ClareR (5789 KP) rated The Twyford Code in Books
Feb 24, 2022
Steve a former criminal, has recorded messages to the adult son he has only met a couple of times. His son has decided that he doesn’t want to see him, but Steve has something important that he wants to share with him. He repeatedly says that he hopes his son will get to listen to what he has to say. But as the book goes on, it looks increasingly less likely. Danger is around him at every turn.
Steve has joined the hunt for hidden treasure, and he believes the clues are hidden in a series of children’s books by Edith Twyford.
Ok, so apparently the clues can be found in this book, but I’m afraid my brain just doesn’t seem to work like that. So, I’m here to say that I read this, enjoyed it immensely, and was just happy to sit back, read the book, and let the story unfold. If you like puzzle solving, you might enjoy that aspect to it. But it’s not imperative!
I thought it was fascinating. The writing style took a couple of pages to get used to, and often the words were written phonetically. Steve’s Remedial English teachers name was written as ‘missiles’ instead of Miss Isles, for example. There are lots of spellings that follow this pattern, because the recordings have apparently gone through a computer programme that changes the spoken word into text. I did wonder if Steve’s own writing would have been much different, as we learn that he only really learnt to read and write whilst in prison.
I don’t want to say too much and spoil the book, but I will say that this had me hooked. I enjoyed each and every stave on The Pigeonhole. This book deserves the hype!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to Janice Hallett and her publisher.

Amy Christmas (171 KP) rated Half a King (Shattered Sea #1) in Books
Nov 27, 2017
Yarvi is our protagonist, a cripple that his father cast aside in favour of his 10 fingered brother, although Yarvi hated that he was ignored it allowed him to follow his own path and train to become a minister, an advisor to powerful people though he never gets a chance to pass the test. His plans dashed by his father and brothers deaths as he's forced to take the throne his father ruled from. During their funeral Yarvi swears to avenge them.
And he tries, even with his crippled hand but in such kingdoms we soon learn that betrayal is rife along with greed. Betrayed by one close to him Yarvi's reign ends abruptly on the battlefield.
After being made a slave he embarks on a journey that finds him rowing around the shattered sea and marching through snow. He manipulates small scale politics and finds himself on the sharp end of a few too many swords but with friends who seem fickle at first there to help him. However it seems that one of the group like Yarvi kept his true identity a secret and their is more to his uncles betrayal than meets the eye, because their are always more puppet masters.
And with a bittersweet ending the case is closed and the mystery solved, atleast one piece of it.
This book has a lot of death and makes you mourn those you thought you detested and hate those you thought you'd love. It's a fast paced action packed fantasy with a world of rich an wonderful colours and twists that are yelled at you from chapter one yet you still don't expect.
A very satisfying read because when you thought the betrayal was solved Abercrombie still held on to one final piece of the puzzle making for a bittersweet ending that really shows how far Yarvi has come, for better or for worse.

Cyn Armistead (14 KP) rated Indulgence in Death (In Death, #31) in Books
Mar 1, 2018
The plot itself was a bit of a puzzle, and has been adequately described in the book description. I honestly can't say much more without spoilers.
One of the things I really enjoy about this series is that Eve is shown to be growing as an individual, and not just in her relationship with Roarke. She has relaxed in her interactions with her partner, Peabody. She thinks about how the current murder spree might affect her friends, and reaches out to warn some of her friends not to take any private appointments until the case is over. The Eve we met in the earliest books wouldn't have done that - for one thing, she had very few connections to other people. When she realizes that one of her friends is still grieving deeply for a loved one who was murdered in an earlier novel, she invites him over for a gathering of friends the following weekend - despite the fact that she really doesn't like socializing at all (and follows through by making that weekend happen and inviting the rest of their circle of friends).
As usual, I enjoyed the depiction of a society that has largely gotten past the need to worry about criminalizing what goes on between consenting adults or the genders of adults persons engaged in a relationship. It's still a bit silly about permitting some drugs while criminalizing others - there's no explanation of why are alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and "boosters" and "focus" permissible while "whore," "rabbit," "zeus," "zoner," and others are illegal - but I suppose that's one of those areas where Robb/Roberts and I just don't see eye to eye.
I can't think of many authors who can take a series to 31 volumes and keep me interested. I'm not going to claim that these books are deathless prose, but they're fun, and they keep me interested. I haven't been driven to pick up anything she's published as Nora Roberts, but I'll keep reading this series for a while yet, and I might even go back someday and read this series over again from the beginning.

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Knives Out (2019) in Movies
Nov 28, 2019

JT (287 KP) rated Escape Room (2019) in Movies
Mar 10, 2020
There have been a few incantations of this new age idea already; Escape Room (2017) & No Escape Room, but this one is probably the best of a bad bunch.
Six strangers each receive a cryptic puzzle box, which once opened invites them to compete for a $10,000 prize – if they can get through a series of deviously constructed rooms. The group comes from all walks of life, a gifted maths student, an Iraq War vet a blue collar trucker to name a few, each with a seemingly interconnected past.
After a frantic flash-forward where we see someone coming unstuck in one of the rooms, we are introduced to each of the characters one by one. There isn’t enough time to go into massive details, so it feels like we only scratch the surface as to what makes them tick.
Meeting in a plush reception area the game begins – although none of them realise it at first. The room starts to get hot and they soon discover that they are about to get burnt alive – unless they can work out the clues to escape.
The group quickly realise that they will have to work together in order to survive.
Aside from getting burnt alive they also face a winter themed room where the ice cracks beneath them, an upside down bar where the floor drops away and a hallucinogenic trip fest which is extremely freaky to watch.
During proceedings, in which there is a lot of infighting and panic, you half expect Billy the Puppet to come peddling out on his tricycle and explain the next part of the game. There are definite similarities to Saw, people are in a race against time before they ultimately meet a grizzly end, but because many people have experienced this style of entertainment before the reality is unnerving.
While the gore doesn’t reach Saw levels it provides enough tension, but it then starts to tail off a little towards the end. The conclusion is far too predictable although there is just enough intrigue to see what they will conjure up next.

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