Visual Soil Evaluation: Realizing Potential Crop Production with Minimum Environmental Impact
Bruce C Ball and Lars J Munkholm
Visual Soil Evaluation provides land users and environmental authorities with simple methods to...
The Universe Next Door: A Journey Through 57 Alternative Realities, Parallel Worlds and Possible Futures
You are here. But what if you weren't? You could easily have ended up in a different reality...
Narrative as Virtual Reality: Revisiting Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media
Is there a significant difference between engagement with a game and engagement with a movie or...
Otherworlds: Fantasy and History in Medieval Literature
This book offers a new perspective on the otherworlds of medieval literature. These fantastical...
Studies on Science and the Innovation Process: Selected Works by Nathan Rosenberg
Science and technology have become increasingly intertwined in the twentieth century. However,...
One Word but Many Tongues: Confessions of a Multiculturalist
This book recounts the author's spiritual transformation resulting from his encounter with new...