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Andrea D (21 KP) rated Six of Crows in Books

Mar 6, 2019  
Six of Crows
Six of Crows
Leigh Bardugo | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.2 (45 Ratings)
Book Rating
Variety of characters (1 more)
The lack of black and white thinking
A Second chance.
This is the second time I have attempted to read Six of Crows and I've only chosen to pick it up after loving the original Grisha Trilogy so much. This time around I stuck with it and feel deeply hugely in love with the Dregs.
There are very few morals in this book and money is king, don't expect to go into this book liking all the characters as it seems to take a while to truly understand them.
I love the way Leigh Bardurgo has refused to make her characters pure and innocent people who can do no wrong. Every single person in this book is deeply flawed but that's what makes it all so good.
The Grishaverse has a huge following and it is certainly well deserved. You do not need to have read the original trilogy to read this one but I did find myself overly excited every time I recognised a character from the originals.

Deborah (162 KP) rated White Rose Dies in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
White Rose Dies
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Main problem is that as its heart it assumes that the skeletons found in the reign of Charles II are the so-called Princes in the Tower and that they were murdered, neither of which I believe to be true. There isn't a shred of evidence that they were killed by anyone and the skeletons in questions we can't even be sure of the gender of. The author claims they are where Thomas More said they were buried, but in fact they were supposedly found exactly where More said they weren't! Said skeleton were also supposedly tipped on a rubbish heap and then later recovered, so there can be no absolute certainty that the bones interred in Westminster Abbey are the same ones. Of course science could answer so many of our questions now, but these bones have been refused permission for further examination - presumably as the powers that be realise that this will put paid to what they see as a good story on their tourist trail!
Dobble - Harry Potter version
Dobble - Harry Potter version
2019 | Card Game, Party Game
Great fun
I'm a big fan of tabletop games, but it's difficult to find ones that I can persuade my family and friends to play that don't involve hours of play and a massive commitment. Dobble is the perfect party game - it's so much fun and even better, the games themselves are super quick yet hugely enjoyable.

This is basically a modern take on the classic card game Snap and it really is a great version, with up to 5 mini games playable with each deck. The Harry Potter version is a lot of fun and massively appealed to my geeky side, although did cause a lot of arguments - my less HP minded friends kept shouting out "boy!", "owl!" etc but I refused to allow it until they shouted their actual name (i.e Hedwig, Draco Malfoy). Maybe I'm just cruel, but surely that's the point of the HP version?! Arguments aside, it's a ridiculously fun game to play with people of all ages. My only criticism would be it seems fairly pricey for what is a glorified pack of cards.