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David McK (3245 KP) rated Uncharted (2022) in Movies

Mar 6, 2022 (Updated Jan 1, 2024)  
Uncharted (2022)
Uncharted (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure
Where's Elena?
So, Uncharted.

Naughty Dogs Playstation exclusives, which are some of the most cinematic games I've ever played, following middle-aged adventurer Nathan Drake, his partner-in-crime and magnificently moustached Victor 'Sully' Sullivan and love interest Elena (with fan favourite Chloe Frazer appearing in the alter entries, and getting her own spin off game).

Yes, I did say middle aged.

So, for my money, Tom Holland is simply too young for the role.

However, I can understand why he was 'aged down' in order to appeal to the younger audience, or to those who have never played the games (although Nathan Fillion did a brilliant fan film a load of years ago, getting the character down to a 'T'). it's also the case that films-based-on-games don't have that great a reputation: very few, if any, ever hold up to their source material.

I'm happy to say that, while this one doesn't *quite* match up, it also falls much less shorter than most adaptations do.

Yes, there are elements lifted almost wholesale from the game: the opening cargo plane shoot-out springs to mind, as does the ships buried in a cave, but Holland does manage to bring a fair amount of banter and swagger to the role, especially in his interactions with Chloe Frazer.

I'm sure there'll be sequels: if so, maybe he will grow into the role more; become more the Nathan Drake players of the games know and love? Only time will tell ...