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My Bloody Valentine 3-D (2009)
My Bloody Valentine 3-D (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery
One of the avalanche of classic horror remakes to surface during the 00s, My Bloody Valentine (in "spectacular" 3D of course) isn't the worst of them by a long shot, but it still suffers from the soul-less-ness that the majority of them seem all to keen to pack in.

Its certainly more action packed and gory than it's 80s older sibling. The violence on display packs a punch for sure, some of it looks great, some of its looks terrible. The Harry Warden killer, much like the Michaels and Jasons of this remake era, is more of a machine than before. Relentless, brutal, faster, and pretty intimidating as far as these things go. It also packs in a fair amount of character development, which is a nice touch that gives the whole narrative some much needed gravitas, and the cast all do a good job with the by-the-numbers slasher-remake screenplay, with highlights being Jaime King and the ever reliable Tom Atkins.

You know how these things go though, and the simple fact is that this do over isn't as good as the original. It lacks the realness and charm (there's that word again) that the original had. There's a twist near the end that is designed to pull the rug out from under fans of the original, and it's actually a pretty interesting one, albeit executed poorly, and requires the viewer to really suspend disbelief in order to glaze over some gaping plot holes.

All in all, it's gory and fun enough to easily pass a couple of hours, and manages to feel like a homage to the original, rather than a straight up copy, and that I can respect, but ultimately, it's not a strong argument for the case of remakes.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Murder on the Orient Express (2017) in Movies

Nov 14, 2017 (Updated Nov 14, 2017)  
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery
Branagh's direction and performance (0 more)
A Serviceable Retelling
I'm not going to tell you that this is one of the greatest detective movies ever made, but it is a lot better than a lot of reviews are making it out to be and I had fun with it. Branagh does a good job with directing the all star cast and they each get a moment to shine. He is also brilliant as Poirot, working as the staple that holds the whole movie together. The lighting and the cinematography in the film is stunning. It does have it's cheesy moments and certain actors could be mistaken for being in a pantomime, but that comes with the territory with a period murder mystery story. I'm not saying it's brilliant, but it is good fun and as remakes go, it could have been a lot worse.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
1988 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Who remembers Roger Rabbit?
My first summer job was in 1988 (I'm old) so I remember watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit over and over and loving it more each time I watched.

The late, great Bob Hoskins was able to hold his own against the melee of cartoon extravaganza put forth all around him. The story is fun and exciting with lots of twists and turns, but to just be a part of the cinema roller-coaster that is this film was all part of the fun.

Or seeing Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse together. Or seeing a piano duel with Donald and Daffy Duck.

I have never been a big fan of remakes, but they could probably do a great remake if Zemeckis decided to remake his own movie. I would be a fan of that.
The Magnificent Seven (2016)
The Magnificent Seven (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Western
7.4 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Having seen most of the original and seminal Seven Samurai I can attest that the remakes are very good movies and carry the essence of the original very well without surpassing it.
It maintains the feel of the original western well and allows just about enough of an introduction to each character to become invested, although for others it's all left to the imagination.
If you have seen the original then you already know where the story is going and move on to guessing who survives at the finale.
All in all a good movie from the consistent Antoine Fuqua and an enjoyable watch, although I feel as though this remake didn't have to be remade at all, but Hollywood seems to insist on it these days with its unwillingness to indulge and invest in originality.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated The Ring (2002) in Movies

Aug 9, 2019 (Updated Oct 18, 2019)  
The Ring (2002)
The Ring (2002)
2002 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Seven Days
The Ring- is one of those horror remakes that is actually really good and underrated.

The plot: Description It sounds like just another urban legend -- a videotape filled with nightmarish images leads to a phone call foretelling the viewer's death in exactly seven days. Newspaper reporter Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) is skeptical of the story until four teenagers all die mysteriously exactly one week after watching just such a tape. Allowing her investigative curiosity to get the better of her, Rachel tracks down the video and watches it. Now she has just seven days to unravel the mystery.

VHS were popular back in 2002, but when rings: the third movie came out in 2016 their still thought VHS were popular but nope.

Anyways this movie is scary, terrorfying, horrorfying, spooky, suspeseful, thrilling and more.

A highly reccordmend movie.