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Calistos (Guardians of Hades #5)
Calistos (Guardians of Hades #5)
Felicity Heaton | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Calistos is the fifth book in the Guardians of Hades series and this time we have the playboy of the series! Bless him, Calistos has some serious issues. Between hiding who he really is from everyone (including his brothers), memory issues, and keeping everyone at a firm distance because he doesn't believe he deserves love, well, this is one helluva story!

Marinda believes she is human and first meets Cal at the ER where she works on reception. Even when he is high on human medicine, Cal recognises something in Mari that makes him want to know her more. As for Marinda, she is fascinated by Cal but thinks he is a junkie so intends to keep her distance. You can guess how that works out.

The connection between Cal and Mari is instantaneous and continues through the book. Mari doesn't like Cal's reputation as a playboy but gets to know him before judging. The action is non-stop in here as Cal tries to understand why the daemons are after Mari. I loved the reason! Let's just say Mari definitely has a split personality.

The other couples play a part in here too, along with a hint of what is to come for Daimon. One of the things I love about these stories is that with each book, it gives me a teaser of what is to come which immediately whets my appetite and makes me want it NOW.

As always, the action scenes are spot-on whilst the sexy scenes steamed up my Kindle. All the characters have more to them than you first see and the layers are peeled off in such a way as to keep you wanting more.

A fantastic addition to the series that I highly recommend.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
178 of 235
Where Bad Girls go to Fall (Good Girls 2)
By Holly Renee

Enamored Reads Nothing good came from listening to my heart. It was careless and irrational and became way too invested when I read a romance novel. So I put her under lock and key. I only had a few rules, and I always stuck with them. 1. Never get attached. 2. Always run before the feels become contagious. 3. No matter what, under no circumstances, never fall in love. He was a playboy who ran by the same set of rules. What we had together was fun, it was hot, and it was temporary. Until he screwed everything up. We were never meant to be each other's happily ever after, but the harder I tried to push him away, the further I fell.

This is such a feel good series where love comes in through and gives you that mushy feeling with a bit of spice. Yes, I don’t do too many romance feels but how can you not when it’s this cute?
Iron Man: Extremis
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'll be honest - I was one of those who, before I saw the first Iron Man movie (2008?) had no idea who the character was.

That, of course, is not the case now, after 3 solo outings (to date) and 2 'team' entries (Avengers Assemble and Age of Ultron).

As my only real exposure to the character had also only come form those movies, I was also unaware that Tony Stark's identity (as Iron Man) was NOT common knowledge - I had always thought that was one thing that had set him apart from the likes of Batman, Superman, et al.

I also later discovered that this comic was one of those that had influenced those movies - while pretty obvious in Iron Man 3 (which also deals with Extremis), it had also had an impact on the first movie - reading this comic in 2016, it's interesting to see how: from the 'reboot' of his origins from the original Vietnam War to more modern Afghanistan, to even the look of the character (this came first, remember), and to the whole 'Genius Playboy Billionaire Philantropist' persona after he is injured by his own weaponry.
4.5/5 stars ~ I AM distracted by bacon!!!! This should be my theme song. Just one of many lines in the book that had me laughing hysterically.

I loved Tony Steele since meeting him in book one of this series. Putting this persona out there when he was really the opposite. Tough, no nonsense, take no prisoners playboy who’s best way to handle anything was throw money at it.

He lusts after Reese and jumps at the opportunity to make her his. Too bad he can’t remember anything about their wedding.

We learn Tony loves Reese and Bacon and that Tequila makes him have short term memory loss. Is there anything money can’t buy? Yes, Reese. Reese is a penny pincher, a saver, an investor. She helps everyone be the best they can be. She makes Tony her next mission. Make him understand he doesn’t have to throw money around to make a difference and be happy.

I enjoyed this book immensely, I knew I would with Tony front and center. This series is 3 books and each could easily be read as a stand-alone but the 1st book does shed some light into the 3rd book. Another gem by Erin Nicholas!!!

Dean (6921 KP) rated The Batman (2022) in Movies

Mar 31, 2022 (Updated Mar 31, 2022)  
The Batman (2022)
The Batman (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Great Cast (2 more)
A different version of Batman
Great visuals
Well can't say this was top of my list to see when I heard we have yet another Batman reboot. Although my interest was raised after seeing the trailer.
This is a different style of Batman compared to all the others. It's dark, gloomy, broody and noir like at times with a strong detective element to the story. Gotham looks great with its real locations adding character to the setting.
This is a dark, aggressive, loner Batman with Bruce Wayne more of a recluse than a playboy. It seems that Bruce Wayne is the real mask for this character. It's interesting to see a new Bat Cave, Batmobile and other key things from the comics.
The assembled cast is strong, especially Jeffrey Wright as Lt. Gordon who has some great scenes. It is a bit long but not in a way that will have you checking your watch waiting for the end, as the story is good.
It's not better than Dark Knight but it's definitely up near the top end of Batman Films. Although I personally enjoy some of the others more, I definitely admire the quality of this version.
Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra
Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra
Stuart Gibbs | 2022 | Children
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlie’s Following Cleopatra’s Footsteps
Charlie Thorne is once again on her own, and she’s decided to find out what Cleopatra left behind over two thousand years ago. To do so, she needs to slip into the apartment of a rich Egyptian playboy. Naturally, things don’t go as planned, and Charlie finds herself being chased by not only the man’s security, but several different countries’ agents. Can she dodge them and still find what Cleopatra left behind?

This series has a couple of issues for me. One is Charlie, who can come across as a perfect character for far too long. Eventually, we do see some weaknesses, but it takes a while. I suspect this is something that adults will pick on more than kids do. Then there’s the data dumps. We need some of that information to have the context for the action, but it can get to be a bit much. However, overall, I do like these books, and this one in particular. There are plenty of action sequences and twists. I’m curious where the series is going to go from here. I like the core cast, yes, even Charlie. And I mentioned the action, right? Fans of good stories will enjoy this book.
This was so sweet and adorable. I loved the writing. I felt as if I was lusting for the hot doctor with Benny. I felt the irritation with her neighbor who is also a hottie. I felt with her when Henry played super loud music really early in the morning and she just wanted to sleep. I loved the descriptions of the characters and their feelings. Benny was so amusing. She is lusting for a doctor.. she is cute and sweet. She just wants to be able to have peace at night. Henry was the annoying (yet hott) playboy who didn't need to do much. He was carefree and easy going. He didn't have to be anywhere or do anything. The two interactions are very funny together, they made me laugh and they made me feel happy. This reminds me a bit of the movies where the guy helps to make over the girl so she can fall for another guy and in the process.. he falls for her and she for him. It is amazing and so much fun to read about. Henry was Benny's opposite and yet they had so much in common once they got to know each other. They are amazing together and I'm so glad I got to read about them.

Danny Boyle recommended Apocalypse Now (1979) in Movies (curated)

Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
1979 | Action, Drama, War

"Always, and always number one for me in every list is Apocalypse Now. There are lots of reasons. It’s imperfect; which every film should be. I love action movies. I believe in motion, in the motion picture industry. And Apocalypse Now is the ultimate action movie. Firstly, it’s the only period film you’ll ever watch where nobody ever says it still ‘stands up after 30 years.’ Every other film — like Alien, and I’m a huge fan of Alien, I even did some promotion for it when they re-released it — the main thing you say are phrases like “Even after 25 years it still stands up.” You never have to use that (phrase) for Apocalypse Now. Everyone always just says: “Wow.” The second reason it’s the ultimate action movie is every time it stops moving it’s weird and unnatural and disturbing. Everytime it stops moving: they stop to collect mushrooms, they get attacked by a tiger; they stop and watch the playboy bunnies arriving; the boat stops and they end up shooting these people over a puppy in a little boat. And it stops, of course, with the ultimate stop: When he (Martin Sheen) meets Marlon Brando, Colonel Kurtz at the end. You can tell by how unnatural the stops are, how natural an action movie it is."

City of Sun ( Men of Manhattan book 1)
Ivy Smoak | 2022
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
134 of 230
City of Sin ( Men of Manhattan book 1)
By Ivy Smoak

I know I have a reputation as a playboy. And I like my reputation.

The only reason I agreed to go on a blind date was because I was promised two Knicks tickets for my time.

But I never expected for her to pass on me. Me? Are you kidding?

I'm going to prove to her that she made a mistake. I give it a week until she begs me to make good on my promises. Then I'll say goodbye to her long legs and sassy tongue and perfect...

What the hell? Why don't I want to say goodbye?

This book kinda stressed me out I’m not one for 2 star reviews I hate doing them but I like to think I review honestly. I managed to get through the whole book somehow it kept me reading. But the two main characters were just not good for me. Again this is my honest opinion. She was annoying and Mason was just a pig even him turning it around at the end I still didn’t like him he was just not appealing at all. So so as I really wanted to like it. The story just seemed forced and long winded.
Breathe (Breakers Hockey #7)
Breathe (Breakers Hockey #7)
Elise Faber | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BREATHE is the seventh book in the Breakers Hockey series and this time it's Theo's turn. He's the playboy of the team, never wanting to settle down. And he has had some major issues with Eva from the very beginning. We now find out why.

Eva and Theo are similar in many ways, and both of them hide their hurt behind walls a mile high. It's only after they've sniped and snarled at each for a while that they begin to realise there might be more between them than just snark. This was a great story showing just how badly family can hurt and also heal.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story and its arc, as it moved from enemies, to friends, and then to lovers. Eva and Theo are protective of each other, which I loved. Walker and Dommie have a bit of a sneak story in here. I'm hoping they get to tell their story in full. The pacing is perfect and the little signs of affection - Theo and Eva's love language - is dotted throughout, making this a wonderful read with plenty of emotions.

A great addition to the series and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 14, 2023