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Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the fifth book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

Penny Lee is heading to college in Austin, Texas to finally start her life. She's leaving behind her needy Mom, her annoying boyfriend, and everything else. She wants to become a writer and now, she thinks, is when her life will truly begin. For Sam, his life in Austin is at a standstill. He's broken up with his girlfriend and is living above the coffee shop where he works. He has a mattress on the floor, a dying laptop, and a dream of becoming a movie director. When Sam and Penny meet, it's not glamorous or romantic. They know each other, vaguely, via Penny's roommate, Jude. But they soon are texting each other--a lot. Sharing everything about their lives, all the time. But can the two maintain this intimate friendship if they meet again in real life?

I absolutely loved this book. There was just something about it that spoke to me, and I was lost in Sam and Penny's world from practically the first page. I had to laugh, because I read some other reviews that maligned Penny, calling her an unlikable character. However, I felt like Penny was ME--I empathized with her character so much, and found so many good lines in the books that I could relate with. (What that says about me, we won't go into, ha.)

This was such a funny, sweet, and real story. I didn't find Sam and Penny's relationship to be insta-love whatsoever as they bonded over text. As anyone who has met someone and shared things online knows, it can become something so deep and private--offering something about yourself with someone you don't see. I loved the wit and sarcasm in their texts. These are my kind of people--funny, wounded, and just so them.

There's definitely seriousness to this book, and the theme of family runs across the entire novel. Sam and Jude are oddly related in a way I won't unpack here. Sam and Penny both have complicated and difficult relationships with their mothers. Penny's mom is a character unto herself. And we see friendship presented in various ways, including Penny's relationship with Jude, and Jude's best friend, Mallory. I loved all the characters, who are each so individualistic.

Overall, this was just a great book for me. It's funny yet dark at times and the humor was right up my alley. I fell hard for the characters, so everything hit me right in the gut. I can see how it might not be for everyone, but I think it's definitely worth a read. I'm glad my challenge made me finally pick this one up. 4.5 stars.
    Grindr - Gay chat

    Grindr - Gay chat

    Social Networking and Lifestyle

    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    Grindr is the world’s #1 FREE mobile social networking app for gay and bi guys to connect. Chat...

    Tessitura Pro

    Tessitura Pro

    Music and Education

    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    The world of scales and modes just got more interesting! Tessitura Pro is a powerful tool for...

Kolmnurk (1982)
Kolmnurk (1982)
1982 | Animation, Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Love Triangle Gone Insane!
Wow! This was seriously one weird animated short! I have seen many weird animated shorts, but none of them were quite as weird as this one! The only other animated short that was just as weird as this short was Hen, His Wife, which also had a similar premise of a couple experiencing marital problems. This short was a bit easier to understand than "Hen, His Wife," but it still requires some interpretation on the situation that is going on. So, here's my take on what I think is happening in this short:

My Interpretation:

So, apparently Viktor and Julia were a happy couple when they were first married. But over the years, Viktor started to ignore Julia and Julia is trying desperately to get her husband's attention again. I'm assuming that the food that Julia cooks represents her sexual desires for Viktor, as the food seem to weirdly take on any shape or form of her body. Also, there were moments where realistic photo shop images of real life people would appear on both Julia and Viktor's faces, representing their desires to look beautiful towards each other. Then when the mouse sized man, Eduard comes between Julia and Viktor, Julia feeding Eduard the food that she made represents her having an affair with Eduard, due to wanting to feel wanted by somebody, since Viktor won't give her the attention that she wants. So, when Viktor sees Julia feeding Eduard the food that she originally made for him, this could be viewed as Viktor finally noticing Julia having an affair with Eduard and he decides to leave her because of that. Whether or not Julia and Viktor get back together with each other in the end is something you have to see for yourself!

I just loved the way that Priit Parn created these bizarre characters as it was interesting yet a bit disturbing seeing real life photos of people's faces suddenly appear on either Viktor, Julia or Eduard's faces as those real life photos look so out of place on these hand drawn characters. I also liked the interesting way that Priit Parn tackled the issue of martial problems by using food as a metaphor for the couple's deteriorating marriage.

The only problem that I had with this short was that it was a bit confusing to understand at times. Like, I wasn't really sure how the food plays a role in the couple's relationship with each other and I was wondering about where Eduard exactly came from. I mean, this is really good stuff for a surreal short, but it can be a bit hard to swallow at times.

Overall, "The Triangle" is a truly intriguing animated short about martial problems that anyone who is in a relationship will enjoy watching (just to see how weird this short was). Also, if you are a huge fan of foreign shorts, then this is definitely one short that you should check out!
Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche
Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche
Nancy Springer | 2021 | History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am excited to present my first guest review, from my wonderful wife, Kate! Thanks, babe, for your review of this book, the seventh in Nancy Springer's Enola Holmes' series.

When I heard there was going to be another book in the Enola Holmes series, I jumped at the chance and promised my book-loving wife that I would write a guest review. So, here it is! Please accept my apologies ahead of time for the fact that I cannot (and would never dare try to) match the quality and skill that my wife demonstrates in her own book reviews.

Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche, by Nancy Springer, is another book in the growing series following Ms. Enola Holmes, the 15 year old sister of the famous Sherlock Holmes. This book is being released over 10 years after the last published novel, which came out in 2010. The earlier six novels covered the ongoing story of Enola’s (often contentious) relationship with her brothers (Sherlock and Mycroft), as well as brought the reader resolution about Enola’s missing/runaway mother. This new story starts with a Prologue written by none other than Sherlock himself, who provides a summary of these tales, and tells of his earlier encounters with Enola. His introduction even suggests his level of respect for her has improved dramatically. The new story finds the young detective (or Scientific Perditorian, as she has dubbed herself) seeking the whereabouts of Miss Leticia Glover’s twin sister, Flossie. Glover has been told that her sister has died, but the circumstances surrounding Flossie’s death are mysteriously vague. Initially, Glover seeks the assistance of Mr. Sherlock Holmes, but she ends up with the masterful pair of Enola and Sherlock, who are finally working together on a case. The two detectives set out, albeit in opposite directions, to ascertain the fate of the missing twin.

I think the allure of these books for me is the underlying message that Enola is as good as, if not better (or at least cleverer) than her notorious older brother. In the previous stories I enjoyed her ability to reach conclusions before him, even if she was getting there with only a slight edge. This particular story seamlessly continues the message that Enola’s keen mind works in ways that Sherlock’s doesn’t.

I thoroughly enjoyed this seventh book in the Enola Holmes series and hope that the author continues with her story. And, while I do enjoy that Enola and Sherlock have mended their relationship and are able to work together, I hope Enola can still find time to shine on her own. This particular book began with a Prologue from Sherlock, and ended with an Epilogue also penned from his perspective. As these stories are supposed to be Enola’s, it felt wrong for the final word to be coming from someone else. Beyond that, this was an excellent mystery and fun, quick read.
Wolvenguard (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #7)
Wolvenguard (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #7)
Sarah Westill | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOLVENGUARD is the seventh book in the Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria series. It does follow on from the previous books, so I would recommend you read those first, otherwise, you will be lost in the story arc.

Cia is a woman older in experience than her nineteen years. She has faced - and lost - too much, more than older people have. She is also focused on vengeance? Revenge? Something else? Take your pick. Whichever word you choose will be the right one. She is impetuous and quick-witted and will do whatever it takes to get her man, and you can decide for yourself which man I'm on about!

Deklan is the Wolvenguard, bonded to three wolves of very distinct personalities. He is restrained and methodical, well aware of how others see him, and has his own past baggage to contend with. When he is sent after an escaped prisoner and Cia, he will stop at nothing to bring them both back.

Oh, boy. Where to start? Can I just simply say I loved it all and leave it at that? No? Okay, then.

First of all, the relationship between Cia and Deklan. It takes time as Deklan has his issues to work through. Luckily for them both, his dad is on hand with helpful advice. I loved how it was all there from the start, but not an easy ride. Their relationship takes time to build, to really become all it could be. And, trust me, there's still room even after the book is finished. I'd love to see more of these two in future books, just as the others have made cameos here.

Secondly, the wolves. How gorgeous are they? And how well described? I will admit to being a little surprised when it came to the bond though. Because of how one of them reacted when he first met Cia, I thought it would be him. But I was wrong and it was perfect! Especially Markus' comment at the end.

Which leads me to the third - MARKUS AND BELLA ARE HERE!!!! If you follow my reviews, you know I am LOVING the series Bella and her Beast Master. Well, guess what? This series takes place after that one, so I got a sneaky peek into their future. I can't tell you how much I loved it when everything slotted into place.

Anyway, Voklane is next. The mysterious man who is always on hand with a plan. As will all books in this series, I honestly can't wait!

Simply outstanding, but please read from the beginning of the series. You won't regret it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 1, 2023
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Soundtrack (3 more)
Kurt Russell
Baby Groot
Chris Pratt (1 more)
Gold Bitches
A soundtrack with a bonus movie
Following on from the success of the first movie (from which I became a Marvel converter), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 had big breeches to fill. And they, somewhat filled them.

I still prefer Vol 1, however I feel that most sequel's don't usually live up to the first movie. But that doesn't mean they didn't try. Vol 2 hit us with another kickass soundtrack that leaves us foot tapping for weeks post-movie. Any movie that includes 'The Chain' by Fleetwood Mac can never be THAT bad in my opinion.

The movie missed the mark slightly in terms of acting. Chris Pratt was charismatic and funny in Vol 1, but in Vol 2 I found that I spent more time cringing at his acting rather than enjoying it. This was disappointing as I always deemed the first film to be Star Lord ft. everyone else, but this film felt more like everyone else ft. Star Lord.
Karen Gillan was also fairly vapid in her acting, which was disappointing as she was given a much larger role in this movie. Nebula was a fairly interesting character in Vol 1, but I just wanted her to leave my screen in Vol 2.

Great work with the relationship between Rocket and Yondu, I was pleasantly surprised by this addition and found it the most interesting plotline of the movie.
The Storyteller
The Storyteller
Jodi Picoult | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to say I am a die hard Jodi Picoult fan! I was before I read Sing You Home & I am still. I heard that this book was not her "norm" among various other things. But to me it was no different. It touches on love, family, friendships, & the definition of what constitutes a family. It speaks to current societal & politcial issues with Picoult's usual grace & lyrical writing style.
This book tells the story of Zoe & Max at the beginning. They are a couple who have tried unsuccessfully for years to have a child. They eventually begin IVF treatments & in the end have a boy, stillborn. This proves too much for their marriage & it falls to pieces. Zoe begins a friendship with an acquaintance who had contracted her musical therapy services for a student at the high school where she is a counselor.
In the end that friendship goes into places that no one involved ever expected. But ultimatly that unexpected relationship is what ends up saving them all in the end.
This story was beautifully written as usual with her books. It had me laughing & crying with the characters who were all so real & genuine that you couldn't help but root for each & everyone of them despite the fact that they find themselves on opposite sides of a contensious lawsuit. I hate to say more & ruin the book. Go read it. You will NOT be disappointed!
Playing hurt is basically a marriage manual for men. But it's not a book on how to "win" the game of marriage against your wife: it's how to win with your wife. It's not how to change your wife so you can be happier: It's on how to change yourself so you can better glorify God through beautifying your wife.

I am, obviously, not a man. So you may be thinking "Haley, why are you reading a men's marriage book?"

well I've got a few answers:

1. I'm a writer, and I like reading things from a man's perspective so I can better write from their perspectives.

2. I'm hoping to get married one day, and it would be nice to understand how my husband thinks.

3. If I understand the ways women usually hurt men and understand men's weaknesses, I can avoid hurting my husband and support him in his weaknesses.

So those are the reasons I personally read this book. I found a lot of good information, and I got to see the other side of the relationship.

Recommendation: I definitely recommend Playing Hurt to men, but their wives can get something out of it as well. Sometimes as women we don't understand that we've hurt our man. But our words cut deeper than we know. It reminds me a lot of For Men Only and For Women Only (very good books by the way!).