic twist, is not schedule to release in Japan until late Feb 2014.

Players play as Knack, a shape changing creation that was created by a professor using powerful and ancient relics. The relics are used as power in the societies of the world and when the Goblin race breaks a longstanding truce with new and powerful weapons of war, humanity finds itself needed to answer the threat.

A wealthy industrialist named Victor wants to use his army of robots to answer the Goblin threat but the Doctor who created Knack convinces the leaders that his creation is a more capable solution to the problem and as such is assigned to investigate and resolve the Goblin threat.

The game is divided into chapters and sub chapters and playing as Knack players must travel through caves, temples, fortresses, and other locales in missions which combine platform jumping, fighting, and puzzle solving. Players can locate hidden objects that when combined offer power ups such a relic finder and many other options that will help with the completion of the game.

Knack grows and regains health when relics are found and in time will learn how to add rocks, ice, and other substances to his matrix which in turn will allow him to be gigantic in nature for some of the games bigger battles. I will admit to taking some fiendish delight in swatting aside smaller enemies like gnats when I was able to bulk Knack up to a massive size. The game limits when Knack can reach gargantuan size as it keeps his scale in check with what the level requirements are.

There are also sun crystals that Knack can obtain which will allow him to unleash some super moves. Players can store up to three such power ups and once used, several crystals are needed to replenish what was used.

While the gameplay is fairly basic in that jumping, fighting, climbing, and avoiding enemy attacks there is some frustration with the at times repetitive nature of the levels and in game combat. While fun, it at times became boring as the game went along and it was also hampered by some of the camera angles in games that often made me resort to trial and error. This is frustrating as the game uses a checkpoint save and respawn system as once I was able to get through a tricky part of the game, I went over a cliff and had to replay a large portion of the game. This was frustrating as the camera only gave me an over the shoulder view and I could not see how much space was ahead of me. Other chapters cut to a cut scene in a similar situation but this one required me to inch forwards carefully to trigger the cutscene.

While the game does allow you to continue if you quit, I find myself having to re-watch tons of animation and replay several early stages of a level to get back to where I left off.

While the voice acting and story are nothing special the game is fun to play for what it is and I did enjoy several parts of the game despite the frustrations I mentioned earlier. The graphics are solid and while not showcases for the power of the system provide an interesting and engaging setting for the game and the numerous enemies and traps players will face.

The game has received some negative press to date which I think is highly unfair. Many people in my opinion are judging the game for what it was not rather than what it was. While it could have been a better game, it is a fun and enjoyable game for those who have more moderate expectations and would be ideal for younger players who are looking for something to play on the Playstation 4 that is age appropriate.
Uncharted (2022)
Uncharted (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure
After numerous attempts which saw talent attached only to depart before filming began, “Uncharted” has finally arrived on the big screen.

The movie is based on the hit Playstation series of games by Naughty Dog and stars Tom Holland as Nathan Drake, a young man who is as adept at history as he is with pickpocketing which he uses to offset his income from Bartending.

Nathan’s brother fled the law years earlier and aside from Postcards has had no contact with him over the years. Things change when Victor Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) arrives and recruits Nathan by showing him that he used to work with his brother. Despite misgivings and unresolved feelings; Nathan joins with Victor and finds himself in a daring caper to steal a valuable object that could unlock the key to a gold supply that has been lost for over five hundred years.

Naturally, there are others who want the money, and Nathan, Victory, and their dubious partner Chloe (Sophia Ali); as they rush around the world in one adventure after another to solve the ancient puzzles and stay one step ahead of some very deadly individuals.

The movie has elements of “National Treasure” and “Raiders of the Lost Ark” in terms of the quests to find ancient treasures mixed with action but keeps things in a simpler context. The focus is not on plot development, character development, or plausibility but considering the film is based on a video game, it does a good job with the source material.

There has been some controversy about the casting of Holland as Nathan is older in the game series, but he goes all-in with his performance even when the acrobatic action sequences does offer many reminders of his Spider-man role.

The action in the game is fun and over-the-top and more than once I thought I should be pushing my X and Square button to help him make the moves necessary to complete the task and survive.

The post-credit scenes offer some great possibilities for future adventures and those would be more than welcome for those looking for some no-brainer escapist entertainment.

3.5 stars out of 5.

Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated God of War in Video Games

Nov 9, 2018 (Updated Nov 14, 2018)  
God of War
God of War
2018 | Action/Adventure
Great story (3 more)
Incredible acting, fantastic chemistry
Amazing bear mccreary score
Fun combat
A serious contender for game of the year
2018 has blown me away with video game releases. I believe this year and next year are going to be the highest point of this generation and currently my pick for game of the year.

I cannot praise this game enough. The main focus here is the acting and the chemistry between these characters. This game is not about the destination, it is about the journey. The journey of a father and son and their relationship and seeing it grow throughout the game. Their relationship is believable and honest and this is all thanks to the incredible acting. They give so much emotion and power in their performances that you are gripped all the way to the end. They show emotion, humour, anger, resentment and loyalty in a way you believe this is a father and son going through something difficult and showing their struggles. The writing was fantastic. Kratos struggling to find a connection with his son and atreus actually being written like a real kid that was actually likable and helpful in battle and in other gameplay elements.

Bear Mccreary provides the incredible score that only heightens all these moments which left me mouth hanging open for longer than I care to admit. But don't get me wrong this game doesn't just grip with with these characters. All of the side characters are as amazing. They provide a sense of comic relief when the emotion between the 2 main characters become intense.

The game is beautiful, I cant fault it visually. I'd have liked more blood but I wasnt missing it. I'd have liked more boss battles but at this point I'm trying to nitpick but I didn't miss them either because I dont think the game needed them. Maybe the sequel. The environments looked beautiful and varied. The gameplay also very fun and varied with a few shocks along the way, both story based and gameplay wise. A companion that was actually helpful in and out of battle while providing a lot of character building when travelling.

A must have for any ps4 owner and by far one of the best of this generation or even of playstation overall.
Fluster Cluck
Fluster Cluck
One of the more interesting aspects of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One is that they have allowed many independent publishers to enjoy access to a mass audience in much the same way as Steam did for PC games.

When things like Playstion Plus are factored in in which subscribers are given free access to a series of games each month, and when you look at the price of such games being far lower than a studio release, there has been a rush of developers eager to get out there to the public.

One of the more interesting and humor laden games in this genre has arrived in the form of Fluster Cluck. The game offers a frantic and comedy based adventure where players can play against the system or in a 2vs 2 mode to gather resources for the Chikkinizer.

In a battle of corporate politics, players fly around maps in flying saucers to use their capture beams on cows, camels, and other objects, to transport them to the Chikkinizer for processing. The player with the biggest haul wins the round and then moves onto the next level where it all starts again.

Of course the other players will not go down without a fight and they fire their lasers at you as well as all manner of tricks at their disposal to take you out, distract you, your objectives, and so on.

It can take a few moments to get used to the controls as the left stick moves you and the right stick directs and fires your weapons but in no time flat you will be spinning around. I did have a bit of frustration with the requirement to win the round in order to move on as repeating rounds is never ideal when your getting a sense for the game. We also had some issues with the game not pairing with the Dualshock 4 one evening but that has not happened since and we have been able to play without issues.

The casual graphics and gameplay style are fun but do reflect the independent nature of the game but the developer Loot, knows the audience and infuses the game with as much fun as it can.

Gareth von Kallenbach (974 KP) rated the PC version of FIFA 14 in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
With the worldwide impact of FIFA at an all-time high, EA Sports has captured the majesty of the sport of Soccer with the amazing FIFA 14. The game is available for the PC, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360 systems and is due soon for the next generation consoles.

While I played Soccer in High School I will admit that my knowledge of the professional game is limited as names such as Pele, Beckham, and Donovan are the players that I would be able to identify the easiest. Regardless of your level of skill and experience, FIFA 14 has something for you from eye-popping graphics to the most realistic action and player options of any soccer game to date.

Some of the best changes are in the A.I. of your players as they now make much smarter and more tactical runs that allow players far more options when devising their tactics. Players also have better options to accelerate and shield the ball which is very good as the defense has improved and players will have to make sure to put some thought into their attacks and passing and not rely simply on blasting as many shots as they can on goal.

On the subject of passing this is my biggest frustration with the game as I found it often hard to be accurate and that passes were often slow which allowed defenders to get back in time to thwart my strategies.

Thankfully the improved shooting mechanics that allow players to adjust stride, approach, and angle combined with improved ball physics and you have far more options than before on how to attack the goal and in time, get your shots in the back of the net.

As in the real sport, the refs can be a pain as they can really raise your ire by calling fouls in a questionable fashion but that is simply part of the game.

Players can match up against another players online via the Seasons Mode or Custom Match to allow players to test their skills against other players online.

While fans are always going to find something to complain about or nit-pick in every sporting simulation, FIFA 14 is a step forward for the franchise and is well worth adding to your collection.

Dakotah Salazar (12 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled in Video Games

Jul 1, 2019  
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
2019 | Racing
Lively graphics (2 more)
Smooth controls
Fun game modes
Too easy (2 more)
Microtransactions galore
No new courses
Strong remaster. Easy for experts.
The original CTR holds a special place in my heart. As a child, I spent countless hours on my Playstation with many characters, tracks, and secrets to unlock. It truly is an incredible gaming experience.

Which is why I had to pick this up right away. And overall, it's a decent racer, but now were in the age of photo realistic racing games such as Forza, or living in the shadow of Mario Kart still in its multiplayer experience. Crash Team Racing has potential for expansion, but I was disappointed in that it's the same experience as before.

During the races, they are fast and lively. It brings the nostalgia in the controls and smooth gameplay. The power ups and attacks are the same, but are easy to operate. It also introduces the hyper slide, which may be difficult to master at first. The tracks don't give too much leverage in utilizing this. It could also be a disadvantage because it could ruin the flow of the race. It all depends really.

As for the modes, they have plenty to choose from. Adventure Mode, Online, Time Trial, etc. I would recommend this as a party game...because I think I could give the player a strong challenge. Adventure Mode, if you are an expert at this game, is WAY TOO EASY. I placed first in almost every race not trying to brag, but it doesn't challenge the player in anyway, even in the boss battles. Unless you are in a Single Race mode, then it offers an option of difficulty.

Characters to choose from is plentiful. Even adding options to modify the character and karts are wonderful designs. It's satisfying to earn them but if you are not an online player, then HALF of those modifications are not available to you. They depend on the usage of coins, which I'm assuming you can earn or purchase if your looking to earn the mods right away.

The game is a lot of fun. But I had to critically think about what the creators had for further potential. The remasters of the three original games were wonderful, but this is a copy and paste version of the original. It amplifies the nostalgia as a high, but once you come down, it really is a hollow experience.

Zachary Wilson (3 KP) Jul 29, 2019

First off, this has no microtransactions as you don't use real money to buy anything. It's all the in game currency you earn. Sure the pit stop is set up like typical microtransactions, they're not microtransactions.

Also, Grand Prixs add new tracks. Twilight Tour is a new track they added from the first grand prix with much more grand prixs coming. So we can expect much more new tracks in the future as well as new characters and car parts. (Also the game isn't easy but I'm not an expert and never played the original.)

God of War
God of War
2018 | Action/Adventure
The most gripping and emotionally engaging narrative in years. (2 more)
Combat is brutal and satisfying.
The one take camera is an astonishing achievement.
Side missions lack the same wonder as the main story. (0 more)
Powerful Playstation Epic.
Back in 2015, gaming hit its peak, and the new generation really came into full effect. Bloodborne, MGS V: The Phantom Pain, Rise of the Tomb Raider, just some games to hit the same year, but what really made me question just how incredible video games could become, was The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Since then, I found games that reached similar levels, but never peaked as much as that. Until God of War.

God of War engaged with me so much because at the time I was trying with my other half to have a child, and persistent family issues meant I no longer spoke to my father. Following the story of Kratos and Atreus really hit home, and I've never felt so gripped and emotionally attached to fictional characters. Every beat of the narrative is put there to for purpose, and to carry weight along this epic journey with a father and son. It packs so much intensity at times it becomes enthralling, almost addictive to continue its 25 hour length. This, I suppose, you could say is it's one part of two contained within the game.

Of course, there are levels upon levels to examine within this masterpiece, but simplifying it within two aspects seems the most appropriate way. The second is the combat.
 God of War is brutal, bloody, bold. The simplicity to master the move sets is so brilliant and often bonkers. Throwing your trusty Leviathan Axe, and calling it back never, ever gets boring, and pushes you to become more intelligent with its system. The more the game enters its next stage, a curveball hits you, and you have to learn what you know already, and add even more creativity. By the end, you should be an expert. That is until you meet the Queen Valkyrie. That's all I'll say.

God of War is a masterpiece. Sure, there could of been a little more meat on the bone when it came to the endgame, more side mission content. But the story is so perfect, so masterful, it deserves every bit of praise it gathers.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Absolultion
The third of a planned four content packs for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has arrived with Absolution. The collection was first available for the Playstation 4 system and was released for the Xbox One and PC platforms about five weeks later and contains the usual offerings of four new maps and a new chapter for the Zombie mode of the game.

The maps are as follows…


This is a remake of the classic map “Resistance” From the castle lined landscape to the close-quarters fighting in rooms like gallows or a torture area this is a great map for those looking to run and gun.


This is a fun map based on a Shanty Town fishing village. There are locales ranging from a Fish Market to a Lighthouse and the mix of colors and action make this one really enjoyable.


This is a frozen landscape set in the ruins of a city. The map has several open areas where players can attack from above thanks to holes in the roof and streets. The debris strewn map offers plenty of cover but also numerous places for enemies to attack from all angles.


This is a large map that is so much fun to play. Set in a mini-golf course, players can run into the arcade, putting areas, and props to attack the enemy. There is plenty of cover and also terrain that is uneven giving a new and diverse set of challenges to players.


While the new maps are lots of fun, the main draw of the collection was the latest chapter in the Zombie mode where four aspiring actors are drawn into actual horror films by a demented Director.

The previous chapters have given us an 80s theme park, a 90s Summer Camp, and a 70s Disco Infused Martial Arts setting. This time out, Attack of the Radioactive things lets players play with and interact with Elvira in a 1950s Atomic Monster setting. The mode starts in Black and White before moving to color and even allows for a red tint Chroma mode.

Of course waves of Zombies and other terrors await and players must run and fight to survive.

This has been another winning collection for Infinite Warfare. While it does not offer anything radically new or different, it does offer plenty of fun and will increase your enjoyment of the game.

I am looking forward to seeing the final pack, around October ahead of the new Call of Duty: World War 2.