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Keiran Schofield (34 KP) rated After Life in TV

Mar 10, 2019  
After Life
After Life
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Funny (2 more)
Very well written
Exactly what you would expect from Ricky Gervais
In parts is quite sinister (0 more)
After life offers good comedy value whilst at the same time taking on sensitive matters

At points is quite dark and touching unlike some other projects but Ricky Gervais

Would recommend
The Ricky Gervais Podcast
The Ricky Gervais Podcast
7.5 (6 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Karl Pilkington (0 more)
Ricky Gervais (0 more)
I think I was a bigger fan of Gervais before I listened to this podcast (and subsequently watched the various Karl Pilkington TV shows). I loved The Office, and some of his films. Some of his stand-up was funny. But here (as with the Pilkington shows) he just shows a nasty bitterness and bullying towards people that is not really entertaining. The best of the podcast is how Karl Pilkington reacts to it, but even then we know he is funny without that happening. This has really put me off Gervais quite a lot and I now see him as a "silly little fat man" who is just a spiteful bully.

Grannyknowsbest (12 KP) rated After Life in TV

Jun 29, 2020  
After Life
After Life
2019 | Comedy, Drama
The mix of acting and comedy is the work of genius. (0 more)
So funny; it made me laugh out loud and my eyes stream tears down my face.
Ricky Gervais at his very best. A deeply sad subject written well into a tv drama enabling the viewer to see that life goes on and funny is still funny even when your conscious attempts to stifle the laughter, thats will come often and loud.

Ross (3282 KP) rated After Life in TV

Apr 11, 2019  
After Life
After Life
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Gervais tries to break the mould again
Once again we see Ricky Gervais try to break the mould for a sit-com, this time by covering some pretty deep and heavy topics. While the humour is still there, it comes through fairly infrequently and is a little off kilter, when compared to the drama of the series.
Gervais plays Tony, a journalist on a local free paper who has recently lost his wife to cancer. Tony has simply given up on life and, while he cannot bring himself to end it, he seems to have decided to just do whatever he wants, no matter the consequences. He is rude to people in the street, makes his colleagues' working days miserable, and while he visits his dad in a care home regularly he clearly hates it and is just doing it out of duty.
Most of the comedy comes through in Gervais doing what he does best - being rude and nasty and way over the top in insulting people. The humour here is more for the shock value (calling a 6 year old a tubby little c**t for example) rather than a more considered layer of humour. As Tony has decided he can just do whatever he wants and hang the consequences, he takes a stand against stupid rules (the scene where he takes his nephew for tea in a café was brilliant).
I preferred the drama side of the series - him trying drugs, meeting new people and gradually softening over the series were some very touching moments and very well written. However when weighed against the comedy it just seems incongruous. I think Gervais needs to think about whether he wants to write a drama (and tone down the comedy a little more) or a comedy (and try less to push the boundaries).
Tony's epiphany was a little rushed/hard to spot. It seems that after 5 episodes of not caring about anything, the 6th starts off with him suddenly being a changed man out of nowhere. There were small moments where he seemed to soften but there was no sudden realisation big enough to justify the change of heart in the last episode.
This was a pretty hard hitting, emotional series, but I think it lost a little of the impact by having Gervais in it and trying to shoe-horn his sense of humour into it.

David McK (3204 KP) rated Stardust (2007) in Movies

Aug 3, 2019 (Updated Apr 6, 2021)  
Stardust (2007)
Stardust (2007)
2007 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy
7.9 (88 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Starring a pre-Daredevil Charlie Cox and based on the book of the same name by Neil Gaiman, this actually sticks pretty close to it's source material for the majority of its runtime: that is, up until about the last 30 minutes or so when it goes off in completely its own tangent.

I also have to say that I found the inclusion of Ricky Gervais to be completely out of place (I find his whole schtick to be incredibly annoying anyway), and Robert De Niro playing against type as Captain Shakespeare also took me quite by surprise the first time I saw it (but good on him for being game enough to do so).

Chloe (778 KP) rated After Life in TV

Jun 27, 2020  
After Life
After Life
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Ricky Gervais (4 more)
Interesting/unusual characters
Love all the highs and lows
This has to be one of the great netflix series at the moment that will hopefully be loved by all for a long time.

I live the fact that it is a close up look into grief, something that can sometimes be overlooked or over dramatised in modern stories.

Each episode is a whirlwind of emotions. The highs and low juxtaposition one another so well, making each one seem better/worse than it would if they weren't coupled.

Some excellent characters that work really well together and create the highs/loss throughout.

Joe Wilkinson is something else, absolute dynamite of a man.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated After Life in TV

Apr 3, 2019 (Updated Apr 3, 2019)  
After Life
After Life
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Brilliantly written (1 more)
Fantastically performed by the entire cast
Ricky Gervais seems to be like Marmite to most people. I have always really liked the guy. I love The Office and Extras and his first 3 stand up shows are amongst some of the funniest that I have ever seen. In the years since however, I have seem to fallen away from his projects. Not for any particular reason, but this lull meant that shows like Derek, Life's Too Short and An Idiot Abroad all passed me by. I'm not sure what it was about After Life that got me back on-board, maybe it was the fact alone that it was on Netflix.

Regardless, this show is fantastic. It is hilarious, it is truly touching, it is brilliantly written, acted and surprisingly well shot for what it is. The characters are all fantastic and their relationships with each other and the way that they analyse and question each other is brilliant too.

I think that the most impressive thing about the show overall though, is how much Gervais is able to say with such a simple premise and a small cast. There are only about 15 characters that we see in the small village where the show is set and yet Gervais has managed to tackle some really serious issues like grief, depression and suicide in a realistically convincing way and on top of that, he still manage to make you laugh. It really a masterful script and the entire cast do a brilliant job in their respective roles.

Overall, this is one of the best things that I have seen this year and I would strongly encourage everyone to give it a go, even if you are not a fan of Gervais or his previous projects. This show can take you from splitting your sides laughing to tearing up in an instant and any piece of art that can make me feel that way is extremely valuable in my eyes. Also the dog is amazing.
Saved! (2004)
Saved! (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Drama
Absolutely delightful, not only seismically subversive for its day - but not even a percentile less so even today. A black-as-night religious comedy/satire that's able to present the flaws of Christianity to light without making the claim to outright judge it nor be obnoxiously Ricky Gervais about its criticisms. Beyond that its just fucking hilarious, and insanely clever (even down to the briefest of sidegags ["I'm a rollerskate"]) - not to mention it has a huge heart and deeply impassioned, authentic care for its characters wants (*all* of whom are excellent, and are juggled together perfectly with an economy of which is sadly not seen frequently enough in teen comedies) with an uncommon narrative sensitivity. Never overstays its welcome and has a note-perfect tonal balance, as well as a roundhouse kick of memorably consummate performances (between this, those "DRYVRS" videos, and the similarly outstanding 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 I'm convinced Macaulay Culkin should *only* act in sardonic depravity). Mainly just have to applaud this for its application of more than just the easy targets which many films of the genre today fall victim to again and again. Love it.
After Life - Season 2
After Life - Season 2
2020 | Comedy, Drama
It’s difficult not to enjoy or at least admire anything Ricky Gervais writes for TV. His track record now speaks for itself. What you are going to get at the very minimum is a well thought out concept, some odd characters, mostly with their hearts in the right place, and a handful of irreverent jokes that will make you howl out loud and also have a little think.

I loved season one of this show about a man constantly on the edge of wondering whether to bother carrying on with life after the tragically early death of the wife he loved more than life itself. If you want to remind yourself what I said about it, please check the archives. Much of what I had to say then still applies – it is the same show, just six new episodes.

Which is both good and bad, I think. Good because it is good. It makes you think and care and respond humanely, but with lots of chuckles. Bad because it doesn’t do a lot to move things on. Tony, played pitch perfectly by Gervais is still depressed, of course he is, his wife is still dead. He is starting to try a bit more with people around him, and taking more risks with his own life. But the pills are still down the side of the sofa, the red wine is still flowing, and so are the snarky comments.

People like the dog. I can see why. Dog lovers know that bond all too well. The reason to get up in the morning is your best canine pal, and that is sometimes enough. Slowly, Tony is starting to find new reasons to get out of bed though; helping others be happy is given him reason to be. And that is the genius of it really – because he can be a bit of a prick, but you always forgive him when you see the kindness behind the wall of pain.

For me, this season isn’t better than the first one, it is about the same, which is no bad thing. To be at all critical, it seems to be relying too much on the same point being made over and over. Which may be why it wasn’t recently nominated for any Emmys, when it was touted to do quite well. Or is it because of Gervais’ last go at the Golden Globe elite in January?

Watch it. Enjoy it. Recommend it to friends who haven’t seen it. Just don’t get too carried away with it until season 3 proves it goes somewhere new and interesting that it didn’t already go to.

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated After Life in TV

Mar 3, 2020  
After Life
After Life
2019 | Comedy, Drama
As Ricky Gervais cheekily crow-barred in to his opening speech at the 2020 Golden Globes a few weeks ago, it is possible to watch all of After Life series one in less time than it takes to watch The Irishman. And that is exactly what I did; binged the whole thing on autoplay until it was done! Not to get it over with as soon as possible, but rather because it is hard to turn off – you just keep wanting more.

It’s not a complicated idea – Tony’s wife has died of cancer and he wishes he was dead too. Surrounded by tedious work colleagues in a dead end job, a father in a home with dementia, and having only a very hungry dog to lean on, he is filled with such bitterness and grief that he decides there is no point not doing anything he wants and being as nasty as possible to all around him.

The show glides effortlessly between hilarious situations, filled with sharp dialogue / small moments of comedy genius, and genuinely sad moments that leave a lump in the throat. It is a trick Gervais has been honing in all his shows since The Office, and now he has it down to a work of art you just have to applaud. No matter how ridiculous, it always seems rooted in truth and real emotion. Each vitriolic outburst is written so well we empathise with Tony almost every time, because he is usually right; and when he isn’t right, that moment of awkwardness is used with almost preternatural understanding of the audience to demonstrate the point of the whole conceit.

It boils down to the truth that no matter how much you want to give up on life and people, you can’t forget that happiness is a gift. Not just yours, but anyone’s. And to go around being an arsehole, wallowing in self-pity is entirely selfish, even if you have good reason to be that way. Distilled into less than 3 hours in total, After Life is no less than a magic trick, in not only achieving the passing on of that message, but in entertaining us every single minute in the meantime!

Thinking of how to rate it, I just can’t find much fault in what it sets out to be. It isn’t a grand or expensive production, it feels humble and economical, but oh so very focused. Do we want more bells and whistles? Have we come to expect that from our entertainment now. Is that what is missing? I feel I would recommend this show to anyone, and am very much looking forward to a second season in the Spring, but I also feel like it doesn’t need to have its trumpet over-blown; it’s just a lovely, funny, simple show about being alive.