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OneNerdsBrain (5 KP) rated Pokémon GO in Apps

Jun 18, 2019  
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Games, Health & Fitness
Regularly Updated (4 more)
Optional Tasks for extra in game items
Research Tasks for legendary Pokemon.
Group raids encourage you to team up with others.
Micro transactions are present but aren’t forced upon you.
Heavy emphasis on grinding. (0 more)
Done Wonders For My Mental Health!
I have been a fan of Pokémon since I was a child in the 90s. When this game was announced I knew I would have to spend time with it. I am a very anxious person, I barely go out without a friend or my partner but I’ve found myself venturing down the road to collect stops in this game. I’ve joined groups and met up with people to take part in raids, I’ve had fun with the tasks.

The game has micro transactions in it but you don’t need to buy them unless you want to. You can acquire in game items through the Pokestops, research tasks, levelling up & gifts.

It is regularly updated so there’s always something to do. If you were looking for a fun way to get out of the use and socialise/exercise, this is it.
    RTVE Clan

    RTVE Clan

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Black Mirror  - Season 3
Black Mirror - Season 3
2014 | Sci-Fi
The third series of Black Mirror (the first made for Netflix) sees another 6 standalone episodes offering a frightening glimpse at the future use of technology.
Nosedive looks at people's obsession with likes and ratings and that each interaction becomes either tooth-achingly sweet to secure that rating, or a desperate attempt to get that good rating from someone higher than you. While I liked the premise, I thought this episode was a little too long.
Playtest sees Pokémon Go type AR go wild, as a young American backpacker desperate for money agrees to test a new brain implant that allows people to experience horror games as if they were real. A well executed thriller of an episode.
Shut Up & Dance looks at blackmailing/revenge porn and shows the lengths people will go to to avoid their secrets being revealed, as a young boy afraid that footage of his one-handed solo adventures being shown to his friends and family ends up on something of a treasure hunt with Jerome off of Robson & Jerome (who has lost that loving feeling and started seeing an escort). The story is very gripping and well shot.
San Junipero was a surprisingly uplifting, heartwarming episode. I won't spoil the reveal too much but it is the rare occasion where Black Mirror shows the good side of technology taken to extremes. Absolutely beautiful.
Men Against Fire was a clever episode looking at the uses of brain augmentations in the armed forces and how they can be used and abused in warfare. An apparent zombie apocalypse scenario is turned on its head and shows the Black Mirror take on such technology.
The final episode, Hated in the Nation is a look at online trolling and bullying and how this can be taken to extremes. it shows that even when people know there are real consequences for the victims, because it is largely anonymous they will carry on doing it. Quite a long episode but gripping and keeps the viewer guessing throughout.

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Nerve (2016)
Nerve (2016)
2016 | Adventure, Mystery, Thriller
I walked into Nerve expecting it to be a teenage version of the morose 2014 horror/thriller 13 Sins. While similar in premise, 13 Sins is dark and sinister, while Nerve is something different all together. Based on the 2012 young adult novel by the same name, Nerve is a story about an unassuming high school senior who decides to challenge her own comfort zone by playing an online reality game of where “watchers” (Like Facebook Followers) offer up various “Dare’s” for players to complete which nets them money. The more “watchers” players gain, the bigger the possible rewards, but at what cost?

Nerve feels like its two movies in one. For the first two acts, Nerve is a young adult/teen film where we follow Vee (Emma Roberts) as she breaks free from her unassertive personality that has her in the background among her friends and afraid to tell her family where she wants to go to college. She is a good kid, but too timid to go after anything she really wants. Instead through the challenges of the game Nerve, she gains confidence in herself as she becomes involved with another Nerve player Ian (Dave Franco). Together, along with a fast paced uplifting soundtrack, we are taken on a fun and entertaining ride where you cannot help but care about these two and wonder what you would do in their situation.

Roberts and Franco are likable in their roles and they lead a stellar young cast who are all realistic in their youthful portrayal. Not too surprising because they are actually young actors, but it is important to note that the cast feels “real,” which helps sell the believability that a game like “Nerve” could actually exist in our world. Especially in a world where we are glued to our phones, tablets and computers in order to be the “star of our own lives” through the instant gratification of social media. Along with the recent emergence of the popularity of augmented reality games like Pokémon Go, it is conceivable that a game like Nerve could exist in our near future.

But this is where the film starts to fall apart. In the third act, the film hastily transitions into a social commentary of the anonymity of the internet, mob think and what we are willing to share online. While I understand this is a message that seem appropriate a story like this, that message would have been better served in a sinister film like the aforementioned, 13 Sins, and not in a movie which up to that point, felt that it was headed towards being an inspiring and uplifting film. It doesn’t help that the resolution of that social commentary was comical in its execution that completely pulls you out of the film. It was an unnecessary turn that wanted us to focus on the game Nerve rather than the characters the story made us care about. It’s a shame really because up until that point, the film Nerve was fun, enjoyable and inspiring, only to fall apart for no real reason other than to make a weak attempt at being something more than a teen movie.

I am sure the young adult/teenage audience this film is marketed towards will enjoy Nerve, but this film is really more of a rental or at most, a matinee.
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Animation
Not as bad as expected
Sonic the Hedgehog is a legend, a gaming institution, and adapting him for the big screen was always going to be a tall order. This was proved when the trailer for this 2020 release first dropped in 2019 - the original appearance of Sonic faced such outcry and derision that studio Paramount did the unexpected and completely overhauled Sonic's looks. The result in the final film released in February of this year is a character that looks very much like the Sonic we know and love, but in a storyline and film that is sadly rather lacking.

Sonic the Hedgehog was directed by Jeff Fowler and stars James Marsden and Jim Carrey as the humans, with Ben Schwartz voicing the animated Sonic. The plot unfortunately is the entirely predictable buddy story you'd expect when a CGI character gets thrown into the real world - Sonic befriends a human, experiences all the fun earth has to offer before being hunted by an evil villain, and at the end everyone learns the value of friendship. So far, so generic and for me this was the biggest disappointment about this entire film. The script, the plot, the animation, it was all just so average.

Having seen the surprisingly good Detective Pikachu the previous year, which managed to seamlessly blend the real world with animated characters in a better than average story, I'd hoped Sonic would follow in the same vein but I'm sad to say it didn't. Yes Sonic looks a million times better than he did initially (the teeth in the original version are the stuff of nightmares), but he still looks too animated and cartoonish for the real world. The Pokémon in Warner Bros' film looked real, but Sonic just looks out of place. He isn't helped with Ben Schwartz's rather unconvincing voice which feels ill-fitting too, personally I think they should've done a Pikachu and Ryan Reynolds and gone with a completely outlandish OTT voice. It's a shame as the rest of the scenery and action based CGI are actually quite good, although the slow motion scenes have been done before and so much better (X-Men: Days of Future Past).

To be fair, despite a sometimes dodgy script, the human cast do at least do their best. James Marsden has surprisingly good chemistry with an animated hedgehog, although it's Jim Carrey as Dr Robotnik that steals the show. Whilst his Robotnik isn't quite the rounded Eggman of the games, Carrey's performance is wonderfully wacky, sinister and completely over the top, and is responsible for virtually all of the laughs here. He's having an absolute whale of a time and this really draws us in as viewers and makes us have fun too. He's the Carrey we know from the 90s, his performance so akin to those of Ace Ventura and The Mask that you can't help but love the exaggerated show he gives here.

Paramount has also done a good job of including some nostalgic nods to the games, from the gold rings in the opening Paramount logo to Sonic's red sneakers. Even the final battle between Sonic and Robotnik had me squealing with joy at how much it reminded me of the actions you undertake to defeat the boss battles. There are some aspects of the games that are missing, most noticeably the Badniks (Robotnik's creature like robots) and Sonic's friends, who have sadly been left for a blatant sequel baiting end credits scene for a sequel we may never see. I also found Robotnik's machines and vehicles to be a little too technologically advanced and was disappointed not to see some that were more reminiscent of the wacky contraptions from the games.

This adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog isn't the best, and to be frank it could have been done so much better. That said, it still held my attention for its 100min run time and could never be called dull, even if it was a little too puerile to be anything better than average.