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Inspiration Information/Wings of Love by Shuggie Otis
Inspiration Information/Wings of Love by Shuggie Otis
2013 | Pop
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Album Favorite

Aht Uh Mi Hed by Shuggie Otis

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"This was a record that Chris Taylor or Chris Bear introduced me to in college. We were eighteen or nineteen in New York, they were studying music and I didn’t know what the hell I was doing! I was trying to be serious about linguistics but I was kind of bullshitting myself. “I’d started writing songs but I was very secretive about it and didn’t take it seriously. I played them to Chris Taylor, he was probably the first person who heard anything I’d done, but I refused to admit to myself that I took it seriously in any real way. When I went to college I decided I wasn’t going to do music, because there was no reason for another white kid to play jazz guitar. I ended up finding songwriting instead and it became a different thing. “This is a reference point we’ve talked about over the years, when one of us mentions this record, everybody knows what we’re talking about, we talked about it on Painted Ruins in certain places. The whole basis of the groove is built on an organ drum machine and the sound of it is very ahead of its time. It’s very groovy but it’s not beating you over the head, it’s an emotional tune that has this subtly danceable beating heart. There’s a soulfulness and dreaminess to it, it accesses the emotional part of you with this really pointed and tight rhythmic quality. “We never wanted to approach music from a folky songwriter’s standpoint. Certain parts of our music have come out that way because of what we play, but it’s remembering what it was like as a teenager, being really into music from a players’ perspective and finding the emotional quality in that, trying to build something that’s soulful and hits you without beating you over the head. I love it when people can pull off that subtlety, where they’re barely touching the instrument but there’s this rhythmic quality to it. “’Aht Uh Mi Hed’ is a touchstone that’s stuck with us, it’s an aspect of music that we really appreciate. We don’t actively strive towards it, but it never quite leaves our minds."

Infinity + One
Infinity + One
Amy Harmon | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh my gosh, I absolutely loved this book! I had read Amy's 'Making Faces' and wasn't a big fan, so I was a little apprehensive when I started reading Infinity + One. Thankfully, I'm not the type to base an opinion on one experience, because I would have missed out on the awesomeness that is Bonnie and Clyde. When it started out, I was drawn in by the overwhelming emotions Bonnie felt. Though connecting the infamous Bonnie and Clyde to the current duo is made before we're even introduced to the two, I was immediately curious as to how their story would pan out compared to the 1930's couple. I didn't miss the parallel: where Bonnie and Clyde, circa 1930, had brought death and destruction, Bonnie and Clyde, circa 2014, brought kindness and love. Despite being infuriated that Bonnie refused to contact her family or the police for so long, which only made their situation worse, I started to feel sorry for her, because it seemed like everything she did only screwed things up more. I was enraptured from the beginning, both fearing and longing for the end. I took Clyde's perspective on how their road trip would turn out, especially because the "old" Bonnie and Clyde's death was so central to the story.

 **Spoiler Alert**
I'm so happy the ending was the complete opposite of what really happened 80 years ago. All the twists and turns given by the media had me confused and, for the most part, I assumed Bonnie's grandmother was throwing in a few false accusations and even setting things up to make the story more appalling, so I was truly shocked when it was revealed that Hank was behind most of the unexplained charges. My favorite part, though, was when William spoke on the television about his dream of Minnie and Fish. I literally got chills as I read that part. Honestly, if someone had told me something like that happened in reality, I'd accuse them of being a liar or a fool, but for a book (where I can suspend my beliefs), I thought it was perfect.


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The Siege of Abythos
The Siege of Abythos
Phil Tucker | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poetry battle (2 more)
Poetry battle
Poetry battle
The third instalment in the Chronicles of the Black Gate series is the biggest yet, in terms of page count. The story follows the same PoV characters as previous books but their adventures are now covering so much more of the world and the storyline is becoming quite entangled.
Tharok's attempts to unite the orc-like kragh tribes and invade the human world continue, meanwhile Lady Iskra seeks to rescue her son and take revenge on the Ascendant's empire.
This book covers a lot more political debate and intrigue than the previous two, with prolonged discussion of who should be invaded, and what should be done thereafter. While this is very much a necessity in such an epic tale I felt it was somewhat laboured at times.
I very nearly gave up on this book at one point - where the portly magister Audsley (who has three demons lurking in his soul) was seeking to inveigle his way into the upper echelons of the empire, most of this storytelling centred around the colour of robes to wear, the type and colour of paper to use in sending letters and reciting poetry. Again this was very much laboured but bearable, until it looked like we were heading for what can only be described as a poetry battle, where Audsley (coached by one of his demons) was set to take on a senior government official's poetry representative in a battle of wits to see how would curry favour in the empire.

That's right: a poetry battle.
Think Philip Larkin in 8 Mile.
Will the real Slim Shakespeare please stand up.
Kanye Wordsworth.
NWA (Novelists with Assonance)

At this point I very nearly gave up. Thankfully, so did Audsley and the contest ended abruptly as he refused to let his demon take control of him. Phew. Disaster avoided. If this had been allowed to continue it would have made Tom Bombadil look like a critical plot point.

Other than Audsley's chapters (which in the previous book had been a highlight) the book does roll along at a reasonable pace and there is just about enough action to keep the interest, particularly in the last 100 or so pages.

All in all, a good read and a turning point for the series as a whole, but a lot of nonsense could have been removed, (Edgar Allan) Poe Shizzle.
Forged Futures (Tribal Spirits #4)
Forged Futures (Tribal Spirits #4)
Katherine McIntyre | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Forged Futures (Tribal Spirits #4) by Katherine McIntyre
Forged Futures is the fourth book in the Tribal Spirits series, and we get Lana's story. Hers and Lucas', the gentle giant of the East Coast Tribe.

Lana has suffered since her husband died. Not only did she lose her best friend, but everyone treats her differently now too. She is unable to speak of him, and this tears her up inside. She is also not good at living alone. So when she hears creaks and groans that don't belong in her house, she knows something is up. That is the start of her life unravelling from how she knew it. Her husband wasn't who she thought he was, but there were reasons for that, which Lana finds out.

Lucas has been attracted to Lana from the start, but as a 'new' widow, he refused to make a move. He can't stop himself from protecting her though, and nor does he want to try. Lucas is fighting his own battles, and they help him with Lana, as it helps him to understand.

These two really are a match made in heaven. Lana sees Lucas for who he really is, and Lucas sees Lana as a woman, not just a widow. The excitement is rife in this book, and I got all flustered thinking Mackey was going down! I can't wait for that to happen!!! At least they made headway, but I won't say anything else! Drew is really coming into his own too. Ms. McIntyre is dropping hints about what happened, and why, and also what might be coming. I really hope I'm right, as he has managed to wriggle into my affections, and I really want to see him happy!

Exceptional writing, just what I would expect from a Katherine McIntyre book. There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, with a smoothly paced story, and no plot holes. There is a slow-build up to the steam, and it works perfectly. Great characters, and an exciting story. Sierra and Dax still remain my favourites (so far), but Lana and Lucas are hot on their heels. Let's see if it stays that way once Drew gets his story! Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Incredible Hulk in TV

Mar 16, 2018 (Updated Mar 16, 2018)  
The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk
1978 | Classics, Drama, Sci-Fi
7.2 (53 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
The weird thing about the Hulk TV show is that it is almost nothing like the comic book version of the character, but still manages to be a classic piece of television (and was, for a long time, by far the most successful adaptation of a Marvel character to another medium). Creator Kenneth Johnson didn't want to do it, and did his hardest to distance his version from the book (he wanted to change the colour of the Hulk, but Marvel refused to let him), and ended up basically doing an American version of Les Miserables (the novel, not the musical) with Jean Valjean getting cross and swelling up into a monster twice an episode.

Everyone remembers this show as the one with the Hulk rasslin' small-time thugs every week, lots of jokes about 'how many shirts does this guy get through, ha ha', and 'you won't like me when I'm angry', but the range of styles and influences involved is really much greater - the programme goes from serious movie-of-the-week drama, to freewheeling comedy, to B-movie inspired horror and SF, and makes a pretty good job of all of them. Highlights include 'The Snare' (psycho millionaire whose hobby is hunting and killing drifters picks the wrong target), 'The Psychic' (a woman with unusual powers discovers Banner's secret just as it seems the Hulk has committed a murder), 'Equinox' (Banner and his indefatigable nemesis McGee finally come face-to-face at a masked ball, rather inspired by Masque of the Red Death), and 'The First' (Banner encounters another Hulk, created in the 1940s).

The programme's great strength is Bill Bixby's performance as Banner, for he is always utterly committed and usually highly convincing even when the episodes themselves wobble a bit. The show's Hulk is mute, but even so Ferrigno gives an increasingly effective turn as the creature (and eventually gets an episode where he appears as himself, so to speak, and does a pretty good job).

It is occasionally a bit formulaic, and you have to accept a few built-in implausibilities in the format, but this is a show which still stands up extremely well, and is still probably the biggest single influence on public perceptions of the Hulk. Well worth watching.

Andy K (10821 KP) Mar 16, 2018

I loved that show!!


Lee (2222 KP) rated A Quiet Place (2018) in Movies

Apr 3, 2018 (Updated Apr 3, 2018)  
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Superb tension, great monster movie
We're on day 79 of what we assume is some kind of apocalyptic event. A general store is deserted, without power, and in a complete mess. A man and his wife (John Krasinski and off screen wife Emily Blunt) along with their 3 children, are quietly scavenging for drugs for one of the sick children, along with general supplies. They move quietly, carefully moving objects so as to not make a sound. They communicate only by sign language, and the youngest of the children is refused a battery operated rocket toy, because it will make a noise. The family quietly walk back home, and you begin to wonder what exactly could be so dangerous that it's wiped out most of humanity and left this family in fear, desperately trying to remain silent. We soon find out though, in one quick, and shocking moment.

Then we skip forward a few hundred days, joining the family once more in their home in the forest. We discover that the creatures responsible for the apocalypse are blind, with armoured skin and a superb sense of hearing which attracts them to their prey, and also explains why everyone is now being so quiet. The family walk about barefoot, still communicating in sign language and taking care not to make a sound with everything they do. It's very quiet, and very tense, which consequently amplifies every sneeze and every noisy rustle in the cinema I'm sitting in. Some of these idiots wouldn't last 5 minutes if they were in this movie!!

And then we discover that Emily Blunts character is pregnant! We see the family preparing a sound proof cot, in an underground room where the other children are also trying to make the walls soundproof. How on earth are they going to keep a baby from being heard?

Occasionally the creatures make an appearance. All teeth and claws, and genuinely scary as the family try and contain their terror to avoid making a sound. The first half of the movie follows this formula - prolonged periods of silent tension, followed by the odd burst of terror. It's extremely effective. So when the final third of the movie shifts towards more lengthy moments of monster action, with the separated family all having their own problems to overcome, it's hugely enjoyable edge of seat stuff. This really is a refreshingly smart horror movie.
Show all 3 comments.

Lee (2222 KP) Apr 5, 2018

Me too. To be fair though, on the whole the audience were fairly quiet, it's just that every little sound is so much more noticeable during this film!


Fran Donohoe (856 KP) Apr 16, 2018

My missus and myself went at the weekend and the irony was that anot her couple were there they wouldn't shut up either with their nacho's or talking all the way through ,its a good thing it's only a film or we'd all be dead

The Way of All Flesh
The Way of All Flesh
Ambrose Parry | 2018 | Crime
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent gripping period thriller set in Edinburgh's medical revolution
This tale of murder takes place in mid 19th century Edinburgh, where the city is at the forefront of the world's advances in medicine - both medical practices and procedures and also drugs and anaesthetics. Many nights are spent with some of the city's top surgeons sitting round the dinner table in the post-prandial slumber sampling various substances looking to find the perfect anaesthetic.
Will Raven, a recently qualified doctor, starts a new job as apprentice to Edinburgh's pre-eminent midwifery expert, Dr James Young Simpson. But he has recently found the dead body of a female friend and starts to investigate the mysterious circumstances of her demise.
The book takes several strands: we have the true history of Edinburgh's medical revolution where doctors like Simpson vied to get the job done but also find better ways to do it for their patients, we have the murder mystery angle, we have the capable and frustrated women who are refused to even attempt to do jobs they are clearly able to do, and we have the class system in full evidence and while many go along with it, some people like Simpson try to get past this and make their households more inclusive for all.
The threads are all interwoven brilliantly and combine to give a story that is both thrilling and interesting.
Having read a lot of Chris Brookmyre, I had high expectations for his storytelling and these were more than met with a brilliantly paced and enjoyable page-turner. I believe writing with his wife has helped tone down the language a little and the tone of the dialogue is very different to his previous work.
My one gripe would be that the climax of the story was a little laboured, with every single event, decision and twist explained numerous times from different perspectives. Given I had spotted a number of hints quite early on and knew who the perpetrator was, and was happy to assume certain things had happened, I didn't feel the need to have this confirmed at length in great detail.
Otherwise an excellent book and the start of a new series that I will be avidly waiting for the next instalment of.
There is so much going on in this book, I honestly don't know where to start! Okay, deep breath, here we go.

First of all, Rissa - she is feisty, sassy, honest, truthful and forthright. I love her. When she literally tumbles into the lap of Spencer, she knows that she wants to know him more so goes for it. I loved this bit about her and, to be fair, Spencer was a real grump at this point in the book so when she refused to take his **** and met him head-on, I was cheering for her.

Spence - wow, there is so much more to this guy than you originally thing. The quiet, geeky, artist man is just a façade. Trust me, as you read through this book, you will be amazed at the 180 he pulls, and you will be swept away with it just like Rissa was/is.

There are lots of supporting characters in here too that each deserve a mention, but this isn't the Oscars, so I won't. What I will say is that each do their job very well, allowing you to get to know the main characters in different situations, without being overpowering.

Our two main characters are 'real'! They have their faults, their ups and downs. One of my favourite bits of the book is when Rissa is curled up due to her monthly onslaught. I could so relate to this, I'm sure most women could, but it's not something usually written about. Spencer has a temper but Rissa isn't afraid of it. She knows that Spencer wouldn't hurt her, so gives him the space he needs to regain his equilibrium.

The levels of mystery and suspense layer on as you read through. I think I know who the mysterious voice is, but I'm not saying as I'm sure I'll be wrong! There are just too many twists, turns and possibilities right now.

Exceedingly well-written, with an intricate, interesting plot, smoothly paced and HOT, this was one enjoyable read! I can't wait for book 2 to come out already.

Please note that no dogs were actually forced to listen to a Justin Bieber CD in the making of this book!

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!