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My Not So Perfect Life: A Novel
My Not So Perfect Life: A Novel
Sophie Kinsella | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Katie Brenner is doing her best to make it (and fake it) in London. After all, moving to London from her village town in Somerset has always been Katie's dream. But, if Katie's really honest--and not just posting glamorous-but fake-pictures on her Instagram--her life isn't all she'd hoped it be. Her commute is horrendous, and she shares a minuscule flat with two nightmare flatmates. Her job in branding is what Katie always wanted, but she's stuck at the bottom rung of the office ladder. This means she's constantly abused by her beautiful, brilliant boss, Demeter--and that's when she even remember Katie's name. Just when Katie thinks she's making headway: she's attending some meetings at work and sharing ideas, she's invited to drinks with co-workers, and she's met (and felt sparks with) a handsome co-worker, she's fired. Before she knows it, Katie finds herself back on her family farm, helping her dad and stepmom start a glamping business (yes, glamping; surprisingly, this works in the plot). It's far from the dreamy, perfect London life she always envisioned.

I'm not a Sophie Kinsella disciple (I haven't even read the Shopaholic series, don't kill me), but this book was so popular among my Goodreads friends that I couldn't help but pick it up. <i>It's certainly a cute, entertaining read</i>, based mainly on the strength of her main character.

There's something about Katie. She can be irritating, but she's gutsy and smart. She has dreams and goals, and she truly wants to achieve them. She's also insightful and kind. You can't help but be drawn to her and root for her character. It also helps that she's not spoiled, like so many of her co-workers and the people she encounters. While the book may play on the "rich" versus "poor" dichotomy a bit much, it's clear that Katie is fairly grounded, and you like her all the more for it.

The book certainly has some comedic moments, which I wasn't completely expecting, and Katie even has a bit of a dry wit. Things definitely move along in a bit of a cliched fashion sometimes, with Katie's realizations about life coming a tad too easily at moments. Still, there's a little twist in the plot that I didn't see coming that engages you and keeps the last quarter of the novel moving quite briskly.

Overall, the book winds up all its loose ends way too easily, but, of course, you really wouldn't have it any other way. I found myself grinning goofily in a few parts, because I'm totally a sucker for stories like these sometimes. Katie is endearing, her romance is fun, and the plot moves quickly and easily. This was an enjoyable, breezy read, and I'm glad I picked it up. 3.5 stars.

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Focused - Single by Lilly Whyte
Focused - Single by Lilly Whyte
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Lilly Whyte is an Atlanta-based rapper-singer from Loris, South Carolina. Not too long ago, she released a motivational rap tune, entitled, “Focused”.

“I been working hard, I know its gonna take time. I can’t let down my guard, can’t let nobody take my shine, I need to just focus. Please just let me focus. I been down before and I ain’t never going back. I’m hungry for more so tell me where the money at. I’m just being honest. I’m gonna get it regardless.” – lyrics

‘Focused’ tells an encouraging tale of a determined young woman who is focused on getting what’s hers. But, as she gets closer to accomplishing her goals, there’s a guy in her life who’s trying to get close to her.

Even though she’s not looking for closure with him, she knows deep down she can’t afford to lose her concentration to distractions. Therefore, she chooses to stay motivated and refuses to let him come remotely close to disrupting her grind.

‘Focused’ contains a relatable storyline, harmonious rap vocals, and melodic instrumentation flavored with contemporary R&B and hip-hop elements.

“So excited about this record because it’s the first song I actually recorded all by myself. I literally wrote this song in my head as I was teaching myself how to engineer. FOCUSING on my craft and not letting anything stop me. FOCUSED is the product of me staying up all night in my little at-home-studio and not giving up. This song is very motivational which is why it’s one of my all-time favorites. I’ve always had a hard time focusing on what I’m supposed to be doing because I’m always so easily distracted. It can be really frustrating sometimes. I literally have to tell myself to just FOCUS, but this song is way more than that.” – Lilly Whyte

Lilly Whyte struggled with health and addiction issues, along with becoming a mother at a young age.

With a determination and drive inherent only to single mothers, she overcame her hardships by using music as an outlet for healing and growth.

She represents love, peace, and diversity, writing lyrics that are rich, fiery and full of meaning. Her stories cover themes such as empowerment, positivity, and self-acceptance.

Also, she’s an accomplished dancer, and her love for Lil Wayne’s music has garnered her the nickname, Lil Wheezy.

“I call out a certain someone for trying to come into my life and distract me. I have way too many trust issues from past experiences and I’m sure a few of you can relate. The beat was produced by DrellOnTheTrack and it has a guitar in the melody which is ironic as I also play the guitar. Hope you gain as much from this track as I did and don’t forget to STAY FOCUSED!” – Lilly Whyte

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Paris Secret in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Paris Secret
The Paris Secret
Karen Swan | 2016 | Contemporary, Crime
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

The Paris Secret</i> is Karen Swan’s latest contemporary novel of light mystery, surprises and a hint of romance. A rich family man in France has recently learnt of an abandoned apartment belonging to his long-deceased father. What was even more astonishing was the discovery that the place is stacked top to bottom with famous artwork. Flora Sykes, a British Fine Art Agent, is hired to tell the family more about their newfound possessions.

Although Flora comes from a wealthy family, the opulence of the Vermeil family is overwhelming. Despite the initial welcoming, Flora is disconcerted by the behaviour of their rotten daughter, Natascha, and terse yet handsome son, Xavier. Feeling like she is already unwanted, things get worse after her research exposes a devastating secret about the family’s history. Fearing she is to blame for the Vermeil’s downfall, Flora tries to focus on her work, but her confusing feelings towards Xavier are driving her to distraction.

For art lovers, <i>The Paris Secret</i> will hold great appeal. A vast amount of research has gone into the novel to be able to include such detail about famous painters, artwork, auctions and much more. While the story primarily focuses on said topic, there is also the added touch of romance developing in the latter stages as well as a continuous theme of brotherly sisterly bonds.

A real-life scenario in which a Paris apartment was discovered after being shut up since the Second World War inspired Karen Swan to write this enthralling story. Using this as the bare bones, Swan tried to imagine what the discovery would have been like for the family, how it would alter their futures, and most importantly what it would change about the knowledge of their history. What emerges is a gripping book that emphasizes the importance of family, prejudices and the continued effects of past war.

In a way,<i> The Paris Secret</i> can be viewed as a piece of Chick Lit – it is about a twenty something woman who has never been in love. On the other hand, is there enough romance for it to sit comfortable under this heading? Perhaps not, but that helps to improve the overall storyline. The inevitable romance scenes do not detract from the Art History plot, thankfully limiting the amount of pages some readers may find uncomfortable.

In all honesty you will need to have a little interest, or enough knowledge of the fine art world to get the most out of this book. Although a leisurely read, <i>The Paris Secret</i> contains many highbrow topics and less of the unpretentious lovey-dovey stuff. Flora is an easy character to like and the narrative flows exceptionally well. Karen Swan is a worthy author to keep in mind when browsing for something to read.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Being one of the little gems hidden in the teen shelves at the library, <i>Grandmaster</i> is apparently one of the few books about chess that's fiction and not a how to book or a book about the best moves to smack your opponents down in chess.

It is also a book that I have completely mixed feelings about – a book that I completely relate to as a chess player (I AM a girl, thank you very much), <b><i>Grandmaster</i> deals with the darker side of chess at the higher level competition in a thriller-like fashion</b>. As the book goes from start to end and the tournament gets closer to the final round, you can literally tell from Klass' writing that the tension among the competitors are growing along with the excitement at the possibility of seeing two rival grandmasters from several decades facing off each other in the final round.

<i>Grandmaster</i> did have a few imperfections, much as Klass' writing was engrossing and highly interesting – there were quite a few clichés and stereotypes, and the majority of the characters were so annoying, I had some tendency to not finish the book simply because of the characters.

Everyone makes this particular tournament a whoppingly huge deal and we have players from all walks of life, particularly the extremely snobby ones from the rich and wealthy. Of all the rounds Klass talks about, almost all of the players faced someone snobby – every once in a blue moon there would be a player who was at the very least friendly.

Most of the characters are extremely competitive and have a temper of sorts – Dr. Chisolm and Mr. Kinney throw insults at Grandmaster Pratzer, and Brad and Eric (the stereotypes of playboy and lazy bum superstar) make fun of Daniel. Mr. Kinney in particularly is the most competitive of all and probably the next Christian Grey with the way he orders people around – don't get me started on that.

And each time the characters lose, all of them (aside from Daniel) are literally on the verge of losing control. From stomping out, turning angrily red, huffing and puffing – Klass might even be sending a subtle message about having good sportsmanship.

As the tournament and the book draws to a close, the book does get better – the characters finally get their act together and make some changes (though they don't change so much that it becomes unrealistic). The ending is a happily ever after, a nice comparison to the high stakes and pressures of a chess tournament that Klass reveals throughout.
<blockquote>If you're up against a strong player get him off the book and make him think for himself.</blockquote>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>


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Minions (2015)
Minions (2015)
2015 | Animation, Comedy, Family
6.5 (30 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bright, smart and hilarious
They’re everywhere! Minions have become a worldwide phenomenon since their unveiling in 2010’s smash-hit Despicable Me and for their return in its sequel.

It was only a matter of time before Universal gave their most successful animated franchise a prequel, and allowing it to focus on the cute yellow creatures was a masterstroke by the people behind the scenes. No matter where you go there is something minion related to buy.

But the question is, does a film based on them truly work? After all, it’s their evil master Gru who is the main focus of the previous features.

Minions follows the history of the loveable race from humble beginnings serving an unlucky Tyrannosaurus right up to the moment they meet their aforementioned boss in a film packed full of colour and imagination.

After a history lesson narrated by the wonderful Geoffrey Rush, we find three plucky minions – Kevin, Stuart and the adorable Bob (accompanied by teddy Tim) as they are about to embark on a mission to find the most evil boss in the world.

Stumbling across the wicked Scarlet Overkill (voiced beautifully by Sandra Bullock) along the way, the trio think they have found everything they ever wanted right here in England.

Seeing London realised in animation as excellent as that in Minions is a joy. The city is a hive of activity with every frame being filled to the brim with tiny details like stained-glass windows, bees, rats, telephone boxes and fluttering flags. It’s just a shame we don’t get to see it more.

Naturally the English stereotypes come out in full force with tea-drinking newsreaders and policemen, but they’re done in such good taste you can’t help but laugh.

This is where Minions excels. Its humour is sublime. The kids will be rolling around in the aisles one moment, with adults finding something equally as hilarious the next – this is how a family film should be. There are pop culture references abound and even some nods to previous US presidents.

Kevin, Bob and Stuart are the perfect trio to spend 90 minutes with. Each of them have rich personalities that feel like they’ve been cleverly crafted to ensure you find a bit of yourself in each – I know, it sounds ridiculous.

Unfortunately, the story runs a little out of puff towards the film’s climax. It delves into unnecessarily silly territory when it really doesn’t need to and it’s a shame that a smart kid’s movie like this feels the need to dumb it all down.

Thankfully, it picks up again in the last 15 minutes and makes for a truly memorable ending.

Overall, Minions is a funny, charming and well-paced film that confirms what we all feared – Britain is obsessed by minions. The animation and humour are both sublime with only an exhausted plot stopping it from achieving greatness.

One thing’s for sure though, that obsession your child has with the pill-shaped creatures, it won’t be going away any time soon. Minions – me ti amo (I love you in Minionese).