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Don't Look for Me
Don't Look for Me
Wendy Walker | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of my favorite thrillers this year
Five years ago, Molly and John Clarke's youngest daughter died. It changed their family forever, devastating Molly and John. Molly blames herself. Their son, Evan, is now at boarding school and eldest daughter Nicole, 21, has a fractured relationship with her mom. Then Molly disappears coming back from visiting Evan. Everyone says she left on purpose, backed up by the note they find. The police call it a "walk away." Molly's car was abandoned by a gas station, the note discovered at a nearby hotel. But what really happened to Molly? Nicole is convinced her mother wouldn't just walk away from them, no matter how bad things had become.

"This was her fault and now she had to make it right. She had to find her mother."

Oh my gosh. I read this book in one breathless day, despite working for 12 hours. It's an utterly and completely spellbinding thriller. I read the last half in one sitting, desperate to know what became of Molly. Walker gives us a twisty thriller that is filled with surprises. It's dramatic, beyond readable, and heartbreaking at times. Told from Molly and Nicole's point of views, it's amazing. I love a book that can shock me, and this is that book.

I'm not going to offer much more, as it's best to go into this one blind. Just know that, hands down, it's one of the best thrillers I've read this year. 4.5+ stars. Pick up this book!
Thriller (2018)
Thriller (2018)
2018 | Horror
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A group of children decide to play a prank on a boy called chauncey from school. He is tricked into entering an empty house where they chase him around wearing masks to scare him, he retaliates by pushing one of the kids and sends her over the balcony to her death, but rather than confessing that it was a prank gone wrong the children all tell the police that chauncey killed her and he is sent to prison.
4 years later Chauncey is released from prison and the friends have gone their desperate ways. We see how they are coping now, some are still struggling whilst others are living a normal life, that is until they find out that Chauncey is back. It turns out they have every right to be worried as he is understandably very angry and wants revenge.
In theory the movie sounds good and in some parts it is good, but unfortunately not enough to keep me gripped. In many parts the acting wasn't great, you could see it was a low budget movie and the music they used in scenes just didn't work with what was happening, its almost as if a random piece of music was picked and they thought "that will do". I also found I didn't feel any kind of connection to the characters, they didn't have much of a storyline and I didn't care really care if they lived or died. Sadly I won't be watching this movie again.

Kristina (502 KP) rated Sick Fux in Books

Dec 7, 2020  
Sick Fux
Sick Fux
Tillie Cole | 2018 | Crime, Erotica, Horror
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alice in Wonderland meets Bonnie and Clyde in this dark, twisted, disturbing tale of two victims who come together to exact revenge on their abusers. <br/>I've only read A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie - it was a bit sweet for me, so I didn't bother looking up any other books she might have written, which was a HUGE mistake! I accidentally stumbled across Sick Fux thanks to a fellow Bookworm through a group on Facebook; she said it was dark and disturbing, but good, so I thought I'd give it a try. I was not disappointed.<br/>From beginning to end, Heathen-turned-Rabbit and Ellis-turned-Dolly had me enthralled. Their adventures, their suffering, their madness... All of it drew me in, further and further down the rabbit hole (lame pun totally intended). With each murder, this question became increasingly urgent: what is going to happen to the two of them? I couldn't help but wonder if they'd succeed in their mission; if Rabbit would accidentally kill Dolly during one of their intense, raw, animalistic episodes; if they would get caught and thrown into an asylum; if they would die in each other's arms amidst gunfire from police. The ending eluded me and made me nervous, because pretty much either one would suit the twisted theme. As terrifying as it is, I found myself cheering the both of them on, grinning madly when they came out of a situation alive, despite being covered in blood. Sick Fux was definitely different and I definitely loved it!
Batman: Gotham After Midnight
Batman: Gotham After Midnight
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel contains 12 episodes of Batman stories, each full of action and crime and excitement. It includes Man-Bat, Axe-Man, Clayface, The Joker, Killer Croc, Catwoman, Scarecrow and the new villain, Midnight. At first, Batman is trying to figure out why his villains are suddenly changing their patterns. But then Midnight comes into the scene...

Batman becomes rather attached to a police officer, although Bruce Wayne has no success with her. But can he save her from this strange, crazy new murderer?

The detective side of this - especially toward the end, when Batman is close to discovering Midnight's identity - is fantastic. Full of suspense. Of course, his encounters with the enemies are great, too. I wasn't sure about his relationship with April, but I like how it all fit together in the end.

The inner monologue - and even the dialogue - wasn't great. The text that was chosen for this also wasn't the wisest. But the story got told and that's all that really matters in the end.

And Alfred... I love him! He's witty and smart, but also caring and wise when it comes to dealing with Batman. He often has to tell Batman to pull himself together and to stop being an idiot. I think he may be my favourite character.

The art was great and I liked the story, but the dodgy, clunky monologue was quite off-putting. Even so, it was an easy read still so it obviously wasn't that bad. I think I'll say 4 stars for this, though I may be being a little generous there.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Those People in Books

Sep 13, 2019  
Those People
Those People
Louise Candlish | 2019 | Thriller
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I was really excited to read my first Louise Candlish novel and while I found this one interesting enough, it wasn't as intriguing as I'd hoped after all the hype over OUR HOUSE. I'm all for neighborhood tensions and drama, but my goodness, it feels like this book took forever. And while I get that this was probably the overall point, these people were mostly all so insufferable that I really didn't care if they all just killed each other!

The book makes some good points about social class, but it does it all so slowly. There are a few twists, yes, but they don't come often enough, and I had a decent idea about a few of them. Maybe the drawn out element was meant to mimic the neighbor's "agony," but good grief. The book is told via police reports and narratives. We learn early on there was an incident in the neighborhood, but don't know what happened or who was involved. I was definitely interested in knowing what went on, which is why I kept plugging away. It's pretty clear early on that nearly everyone has a reason to harm everyone else; kind of makes me glad for my eight acres.

So, overall, while curiosity kept me reading on this one, and I enjoyed a few of the twists, it was definitely a slow read filled with a lot of annoying characters. Maybe if I'm brave enough to pick up OUR HOUSE, it will be more my jam. 2.5+ stars.
    La Sainte Bible avec audio

    La Sainte Bible avec audio

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    La Sainte Bible - French Holy Bible with Audio La Sainte Bible contient l'esprit de Dieu, l'état...