The introverted reader
(0 KP)
Last Active: Jul 23, 2018 

Night Reader Reviews
(683 KP)
I will read and review just about anything as time permits and will be hosting events like giveaways...
Last Active: Jan 31, 2022

Random fantasy reads

The Lord of the Rings
Continuing the story begun in The Hobbit, this three-volume paperback boxed set of Tolkien's epic...

The Hobbit
The Hobbit is the unforgettable story of Bilbo, a peace-loving hobbit, who embarks on a strange and...

Gardens of the Moon
Bled dry by interminable warfare, infighting and bloody confrontations with Lord Anomander Rake and...

Deadhouse Gates
Weakened by events in Darujhistan, the Malazan Empire teeters on the brink of anarchy. In the vast...

The First Collected Tales Of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach
The first collected tales of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach, from the Malazan world. BLOOD FOLLOWS...

Memories of Ice
The ravaged continent of Genabackis has given birth to a terrifying new empire: the Pannion Domin....

House of Chains
In Northern Genabackis, just before the events recounted in GARDENS OF THE MOON, a raiding party of...