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Broken Beauty (Broken Beauty Novellas #1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars.

This is a novella length story, the first of six, and deals with the aftermath and issues surrounding rape. It was a tough read at times but a good strong story.

I felt sorry for Mia. Being brought up in a political family and then being raped…and her father wants to glorify it to get more voters so he can win his election. How twisted can your life get? Her family do and say things to get voters, whether it’s helping Mia cope or not–mainly not–and I wanted to scream and shout at them in her defence.

And despite all that, some people do care. Dom, the policeman that found her in the first place, tries to help her realise that the only way her attackers will not get away with it, is to tell the truth and stop following her family’s wish to let it drop. He’s so nice and gentle with her. Her friend, Ari, tries to do whatever Mia wants but seeing how she’s struggling…what can you do?

It’s an emotional and sometimes tough story to read but after finishing this, I’m looking forward to the next part in the series to see what Mia does next. I hope she’s strong enough to go against her family.

Darren Fisher (2447 KP) rated Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno in Music

Dec 18, 2020 (Updated Jan 15, 2021)  
Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno
Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) by Brian Eno
1974 | Rock
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
Eno On Peak
In the 80's I got into Brian Eno via Talking Heads (with the excellent Remain in Light alvum) and David Bowie (Low, Heroes and Lodger), rather than through early Roxy Music.
My first introduction to Eno's solo work was the compilation More Blank Than Frank in 1986, which after listening to, was enough to convince me that I really needed to check out more of his work. I found Taking Tiger Mountain on cassette in the bargain bins at Our Price (I think). No inlay card but it was going cheap. Taking a punt I got it home and was instantly blown away. Musically upbeat for most of its duration, the lyrics told dark, humorous and downright weird tales about espionage, Limbourg Asylum and the rape of a woman by a crazed machine. There's also a lot of references to China (as the album title suggests).
So obssessed by this album I once recycled my smashed up electric guitar body in to a 'skinning up' table (with coaster bed legs so you could push it from person to person). The main centrepiece of this 'table' was a big mound of wax which I attempted to mould into my own Tiger Mountain... Damn the drugs were good back then hahaha 😎✌

Album Highlights:
Burning Airlines Give You So Much More
Third Uncle
The True Wheel

AJaneClark (3962 KP) rated The Surgeon (Rizzoli & Isles, #1) in Books

Oct 2, 2019 (Updated Nov 24, 2019)  
The Surgeon (Rizzoli & Isles, #1)
The Surgeon (Rizzoli & Isles, #1)
Tess Gerritsen | 2001 | Crime, Thriller
7.9 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rizzoli no isles
In Boston, there’s a killer on the loose. A killer who targets lone women, who breaks into their apartments and performs terrifying ritualistic acts of torture on his victims before finishing them off. His surgical skills lead police to suspect he is a physician - a physician who, instead of saving lives, takes them.
But as homicide detective Thomas Moore and partner Jane Rizzoli begin there investigation, they make a startling discovery. Closely linked to these killings is Catherine Cordell, a beautiful medic with a mysterious past. Two years ago she was subjected to a horrifying rape and attempted murder but shot her attacker dead. Now she is being targeted by this new killer who appears to know all about her past, her work at the Pilgrim Medical Center and where she lives. The man she believes she killed seems to be stalking her once again, and this time he knows exactly where to find her...
Gerritsen, has a way of writing that draws you in and keeps hold of you until the story comes to a natural close. It’s not drawn out in any of sense of the word, just long enough to hold the suspense. With some gruesome details dotted throughout, and an account of sexism is the homicide unit of Boston PD, it’s a great introduction to Rizzoli.
Burn the Dark ( Elwood Legacy book2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

35 of 235
Burn the Dark ( Elwood Legacy book 2)
By Nicola Rose

What if the good guy you fell for turned bad, and the bad guy swooped in to save the day?

When I'm abducted, Zac is forced to make the decision he’s been running from for decades. Forever changed, he’s ripped away from me — leaving the perfect sized hole for Alex to step into.

Struggling to come to terms with our own changes, Alex and I must work together to fix this mess caused by ancient legacy and a vampire leader hell-bent on using us for his own gain.

But the vampires aren’t the only ones with something dark running through their veins… maybe underestimating me was the biggest mistake they all made?

This stepped up a bit! I enjoyed the first book and loved Jess and this one was no different she is a really good character. This book stepped up on the darkness a touch and may be a trigger to some with rape and abuse issues or those sensitive to reading that sort of material. Overall we got some kickass powers from Jess and Alex finally stepping up. This is a really good dark series and I’m still convinced a little lie a certain popular tv show.
Of Lilies and Lies (Stirling Harbor #1)
Of Lilies and Lies (Stirling Harbor #1)
Margaux Porter | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Kit is trying to piece her life back together after her abusive husband dies. She has been trying to put her life back together for the past 3 years but there's just too much history. She thinks the best thing to do is move back to her childhood hometown and make amends with her family, on her way home she runs into a handsome stranger Greer, but that is the last she will ever see of him surely!?

Wow! Honestly wow. This book is thrilling and captivating from the start. I enjoy the way Margaux has written from both Kit and Greer's perspectives, it gives you an insight into what they're both thinking and feeling. There is a lot to process in the story abuse, rape, violence, and trauma which brings a lot of emotion with it. I felt that from both parties and found myself having a few 'Ahh, bless them' moments as I was that invested in a positive outcome for them both. The ending of the book is fantastic as well as extremely well written. I don't want to say too much but my heart was in my mouth! I can't praise Margaux enough and would gladly read another book by this author.

A 5/5 recommended read
Anatomy of a Scandal
Anatomy of a Scandal
Sarah Vaughan | 2018 | Thriller
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fascinating (2 more)
Cultivates a sense of foreboding
Grabs your attention
A bit slow at times (0 more)
Different book, but in a good way; Certainly worth a read
Kate Woodcroft is a London lawyer (barrister) who prosecutes--almost exclusively--crimes of a sexual nature. So when a highly publicized case comes across her desk, she looks forward to trying it. The defendant is James Whitehouse, a wealthy and successful politician who has been best friends with the Prime Minister since their university days. James stands accused of rape, but he claims it was a consensual incident with a young woman with whom he was having an affair. The trial causes James' loyal wife, Sophie--the mother of his two young children--to question whether her husband truly committed the heinous act of which he is accused. Kate, meanwhile, is convinced James is guilty, and she'll do everything she can to make sure he's convicted.

This was a rather fascinating novel. I'm not sure what I was expecting when I picked this one up, but it wasn't what I read, yet I really enjoyed the book. It wasn't a fast read for me, though in its defense, I read it over the holidays and while moving, but there's a sense of foreboding while reading it that completely sucks you in.

The book is told via various points of view. We hear from Kate and Sophie, as well as a young woman named Holly, and once in a while, James. We also get their takes from both the present and the past, when all attended university. It's an effective narrative technique, although the novel can be a bit slow at times. I was drawn to all the women narrating and found it particularly interesting to get a wife's take on James' various alleged indiscretions and crimes, for the heart of the novel is the reader trying to discover exactly what he has done.

The novel is very British -- lots of description of the courts, Oxford and its various colleges, and just the language used. It takes a little getting used to, but you definitely get caught up in James' trial. And, of course, the plot is rather timely, with the subject of rape and sexual assault (unfortunately) being in the news so often right now.

The book itself, as mentioned, is a slow read. I wouldn't describe it as a thriller myself, but it's interesting and it grabbed my attention. James is certainly a cad, but the women are intriguing. The discussions of class and race in Britain are fairly nuanced too (and if you enjoy them, you should check out anything written by Gilly Macmillan, whom I thought of several times while reading this.) There are definitely a couple of good twists, which I always appreciate.

Overall, this was a different book--but in a good way. Certainly worth a read.
He Said/She Said
He Said/She Said
Erin Kelly | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was lucky enough to win an unfinished copy of this book on a Goodreads giveaway.

The year is 1999, Kit and Laura are down in Cornwall at a festival held for eclipse chasers, this will be their first one together and the start of many more to come. Kit has all the future eclipses planned out, he has been doing this his whole life and wants to share it with the woman he loves and future children. With it being cloudy the odds of a total eclipse is minimal, to try and get a better viewing angle the couple move out to the edges of the festival, but what they do witness changes their lives forever. Kit and Laura are embroiled in a rape case, Jamie Balcombe was witnessed attacking Beth Taylor – Will Laura’s testimony be enough for a conviction?

He Said/She Said is told from alternating point of views from Kit and Laura. They are also told from past and present, so will get a chapter from Kit in 2015 and 1999 and the same from Laura. This allows the stories to be interwoven and tells what happened and how it has affected them now. This is another slow paced book that feeds you small amounts of information at a time and when you think you know what has happened it takes an unexpected turn.

Laura in present day is an unreliable narrator, she suffers with anxiety and is extremely paranoid. We don’t find out for a long time how she has become this way all we do know that it’s related to ‘Beth’. In 1999, Laura has her whole life ahead of her, she has just met Kit and has this outgoing nature to her. As the story progresses you begin understand why she is so paranoid and why she is so anxious.

Kit seemed like a super relaxed guy that takes everything in his stride, Laura is his soulmate and have been together for 15 years and will protect her to no end. At points he could be very meticulous and other points very sloppy regarding their change of identity. I must admit that Laura is the stronger character of the two and her POV was much more enjoyable.

I felt this book especially the first half was very slow even when there were parts that really appealed to me. The story line was good not something I have read about before and I didn’t think it was predictable but when the twist happened it wasn’t anything majorly startling for me.My actual reaction was ‘oh’! but the second half was much better than the first and had more action to it.

There is a trigger warning of Rape, so if this is something you are uncomfortable reading about then this might not be the book for you.

I rated this book 3.5 out of 5 stars
White Stag (Permafrost, #1)
White Stag (Permafrost, #1)
Kara Barbieri | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Wowowow the synopsis on top of the pretty cover for <em>White Stag</em> called for my name and beckoned me to come and dig myself into a hole for winter break big time.

<h2><strong><em>White</em> <em>Stag</em> has an amazing first chapter.</strong></h2>
Barbieri grabbed my attention with her debut from the very beginning, introducing us to a world where humans and goblins know of each others' existence. The first chapter is action-packed and fast-paced, quickly grabbing my attention and making me want <em>more</em> from the novel.

<h2><strong>"More monster than human."</strong></h2>
Janneke is a human girl who has spent over a century with goblins after her family and village is slaughtered, working as a thrall for one of the goblins. Through observation and her father's teachings, she's one of the few people who survived longer than most. With those years of survival and living, though, she's also slowly lost touch with the human world. Despite wanting to return to the human world and start her life over, she knows it is no longer the same, and it is a struggle for her throughout the book.

<h2><strong>Something about the relationship bothers me a little.</strong></h2>
I can't place my finger on what it is, exactly, but something about Janneke's relationship with Sorren bothers me a little. I guess I didn't care about their relationship? Maybe being in a relationship with someone who technically owns me isn't my thing at all even though Sorren treats her better than any of the other goblins? I honestly don't know.

<h2><strong>So much about rape and flashbacks.</strong></h2>
I'm pretty sure there are at least twenty different ways Barbieri tells us Janneke was brutally raped before she gets placed under Sorren's care. It's implied, it's told, it's shoved in my face and it's used as one of her struggles to accept her transition into becoming a goblin, etc.

And honestly? Without her rape being involved, Janneke is essentially a very special human bean who assimilated into goblin culture with her fierceness and no bullshittery. There's nothing else about her as a character, but maybe we'll see more in the second book?

<h2><strong>Slow, but interesting.</strong></h2>
I think I got caught at a good time while reading this. <em>White Stag</em> is slow, but it was interesting. And if I started reading this a few days later, I would likely say differently because I'm a big mood reader. No book likes to be caught in one of my bad reading days when I go all stabby (aka extremely critical) with books.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Demon Next Door
The Demon Next Door
Bryan Burrough | 2019 | Crime
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Narrator too upbeat (0 more)
Informative but no depth
When audible originals offered this book up as part of their two free originals a month program, I just had to snag it. One of the weird quirks I have is that I hate mysteries, but I LOVE true crime. This 2 hour and 45-minute novella was right up my alley. When I was looking for something short to listen to, I decided that this something different than the romance books that I'm currently reading.

The information in this novella was interesting and well researched but still lacked depth. Most of the information that was presented in this book felt glossed over. One of the things I thought Bryan Burrough was exceptional at was not being too graphic about the crimes. Unfortunately, it seems that that lack of detail was present throughout the entire book. I would have loved to see more information about the background of the individuals and the town itself.

Something else that felt off in this audiobook was the narration. Steve White is an excellent narrator, but I don't feel that he was the right choice for this book. His intonations seemed to be too upbeat for a true crime novel about rape and murder. I would have preferred a more somber tone & his voice did not do this book justice.

All in all, this was an okay book. The details were interesting, but I wish that there would have been more depth to it.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Those Girls in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Those Girls
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jess, Dani, and Courtney live in a neglected house with their abusive and drunken father. One night, after a particularly bad fight, the girls have to flee town quickly -- only to see things go from bad to worse as their truck breaks down during their journey. Eventually, the story picks up 18 years later (with the girls living under new names), when a turn of events threatens to tear down the lives they've managed to somewhat re-build.

This book was rather bizarre, I have to say. First of all, do not read this if you are triggered by scenes of brutal abuse or rape. Just don't. Terrible things happen in this book. It was almost mind-numbing to read - almost too much.

I'm still not sure how I feel about this one. The sisters drove me a bit crazy. It seemed like one bad decision after another with them. I know they are young when they initially leave home, and abused, but seriously? Then it just seems like the book was a series of misfortunes after another. I feel like Stevens could have limited it at some point. However, it was all oddly compelling, and I found myself reading the whole thing rather compulsively, even if I was constantly disappointed and disheartened by each turn of events.

(Note: I received a copy of this book via Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.)