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Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Crime
398. Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey. A two hour long pitch meeting for a future Birds of Prey movie. Harley Quinn is probably the worst part about this movie, the character is super annoying. Right away you know you're in trouble, there is an animated beginning to tell how The Joker and her break up, then the movie begins and retells the tale of her breaking up with the Joker for another good portion of the movie. And because she's single, all the people she dicked over can now kill her. Gotham must be the training ground for the Galactic Empire's stormtroopers and bounty hunters, none can get the job done. To stay alive she agrees to help the crime boss Roman Sionis retrieve a diamond that was lost when it was pickpocketed on the street by a teen girl. Roman was a cool over the top character, but because the movie was so flat, his performance is muted. It depends on a lot of flashbacks, flash-sideways to fit all the other Birds of Prey characters. And the bean-bag assault on the police station was a cop out. Harley says a big FU to society, but even with the R-rating, that was definitely a PG13 sequence, reminiscent of the old 1960's Batman. Thanks for the blue lives matter public service announcement. Should have definitely included Phoenix's Joker in there, he probably would have shot her. Rosie Perez's Renee Montoya of course would have blown his head off afterwards, because she's awesome! Filmbufftim on FB
The Subject of Malice
The Subject of Malice
Cynthia Kuhn | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Study in Malice
English professor Lila Maclean is attending an academic conference she has helped organize near her university in Colorado, and she is looking forward to presenting a paper, attending panels, and rubbing elbows with the publisher that has accepted her book. The downside is that her rival, Simone, and Simone’s twin sister, Selene, are also attending the conference and trying to make life miserable for her. The conference organizers have some surprises up their sleeves, but the dead body after the opening night dinner wasn’t one of them. Did someone’s academic rivalry boil over to murder?

In this book, Lila is approached by her boyfriend, police detective Lex Archer, about helping investigate because she knows the players and the motives. That stretched credibility a bit for me, but I was having so much fun I didn’t let it bother me too much. There is plenty of malice at the conference, not all of it connected to the murder, and that was enough to keep me turning the pages as quickly as possible until I reached the satisfying climax. Lila is once again a great main character who faces a couple of twists in her personal life in this book. We don’t see all of the supporting cast, but the ones we do see are great as usual, and the suspects are strong as well. The setting of the conference, an old movie studio turned into a resort, added a layer of fun to things as well. All told, I give this book a grade of A+.
Crypt Suzette
Crypt Suzette
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Halloween Hit and Run
Val Deniston’s granddad has taken on another boarder, a young woman named Suzette Cripps. Suzette spends most of her time in her room, but she is planning to participate in the literary themed costume contest to celebrate the town’s new bookstore. The morning after the contest, Suzette is dead, killed by a hit and run driver. The police are investigating, but they think it was an accident. Val can’t help but think it was more than that. Is she right?

The mystery starts out quickly, and it is easy for us to share Val’s suspicion that this wasn’t an accident. There are plenty of suspects, and I felt like it took a little while for me to keep them all straight. This is a minor complaint, however, as they did get developed as the book went along. I’m in awe at how the clues were sprinkled into the book, and as Val used them to piece things together at the end, I felt foolish for not picking up on them myself. The book is set at Halloween, and the fall atmosphere is a lot of fun. We get a creepy Halloween inspired scene near the end as well. Val’s granddad is a hoot, and I really enjoyed his sub-plot involving ghost hunting. There are five more five-ingredient recipes at the end of the book. While it would be fun to read this book at Halloween, it works well at any season of the year. I enjoyed it in February, after all.