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King of Beasts (Curse of the Dark Kingdom #4)
King of Beasts (Curse of the Dark Kingdom #4)
Amberlyn Holland | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
KING OF BEASTS is the last (so far) in the Curse of the Dark Kingdom series. Everyone has broken free of their curse apart from the eldest, Kyllean. He is the one stuck in The Library, in a beast form. Anyone want to guess the fairytale?

Kyllean and Leandra definitely get their story told, but the others appear too so, in the end, the Big Bad is defeated by all of them working together. I do love it when that happens, don't you?! Leandra is a strong character; she has to be as she carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. She is not cowed by Kyllean, even when he roars, and I loved how she always stood up to him. Kyllean himself is a very sympathetic character. He is doing the best he can, the only way he knows how. His insecurities lead him to questionable actions but I found I understood them.

A fantastic retelling of a classic, this was a wonderful ending to the series. The world- and character-building are just as good as always, and the pacing was perfect. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 20, 2023
Gathering Frost (Once Upon a Curse, #1)
Gathering Frost (Once Upon a Curse, #1)
Kaitlyn Davis | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Congratulations, Kaitlyn Davis. I've found my favorite Sleeping Beauty retelling (for now) – FINALLY! (Because a lot of the other retellings I've come across have been Sleeping Beauty, and I've managed to not get along with them.)

The first book in the <i>Once Upon a Curse</i> series is <b>set up in a futuristic New York where two worlds merged as one in an earthquake</b> when Jade was younger. Years later, Jade lives in a world where a queen strips all of the inhabitants' emotions away, leaving them with no emotion. When she comes across the queen's lost son, Prince Asher, the queen sets her on a mission to be captured and trusted by the prince, eventually betraying and returning him back to the queen.

<b>There's something I really liked about <i>Gathering Frost</i> – something that Davis did here that wasn't done in other Sleeping Beauty retellings.</b> I enjoyed the futuristic world Davis creates – two worlds, one of them believed to be parallel to Earth, being merged together and a queen who takes away all emotions from her people, along with the ability to control them. Somehow, throughout all of that, <b>Davis weaves in a bit of Sleeping Beauty and make her own fairytale world as well</b> – I really liked the addition of Jade coming across the original story while staying in the rebel camp.

There's also <b>something about Davis' writing style that I really enjoyed</b>, despite the fact there were a few moments where I started questioning the grammar, or there were commas where there really shouldn't have been any commas, or there were commas thrown in when the sentence would have worked so much better as two sentences. There were some parts that were <b>just written beautifully and flowed together extremely well</b> (read: the beauty of parallel structure).

I honestly can't say too much about the characters, particularly in Jade's case. Since her emotions have been taken away by the queen, <b>it was only natural for Jade to be depicted as a cold, detached, statuesque character and focus mainly on her surroundings.</b> As Jade spends more time in the rebel camp, though, <b>she slowly starts to develop emotions and feelings, and Jade's focus seems to balance out a little with her surroundings, her past, and her newly developed emotions.</b>

With a hint on what the sequel will probably be about, Davis doesn't actually leave us on a major cliffhanger. Instead, she seems to be conveying that <b>Jade's and Asher's story definitely won't be ending with <i>Gathering Frost</i></b> – they're more than likely to appear in the second book, and I can't wait to see what Davis comes up with for her retelling of <i>Beauty and the Beast</i>.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Still Star-Crossed
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once upon a time I read <em>Romeo and Juliet</em> for English.

It was awful and boring, and I hated it with a passion. I don't know why, but <em>Romeo and Juliet</em> just didn't clash well with me.

<em>Still Star-Crossed</em> isn't exactly like Shakespeare's <em>Romeo and Juliet</em> - definitely not a retelling, though I would read a retelling of the cheese any day over rereading the original. <em>Still Star-Crossed</em> is like <strong>an unwritten sequel - the aftermath of what happens in Shakespeare's Verona after the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet</strong>. The Capulets and Montagues are in a truce of sorts, but despite the public image, a tension remains between the two families and they're back to their feuds within weeks in the dark of the night. Hoping to diminish the feud altogether, the prince of Verona - Escalus - selects Benvolio (Montague) to marry Rosaline (Capulet).

<strong>Benvolio and Rosaline are an interesting pair to put together</strong> - they're complete opposites of their cousins. Both of them would probably prefer marriage to a literal snake than a forced marriage to each other, and in the hopes to break off the marriage, the two of them try to ease the heavy tensions lurking over the city.

But Benvolio and Rosaline are <strong>so much more entertaining to read about</strong>.
<h3 style="text-align: center;"><b>THE BETROTHAL: A NUTSHELL</b></h3>
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Escalus:</b> In order to bring peace to the two families and to Verona, I have decided the Montagues and Capulets will be united through marriage.
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Rosaline:</b> DUDE. PEACE? I slapped that Montague not too long ago.
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Benvolio:</b> About an hour ago, in fact.
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Rosaline:</b> That's five minutes of knowing each other. Imagine a lifetime!
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Benvolio:</b> A complete life of misery.
<p style="text-align: center;"><i>Pause.</i>
<b>Benvolio: </b>Then again, I guess my misery is yours to command, Your Grace.</blockquote>
They're not hopelessly romantic like their cousins with cheese lined around them! In fact, Benvolio and Rosaline hate being around each other. They only tromp around Verona’s streets behind their families’ backs in the hopes to figure out who is behind trying to start up the feud between their families once more. At the exact same time, Rosaline starts becoming more distant from her sister Livia, and in a way, <strong><em>Still Star-Crossed</em> becomes a tale of a sisterly feud as well</strong>.

I think the only problem I really had with <em>Still Star-Crossed</em> is wanting to slap Escalus upside the head a few times for being figuratively blind. (Also, this is becoming a TV show. SOON. YES PLEASE.)

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Promises and Pixie Dust
Promises and Pixie Dust
Elle Madison, Robin Mahle | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you to the gorgeously talented Elle and Robin for granting me the opportunity to read their beautiful book in exchange for an honest review.

Promises and Pixie Dust is the first Thumbelina retelling I have seen in the current MASSIVE trend of retellings.
Initially this magical tale featured within the Enchanted Kingdoms collection of retellings but Elle and Robin have now released Lina upon the world as the debut novel in “The Unfabled Series”.
Naturally, a Thumbelina story by Elle and Robin is never going to be your average retelling and, when the story opens on "Lina" drinking pints in 'The Poisoned Apple', it is safe to say that this novel will be just as brilliant as their other works.
At a whole 12 cm tall, Lina has never entirely fit in with the world around her. Everything she owns is adapted to fit her size and she has never met anyone similar to herself. After the death of her mother Lina is determined to find someone else of her kind and, along with her childhood friend Edrich, journeys into the Enchanted forest in search of answers.
Edrich is an unwilling companion to put it mildly and the relationship between him and Lina is very intriguing for the reader. Elle and Robin purposefully drip feed us information regarding the friends and the challenges they have faced up to this point but the undercurrent of tension between the pair make it clear that there is more than friendship and obligation at play here.
This doesn't mean that the reader is not entirely unsympathetic to Edrich's frustration with Lina though. She is often sickeningly chirpy and optimistic with no sense of danger. At the end of the day though, a tiny woman whose mood shows on her skin and rides a hedgehog is a winner in any story.
Promises and Pixie Dust also hints heavily at a recent backstory involving Edrich as he experiences flashbacks and guilt linked to his current line of work. I really hope Edrich gets the chance to tell his own story as I know Piper and Neira will.
I really appreciated the little changes between the Enchanted Kingdoms story and The Unfabled series version. Poor Edrich was very difficult to love in the previous version but has definitely been hit with the empathy stick in recent months! Once his circumstances are (forcibly) changed Edrich almost has a newfound respect for Lina and even before this he isn’t as condescending as his Enchanted Kingdoms counterpart was – I no longer want to punch him in the face anyway so that’s a bonus!
Elle and Robin also developed the world of the fairies a little more, providing more of an insight into their dependence on woodland creatures and even inventing a new sport! The imagery here was so beautiful that I was desperate for illustrations to accompany it.
If you are a fan of retellings, Once Upon a Time, fairies and friends to lovers storylines then this is the tale for you. Promises and Pixie Dust has a freshly manicured hedgehog, a villain with a heart and the best curse words ever imagined.
Frolicking centaurs it's a good read!

Lee (2222 KP) rated Murder on the Orient Express (2017) in Movies

Nov 6, 2017 (Updated Nov 9, 2017)  
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery
Kenneth Branagh (1 more)
Stunning cinematography
Wasted all-star cast (1 more)
Not very interesting
All style, no substance
This review is possibly a little unfair, as I actually managed to fall asleep watching Murder On The Orient Express. In a busy cinema, early evening on a Sunday. I've only ever managed to do this a couple of times previously - once, while watching a midnight screening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens (I'm an old man, it was way past my bedtime). Another occasion was during the last Alvin and the Chipmunks movie while watching with my daughter (and I quite rightly got a dig in the ribs from her when she caught me out).

Unfortunately for me though, Kenneth Branaghs lavish retelling of this classic murder mystery is all style and no substance. Branagh himself is actually very good, and hugely entertaining as the worlds greatest detective, Hercule Poirot. However, most of the remaining all star cast just seem wasted in their roles and I just felt like I was watching a big, glossy BBC detective drama on a Sunday evening rather than a thrilling cinematic experience.

I made it through the setup and the murder itself. I also made it through some of the questioning of the many suspects too. But I think that's where my body gave up. I don't think I missed much though, and I was awake again in time for the ridiculous reveal and the explanation as to why whodunit actually dunit, but overall this was just a pretty big disappointment for me.