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Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
A lot of fun and a good story underneath all the humor.
Had been entertained by the multiple trailers for the movie, so heading in I was hoping for good things. Film took the trailer funnies and expanded on them. There's your expected internet jokes and memes, all integrated well into the retro characters from your favorite video games. The part, however, that really stuck out to me was the amazing story underneath all the humor. Movie tells a heartfelt tale of friendship, letting go, and the true bonds we make with those we love. Also loved how all the extra characters from other games and films were integrated in without damaging their respective stories and/or morals previously established. Job well done. Disney.
Wilder Woods by Wilder Woods
Wilder Woods by Wilder Woods
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Atlantic Records recording artist Wilder Woods is back with a new single and music video to promote his upcoming debut LP. Electric Woman features a retro-soul melody combined with a slinky electronic groove, yielding a raw and understated homage to the female form delivered with a signature throwback-flair.

The music video stars Bear Rinehart’s wife, Mary Reames Rinehart, and gives listeners a peek at what real chemistry looks like between the young and beautiful. The canyons at sunset create a wistful backdrop for this exploration of honeymoon love, while Wilder Woods again joins his love of classic style with modern sounds, extending a perfect moment into the ether of collective experience. We are there also, dancing under the stars with our beloved.

Adam Green recommended Is This It by The Strokes in Music (curated)

Is This It by The Strokes
Is This It by The Strokes
2001 | Rock
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I can't say enough about this album. I heard that when The Stooges came out everyone thought they were retro garage band not realising they were pointing the way forward to punk. Every song on Is This It is amazing. I played 'Modern Age' for my daughter the other day, and just for that song alone it could be one of the greatest albums. I was there for the making of the record and I was so blown away by their dedication to making this perfect music and executing it perfectly every night. It was crazy. These guys would really yell at each other if they missed one chord or beat. They were perfectionists. They were the first band of my age group who were great. There's a level of precision that The Strokes brought to making their music and their approach to it – the way Fab tried to emulate a drum machine in his playing – it feels obvious to people now but it was counter-intuitive at the time, no one had done that. Everything about Is This It was a statement in the opposite direction to what everyone else was doing. Before this the trend was for people make albums that sounded like they were performed in arena, they're soaked with reverb, Is This It is this weird insular record with the distorted vocals. People were confused by the decisions that were made when it was made when it came out, but now you hear it copied infinitely. It's funny that for a band that were criticised for being retro they've now come to define their own times."

The Elis James And John Robins On Radio X Podcast
The Elis James And John Robins On Radio X Podcast
Comedy, Music, Society & Culture
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Banter (3 more)
Made Up Games
The championing of "e-mail"
Nothing (0 more)
I am a PCD
Two friends chatting about music, life, love, veganism and social media on Radio X. Excellent features such as "Humblebrag of the Week", "Made Up Game", "Abbatoir" (where some of the biggest bands in the world are debated and listener votes either put them safely in the paddock or consign them to the abbatoir) and "Winner Plays On".
Both comedians in their own right, Elis James is a football-mad Welsh mod and John Robins is a Queen-obsessed stickler for the rules. Both have enough in common and enough different opinions to make the show hilarious and something of a cult. Listen to all shows from the start to become a "retro-oner" and a "Podcast Devotee" (PCD).
Mafia III
Mafia III
2016 | Action/Adventure
Voice acting (0 more)
Not as good as Mafia 2 (0 more)
A retro tale of revenge
Not everyone loved Mafia 2, but I did. I thought the story at the time was one of the best that I had ever played through, so I was extremely excited to get my hands on the third outing.
When the game was released though, I held off buying it as all I heard was how it was full of glitches and bugs. After a couple of months and a few updates, I eventually got round to playing it
Unfortunately Lincoln's story isn't as interesting as Vito's was. This is still a decent gangster story, but it is to Mafia 2 what Black Mass is to Goodfellas. They are both pretty good but one is a league above the other.
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
1965 | Abstract Strategy, Kids Game
the satisfying drop of the other players marble into the chute (2 more)
Taking out your sisters pieces
Figuring out the patterns of the slides.
I loved this game as a kid.... not sure it would hold up now.
I'd love to get my hands on a copy of this game. I'd love to try it out now and see how it holds up. I imagine it would be pretty easy to memorize the patterns of the boards sliders, The real skill is in knowing how to move them, and the placement of the marble pawns. I think I would have a blast reliving my childhood for an hour. playing best out of three. I also think this might make a very cool retro art piece for my gaming room wall.

Beetle Rider (341 KP) Apr 18, 2018

I loved this game too. Nice add.

Fables & Fairy Tales to Cross Stitch
Fables & Fairy Tales to Cross Stitch
Véronique Enginger | 2018 | Reference
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Huge variety of patterns and ideas- (0 more)
Cross Stitch/ point de croix~with a retro feel!
There are so many patterns to choose from in this book by, Véronique Enginger. This is a newer release book and originally available in French with a different cover and at a much higher price. I adore Véronique's patterns and am a big fan of her work! This book is full of fairy tale characters, characters from fables and French nursery rhymes. My favorite is Little Red Riding Hood but Beauty & The Beast and The Little Mermaid were also in the run for my favorite. I would complete all of the patterns, I love this book, that much! I like that Véronique creates patterns that can tell a story or you can choose to stitch a smaller scene or character. Véronique's patterns of faces are incredible and look like true works of art. It is very difficult finding cross stitch patterns with such natural looking faces. I have made several of her patterns and they are easy to follow and look just like the finished samples on the pages of her books. This book has given me so much inspiration and joy and I can't wait to work on more of the patterns. The book is hardcover and has nice big pages to make it easy to work from. The patterns have a retro feel that you might find on a 1940's-50's apron, blanket or tablecloth. I highly recommend this book for cross stitch enthusiasts, like myself. This isn't a beginner's book, however and should know how to read a cross stitch graph. It's also helpful to know how to stitch on linen to give these a more professional feel and more realistic look.

Larry Eisner (2082 KP) rated Maniac in TV

Oct 3, 2018  
2018 | Comedy, Drama
Realistic views of mental illness (4 more)
So much vision in the palette and visual storytelling
The acting is top-notch!
Such creativity!
It starts slow. And if you can’t handle quirk, you won’t dig it at all. (0 more)
A beautiful, creative series about mental illness
Absurdism at its finest. Full stop.

Maniac is a beautifully written, beautifully shot and masterfully acted work of art. Taking a 70s-80s retro idea of future technology, and making it real, making it believable and all the while throwing crazy funny oddity at the same time is an insane balancing act and it works! My god, it works!

It is episodic and works as such, but it could also very well have been an excellent 5-6 hour film. Every scene is necessary. Every frame is intentional. The jokes hit, the visual universe is consistent, and the whole thing tugs on you like very little film does these days. In fact I hesitate to call it TV. Because while it is indeed episodic, it’s not serialized. It’s one long and perfectly crafted story. It winds and twists and it jumps at the sky but it always has a reason to do so.

And all I can say is that every damn time I forget how great Sally Field is, she kills it. She absolutely kills it. I wouldn’t have cast her or Jonah Hill, but they are PERFECT. I can not recommend this show enough. Honestly it’s the best original content I’ve seen this year. Hands down.

It’s funny, it’s bizarre, and it’s emotional. It gets, via sideways and transverse angles, what it means to be a broken and fragile human, when everyone around you seems to have it together but you.

Please watch it. You won’t regret it.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Battleship in Tabletop Games

Mar 19, 2018 (Updated Mar 19, 2018)  
1967 | Modern Warfare, Nautical, Wargame
One of the Classics
Battleship is one of my all time favourite games. It requires a balance of strategy, cunning and sheer luck to help find and defeat your opponents ships, before they find yours.

There's something very endearing and retro about the fact that you can still play this game the "old fashioned" way using real pegs and fold out cases. Call me nostalgic, but it's so much better to play this than an online/electronic version. And also the fact that shouting "you sank my battleship" never gets old.

The only drawback with this game is the replayability in the same session. Games aren't necessarily that long, however once you've played a couple of games against the same opponent, you get a good idea of how they look at strategically positioning their ships and the games can become a little predictable.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Criminal Records
Edgar Wright's high-energy jukebox thriller may be your last chance to see Kevin Spacey in a new movie. Brilliant young music-loving hearing-impaired getaway driver ends up in hock to criminal mastermind; must decide whether to run for it with his lovely new girlfriend or carry out one last job with some rather suspect associates.

Slightly retro crime thriller with a central gimmick - action sequences are frequently choreographed to the soundtrack - that isn't quite as innovative as it thinks it is. As technically proficient as you would expect from Wright; what's unusual is that the film has a degree of heart you wouldn't expect, not to mention an impressively twisty-turny plotline - just who the main bad guy will turn out to be is not at all clear until quite late on. Good performances all round, too.