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Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) in Movies

Nov 5, 2022 (Updated Nov 5, 2022)  
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Drama
Ralph fiennes (1 more)
Tony revolori
Watched last night another Brilliant wes Anderson movie from the setting of the movie the hotel itself the usual cast of actors who seem to appear in every Anderson movie plus with the addition of Ralph Fiennes u have a brilliant movie
The Menu (2022)
The Menu (2022)
2022 | Comedy, Horror, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ralph fiennes (1 more)
Anya Taylor- joy
Going into this wasn't sure what to expect and I was surprised when alot does happen starts slow and then boom won't give too much away all hell breaks loose acting wise anya Taylor- joy always fun to watch and I've seen her in alot of films in the last two years too many to mention and there's Ralph fiennes the star of the chef himself brilliant performance overall good film

Anna Kendrick recommended In Bruges (2008) in Movies (curated)

In Bruges (2008)
In Bruges (2008)
2008 | Comedy, Drama

"In Bruges is another one like that. It’s just flawless, like, it’s so tight. The ending is perfect. Just when you’re like, “Oh, they’re gonna bring in this Ralph Fiennes character and he’s just not gonna be able to compete with the main cast,” and he just crushes it and is doing something completely different. Oh, he’s just heaven."

In Bruges (2008)
In Bruges (2008)
2008 | Comedy, Drama
Great black comedy with serious elements
This is one of those smaller films that comes out of nowhere and ends up being very enjoyable. It's mostly a black comedy but with some serious and sombre overtones. It's got a fantastic cast, by far one of Colin Farrell's best films and Ralph Fiennes is great as bad guy Harry. It's well written with some brilliant dialogue, and the setting in Bruges is just beautiful. Never fails to make me laugh.
The Dig (2021)
The Dig (2021)
2021 | Drama, History
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Acting from Fiennes and Mulligan - top notch (1 more)
Cinematography is gorgeous
Why make it so "man heavy" when history was otherwise? (1 more)
Found the asynchronous editing irritating
Archaeology with no fedora required
It’s 1939, and as World War 2 approaches, widower Edith Pretty (Carey Mulligan) hires rough and ready excavator Basil Brown (Ralph Fiennes) to dig into one of the ancient earth mounds on her property at the site that will become famous as Sutton Hoo in Suffolk. Requesting the help of her cousin Rory Lomax (Johnny Flynn) to photograph the effort, the site slowly gives up its Anglo-Saxon treasures attracting the attention of first the Ipswich museum and then the pompous Charles Phillips (Ken Stott) of the British Museum. A battle is on for both the control of the site and the resting place for the treasures found.

Against this backdrop there is a critical illness emerging, a son (Archie Barnes) and his attachment to the father figure of Brown and a potential romance between Rory and archaeologist Peggy Piggott, trapped in a loveless marriage.

Starring: Carey Mulligan, Ralph Fiennes, Johnny Flynn, Lily James, Archie Barnes, Ken Stott, Monica Donlan.

Directed by: Simon Stone.

Written by: Moira Buffini (from the novel by John Preston).

Bullet points of my thoughts:

+ Superb acting by Mulligan and Fiennes – Oscar noms for both?
+ Young Archie Barnes impresses as the son Robert
+ Cinematography by Mike Eley shows the open Suffolk skies at their best
+ Based on fact, a fascinating historical record of the real excitement of uncovering the past
o The script deftly melds the archeology with the love story subplot: but was the latter really necessary?
– Curious “man heavy” script, replacing some of the historical female characters with men and making Peggy Piggott (Lily James) a bit of a klutz
– Asynchronous editing decision I found to be distracting and unnecessary.

For my full review, please see the video at .
Red Dragon (2002)
Red Dragon (2002)
2002 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Incredible cast and acting (0 more)
Great prequel to Silence of the Lambs
This star-studded film is a brilliant sequel / prequel to Silence of the Lambs, unlike the other films in the franchise. It's not overly gory and it focuses on character development. The plot is well-done and the acting is superb. Of course Anthony Hopkins, Ralph Fiennes, Emily Watson and Edward Norton get a special mention. It's a dark tale about a forensic detective attempting to trace a serial killer who has a penchant for murdering whole families all the while 'transforming' into the Red Dragon.
The Duchess (2008)
The Duchess (2008)
2008 | Drama
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well acted (0 more)
First of all, this is based on the real life of Georgiana Cavendish, the Dutchess of Devonshire. It needed to be raw, a storyline that is hard to swallow. Thankfully Ralph Fiennes and Keira Knightley are fabulous actors and play the parts so true to the actual people involved.
I don't want to spoil this one as I do think it should be watched, especially as a piece of History. It really makes you appreciate the little things in your relationships. It's honestly so heartbreaking though I cry when the end comes every time (i am a massive softy though admittedly).
All I'll say is, afterwards have a google and see just how accurate this is to the real Dutchess of Devonshire. You'll be shocked.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The White Crow (2018) in Movies

Mar 28, 2019 (Updated Mar 28, 2019)  
The White Crow (2018)
The White Crow (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
Left-field remake focuses less on vengeful undead Goths and more on cold war politics and ballet dancing. Talented, driven, arrogant dancer Rudolf Nureyev chafes against the Soviet system seeking to exploit and control him; a visit to Paris offers him the hope of freedom. (You know, the more I think about it, the more I suspect this doesn't actually have anything to do with that Brandon Lee movie...)

Solid, typically measured stuff from Ralph 'Little Sunbeam' Fiennes; strong performances and good photography, together with a thoughtful script, make this engaging even if you're not that into people bounding around doing plies and what-have-you. Sags a bit in the middle, but the scenes depicting Nureyev's defection are gripping. Oleg Ivenko isn't quite the full Rudolf, but he gets near enough (thanks everyone, I'm here all week).
Official Secrets (2019)
Official Secrets (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama, Thriller
Superior based-on-fact thriller with Keira Knightley leading a strong cast. Huge demonstrations fill the streets of London but are totally ignored by the government, the British Prime Minister is a smirking liar, and the US administration is hugely embarrassed by a whistleblower. How very different things were 15 years ago. Said whistleblower (Knightley) reveals an attempt by the US and UK to blackmail members of the UN security council into authorising an otherwise-illegal invasion of Iraq, bringing the whole power of the establishment down on her head.

There's a lot going on here, plotwise, with various strands following Knightley's personal situation, the attempts of journalists to verify and publish her story, and the court case that ensued, but the story is always engrossing and never difficult to follow. Knightley's performance is possibly a little overcooked, but she is extremely well supported by a cast including Matt Smith, Ralph Fiennes, and Rhys Ifans. Raises some serious issues about the rights of a government to keep secrets from its secrets; stirs up some recent history, too, for what it's worth. An excellent piece of intelligent entertainment.
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Drama
Highly Entertaining
The Grand Budapest Hotel recounts the story of M. Gustave (Ralph Fiennes) and his adventures during a battle for an enormous family fortune. I have been avoiding this movie like the plague because the trailers didn’t really grab me. As it turns out, not only is the movie phenomenal, but it quickly became one of my favorites.

Acting: 10
Ralph Fiennes really makes this movie pop as Gustave. His wit is a huge part of his charm and impacts the way he acts out each scene. Characters like his are refreshing and hook you into the movie. I enjoyed Tony Revolori’s role as well playing bellhop Zero Moustafa. The two work so well together and enhance the movie as a result.

Beginning: 10
The beginning isn’t perfect, but I gave it a perfect score because it’s extremely intriguing. By the closing of the first ten minutes, I had a strong feeling I was in for a treat the rest of the way through. I was right.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Director Wes Anderson is known for a specific style that’s so different from anything else out there and The Grand Budapest Hotel is no exception. Colors pop and images jump out at you in exactly the way he is trying to convey. His style, hard to explain at times, is hard not to appreciate and enjoy. When you watch a movie like this, you truly feel like you are getting a full-on cinematic experience.

Conflict: 10
There is a scene towards the back half of the movie that I call “The Escape”. It is action-packed yet has some subtle nuances at the same time. Definitely one of my favorite scenes in the movie, but not the only one hinging on conflict. Despite a comedic overtone, the film relies on a number of different points of tension to drive the plot.

Entertainment Value: 9

Memorability: 10
Gustave and Zero are easily one of my favorite duos since Jack and Rose in Titanic. They have a strange relationship, one that contributes to making the movie unforgettable. There are so many moments that stand out (the reading of the will comes to mind) making this a movie hard not to think about. It’s a movie you can watch a number of times and see something new each time.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
Flawless storytelling. Magical and original. Enough said.

Resolution: 4

Overall: 93
2014 is one of my all-time favorite years for movies and it’s because of movies like The Grand Budapest Hotel. It takes storytelling to new heights with a crisp, original way of looking at filmmaking. This movie definitely made me a believer and a fan of Wes Anderson.