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Paul Schneider recommended Dead Ringers (1988) in Movies (curated)

Dead Ringers (1988)
Dead Ringers (1988)
1988 | Drama, Horror, Mystery

"Another imperfect perfect film that came slithering into my late-adolescent consciousness at just the right time. I was a disciple by the end of the opening titles (alone worth the price of admission). This thing is a bath of Cronenberg’s cold, polite, Torontonian style, and thus makes the story’s insanity that much more insane—the form of the movie pressure-cooking the content. And what better way to dramatically illustrate this repression explosion than a scene wherein Dr. Icy Veins himself, Jeremy Irons, pounces across an operating table in a spasm of drug withdrawal, belly flopping onto his unconscious patient to rip off her mask and suck anesthetic gas. This is a film featuring twin prescription-drug-addicted gynecologists dressed like Star Wars Imperial Guards who use H. R. Giger–esque, Josef Mengele–level–scary surgical instruments to operate on the “abnormal genitalia” of women they mistake for mutants. Now, if that’s not one for the whole family, well, I don’t know what is! (See Peter Greenaway’s A Zed & Two Noughts for obvious inspiration.)"


LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated 3 From Hell (2019) in Movies

Oct 10, 2020 (Updated Oct 10, 2020)  
3 From Hell (2019)
3 From Hell (2019)
2019 | Horror
RIP - Sid Haig

I... wanted to like this so badly, it physically hurts me to write this. I revere the first two films in this trilogy and thought it ended contently on the previous one - though I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to seeing more. However, the way this was practically forced out of Zombie when he wanted to make another film instead (after over a decade of swearing off interest in another sequel already) plus the whole thing being plagued with a stifled budget and Sig Haig's failing health on top of that just makes it a sad affair in more ways than one. It starts off okay, begins with a substantial amount of 'martyred killer' psychobabble ("Justice is a fucking knife", "All hail the man behind the grease paint!") and hallmark Zombie sadism, albeit significantly toned down this time around much to its detriment. I still applaud Zombie in his effort to make every entry into this canon a different experience, but there's nothing going on here - it's essentially a diet retread of 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭'𝘴 𝘙𝘦𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘴 meets a boring hangout movie that barely even attempts to delve into the tantalizing Manson-era publicized serial killer culture it teases in its opening scenes. Looks like cheap DTV shit too, especially that criminal CGI blood. Just so disappointingly cursory in its storytelling, obviously this would have suffered without Haig anyway but the Richard Brake replacement character stands around and does jack shit. Moon-Zombie and Moseley are intact but to what effect? Their characters come out worse off than they were 15 years ago. Has enough alright moments to escape being too offensively bad but I'm still immeasurably let down. Dee Wallace is great, though. I wonder what Doctor Satan is up to.

Andrew Thomas (363 KP) rated Trancers III: Deth Lives (1992) in Movies

Jul 26, 2020 (Updated Jul 26, 2020)  
Trancers III: Deth Lives (1992)
Trancers III: Deth Lives (1992)
1992 | Action, Horror, Mystery
5.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It brings the overall story to a conclusion. (0 more)
Kind of boring compared to the previous 2. (0 more)
Cheesy B-grade videostore goodness.
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I purchased all three of what I have nicknamed the Lena Trilogy out of pure curiosity. I'd walked past the Trancers movies in my local videostore numerous times in years past but never took the plunge. Finally I decided to give em a try because of nostalgia and because I learned that Helen Hunt was in them. The first Trancers I enjoyed, the second film was a little all over the place for me but it was still fun. Trancers 3 was a bit of a let down.

The Jack/Lena romance comes to a dissatisfying end...a romance I was never rooting for to begin with considering that the time travel angle makes it an incestuous relationship. The story teases a return to the post-apocalyptic future of Angel City, but it's only a quick stop off before heading back to the 1990s. The idea of witnessing the origins of the Trancer threat was tantalizing in theory, but it comes across as a bad Captain America rip off. Plus the absence of Art LaFleur as Jack's future boss McNulty leaves out an important element of what made the first 2 movies fun. Bottom line, Trancers 3 let me down, but I don't regret watching it. If you are able to enjoy the first 2 films you might like this one.

Suggs recommended Roxy Music by Roxy Music in Music (curated)

Roxy Music by Roxy Music
Roxy Music by Roxy Music
1972 | Electronic, Rock
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"My mate used to work at WH Smith’s record department, and the salesman from Polydor had been in and said “’Ere, we’ve got this record. It’s a bit weird, lad, but everyone seems to like it…” So he bought the lot, 50 copies. And it’s that old cliché: it sounded like it came from outer space. It was like nothing I’d ever heard before. I wasn’t really mad on rock music as such, and I was young, so I heard it with my formative listening ears, and it struck me as something really exotic and other-worldly. You listen to those songs: no choruses, solos that go on for hours, and… not that I’d compare us to Roxy Music in the slightest, but when we were writing some of those early songs like ‘Night Boat To Cairo’ and ‘Embarrassment’, they were songs that had no chorus, and verses and solos that went all over the place, and didn’t have a verse-chorus-verse-chorus structure, and I’m sure that in some very small way was informed by Roxy Music. Even down to the fact that they don’t mention ‘Virginia Plain’ until the very end, which is what we did with ‘Embarrassment’! “You’re an embarrassment…“, the last word of the song. I never saw them live, but I do clearly remember seeing them on The Old Grey Whistle Test, and old Whispering Bob (Harris) saying ‘If that’s the future of rock & roll, then I’m fucking off!’ And fortunately, it was. And the whole glamour of that album sleeve, and the portraits of the five of them inside the gatefold, and the clothes they were wearing… Andy Mackay had these sunburst crepe-heeled Toppers, I think they were called, that I spent months trying to find, and they were fifty quid even then. And you’d nick the poster off the Tube, but you’d have to rip off eight posters in one go, so you ended up with this completely rock-hard Roxy Music poster that you couldn’t roll up under your arm, and you’d try and pin it to your wall but it would keep coming off. All that formative stuff’s so important…"

    Asphalt Xtreme

    Asphalt Xtreme

    Games and Entertainment

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    NO ROAD. NO RULES! Break through to uncharted territory with Asphalt Xtreme! Rip around dunes,...


Sam (74 KP) rated Carry On in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Carry On
Carry On
Rainbow Rowell | 2017 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rainbow Rowell basically wrote fanfiction which was based on her book Fangirl, which I was completely up for. I loved Cath’s little snippets of fanfiction throughout the book so to read a whole book of it?! Yes please!

I completely fell in love with Simon and Baez in Fangirl, so I was really excited to finally be able to read some more of their story.

I don’t think it quite lived up to my expectations, though. Through Fangirl, I can remember thinking that the Simon Snow books just sounded like a rip off of Harry Potter which I was okay with because it wasn’t the main plot of the book. But then reading Carry On was just like reading some Harry Potter fanfiction which I hadn’t been expecting and I found quite disappointing.

I was hoping for more of an original plot but this retelling of the ‘chosen one’ plot just really didn’t work as an ‘original’ story.

Overall I feel that it could have been written better. I enjoy reading fanfics which is why this is still a 3 from me, but for an author as good as Rainbow Rowell, it was a bit disappointing.

Autumn (430 KP) rated Lost Boy in Books

Jul 4, 2018  
Lost Boy
Lost Boy
Christina Henry | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
The beginning of Hook
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I really enjoyed this dark take on Captain Hook’s beginning. Henry’s version of Hook’s origin story fit very well with what we know about Peter. I can now see, even from the Disney version, how he might not have been what we thought he was, a boy who never wanted to grow up, only to stay small and play forever.

Hook was once a regular boy, by the name of Jamie, who became the focus of Peter Pans attention. He was the first Lost Boy, the first child Peter convinced to run off to a magic island to live and never grow up. Jamie loved Peter and wanted to be his best friend forever. He believed he was Peter’s favorite, his confidant.

 But, what happens when Jamie starts to see the friend he adores, and thought loved him, isn’t what he believed he was? What happens if Peter turns out to be cruel and heartless, and tries to rip everything Jamie cares about away from him in order to keep Jamie’s attention only on him?

Well, Jamie becomes the villain in Peter’s story.
Leprechaun: Origins (2014)
Leprechaun: Origins (2014)
2014 | Horror
Let's not beat around the bush, Leprechaun: Origins is absolute piss, and let me tell you why.

- It's kind of a reboot, so gone is the wise cracking, annoying but kind of lovable Lep of old, and is replaced by a snarling feral beast who looks like what I can only describe as one of Gollum's testicles. This decision automatically saps any fun out of proceedings.
- The turn away from horror-comedy results in a by the numbers, boring teen slasher. None of the characters are remotely likable.
- The Leprechaun looks so shit, that most of its scenes are presented in a rip-off Predator POV manner that is just fucking terrible. The shots of the creature itself are mostly blurred to disguise it's shitness.
- The camerawork is all over the place. Having the camera on a constant slight tilt does not make a movie artistic, and there is shaky cam spaffing out from all directions.

If it was called anything else, it would still be shit, but the fact that it's a Leprechaun film makes it so much worse. Kill it with fire.
The Chosen (Black Dagger Brotherhood #15)
The Chosen (Black Dagger Brotherhood #15)
J.R. Ward | 2017 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Blehc. Definitely not Ward's best...
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Yechk. I honestly did not care for 90% of this book. The whole thing kind of pissed me off really.

Although, in general, I love the BDB books and the characters in those books (with only a few exceptions), this one was just... blah. There were really no sympathetic characters that made me want to read forward or 'root' for them. Xcor is semi-relatable with his awful upbringing, but he is kind of like a rip-off of V and Z, so there's no real flair there.

 Quinn goes off the damned deep end and kinda makes you hate him.

Blay's hurt feelings and arguments make sense, I guess. He is really the only character I understood in this book.

V is all emo lonely, woe-is-me, should I or shouldn't I cheat?! and that is nothing if not hella boring.

And. DO. NOT. Get. Me. Started. On. Fucking. Layla. Her whole story arc just infuriates me. I mean, seriously? And she can't even understand why Quinn is so furious? Oh, and, you are told you're to leave your kids because you endangered them by being with a murderous traitor, and the FIRST THING you do is hunt down said murderous traitor and move him into your place?! Really? No matter how Ward wants to spin it, you are a horrible freaking mother, and you absolutely do not deserve to be around your kids ever again. Let me lose my son over a man? I would NEVER see that man again unless it was to cut his sac off to prove we were done and try to get my kid back. ...eye roll... Seriously, she's the worst.

The sideplot with Tres and Trez? Waaaaay too fairy tale, happy ending that honestly? Seems like a way for Ward to backtrack and try to appease fans that were irate at how "The Shadows" ended and also, it went nowhere, fell flat, and seemed waaay superfluous.

The Tohr/Xcor "twist"? At this point in the series... pretty predictable Ward behavior.

Really, the only interesting bit of this book were the 10 pages or so involving Lassiter's new gig in what is SEEMINGLY leading up to the actual defeat of the Omega, which I assume will also signal the end of the books. I never thought I'd say this, but maybe that's a good thing. Ward is truly off her game lately, and the BDB is getting a bit stale. Maybe it's time for an ending.