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Kyera (8 KP) rated Red Queen in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Red Queen
Red Queen
Victoria Aveyard | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (64 Ratings)
Book Rating
The world is ruled by Silvers, with their shining blood and abilities. The Red have no special powers are seen as lesser. They are relegated to perpetual poverty, while the Silbers live lives of luxury. But what happens when a Red manifests abilities in an arena filled with noble Silvers? They make her a future princess of course, but it's not the fairy tale it sounds like.

Mare is thrust into a world she never wished for and doesn't fit into. She is given no choice but to accept. There is much to learn about her abilities and how to control them. The one demand she made was to ensure the safety and well-being of her family. Her brothers are called home from the war, but not soon enough to save all of them. <spoiler> One was a member of a rebel/revolutionary group and was executed for it. </spoiler> This pushes Mare over the edge and she joins the rebel group, the Scarlet Guard.

It's intriguing to learn what each person has the ability to do. The control over water, manipulation of light, healing, mind-reading and more. But it's very off-putting and juvenile when the author refers to them as greenies or telkies. It sounds more like a two-year-old naming their stuffed bear Brownie or Fluffy than an author giving life to special abilities.

The world is not our own, so it would be nice to learn more about it. Unfortunately, Mare is not very learned and we must view the world through her lens. It would be fascinating to be given a history, geography and culture lesson from Julian in novella form. What does their domain look like? What about the surrounding kingdoms, their rulers, ruling abilities and geography? How did these new borders come to be? (It is mentioned that the borders were not always the way they are currently.) Overall, the world building is pretty good but could be improved (which it does later in the book.) The physical descriptions of the towns the royals pass on their way to the palace late in the story are good and allow the reader to immese themselves in the world more fully.

The princes are, unsurprisingly good people despite the harshness of the King and Queen. <spoiler> Or at least appear to be that way in the beginning, but it does not last. </spoiler> The future love interest(s) must be liked by the reader. Mare herself is harsh and quick-tempered by likable nonetheless. Though she has no choice in her future, she assures her family's well-being and that shows she has a good heart.

Of course, our protagonist catches the attention of not just one but two princes. The older and future King, Cal, wants to be a good ruler so he secretly ventures out in public to learn and experience his people outside the reports of advisors. He even decides to send a group of Silver soldiers to the front line and chooses to lead them. It may win the war, but it could also kill him. The younger, forever shadowed brother Maven believes that Reds and Silvers are equals. He even joins the Scarlet Guard to help propel change and spark a revolution.

Anyone can betray anyone.

The Scarlet Guard secrets Maven and Mare out of a play and transports them to another town just to have a conversation. Clearly the travel and discussion would take a significant amount of time and yet no one wonders where they are. The return trip and the play ending are just completely skipped. It was abrupt and didn't seem well-thought out.

The book ends with betrayal and bloodshed. But it also ends with a promise and the hope that not all is lost. It makes me want to begin the next book immeiate. Highly recommended book to fans of YA novels with good world building and character development that deal with monarchical rule and upheavals as well as people with special abilities.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of STAR WARS Battlefront in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
STAR WARS Battlefront
STAR WARS Battlefront
We have spent a lot of time with EA Star Wars Battlefront since we did extensive coverage for the game at launch with our various Holiday Gift Guides. In the time since launch, we have seen comments both good and bad about the game and as such; I took my time with the program before entering into the written portion of our coverage. The game is a fantastic looking solo and team-based shooter set in the classic era of the Star Wars trilogy. Few dispute the absolute gorgeous graphics of the game and the incredible attention to detail that the developers have poured into the game. The biggest criticism seems to be that some believe the game is little more than a shell for the DLC that is available for an additional price and that the finalized game is lacking enough to justify the full retail price.

To me this is complete and other nonsense as I don’t know what people had in mind for the game one was announced but for me; the developers have delivered what they promised. The game features multiple online modes of play ranging from starfighter battles, Walker Assault, Blast, solo training modes, Supremacy, Cargo, Droid Run, Drop Zone, Heroes versus Villains, and Hero Hunt.
Each mode lets players play as either the Rebel Alliance or Empire and they can customize their loadout which includes the look of their character, weaponry, special abilities, and special weapons. As players gain experience the rebel to unlock new and better options as well is gained special weapons, vehicles, and even the chance to play is a classic character thanks to special icons located throughout the map.

Each gameplay mode has multiple maps although locations are set on Hoth, Tattooine, Endor, Sullust, and such. There are however multiple maps for each locale.
EA has also released two free updates of significance one that offered a new gameplay mode called Turning Point which features to locale set in Jakku from the most recent film. There has also been a recent update which brought new enhancements to the game as well as costumes and additional maps made available for various gameplay modes all at no cost.

While I understand some people’s complaints about the game not having a campaign, it was pretty clear from the beginning that this was designed to be an online experience. My biggest complaints center around the balance issues such as some characters taking multiple hits from a rifle and grenade and walking away while others go down fairly easy in 1 to 2 blasts. It’s simply a matter of getting to know your weaponry and what it takes to successfully take down an opponent as once you get into a groove, you’re able to do quite well. Players are going to die a lot as there is a lot going on specifically in the Walker Assault and Turning Point modes but if you stick with it, you are often rewarded and getting to play as a classic character or taking the controls of a vehicle is always a very nice bonus and allows you to turn the tables quickly on the other team.

EA has listened to the community and continues to offer refinements to the game and have said they will do so beyond the DLC which is coming this year. For me, EA Star Wars Battlefront is a true gift to the fans in that it gives games a graphically detailed and gorgeous as well as immersive Star Wars experience that is fun to play and is constantly being refined and added to by the company.
I had a fantastic time playing it since it came out and I look forward to seeing what is coming next in both the free and DLC categories for this game as it is truly been and can used to be a real treat for Star Wars fans especially when you consider how many bad games based upon the license have been released over the years.
Living the life of nobility can be oppressive and demanding. There are restrictions for every aspect of life. Lady Miranda longs to be free of the expectations placed on her, but will she have the courage to stand up to her mother and her "lady lessons"?

"A lady never posted letters to an unrelated male. But the very writing of his name made her feel dangerous."

Lady Miranda Hawthorne has been raised to be the epitome of poise and grace, but everything inside of her screams to rebel. She pours her heart out on paper, in letters she never sends, to her brother's childhood friend, the Duke of Marshington. She is approaching her fourth London season when Marlow, the handsome new valet to Lady Miranda's brother, accidentally mails one of these letters. She is mortified, until she receives a reply. Conflicted with her growing attraction for two men, her life is quickly changing in ways she never thought possible. She soon realises however, that there is more at stake than her heart. Miranda has had to hide behind the mask she have been expected to wear for so long. Hiding her true personality and identity. But the time has come for her to become the person she was created to be.

"'A Lady never sits on the floor.' A lady probably wasn't supposed to crawl on her belly through the dirt either."

A Noble Masquerade is a fabulous story from beginning to end! Kristi Ann Hunter has done a marvelous job with her debut novel! I was completely captivated by the intrigue and espionage. I was surprised more than once when the story line went in a different direction than I anticipated. The faith was natural and the romance genuine and clean. Kidnappings, traitors, witty humour and masquerades will keep you turning the pages of this remarkable story. This is a book that I will enjoy reading over and over again. I can not wait for Mrs. Hunter's next book!

I received a free advanced reading copy of A Noble Masquerade from Bethany House Publishers through Library Thing in exchange for my honest review.

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated Beside Myself in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
Beside Myself
Beside Myself
Ann Morgan | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | Beside Myself by Ann Morgan
*Original post:*

Beside Myself is about Helen and Ellie who are identical twins. Helen is the leader and Ellie is the follower. Ellie was born after Helen she had problems when she was born she had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck so this caused Ellie communication and functional skills.
I started to hate the character, Helen
because she was awful to Ellie she bullied her and pulled pranks. I felt sorry for Ellie as she doesn't get the attention from their mother. Helen and Ellie as gone through a traumatic event in their life as their biological father took his own life so their mother couldn't cope and started neglecting them. I didn't like how their mother always spoiled Helen over Ellie and Helen always got the best of everything.
The story is all about that one day when Helen and Ellie were out playing and Helen thought it would be fun to swap places and fool everyone around them. But Helen thought it would only last for one day and everything will go back to normal the next day. But Ellie grabbed the chance as she was getting the attention she needs. So Helen life turns upside down and she starts to live Ellie life and she is shocked how Ellie is treated. Helen did try to tell their mother but she didn't believe her and so you follow Helen's nightmare through her school life, home life and through her adult life.

Helen doesn't get the support from home so she starts to rebel and go down the wrong path. You really feel for her and you experience what she is going through as the author writes in the first person.

This book touches on Mental Health and the writing is so true and beautiful as Helen is suffering from Bipolar Disorder. The book gripped me as I wanted to know how Helen's life will end. I keep wanting her mother to realize that she is the real 'Helen'. I won't say anymore as I would like you to read it for yourself.