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Andy K (10821 KP) rated Alien Resurrection (1997) in Movies

Jun 18, 2018 (Updated Jun 18, 2018)  
Alien Resurrection (1997)
Alien Resurrection (1997)
1997 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Gets a bad wrap
Certainly a major step down from the first two which are obvious classics. Even a step down from Alien 3 which is also divisive, but pretty good film. The scene with the Ripley clones and some of the Alien stuff is pretty cool here, and not as bad as the film's reputation through the years. I've seen people compare to Superman IV which should be wiped off the face of the Earth as not nearly as bad as that. I would say I liked Prometheus better than Alien Resurrection, but for different reasons. It seemed like this film just didn't have enough energy and not enough fresh ideas.
The Lost Outlaw (Jack Lark #8)
The Lost Outlaw (Jack Lark #8)
Paul Fraser Collard | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
8th entry in Paul Fraser Collard's 'Jack Lark' series - originally dubbed as The Talented Mr Ripley meets Sharpe - and, this time, we're in Wild West territory with Jack joining a cotton convoy down from the Southern US States into Mexico.

Jack remains as compelling an protagonist as ever, having now fought on both sides of the American Civil War and throughout the British colonies (the series started in Alma), although now his past is beginning to tell - he is no longer as cocksure, as certain of himself as before and is suffering from nightmares over all he has witnessed.

And, yes, the finale does very much resemble Rorke's Drift - even the author states as much!
Tangerine: A Novel
Tangerine: A Novel
Christine Mangan | 2018 | Thriller
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plain cruel
Call me a wimp, but I don't tend to enjoy books where terrible things happen to the protagonist without any proper resolution.

Alice Shipley, a rather meek woman, lives with her cocky husband in Tangiers, when one day a face from the past comes back to haunt her. Lucy Mason, her former roommate turns up at her doorstep with hidden motives.

This book has been described as similar to The Talented Mr Ripley, and in some ways, we can see how they converge. It is a psychological thriller including aspects of whether Alice can trust her mind, and if Lucy is just a bunny boiler - bringing together all the usual plots. I personally didn't relish this, because the conclusion fizzled out.
The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)
The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)
1999 | Drama, Mystery

"My favorite movie is The Talented Mr. Ripley. “Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy — Tommy.” Philip Seymour Hoffman was crazy. Jude Law was just great. I don’t like what he did, but it was just the whole running-around-Europe-loving-jazz [thing]. That was very interesting to me. He didn’t want to do his father’s business. He just wanted to love jazz. He was free enough to do it and be content. I think Matt Damon was very interesting. Just to be so conniving and to steal identities and money. Jude Law was so naive for a while and then he realized Damon was a moocher. It was kind of weird how quickly someone could be deceived when they’re caught up in their own world."

Aliens (1986)
Aliens (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
An absolute screamer of a sequel
Aliens may very well be the best sequel of all time, if not it's certainly up there!
The original Alien is about as perfect as sci-fi horror can get, so it was a smart move on James Cameron's part to not recycle that again, and take Alien in a different direction.
The slow burning, claustrophobic high tension of the original is replaced here with all out war.
The simple idea of multiple Xenomorphs is effective and terrifying, and packs the runtime of Aliens with top tier action.

Sigourney Weaver returns as Ellen Ripley, and whilst she was a tough yet vulnerable survivor first time around, here we get to see her vulnerability crumble away. By the time the final act kicks in and Ripley is decked out in a mech...she just a badass from here on out.
She's is joined by a group of gun toting, 80s as fuck mercenaries, including the likes of Michael Biehn (fresh from the recently released, first Terminator movie), Bill Paxton, Al Matthews, Jenette Goldstein, and of course Lance Henriksen as Android, Bishop. It's a fantastic cast, who all end up mattering one way or another, even the ones who don't last very long.

The Xenomorphs themselves look as horrifying as ever, still practically achieved, and have an urgent sense of visceral danger whenever they're on screen.
Aliens is also the debut if the Alien Queen, a classic staple of the series since.

No matter how much time goes by, Aliens never fails to be entertaining, and still looks great. It's James Cameron at the top of his game.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Aliens (1986) in Movies

Feb 20, 2018  
Aliens (1986)
Aliens (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
James Cameron's muscular sequel doesn't muck about admiring the art direction or trying to be atmospheric, but reinvents the original movie as a gut-busting action thriller. Slimy corporate types have colonised the planet on which a lethal alien predator was discovered in the first film; now contact has been lost and sole survivor Ripley is sent in with the troops to investigate. The ultimate fate of the cat remains a mystery.

After a long, tense build-up, once the action kicks off the film feels relentless, and in the Queen Alien it comes up with a monster just as iconic as the original creature. Great ensemble cast led by Weaver, terrific set pieces, interesting subtext about the maternal instinct. Every other Alien film since has been judged by the standards established here.

Britt Smith (36 KP) rated Alien: Out Of The Shadows in Books

Mar 11, 2018 (Updated Jun 26, 2018)  
Alien: Out Of The Shadows
Alien: Out Of The Shadows
Tim Lebbon | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Back in the world (0 more)
Quick Development (0 more)
I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies.
I'll update this as I get more into the book, but I dove into Alien Out of The Shadows after a Xenomorph kick (I like to pretend the movies after the first two do not exist). It brings you back to the chaos, and Ripley is in the mix as this is set between Alien and Aliens. Hopefully, they can capture that feeling.

** Update: You know, for a quick read it was a really, really good book to delve back into the world of Alien/s. There was only one part that let me down and the rest? Well, let's say I'm going to be coming back to the sequel. Great fun if you love the universe and want to continue your ride.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Social Creature in Books

Jun 17, 2018  
Social Creature
Social Creature
Tara Isabella Burton | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A story of our times?
I really don't much like it when books are compared to other books. To be honest, I haven't read The Talented Mr Ripley (which is what Social Creature has been compared to), and I'm not much inclined to after reading this. I 'liked' Social Creature, but I didn't love it. None of the characters are remotely likeable. They're all shallow, duplicitous and out for what they can get. It's a story of today. Louise pretends she is someone she is not, so that she can be like Lavinia: rich, frivolous, thin and beautiful. Louise can't quite keep up though. She doesn't have the money, and she needs to work. Louise's life spirals in to more lies and worse is to come. It's a fascinating yet truly horrible story. I did really like the ending though!
Alien (1979)
Alien (1979)
1979 | Horror, Sci-Fi
A masterpiece through and through
Alien is simply put is on of the most perfect horror movies ever committed to film. Decades worth of sequels, prequels, and spin offs don't match it (although Aliens comes pretty damn close) and that is a true testament to the quality of Alien.

The plot is straightforward, and immediately gripping, as a merchant space vessel called The Nostromo, and it's crew, pick up an unidentified distress signal from a nearby moon.
Upon arrival, one of the Crue is attacked by an alien lifeform, and accidentally smuggles something back onto the ship with him, resulting in the infamous chest bursting scene, and a crew trapped floating through space, whilst being hunted one by one.
Said chest bursting scene is one of the single most disturbing scenes in horror, with genuine reactions of surprise by the cast, and horrific practical effects.

Once the plot kicks in, we're presented with a master class of tension. The shadowy setting hides the Xenomorph alien for most of the runtime, offering fleeting glimpses, and occasional bursts of violence.
H. R. Gigers design of the creature is of course iconic, abrasive, and terrifying.

Sigourney Weaver offers a strong female lead in Ellen Ripley, a character that remains a highlight, even throughout the later underwhelming sequels.
Even though Ripley is thrown front and centre in the aftermath of Alien, during this film, she is part of a crew that don't boast any heroes. Everyone aboard feels like real people, way out of their depth in what they're dealing with, and it just adds to the already unsettled surroundings.

Ridley Scott's directing and camera work in Alien manages to be claustrophobic, atmospheric and isolating all at, combining uneasy sound cues with amazing visuals to create a sci-fi horror like no other.

Alien is a film I never tire of watching. As far as this genre goes, it's near perfect.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Alien: Isolation in Video Games

Jan 22, 2020  
Alien: Isolation
Alien: Isolation
Isolation Within Inside The Ship
Alien Isolation- is a phenomenal game, its terrorfying, horrorfying, scary, and overall fantastic survival game. Think Dead Space, Lost Planet and Prey combind into one epic game.

The game is set 15 years after the events of the original 1979 film Alien, and follows engineer Amanda Ripley, daughter of Alien protagonist Ellen Ripley, as she investigates the disappearance of her mother. Which is cool, because now you in the shoes of Ripley's daughter, trying to find her mom.

The Game requiries the player to avoid and outsmart a single Alien creature with tools such as a motion tracker and flamethrower.

The player can use the motion tracker to track the Alien's location. While motion was detected in front of the tracker, a circle will appear on its screen, indicating where the motion is detected. Which you will use often to track where the alien is.

The Alien creature cannot be defeated, requiring the player to use stealth tactics in order to survive. Instead of following a predetermined path, the Alien has the ability to actively investigate disturbances and hunt the player by sight or sound. Along the way, the player can use both a flashlight and a motion tracker to detect the Alien's movements. However, using any of these increases the chance of the Alien finding the player. For example, if the Alien is moving and close enough, the tracker's sound will attract the Alien, forcing the player to use the tracker wisely and remove it as soon as it detects motion. The motion tracker cannot detect enemies when they are not moving and cannot determine if the alien creature is up in the ducts or on ground level.

You have to use your survival skills and your stealth skills cause you dont you will get killed often by the alien.

A must play game for those who love the alien franchise and those who love survival isolation stealth horror games like Dead Space, Lost Planet and Prey.

Night Reader Reviews (683 KP) Jan 22, 2020

I have this game for the Xbox one and just haven't gotten around to playing it yet. Your review is telling me that I need to break it out sometime soon.