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Dean (6921 KP) rated Prey (2022) in Movies

Aug 5, 2022 (Updated Dec 6, 2022)  
Prey (2022)
Prey (2022)
2022 | Sci-Fi
7.6 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Amber Midthunder (2 more)
Action packed
Nice ties to a couple of the other films
If it bleeds...
A very good Predator prequel of sorts. Definitely better than a couple of the other entries. Back to basics and more in touch with the original in terms of the set up. Set in 1719 as a Comanche tribe hunt and are hunted.
It crams a lot in to a short 95 minute run time. With plenty of Predator action. Amber Midthunder stands out as one to watch from this.
Predator (1987)
Predator (1987)
1987 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
"Get to the choppa!"
Classic 1980s action movie; the first (and best) of the Predator films.

Full of classic one-liners (too many to recount here), with Arnie as the leader of the Special Forces rescue team who find themselves hunted by an extraterrestrial warrior (never actually called a Predator in the movie!) who seems to view the Central American jungle as a game park.

What this one gets right, and what the sequels largely missed, is the memorable supporting characters in Arnie's Platoon.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Predators (2010) in Movies

May 14, 2019 (Updated Dec 4, 2019)  
Predators (2010)
Predators (2010)
2010 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Another Predator movie, another misfire
Contains spoilers, click to show
In reality, the only truly decent Predator film is the original (although I do have a soft spot for Predator 2 but shhh).

Predators is just a bit of a mess from the get go. We're very swiftly introduced to a cast of bland, cliched, "badass" characters, none of whom are particularly likable, and I can only find myself blaming the script for the most part. This cast includes true talents, including Adrian Brody, Laurence Fishburne, and Mahershala Ali, and none them succeed in making positive impact.
It also stars Topher Grace, who's character goes through some absolute-nonsense-sudden-shift-to-evil-douche plot twist near the end, by which point, you just struggle to care.

As for the actual Predator side of things - it's pretty underwhelming. The trailer promised a big number of the alien hunters, where in reality we get 4, who hardly get any screen time (which wouldn't be a problem if the human characters were actually interesting).
The opportunity to explore an alien world, rather than the usual setting of Earth is a nice idea, but mostly wasted bar a couple of nice looking landscape shots.
The whole thing comes down to a showdown between a lone Predator, and a shirtless Adrian Brody covered in mud, in what I Imagine was supposed to be an ode and call back to the original, but in reality, it just reminds you that you could be spending your time watching that instead.

Final thought - after the lengths that Arnie went through in the original to take down the Predator, I absolutely refuse to accept that one dude with a katana can cut one down with relative ease.
AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
2004 | Action, Horror, Mystery
I enjoyed watching Alien fight Predator way more than how bad this movie was. I liked this movie and will happily watch it again. it might be a poor movie in comparison to the originals, but it sure is fun to watch.
AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
2004 | Action, Horror, Mystery
Getting close to the worst of both franchises now its okay both the aliens and the predators are the real stars of the movie the vfk is good not so much the acting but overall better than alien vs predator 2 requiem
AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
2004 | Action, Horror, Mystery
PG-13 why!!!!!!
Contains spoilers, click to show
A crossover that we been waiting for and its pg-13. Yea thats right a alien vs predator movie pg-13 so it cuts away for all of the kills and the gore. What also doesnt make sense is that it makes the predator the good guy at the end. Both of them are villians, this movie should of done that instead and focus more about surviving.

Still A.V.P. is a good film just wish their done more. Ohh also their a sequel, thats rated R but its worser than this film.

At least this film is watchable and fun to watch.

Dork_knight74 (881 KP) created a post

Jul 16, 2020  
Watched the Alien movies last week. Watching the Predator movies this week. I've noticed there are several actors in both cinematic universes playing different roles. I hasn't really noticed it before when I watched them the first time. I guess because they were spread out over the years.

Jackjack (877 KP) Jul 18, 2020

Gunna have to watch them again now to see if I spot it, have watched them all a few times but never seen 😅


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Predator 2 (1990) in Movies

Sep 29, 2019 (Updated Sep 29, 2019)  
Predator 2 (1990)
Predator 2 (1990)
1990 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
One of the most aggressively 'ok' films ever
Predator 2 isn't awful. It's gets a bad wrap, and I think that stems from just how good the first film is.

Let's look at the positives - Director Stephen Hopkins tried something new with a simple change of scenery, from a thick jungle to a dystopian Los Angeles. I have nothing but respect for not straight up ripping off the first movie, unlike Predators...
Another positive - I find it almost impossible to dislike Danny Glover. His character is nowhere near as iconic as as Arnie's Dutch, but he's still pretty likable.
The titular Predator looks pretty badass as always, and the use of practical effects throughout are pretty good.

The digital effects dotted about here and there have aged terribly, and the general plot is largely forgettable for the most part. Quite simply, it's an inferior movie to it's predecessor, but it's an entertaining enough slice of 90s Sci-fi and still worth a watch, even if it's just to hear Danny Glover call the Predator a 'pussy face'.

David McK (3219 KP) rated Prey (2022) in Movies

Aug 14, 2022  
Prey (2022)
Prey (2022)
2022 | Sci-Fi
7.6 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If it bleeds, we can kill it
1990s 'Predator 2' has a famous tease - other than the HR Gieger Alien skull on the wall of the spaceship - that the Predators have been visiting Earth for centuries.

Despite that, this is the first one that actually takes that tease and runs with it, set roughly 300 years ago when a Comanche warrior finds themselves in a battle of survival against the titular Predator.

It's also been getting rave reviews, with many calling it the best Predator movie since the original and some even going as far as saying it is better than that 1987 film.

Which makes it somewhat surprising that this was only released via streaming, not even getting a theatrical release.

Having now seeing it, and perhaps having too high expectations as a result of those reviews, I can really only say that I found it to be overhyped - enjoyable enough, yes, but also (very) slow getting started, and with it - in my opinion - definitely missing something by being released only via streaming.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Predator: Hunting Grounds in Video Games

May 9, 2020 (Updated May 9, 2020)  
Predator: Hunting Grounds
Predator: Hunting Grounds
2020 | Action, Horror, Shooter
It's hard to rate Predator: Hunting Grounds properly. It's the kind of game that is ripe for updating on a regular basis, and it feels like there is still a lot to come (at least I hope there is!)

One of the main concerns is how long it will hold my attention for - as it stands, I'm still having fun with it, but it's hard to gauge how long that will last.
You get two choices - either you work as part of a 4-person fireteam, tasked with various objectives throughout a thick jungle setting, fighting AI controlled guerilla soldiers along the way, and trying to avoid the Predator hunting you down.
The other choice is of course, playing as The Predator, your objective being to hunt do the fireteam using the tools at your disposal. Thermal vision, flying discs, spear like weapons - lots of gadgets from the films are here to use.

As a fireteam member, 9 times out of 10, the match will end pretty quickly in my experience, with the either the Predator slaughtering the whole team within minutes, or the team shooting down the Predator. I've had a handful of games where the objectives have been completed and everyone has escaped. As the Predator, (still learning the ropes) I seem to get destroyed pretty quickly, whether info in for close range combat, or stick to the trees and try to fight long range - the game feels severely unbalanced, against both sides somehow. It's something that needs tweaking.
Graphics wise, it's not too bad. I'm seeing a lot of complaints about how it looks like a PS2 game, and that simply not true. The environments are colourful and the character models are what you would expect from a multiplayer PS4 game.
The only issue I've found along this subject is a fair few bugs littered throughout when it comes to said character models.

If you're a fan of the films, especially the first film, then you will undeniably get a huge kick out of Hunting Grounds. Going against the Predator can be genuinely tense, especially if you catch a glimpse of it jumping through the trees. It feels authentic at the very least, and the gameplay does have a visceral and frantic feel to it.

I really hope that more is added though. I'd love to see some content related to the sequels in the future, and some more variety added to gameplay. It's fun, but it feels like it could be so much more.