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Blockers (2018)
Blockers (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Cheesy humor. (0 more)
John Cena's acting. (1 more)
The weird sex scenes.
Let's be real here ... American Pie is still the best for raunchy humor. Everything beyond that falls short in comparison. And when they cast people who can't act well, it makes even the good parts bad. If you like typical frat humor, helicopter parenting, and mediocre plot lines .. this might be right up your alley. I gave it five out of ten but that's being gracious. I could have gone my whole life without seeing this film and that would be perfectly fine.
An Expert in Murder (Josephine Tey, #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good introduction to the world of Josephine Tey
I enjoyed this novel about the fictional life of a real person, Josephine Tey. This is the first novel in the series by Nicola Upson and I had previously read the fourth book as a standalone and I think that may have clouded my view a little on this book as I already knew what happened to the characters later on. I think if I was reading this novel first it would have been a lot more gripping. As it was, it was still an enjoyable mystery.
First Man (2018)
First Man (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama, History
Space sequences (0 more)
Earth sequences (0 more)
This film really is best seen on a large screen, for the space sequences alone.
Sadly, it gets burdened down by way too much Earth melodrama, and it drags the movie down. I was desperately waiting for the launch of Apollo 11, it took nearly two hours to get there.
Ryan Gosling did well playing Armstrong, I think. Yeah, he was remote, but in general, that's kind of how engineers are in real life. I really liked Corey Stoll's brazen Aldrin, he was a nice contrast to the stoic Armstrong.
Welcome to Marwen (2018)
Welcome to Marwen (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
Zemeckis' real life toy story lacks buzz. Welcome To Marwen (2018) Review
Inspired by the true story of Mark Hogancamp who, having suffered a horrific attack, finds solace and support in an elaborate fantasy art installation, Robert Zemeckis sets out to convey a poignant story of the healing power of art and the dangers of the artist becoming too enraptured by the art itself but never once realised that he’s fallen victim to the exact same thing as the protagonist of this always watchable if somewhat disjointed dramedy...

Brick City: Lego for Grown-ups
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A hard one to categorise, this: it's not a story (obviously!), so no plot, nor is it a traditional educational book.

In the end, however, I decided to categorise it as educational simply 'cos it shows what can be done with LEGO blocks!

The book, itself, is really just photos (with, in most cases, building instructions for those with enough of the right kind of pieces) of the Lego counterparts of real-life buildings, most made by LEGO artist Warren Elsmore and a few by other contributors.

Makes me jealous!
Our Brothers Grimmest
Our Brothers Grimmest
Eric C. Wilder | 2013 | Humor & Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An absurd collection of tabloid-style articles that marries folklore, fairytales, and nursery rhymes with the issues of everyday life. From Rumplestiltskin being indicted for the straw-to-gold scandal to the sibling drama of the three little pigs, with headlines such as “Game-Changing Name Change for Rumplestiltskin” and “Wolf Suing Pigs for Injuries Sustained” you’re sure to be entertained.

As a lifelong fan of classic fairytales, I found myself laughing out loud as beloved characters were used to mock and poke fun at real-world issues.
    Locked Up Abroad

    Locked Up Abroad

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    What does it feel like in the split second when you realize you're about to be locked up in a...