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Rachel King (13 KP) rated Heavenly in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found the opening chapter of this book to be very strange, but intriguing, and I understood that it was meant be an extended teaser of something that happens later in the book. I liked that the author used this to hook the reader in, but the drawback is that I was looking for where the opening chapter fits in for the rest of the book.

Very quickly into the book, I felt an emotional connection with the main character, Zoe. The responsibilities of having an autistic sister have really drained her in many ways, and left her with this hole that she was either looking to fill or ignore. At the same time, when she was at home, she assumed the role of the "second mother" with an unselfish pride that showed a maturity beyond her age of seventeen.

On the flip side, her brother Luke is the opposite of Zoe in many ways in that he does not seem to share the responsibilities of caring for their sister, Abria, but instead is often seen running out the door. But like Abria, he also seeks to fill the void that the demands of his life have pulled out of him in different, but just as self-destructive, ways as Zoe.

Abria, the austistic younger sibling, is quite a fascinating character to read about, as I felt like I could extract the meaning behind her varied antics better than her family could. For instance, she has a habit of climbing anything she can get on, but it's the guardian angel Matthias who must point out to Zoe that Abria climbs because she like high places. The permanence of her innocence puts her in a state of joy that Zoe can only envy.

It was not until the end of the book that I fully understood the slogan attached to the Heavenly series: "Real Angels Don't Fall." The character of Matthias is just as unique and interesting as Abria, and the details put into both of them had me flying through this book in a matter of days. Matthias holds to the principles of his role as a guardian angel with both humor and intensity, and the number of times he side-stepped Zoe's questions even while answering others became quite frustrating. I would love for the story to switch viewpoints just so I could understand more of what Matthias was thinking and what motivated him.

I had expected this book to be mostly focused on romance, but I would say that the romantic aspects are only part of the story. Both Abria and Luke are vital to the plotline, and the ending was different than what I was predicting by a mile. I shed a few tears at the end, but there was still a sweetness that put a smile on my face. I can't wait to get my hands on the next one in the series, Penitence (Volume 2).
Nothing can be hidden that won’t be revealed.

When her father dies, Katherine Levinson discovers her parents have kept secrets that render her happy childhood a farce. She and her gravely ill mother face eviction, and she has no choice but to appeal to the brother she’s never seen, the famous cattle baron, Rhyan Cason. Over her gravely ill mother’s objections, they move to Nebraska and the sprawling cattle ranch, Sollano.

Instead of the warm welcome, Katherine expects, she and her mother are met with whispers and scorn in the little prairie town near Sollano. Gradually, the sins of her parents’ past surface

and Katherine begins to doubt her very identity. With her brother busy with cattle rustlers and her mother too ill to be bothered, Katherine turns to Colt Holliman, a soft-spoken neighboring rancher, for comfort.

Tired of waiting for the right woman to come along, Colt has promised to wait for Charley Ryder, an acclaimed female sharpshooter and equestrian acrobat with the Wild West Show, but it’s becoming clear Charley loves the show more than him. As his attraction to Katherine grows, he finds himself spiritually conflicted. How can he break from past commitments and follow his heart?

Then unexpected danger strikes, testing Katherine’s and Colt’s faith in God—and each other.

My Thoughts: This was a delightful novel to read, the storyline is based in Nebraska. Nebraska is known for their corn, beef , horses ,rodeos and sugar beets! I lived in Nebraska and this brought back some great memories for me. The author has done a phenomenal job of bringing the reader into the ranching life. I love that she brings in the Wild West shows as well, there is so much history from the west that people don't have any idea that living in the west is truly like and the author has given the reader a great glimpse of the history.

Katherine is such a loveable character, the reader feels her plight, her father has passed away, her mother is ill, there are bills to pay. What is she to do?

Katherine sends a letter to a brother she hasn't met which changes her life forever.

Katherine has many things to deal with, the lies that her parents told her, gossip, and of course love. How must it feel to fall in love with someone promised to another? will she repeat her mother's past?

It's not hard to fall in love with Colt. He is every woman's dream, including Katherine's but Colt is promised to Charley; who it seems cares more about herself than anyone else.

This is a novel full of love, mystery, and suspense. It also shows us what happens when the love of money and pride come into our lives. It also teaches us that we must lean on God for everything and to turn to him when times get troubled.

I enjoyed the author's writing and will certainly be looking forward to reading more from Elaine Manders.
Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher
Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher
Maxine Sylvester | 2020 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best about his book was how Ronaldo chooses to put his new friend over getting an award for himself. (0 more)
fart jokes (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher by Maxine Sylvester was a wonderful children's book. It is a cute story about a reindeer and his friend at the Flying Academy. The story teaches about the value of friendship and what it means to put your friend's well being before personal gain. It alos brings up judging someone on their personality and not on how they look.

Ronaldo is a level two cadet at the Reindeer Flying Academy and wears his two snowflakes that show his rank on his jacket with pride. He consistently stays at the top of his class and is in the running for getting the Golden Snowflake for having the best speed overall for the year. His best friend, Rudi is in fourth place but that dose not seem to affect their friendship.

One day after completing his flying challenge Ronaldo sets down his bag with camrots in it to watch Rudi finish his challenge. When the friends return to eat the carots they find the carrots are
missing and this is not the first time this has happened. On the way home the two friends discuss how to find the animal responsible for the missing carrots. Not too far from his home Ronaldo meets Ernie who is lost. He agrees to help Emie find her family again in secret. Rudi helps develop a plan to get a message to Ernie's family but it will cost Ronaldo the speed record. Ronaldo decides that helping a friend is more important than breaking a record and takes the risk to help award for himself.

What I liked best about his book was how Ronaldo chooses to put his new friend over getting an award for himself. Ronaldo and Rudi also overcome their fear of The Forest of Doom in order to help Ernie and Ernie saves Ronaldo from bullies. There really isn't much that I did not like about this
book. If I had to pick something it would be that I could have done without the fart jokes, but I understand the appeal they have to younger children.

Target readers for this book are elementary students. Second grade students shoulhandle this book without a problem. Some words may need to be looked up but not too many of them. Having to look up a few words would help expand a young child's vocabulary so that is just another plus for this book. I rate this book a perfect 4 out of 4. This book has a great story line that moves along steadily and the chapters are short enough that they do not discourage young readers. The characters are cute and even the artwork is done nicely.
When Darkness Falls
When Darkness Falls
Kathleen Harryman | 2017 | Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The perspective this book was written from was refreshing in how unique it was. (0 more)
What I liked least about this book is that there is not currently a sequel (thought I truly hope Kathleen Harryman writes one). (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
When Darkness Falls by Kathleen Harryman is an extremely gripping thriller that will have readers up all night. This psychological murder mystery is uniquely written from the killer’s perspective and will have you making conclusions only to find out that you are oh so very wrong.

 Tracy Bennett seems to be an average young woman. She has a typical and relatively boring job at a store and leads a typical life. Tracy has her own apartment which she shares with the mysterious Lauren. In her free time Tracy hangs out with her tow best friends Susie and Abigal. For as normal and mundane as Tracy’s life is there are things going on that are directly related to her, yet just like everyone else she remains oblivious.

 There is someone terrorizing the city, though the police have prevented an all out panic. This person is suspected to be a large and rather muscular man, the press has named The Slasher. The real Slasher hates this name as they see their murders as artwork. This is the killer’s story and they take great pride in what they do. The killer is extremely aware of how forensic teams work and finds it funny playing mind games with them. The killers is also aware of how society labels them and often debates the characteristics of these traits and personality types. But just who is The Slasher? What makes them choose the seemingly random victims and how will all this affect Tracy?

 I don’t know where to start when talking about what I liked best about this book. The perspective this book was written from was refreshing in how unique it was. Even once I figured out what was going on I did not want to accept it and the book always had me second guessing myself. While it may be a little confusing at times it is all explained in the end. What I liked least about this book is that there is not currently a sequel (thought I truly hope Kathleen Harryman writes one). This is one of those books that once you finish it you are left wanting more.

 This book is ideal for adults and young adults who can handle reading graphic descriptions of blood and gore. Other than that there are mentions of a rape but nothing in detail. It could however, potentially give younger readers nightmares. I rate this book 4 out of 4. A word of warning, be careful when you start to read this book because you won't want to stop until its done. There was nothing in this book that I truly did not like and that alone is rare and impressive.

Reed Morano recommended Honey Boy (2019) in Movies (curated)

Honey Boy (2019)
Honey Boy (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama

"""In “Honey Boy,” Alma works deftly, without gimmick. From what I’ve seen, her work is always elegant, but here I think it may also be because of her confidence in the story, how she’s so deeply connected to it and to her subject, Shia, with whom she shares a common bond. LaBeouf’s script seems to want to hide nothing and to do so, it has to be very naturalistically compelling on its own. At first glance the story seems a familiar one, but this script and film effortlessly show the complex nuances of these relationships in a completely new light. Alma and Natasha Braier, her DP, move the camera emotionally, never drawing attention to style, only pulling you into the character. That said, the work is empirically beautiful. As layers are peeled back through their lens and these beautifully raw performances, Alma’s personal connection to the actors and the subject matter navigates the fine line of both sides of the relationship. It would be easier to show us the black and white, but Alma chooses the harder path, taking us through the gray area. Watching the film forces viewers to acknowledge their own complicated relationships; In my case the one I had with my biological father, which I’ve compartmentalized and downplayed my whole life. I had deluded myself into thinking I was content not to know exactly why he wasn’t there until I was in my 30s. I realize now that I still don’t know the answers to all the questions I’ve wanted to ask him. “Honey Boy” is Shia’s very personal childhood memoir but still somehow manages to become universal, interweaving the feelings and roles of child and parent, how those lines are all too often blurred. It’s about the feeling of failure and the feeling of fucking up. Not living up to expectations as the child and never being enough as the parent, how pride can be the most destructive thing to a family. It is emotionally disrupting watching it, not just as the former child but also as a mother who believes she’s doing it all wrong and the ripple effect she may have caused due to her mistakes. Alma’s work nails something which most films nowadays miss the mark at: it evokes a spectrum of very distinct feelings far too difficult to put into words alone. To convey the “unexplainable” in a way that is neither precious nor forced is incredibly difficult to achieve on film, but “Honey Boy” does that in the most compelling and honest way. By making the audience witnesses to the most painfully intimate moments, the film gives them the quiet space necessary to realize it may be possible to understand and feel deeply even for the person whom they had most wanted to despise. “Honey Boy” speaks the truth: that though you always hope there’s a good reason, most of the time the answers you find will never be enough."""


Jamie (131 KP) rated The Edible Woman in Books

May 24, 2017  
The Edible Woman
The Edible Woman
Margaret Atwood | 1969 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong commentary about the roles of women as they enter adulthood (0 more)
Starting to show it’s age with outdated social norms (0 more)
An honest exploration of the roles of women, marriage, and entering adulthood
Marian is an average college-educated woman who lives with a roommate in a decent apartment, works for a survey company, is moderately good looking, and has a handsome fiancé who is on his way to being a big shot lawyer. It sounds like life altogether is going pretty well for Marian. Yet for some reason she feels empty, why?

The Edible Woman explores the themes of losing a sense of self with maturity. At work she is pushed around, her roommate Ainsley is inconsiderate, the landlady is judgmental, and her boyfriend Peter is self centered and makes snide comments at Marian’s expense, acting like he can barely tolerate her. With each encounter Marian puts aside her pride for the sake of avoiding conflict. Marian expresses her problems through eating, or the lack thereof, hinting at a potential eating disorder. Just as she feels inhibited in life, she suddenly feels inhibited with the kinds of food that she can eat.

As the story continues she begins to dread marriage and question the direction her life is going—becoming just as listless as her friend and former classmate Clara, who after marriage and three pregnancies just seems beaten down. Marian’s fiancé Peter is the stereotypical perfect bachelor: a man’s man that looks down on women and views marriage as a ball and chain. Peter pushes Marian around in order to mold her into a subservient woman. There is no longer any room for her thoughts, her feelings, or her desires from under his shadow.

But what about work? What are women’s roles in society and the work force? Throughout the story there are several women including Marian with college educations, yet none of them really have a stable career. Women are expected to be wives and mothers, there’s simply no time for an education or a job. In this case, their educations are ultimately viewed as their downfall due to the crushing reality of how little opportunity they would have. This was the very sad truth at the time the book was written and thankfully is not exactly the case now in most parts of the world.

Atwood tackles a large number of social issues throughout the book that I think would be important for any young woman. Adulthood, relationships, marriage, the choice between work and education versus starting a family, and lastly feminism—both good and bad. (Hint: Ainsely is a perfect example of a bad feminist.)

There are certain elements of the book that are becoming quite dated. Namely the typewriters, the social expectation that all women can be are housewives, and the limited ways that women can dress; These things might make it difficult for young women to look past and relate to the main character. Despite this the book is still incredibly relevant in the message that it brings about maintaining one’s individuality. I absolutely love this book and found a lot of my former self in it’s pages.