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Magnus Chase: Ship of the Dead is the final book in the series that blends Norse mythology with the modern world. Rick Riordan writes in his typical humourous fashion and makes learning fun (even if it’s not always entirely accurate.) As this is the third and final book in the series, there isn’t too much to say that wouldn’t spoil the first two books if you have not read them so I would recommend doing so before reading this review. You can also read my review of the first book as it is spoiler-free.

Our heroes continue their journey to postpone Ragnarok and defeat Loki. Magnus is joined by Samirah the Valkyrie, Hearthstone the Elf, Blitzen the Dwarf and his fellow Einherjar Alex, Mallory, TJ and Halfborn. They must battle giants, outwit guardians, and save the world from utter destruction. Just your average Tuesday.

I really enjoyed how diversity was represented in this series as we have main characters with different sexualities or orientations, religions, ethnicities, and disabilities. Since I am not most of the ones that were represented in the book, I can't speak to how accurate the portrayal was but I am glad that they were included. As a casual reader, the representation felt informative and not condescending or demeaning.

Rick continues his world building by sending our heroes off on adventures in the nine realms while simultaneously teaching us a bit about Norse mythology. His books are a very approachable way to tackle the topic and perhaps foster a sense of curiosity that will lead readers to want to discover more. There isn't much else to say without spoilers, so I would recommend this series to middle grade, young adult or teen readers who enjoy fantasy. It is a fun, easy read that I hope you won't regret picking up.
The Mark of Athena
The Mark of Athena
Rick Riordan | 2013 | Children
8.9 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Three in the Heroes of Olympus series did not disappoint! I have to admit that out of all Rick Riordan's series this has been my least favorite, but I really enjoyed this installment. It is literally a cliffhanger...if that cliff is hanging over Tartarus & is under a parking lot in Rome that is!
All the characters have matured nicely and I have to say that was a pleasant surprise. Percy & Annabeth's relationship has followed the same line. But despite all the characters in the book, I have to say my favorite is Leo Valdez; the brainiac of the demigods. He was very funny in this book & easy to like. His personality was developed a lot more throughout this story so the reader gets to know him on another level.
As for the plot, a war breaks out between the Greek & Roman camps thanks to some nasty spirits taking over Leo. Despite this, the 7 demigods & Coach Hedge, the satyr, must embark on a mission to unite the 2 camps & prevent Gaea & her giants from destroying the world. Needless to say, it isn't easy & they run amok of quite a few gods & monsters on the way.
I am really looking forward to seeing how Riordan wraps up this series!! I have a sinking feeling that it may be the end of Percy Jackson though...
The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5)
The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5)
Rick Riordan | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alert! Before I begin this review, I need to let it be known that in the case of this particular book I may be a little biased, well maybe really biased! This is the tenth book I have read by this author and the last in the second series I have read. It is safe to say I love these books or else I would not have read this many.

Alright, now that that is out of the way, let me begin. This book is called Blood of Olympus, it is the fifth and final book in the Heroes of Olympus series (if you should ever desire to read these book, I would recommend starting with the Percy Jackson, and the Olympians series as this series is a sequel series. The author of this book is a writer by the name of Rick Riordan. This book is a young adult fantasy novel. It is the final chapter of the adventure of a group of seven young adults who happen to be demigods, modern day children of the ancient gods of Greece and Rome. This adventure, like many great adventures, is a race to save the world.

For me, the initial draw of the book was that it is a fantasy novel, which is one of my favorite genres, and its focus is on Greek Mythology, something of an obsession of mine. The mythology in these books may not always satisfy all mythology nerds because they do take liberties in how the myths are presented in order to showcase how they might have changed to fit in the modern day world. The way Riordan chooses to represent mythology is often fairly close to original stories, showing that he spends the time researching the myths, and they are clever, funny, and entertaining.

As I read the books, I found myself drawn to the relationships between the characters, not surprising as characters are a key draw for me in literature. By this point in the series, the relationships became especially interesting because you have known some of the characters for ten books now while others are just in their second or third book appearances. The central characters have grown into a substantial group that each have their own unique backgrounds, personalities, and even mythologies that create intriguing tension and bonds. Their bonds grow stronger as they work through new struggles and adventures with the added drama of them being a group of teenagers, which obviously means that there is a fair bit of romance involved as well.

For me personally to get into a story the most important aspect is to be very invested in61w3pqVMCZL._US230_ the characters. This does not mean I have to like them, but I do need to be completely invested in what happens to them. If the storyteller can do this, then I will most likely binge the entire thing whether book, movie, tv show, comic…. regardless whether or not the story is good or my normal cup of tea. This was definitely an initial draw in me reading this second series because I was already very invested in both Percy and Annabeth’s characters, who are among the main characters in this series and the main characters in the previous series. The majority of the characters in this book did capture my emotional investment, which kept me reading all five books, but there were a few I found lacking. Maybe I am the only one who felt this, but I thought that Riordan didn’t spend enough time on some of the new characters to pull me into their plots. Unfortunately, this is common in stories that feature such a large cast of main characters, had the time on each character been even plot points might not have been as successful and honestly, I might have been annoyed to not spend as much time on my favorites.

I would be lying if I were to say this was my favorite book in this series but I still greatly enjoyed it. Besides my problem with not feeling emotionally invested enough in some of the characters, I really do not have any other complaints about the book. It was successful in finishing this series story arc while having plenty of plot of its own. And it ended wrapping just about everything up so that I was satisfied, but open enough to still want more. If this were a regular series, the leftover cliffhangers would be dreadful! But Riordan writes series that capture over-arching plots but that connect to his other book series in this same world, so an ending like this simply promising more books about these characters in another series.

Overall I liked this book, if young adult fantasy is your genre, then I would definitely suggest looking at these books. They do what I require of my urban fantasy stories, mix magic into our real world enough that a part of me can almost believe it could be possible. Characters, world, and plot flowing together into an engaging story that obviously captured my interest enough to read ten and counting of these novels.

*This was a review I found while cleaning that I write a few years ago. I have since read two more Riordan novels and counting! I love the way Riordan writes and appreciate how he seems to continually grow as a writer, always tackling new issues and allowing his characters to have growth. Annabeth and Percy especially, they are two of my all-time favorite characters. I highly recommend reading his books!
Water Weaver (Wraidd Elfennol #2)
Water Weaver (Wraidd Elfennol #2)
Morgan Sheppard | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Somewhere between Oz and Narnia, and not that far from the little alley that takes you to Hogwart’s, is a beautiful island called Wraidd Elfennol. The way that Rick Riordan brings to life the traditions of the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Norse, Morgan Sheppard pulls her readers into the not so forgotten world of the Welsh, where magic is a way of life, and nature is something strong and powerful that must be kept in order. With strong characters and magnificent details, Sheppard takes her readers on an odyssey that leaves them laughing, gasping, and begging for more. A story that appeals to old and young alike, Water Weaver is as educational as it is page turning as it follows young and gifted Marella on her journey to discover who she is and what she is made of when she and the other Chosen of Wraidd Elfennol must travel to mystical lands in a desperate attempt to save their tranquil world from all the harm that can come from a world out of balance. Sheppard does her own weaving as she blends humor, fact, and poignant life lessons into a piece that reads like an articulate friend telling you a fascinating story in front of a cozy fire. She had hooked me with Marella, the first book in this series, but now I am an addict. Water Weaver is an extraordinary read that leaves you craving exotic foods, a warm cup of tea, and her next book.