The New Old House: Historic & Modern Architecture Combined
Old House, New Life presents 18 private historic homes, from North America to Europe, and traces the...

Albion: The Legend of Arthur
We arrive in Albion, AD 490. Once spirits of both light and darkness ruled the land, now tribes of...

Based on the motion picture Humpday (written & directed in 2009 by Lynn Shelton), Straight is a...

The Lion and the Unicorn
Gladstone and Disraeli were the fiercest political rivals of the modern age. Their intense hatred...

Loyal Dissent: Brief Lives from Westminster School
Ian Donaldson, Patrick Derham, Nick Clegg and A.C. Grayling
With origins as far back as the 14th Century, Westminster School is one of the oldest in the country...

The Bayeux Tapestry: New Interpretations
Martin K. Foys, Karen Eileen Overbey and Dan Terkla
In the past two decades, scholarly assessment of the Bayeux Tapestry has moved beyond studies of its...

What Fresh Lunacy is This?: The Authorized Biography of Oliver Reed
Oliver Reed may not have been Britain's biggest film star - for a period in the early 70s he came...