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Bad Boys for Life (2020)
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
2020 | Action, Comedy, Crime
408. Bad Boys for Life. I thought this was part 4, I think it's the Mandela Effect! I'm telling ya!! I guess the line "I'm getting to old for this shit" can only be said in Lethal Weapon, Martin Lawrence's character I think says every combination possible of that phrase. So in this one we get super sexy Isabel breaking out of the joint, and she has a hit list, all those peeps responsible for putting her away is about to get a visit, the last name on the list, our hero cop Mike Lowrey!! Now even though Marcus is ready to retire, he's pulled in for one more job! Well, until the real part 4 comes out! So why does super sexy Isabel want with Mike? Well, I won't tell you, but I can say conveniently enough, those events took place right before the original Bad Boys. They are some old ass street cops dang! Perspective... Lethal Weapon 4, Mel Gibson is ten years younger than Will Smith during Bad Boys for Life lol. It was entertaining!! Filmbufftim on FB
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