The dive (2023)
Two sisters go diving at a beautiful remote location one of the sisters is struck by a rock leaving...

Mindhunters (2005)
Movie Watch
On a remote island, the FBI has a training program for their psychological profiling division,...
FBI Serial Killer Profiler Remote location

Tell Me How I Die (2016)
Movie Watch
When a group of college students take part in a clinical drug trial, an unexpected side effect of...
Remote location

Monos (2019)
Movie Watch
Colombian drama-thriller. A group of eight child soldiers are keeping an American engineer hostage...

Whiteout (2009)
Action thriller based on the 1998 comic book by Greg Rucka and Steve Lieber. Kate Beckinsale stars...
Kate Beckinsale Thriller remote location Antarctica

A Cure For Wellness (2017)
Movie Watch
An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company's CEO from an idyllic but mysterious...

D-Tox (Eye See You) (2002)
A brutal serial killer is targeting cops, and detective Jake Malloy (Sylvester Stallone) is on the...
Slasher remote location Thriller