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3.5 stars.

I don't know how to review this. There was stuff I liked and stuff I wasn't so keen on.

Let's start with the pros:

1) The developing relationship between the brothers; the younger three were close and seeing them grow closer to their older sibling was really cute.
2) Ben's willingness to change; even if it did take a while.
3) The camaraderie between many of the characters; Ben and Colin; Cade and Travis; Colin and Jason, the list goes on.


1) The length of time for Ben and Travis' relationship to bloom; it seemed a bit too quick in some respects, although Travis was very willing once he came around to the idea.
2) This is not necessarily about the book itself, but some of the characters: How they treated Travis at the dinner party.

I have come to notice that I like to read books that involve children in my m/m romances ([b:One Small Thing|13186809|One Small Thing (One Thing, #1)|Piper Vaughn||18367666]) and that really helped me in this. They were all really great kids and I liked how they all grew and ended up really happy.
Forged Redemption (Tribal Spirits #5)
Forged Redemption (Tribal Spirits #5)
Katherine McIntyre | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Forged Redemption is the fifth and final book in the Tribal Spirits series, and we finally get Drew's story. Drew and Ally were a couple way back when, before they even really knew about mates. As such, they were together, they broke up, rinse and repeat. These two somehow find the time to sew their relationship back together, through distrust and mortal peril! As well as that, the ultimate battle is drawing to a close, and no one knows who will live to see the outcome.

As with all of Katherine McIntyre books, this was an absolute winner! The writing is tight with no unnecessary parts. Everything is there for a reason! The relationship between Ally and Drew is sensitively written considering their pasts. There are steamy moments that add to the story, definitely not distracting from the arc storyline.

I am sad to see this series come to an end, but at the same time, I am excited to see what Ms. McIntyre will bring next. I highly recommend both this finale and the whole series!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Hephaestus (Mythologay #5)
Hephaestus (Mythologay #5)
B.J. Irons | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HEPHAESTUS is the fifth book in the Mythologay series but the first one I have read.

If you are anyone who knows anything about the Greek Gods, then you will have some idea who Hephaestus is. In this story, you learn more about his birth, upbringing, and relationship with Hera. And then there is his relationship Hestio, the God of Family and Hearth, to name just a couple of his titles.

The pacing of this book is fairly fast, involving a bit of telling and now showing. This meant I was unable to have as much connection with the characters as I like, especially the main ones. I found this to be a rather gentle read that didn't require too much from me.

One thing I did find a little odd - Priapus. If he was indeed cursed to have an erection at all times but when he actually wanted one, then Hestio was never really in any danger, now was he?!

Anyway, an enjoyable read.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 5, 2023